//------------------------------// // Part 1 // Story: Enormous Girlfriend 2 - Rainbow Dash on Earth // by Crystalbreeze //------------------------------// In the fast food restaurant called Bailey's Diner sat two guys. They were called Austen and Brian. Austen was tall, Brian was a bit chubby. Both wore bright clothes. They were eating their menu when Austen took his smartphone out of the pocket and looked at it for a minute, or two. He started laughing at something. Brian, while eating his full bowl of chicken and french fries, asked: "Hey, bro! What is it?" "Look at this, you'll love it!" Austen showed Brian the phone. There were some pictures on the screen. "Have you heard of Rainbow Dash? The giantess? The whole internet is full of her." "Yeah, I think." Brian was biting chicken meat while looking at the pics. They were showing a giant naked girl with blue skin, wings and rainbow hair. "This is so cool! Imagine yourself in front of her, a huge alien with huge titts!" "I would give a kiss to her cut giantess face." said Brian with a shy voice. "Are you kidding me? Don't you want some fun with her? You know, exploring her glorious lower parts?" "Maybe. I really want to be her tiny boyfriend." Austen slapped his best friend on his back. "Don't you think I want that too? I had this idea before you." "Did you ever see Rainbow Dash in real life?" "Yeah." answered Austen. "I'm not talking about the porn. Have you ever seen her in the city? Stepping from one street to another with a single step? Sitting on buildings?" "No. But I will! I will be her tiny boyfriend!" "Good luck for that, dude." Brian turned back to the chicken bowl. "She already has a tiny boyfriend." "What? Who?" "Some guy called Vince Harrington. He's a brony, or something like that. I don't know what that means, but he and Dashie have a big romance. They often date. Everybody knows about that." "Oh fuck!" yelled Austen. "I want a giantess girlfriend too!" he leaned over the table with an angry, but said face. "You have any idea how much did I masturbate to her? She's a part of me. I can't belive she's not single!" "Okay, Aus. I understand you. Now will you eat your nuggets, or not? if not, then give it to me." Austen nodded and tossed his food to Brian's side, who happily continued eating. A restaurant worker, who was standing in the middle of the kitchen all time heard the two men's conversation. He was thinking for some time, then he returned to his work. He washed some dishies, helped cleaning the workplace. Also he packed the food and gave it to the deliverer, who brought it to the orderer's house. Bailey's Diner was a successful company in the city. Half an hour later he finally decided to walk to Austen and Brian. "Excuse me for interrupting, guys. I've seen you finishing your meal. Do you order more, or should I bring the bill?" They answered almost at the same time. "We're full. Bring it!" The worked nodded and brought it. After they payed, he asked them: "Did you spoke about Rainbow Dash earlier?" Austen and Brian looked at him with a surprised face. "You were listening? You heard everything?" "Mhm." "Fuck again!" said Austen angrily. "I shouldn't said those words before!" "About the masturbation?" laughed Brian. "BRIAN!" "Don't worry about what you said, mate. I do that too." said the worker. "You know, I'm a Rainbow Dash fan too. In fact, I saw her." "You did?" asked Austen. "Mhm." the worker leaned closer to him. "She's cool actually. She really deserves your attention. But she already loves somebody." he started whispering. "Believe me mate, she's way better in sex than anyone would think. I know." Austen gave a strange look, at first he didn't know what to say. "Uhm, excuse me? What are you talking about?" "Search Vince Harrington." Austen waited for a moment, and then searched. He typed the letters and the browser dropped the answers onto the screen. He found only one relevant picture among the porn images of the pony giantess. Vince Harrington was a boy, about 20 years old. He was slim and had black hair. Austen first looked at the picture, than the restaurant worker. He instantly recognized the similarity. "You?" he asked. "You are Vince Harrington?" "Did you kiss her?? Tell me!" Brian stood up and made the table almost fall over. One of the glasses with an inch of water slipped and fell on the ground. the worker quickly caought it. "Yes, a couple of times." said Vince. "It's hard to kiss her, because her face is too huge." "OH MY GOD!" Austen yelled. "You! You are a frickin' legend man! If you're not lying, you are one of the most famous people in the world! You have sex with a giantess! I have soooo many questions for you!" "Sorry, but i can't answer them right here. I need to live in incognito to hide from the paparazzis. Hope you understand. This job at this restaurant is the only thing that feels usual in my life." "Oh. Yes, of course. I- I think I'm too excited to speak!" said Austen. "Me too." continued Brian. "Don't sweat, guys. I won't bite you." laughed Vince. "One last question: would both of you want to see my giantess in action?" "OH YES!" "Heck yeah!" "We'll have a big date today. This is a secret, but we're planning some funtime for tonight. I'll write down the address on your bill. Come by and observe Dashie." "Thank you!" said Austen. Vince took the bill and wrote the address on it. He gave it to the guys, who then left with excitement. Vince Harrington smiled and got back to work. Soon he finished everything and his boss let him go home. He walked out of the restaurant, hopped inside his car and drove to the downtown. He'll have a great day today, because he'll see his beloved giantess pony again.