//------------------------------// // 12. The Loss of Kindness // Story: Sunset's Wonderful Life // by sonicfan05 //------------------------------// Both Rebecca and Sunset were walking through the back alley for quite some time. The alleyway itself was slightly dark, dirty and above all just plain creepy. Sunset had seen rats crawling from one trash can to another, another homeless person sitting inside of the cardboard box with missing teeth and spluttering nonsense words, and she swore she saw an outline of a person in chalk. Sunset felt more and more uncomfortable as they traveled further down the alley, despite knowing that no one will harm her due to Rebecca's spell. After what it felt like minutes, Sunset finally spoke to Rebecca. "Um… Rebecca?" Sunset asked timidly. "W-why are we here? A-and why would Fluttershy be in a place like this?" Before Rebecca could answer, they heard hushed voices. "C'mon hurry!" the first voice hissed. "We don't want to keep our boss waiting!" "I know, I know!!" The second voice responded, also in their hushed tone. "We would've arrived sooner, but our little 'package' isn't making things easier for us!" Sunset turned just in time to see two figures right in front of her, while carrying what seemed to be a long object inside of a black bag. Despite being in the shadows, Sunset could make out that the two of them are female girls from her school. Upon further inspection on these girls, Sunset immediately recognized the identity of these two girls. "I know these girls!" Sunset exclaimed. "They're Gilda's goons!" She then set her eyes on the bag they were carrying. "And what's in that big, long bag?" As Sunset was staring at that large bag the two goons were carrying, she noticed that the bag was moving, as if there was something inside that was trying to squirm their way out. At first, Sunset thought that they captured some kind of large animal, but as soon as she heard a loud whimpering coming from a female person, Sunset widened her eyes in horror. "...No!" Sunset whispered as the two goons disappeared around the corner. "Don't tell me that's…" Rebecca immediately went up to Sunset. "Listen Sunset, before you do anything crazy, that's--" "THEY'LL PAY FOR THIS!" Sunset roared before she immediately ran past Rebecca and chased after the two girls. "Sunset wait!" Rebecca cried, but Sunset ignored her. I don't know what Gilda wanted with Fluttershy, but she has gone way too far this time! Sunset thought in anger. I will not allow her or her cronies to harm her, even if I'm a ghost! As soon as Sunset rushed around the corner, she immediately spotted what appeared to be some kind of hideout from within this hidden alleyway. There are huts made from tents and blankets, a few portable work lights (probably stolen from a random construction site) and a campfire at the center along with boxes and fallen trash cans as seats. Right by the came fire, there were those two goons again with a trapped person in a bag and, to Sunset's shock, Derpy again with a stoic expression. "Did you get her?" Derpy asked. "We got the wimp as the boss instructed!" One of the goons replied as she dropped the bag on a snowy ground. The person from within the bag began to whimper real loud now. One of the goons noticed it and scowled at the bag. "SHUT UP YA CRYBABY!" one of the goons shouted as she kicked the bag really hard to make the person stop whimpering. Sunset was furious at the site of their cruelty. "YOU PIGS!" Sunset roared in rage as she swung her fist at the goon. Unfortunately for her, her fists went right through the girl, leaving the person harmless with none the wiser. "Shall we get our special guest out of this bag so we can have some fun?" One of the goons asked. Derpy nodded. "Be my guest." Sunset fist was trembling in rage. If it weren’t for the fact that she was invisible and couldn’t touch them, she would have pummeled them to the ground by now and took Fluttershy away from this horrible place. But she couldn’t as she continued to watch these jerks laughing as they roughly tore open the bag to harm her friend further. "STOP IT!" Sunset screamed, as she continued to punch them but to no avail. "LEAVE FLUTTERSHY ALONE! I WILL HAUNT YOU ALL FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS IF YOU LAY A SINGLE FINGER ON--" Sunset immediately stopped her speaking the moment the goons completely removed their prisoner out of the bag. The person who was on the ground sniveling before her was not Fluttershy at all. It was a difficult girl who had white and purple hair, yellow eyes, brown leather jacket, black pants and black boots. "G--Gilda!?" Sunset exclaimed in shock. "I… I thought--" "That's what I was trying to tell you!"  Sunset immediately turned to see Rebecca with an annoyed frown. "The person that they captured was not your friend, but Gilda!" "I… I don't understand!" said Sunset. "Why is she like this?" "Well… after another mean and much tougher person showed up, Gilda lost her power and reputation as a tough person and ended up becoming a target for the main bully instead," Rebecca responded. Sunset had a stunned look on her face. She then turned back to Gilda as the goons, sans Derpy, began to throw snowballs at her out of torture. While she and Gilda don't see eye to eye and that she was a brute at fault, but even she doesn't deserve to be treated like this. Sunset then had a look of confusion. "But, if that's Gilda… then where's-" "Not so fast ladies!" said the voice, causing everyone to stop throwing snowballs. "Let me have a small chat with her first!" The two goons stiffened and moved back slightly with a look of fear. "Y-yes boss!" They both chorused. With a respectful bow, Derpy opened the flap of the hut to allow the person to step out into the light. The moment that person was revealed, Sunset nearly dropped her jaw in shock. The leader of the group was a girl. She wore a black tank top shirt with bats graphic on it and showed off her midriff, long black pants which had several rips on the front of each leg and a black belt with studs all around. She also wore long black boots with three belts on each boot, a black collar with studs around her neck, three earrings on each ear and two green arm sleeves on her arms. She had long eye latches, purple eyeshadow and lips and a very familiar pink, but short and wild hairstyle. "F...FLUTTERSHY!?" Sunset shrieked.  Sunset couldn’t believe that the sweet animal loving girl who was usually afraid of her own shadow is now looking like a street punk. Sunset did not see any usual gentleness and kindness on Fluttershy’s face, instead, it was nothing but hate and malice. Fluttershy slowly walked over to the fallen quivering girl and then looked down on her with her eyes narrowed in contempt. "Well, well, well!" Fluttershy began in a cold tone. "So… the great and mighty Gilda is now in my presence… begging and crying for mercy! How pathetic!" "P-p-please!" Gilda begged, as she tried to lift herself from the ground but to no avail. "J-just… just let me go!" Fluttershy turned her head away, hiding her face from view. "Let you go?" Fluttershy said quietly before she turned back to Gilda with a look of pure hate. "YOU WANT ME TO LET YOU GO!?"  Sunset was taken aback from the way Fluttershy was acting towards Gilda. Sunset couldn't believe the huge amount of raw anger coming from Fluttershy of all people. Granted, Sunset had seen her meek friend get angry sometimes when she was pushed to the edge or if someone tried to hurt her friends or her beloved animals, but nothing like this. Fluttershy then leaned her face so close to a now frightened Gilda. "Do you expect me to show you any mercy or kindness after what you did to me all those years ago during my freshman year?" "W-what are ya t-t-talking about?" Gilda said in confusion and fear. "I-I couldn't even r-recall what I learned from p-physics class!" Fluttershy scoffed as she fully stood back up away from the girl. "Figures, not only you are mean and dumb… but you are also forgetful! Well allow me to refresh your memory!" Fluttershy took a deep breath before she continued. "After my first few months as a freshman, I found myself all alone after Rainbow Dash was busy practicing at many sports teams with… Lightning Dust.” Fluttershy spat at that name like it was poison. “I was trying to give out many flyers for the pet shelter that I work at at the time, hoping to get the students to adopt the animals as their pet. Of course… no one wanted to take them or cared enough to notice me. I was ready to give up… until I met… you!" Fluttershy leaned a little closer to Gilda. "You came to me wanting to get a pet. You said that you wanted to be my friend… and I was so... happy! You came over to the shelter a few times to check out the animals or you just wanted to hang out… just so you get to know me more!" She growled. "I was so naive! Little do I know your true motives of getting closer to me! It was the night before the Spring Fling when you wanted to have a little stroll with me, saying something about wanting to ‘show’ me something! It all changed when we walked by the alley…" Sunset’s breath hitched and her heart was filled with dread, already could tell where this story is going. "You… dragged me into there… shoved me and beat me to the ground! And not only you robbed me, but you also… HURT ANGEL!" Fluttershy screamed. While Sunset gasped loudly at the revelation, Fluttershy kept shouting at Gilda. “Angel was the best friend I ever had and he was with me that night. He was only fighting back against you just to protect me, despite all of my protests. But you pin him down and then you attack him with one hit after another. I pleaded to you, BEG for you to stop attacking and hurt my bunny, but you. Kept. HURTING HIM!” Fluttershy breathed heavily after her rant, leaving the fallen girl stunned with realization and Sunset staring at Fluttershy in fear and sadness. Fluttershy sighed and moved away from Gilda. "After that happened,” she whispered with a sniff. “You said you got what you wanted and just... left me there! Despite my pain, I tried to crawl my way towards my bunny to help him. But by the time I got to him he… he…” Sunset placed her hand over her mouth and trembled in horror. No… Fluttershy looked like she was about to burst into tears, but she quickly shook that off and glared angrily at Gilda.  “As I was lying there all alone on a cold ground for the whole night, I felt like I lost something precious to me that day! Worse of all, when I need her the most... my so-called “best friend” ditched me! It was the worst day of my life… but it taught me two of the most valuable lessons: no one in this world would ever care about you! And kindness… are nothing but weakness, because scum like you will take advantage of it for their own benefits… and then they stab you in the back once they get what they wanted! I will not be so weak anymore! For tonight… it is I who is superior and you… are the weakest link!" Gilda was now downright sobbing at this point, but mostly from fear. "P-please… I'm sorry!” She cried. “I-I'm sorry for w-what I did to you a-and your r-rabbit! I-I promise I won't g-go near you or a-a-anyone again if you just l-l-let me go! Please!" Sunset stared at Gilda in disgust. While she could never forgive Gilda for hurting Fluttershy but she could tell that she really meant it. She then quickly turned towards Fluttershy who once again hidden her face from view. "You know something Gilda,” said Fluttershy. ”You actually sounded so sincerely when you apologized to me. It nearly brings me to tears! I would be happy to forgive you and let you go!" Gilda eyes lit up in hope, relieved that the girl she once bullied will actually give her mercy. "...but that's what the old Fluttershy would do!" Gilda’s hopes were dashed as Fluttershy slowly lifted her head towards her. "The new Fluttershy however…" To Sunset’s shock, Fluttershy stumped on Gilda's right hand really hard, causing the injured girl to scream out loudly in pain. "...is not so forgiving!” Fluttershy finished before gesturing to her goons. “Take her away!" Gilda’s face went pale and shook in fear as the two goons grabbed her by each of her arms. "No please! Let me go! Let me go! LET ME GO! NOOOOOOO!" Gilda screamed as she was dragged across the ground and then disappeared into the tent, presumably to receive punishment from the two goons. With a slack jaw, Sunset slowly turned towards Fluttershy as Derpy walked up and stood by her. "You alright boss?" asked Derpy with a somewhat concerned expression on her face. "I'm fine Dizzy!" Fluttershy huffed while not looking at her second in command member. "Now round up the others! We're going to cause some chaos over at the west Crystal Prep!" Derpy nodded and walked away to gather up their members as instructed. Once she left, Fluttershy finally dropped her tough demeanor and changed to a much more somber look. With a sigh, Fluttershy dug into her shirt and took out her locket which was hidden in view. She then opened up her tiny locket and revealed to be a picture of her beloved pet bunny with a cute smile on his face. This photo only made Fluttershy let out a small tear leaking from her left eye. "Oh my sweet Angel Bunny," Fluttershy whispered in a sad tone. "If only I was strong enough to save you…" “Boss! Are you ready?” Derpy called. Fluttershy shut her locket and hid it in her shirt again. She then wiped her tear away and put on her tough look again before she headed towards Derpy’s direction. Meanwhile, Sunset stood there in shock, couldn’t believe that a sweet person like Fluttershy became a cruel and unforgiving gang leader. She was even worse than how Sunset acted back from her early days as a bully. "...sweet Celestia!" Sunset whispered. She then turned towards Rebecca. "Don't tell me Gilda actually did that to her! And Angel Bunny..." Rebecca sighed as she closed her eyes and shook her head. "After Gilda attacked her and left her in the alley, poor Fluttershy was never the same again… and became a dark version of herself. She slowly became the meanest and toughest girl in school and harmed anyone who even looked at her direction. Shortly after that, she dropped out of school and became the leader of the most notorious street gang in Dazzling City, ‘The Dark Angels’ and pulled off many crimes!” "This… this is horrible!" Sunset exclaimed. "While I don't agree with what Fluttershy is doing to Gilda, I can’t believe that Gilda would harm a gentle soul like her!" "She would've… if you haven't intervened," said Rebecca. "W-what?" Sunset uttered in her surprised tone. "Do you remember that day when you happened to be in the area when Gilda was harassing Fluttershy?" Rebecca asked. Sunset took a moment to think back to that very day before she nodded. "Yes… it's all coming back to me!” she said quietly. “I was… heading home that day so I can plan on sabotaging Rarity at the Spring Fling until I heard a commotion. Just so it happened… it came from Fluttershy… while being held by Gilda at the alley. At first… I was going to ignore them and keep on walking since it wasn't my business and Fluttershy was one of my targets to break her friendship up. But…" "You couldn't bring yourself to leave Fluttershy to her fate?" Rebecca interjected. "...no," Sunset sighed. "I'll admit, I was no angel and I treated Fluttershy horribly during my early years, but even I have my standards! So I immediately rushed into the alleyway and then… I kicked that loud month’s butt!" "You most certainly did!” Rebecca commented. “No doubt that Gilda held a grudge on you ever since." "Yeah, I'm on her radar for a while, but I don't regret what I've done, especially that I saved Fluttershy!" She then looked down in shame. "Except... I still treated her terribly after saving her. I even said to her (and everyone else) that I was only saving her because the one who gets to bully her is me!" “Even though that was a lie?” Rebecca pressed which Sunset nodded. "She was really grateful that you've saved her you know! Despite what you said, what you did to save her and making sure that she was okay was the kindest thing that anyone had ever done to her, outside of her family and Rainbow Dash." Sunset looked down towards the ground with doubt. "But… I was still mean to her afterwards." "That doesn't matter," said Rebecca. "Because of your actions, she realized that there are some good in you as well as most other people. You even proved to her that the acts of kindness do exist. Which was why she was less fearful to you when you continued to bully her… and why she was the first of the group to forgive you!" "...she did," Sunset said quietly with fondness. "I honestly thought she would never want to be my friend after everything I've done to her. But the fact that she forgave me and wanted to be my friend… really moved me. Her kindness alone also made me realize that she is actually a stronger and a better person, than I could ever be. So I made a vow right there and then to not only keep protecting Shy, but to protect all my friends too!" She then turned to where Fluttershy was with a sad expression. "But the fact that this happened to her when I'm not around…" Sunset clenched her fist, angry with herself for letting this happen and her eyes were full of tears. Rebecca calmly walked up to Sunset and placed her hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “Sunset… this isn’t your fault for what happened to Fluttershy,” she said gently. “Not my fault?” said Sunset disbelief before facing Rebecca with a look of anger. “How is all of this not my fault? CHS is gone, my friends' lives are miserable and the city– as well as the entire world was taken over from our greatest enemies… all because I was never born! How can this get any worse than this?” Rebecca winced at that statement. “Actually…” Suddenly, they heard a loud explosion coming from the main streets. Off guard and curious from the noise, Sunset ran down the alleyway to see what was the commotion with Rebecca in tow. After a minute of running, Sunset finally made her way out of the alley and back on the the street of the city. But the moment she reached her destination, Sunset’s pupils shrank in shock and terror on her face. The buildings and parts of the street were destroyed with flames burning some parts of the area. People were screaming and running around in panic, not caring if they pushed or knocked anyone down in the process. But what really terrified Sunset was this familiar creature floating in the sky.  The creature was all dark purple including its clothes. It's hair was long and wild with sparks surrounding it. It had a long horn on its forehead and large purple bat wings on it's back. It even had a purple tiara sitting on top of its head. But the most disturbing feature was the look of pure hate and rage on the creature's face.   “SIRENS! COME ON OUT TO FACE ME!” The creature roared as it continued to destroy buildings from the palm of its hand.   “MIDNIGHT SPARKLE!?” Sunset screamed in shock, not believing what she was witnessing.   “YOU THREE SHALL PAY FOR DOUBLE CROSSING ME!" Midnight continued in her loud,  infuriating voice. "YOU WILL LET ME RULE MOST OF THIS PLANET AS AGREED, OR ELSE THERE WILL BE MORE CONSEQUENCES COMING YOUR WAY!” Sunset just stood there trembling in fear while watching her friend continue to go on a rampage.   “Twilight…” Sunset whispered with a pained expression. She shook her head. "No, no, NO! How could I let this happen!? How did I not realize that without me, Twilight is still trapped as Midnight Sparkle!" "She didn't!" Sunset quickly turned around the moment she heard Rebecca. "W-what!? What are you talking about?" "Perhaps I wasn't being specific," said Rebecca. "That wasn't the human Twilight!" She then pointed directly at Midnight Sparkle. “The one you're seeing now… was actually the pony Twilight!”