//------------------------------// // Fresco // Story: Season of Longing // by PudgyAndPink //------------------------------// Delilah sighed as she ran the coffee machine for yet another customer. Mint had rushed her to the hospital during the concert they attended three weeks ago. Delilah was so embarrassed as she came to in a hospital bed. “Here you go” Delilah said giving the earth pony mare before her a polite smile as they finished the transaction. Mint, since the incident, had been hovering over her.  In fact Delilah turned her head to see the mare looking over from her place at the barker’s window. Ever since that was put in after the fire, the chocolate unicorn was using it to keep an eye on her. The bell jingled and she smiled, turning to the door and spouting her welcome. It took Delilah a moment or two to recognize the new customer.  It was the pink earth pony stallion employed by Sweet Gold. She remembered because Sweet Gold made a comment about how they both were the same pale pink in coat. That was at last tuesday’s tea visit if she recalled. “Oh Good Mor-” Delilah’s greeting was muffled as Mint’s hoof materialized over it. “Good Morning Fresco”, Mint’s monotone greeted the stallion “Vanilla will be down shortly to take your order” The pink stallion with the pale blue mane nodded taking a seat at a particular table so he could look out the window to the street. It was at this time Delilah freed her muzzle. “May I ask what that was for?” the freckled pony asked rubbing her muzzle. “Fresco only lets Vanilla take his order” Mint stated simply her muzzle boasting a subtle smile “He comes in every day off so he can see her” The small town pony tipped her head as the gears in her head turned. “He likes her?” “Oh my Dear” mint sighed almost in a silly tone “He’s head over hooves for her...Sadly Vanilla doesn't seem to notice” “What do you mean?” “Just watch” Mint Turned her head as her sister came down stairs from her break “Your regular is here again Vanilla, he just sat down” “Oh it’s Darling Fresco isn’t it?” Vanilla seemed genuinely happy that the stallion was here. She donned an apron, levitated a quil and notebook to her, then set off with an elegant tort to the pink stallion. Delilah watched as she had been instructed. Fresco turned his head to see the beautiful mare making her way over. He seemed to go into a trance for a few seconds. That love filled stare reminded Delilah of herself long ago… Shaking her head, Delilah pushed her memories back to watch the scene. The cotton candy stallion tried to be smooth. As an earth pony herself she noted his change in body language. He moved his shoulders showing off his build. Granted even for an earth pony he was rather thin but, he was trying to make himself look appealing.  Vanilla Frappe….did not seem to respond. She smiled politely and was generally professional, soon she was on her way back so she could tell Mint his order. Fresco, watching the pretty unicorn turn to leave, got a dejected look on his face. Heaving a heavy sigh, he looked out the window. Delilah looked toward Mint, who gave her a vaguely sad nod disguised as a nod to what Vanilla had said. As the white unicorn went to the back to start baking, Mint sighed. “Poor guy comes here every chance he gets but, Vanilla is too blinded by her dreams to see him” the chocolate unicorn murmured as Delilah came up beside her to clean out the machine. “I can sympathize” Delilah sighed thinking back to the most recent run in with Oregano. The stallion didn’t seem to notice her at all. It made her think she was going a bit crazy. She couldn’t think of a reason for him to pull something like at the concert and not even notice her when they passed on the street. She sighed feeling like she was rushing things too much. Was she really that desperate for someone? Maybe she should go see someone about this.  Coming out of her thoughts, Delilah noticed Mint perked her ears looking to the pink pony with her vaguely curious stare. Delilah’s body tensed and her face heated up. She had been around her boss long enough to know that look. She was getting better at reading her.  “Who is it?” “Who’s who?” Delilah felt sweat form on the back of her neck. Her hooves were struggling to stay steady. But Mint’s gaze didn’t waver. “Who is the colt you want to see?” she prodded, making Delilah duck her head uncomfortably and put her hoof to her muzzle. She was desperate for Mint to be quieter about it. “I don’t really…” Delilah tried to argue with the taller mare. The look intensified. Delilah sighed playing with a stray curly bang. “....Oregano Season…” the pudgy pink pony admitted. Feeling a weight sort of lift from her. She slowly turned her head to look Mint in the eye...only to see emotions Mint had not shown before...unease and worry. “Delilah, Sweetheart” Mint began seeming unsure what to say “It’s a good thing you told me now...” The pink pony blinked confused, her heart suddenly cracking. What did she mean? The clock on the wall behind them chimed loudly as Delilah opened her mouth to ask. “I will see you next week, Delilah