//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: Catch And Release // by ShadowSprint //------------------------------// Awkward. Weird. And a little on the scary side. None of those things really fit together, but they perfectly described the scene unfolding right in front of Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Dash had lowered herself down holding AJ to the riverside where a group of ponies were gathered. Among the string of ponies were Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. Those four also happened to be creating the biggest scene, while the mountain of a fish appeared to be stuck in the river, helplessly watching the whole ordeal. “I can’t believe you thought this was a good idea!” Twilight shouted at a trembling Pinkie Pie. “It's a miracle that only two ponies were eaten; and an even bigger miracle that they made it out!” Those were the first words Rainbow Dash heard as she hovered just over the ground so that Applejack could keep off her hooves, at least until the farmer had seen a doctor. “W-What's going on here?” Dash asked, though she already had a pretty good idea as to the answer. “Oh, Rainbow Dash!” Rarity beat Twilight to the punch. “Thank heavens you’re both alright! We were worried sick about you!” “Yeah, I was worried sick about us too.” Applejack added, scraping off a bit of fish gunk from her hooves and swatted it off her. “This is stuff is just nasty.” Rainbow Dash had to crane her head to avoid being splattered with the stuff. “Sorry.” Applejack said when she noticed she’d almost flung some at Dash. Rainbow Dash made a face, but didn't get the chance to respond as Twilight wandered over. “You’re lucky to be alive, both of you. Are you okay?” “We’re fine.” Applejack said nonchalantly. “Though I twisted up my leg some. Need to have it looked at, nothing serious though. I’ve done worse on the farm.” And glancing up, Applejack hissed, “ya can put me down now.” “No.” Rainbow Dash said. She must’ve put more firmness into her voice than intended, as Applejack looked taken aback, and was silent. Twilight however, was not amused. “Twisted a leg?” And she marched herself right back over to Pinkie Pie. “A twisted leg! Because of your thoughtless stunt, Applejack wound up with a twisted leg! We’re lucky Fluttershy was able to get the fish under control before he could eat any-pony else!” The jumble of other participants in the fishing tournament must’ve been evacuated out of the water once every-pony saw what had happened to Dash and her mare-friend. Dash imagined Twilight in quite the panic when she’d found out what happened. Maybe it even would’ve been a little entertaining to see. But right now, Pinkie received all the heat for Dash’s idea. And that was something the Wonderbolt just couldn't stand to see. Fluttershy opened her mouth to speak, when Pinkie perked up and said, “I’m really, really, so very sorry Twilight! I didn't mean for any-pony to get hurt. I just wanted to pull a super funny, impossible to predict prank on Rainbow Dash!” “Well I don't think any-pony is laughing Pinkie. Certainly not Applejack who twisted her leg, or Rainbow Dash who had to fly them out between the fish’s teeth! Not to mention you endangered every other pony here! What if it wasn't just Rainbow Dash and Applejack?!” Again, Fluttershy opened her mouth to respond, but Pinkie just stepped in front of her. “I see that now, and I'm very, very sorry.” Pinkie said. Her eyes drooped, her hair drooped, and every set of eyes fell upon her. Rainbow Dash realized what was happening. Just one glance at Fluttershy and the pegasus could see her friend fighting back tears. Like she had suspected, Pinkie must've let Fluttershy in on the secret. And by the looks of it, Fluttershy was more involved than even Dash initially suspected. Not only that, but Dash could also see Pinkie covering for Fluttershy, protecting her. Now that was a quality mare-friend right there. That is exactly the kind of pony Fluttershy needed, and it actually put Dash at ease just seeing it. But she couldn't let Pinkie take all the blame. This was her fault too. Drifting on over to the two, and ignoring increased protests from a blushing Applejack, Rainbow Dash said to Twilight, “Ease up will ya Twilight? It’s not Pinkie’s fault. I-It's mine.” Twilight’s mouth about dropped open, and even Pinkie tried to rush over and stop Dash from spilling the beans. But it had to said. Rainbow Dash made this mess, and by Celestia, she wasn’t going to let another friend take the fall for things. “Pinkie may have gone a bit overboard . . . Okay a lot overboard, but I'm the one who gave her the idea in the first place.” And so, Rainbow Dash explained out her whole plot with beating Applejack at the date bet, and asking Pinkie to help her cheat. Funny, this round of fessing up was actually easier than when she had said it to Applejack. By the end of it, even Rarity was shaking her head. “Well pardon my language, but what a couple of morons you are!” She said. “All that for a silly date! I do hope it was worth it.” Rainbow Dash only need a moment to answer that. “Actually . . . Apart from the whole almost being eaten thing, yeah, it kinda was.” “You gotta be kidding me.” Twilight said. Rainbow Dash just smiled at her friends and looked down into her hooves where a grumbling Applejack rested. Despite her mare-friend’s frustrations at being held captive, Rainbow Dash leaned in and nuzzled against Applejack. The mare reluctantly returned the affection. “The time alone was actually kinda nice. Gave us a chance to sort some stuff out. It wasn't all great, but yeah, I’m glad it happened.” “And you’re okay with this Applejack?” Twilight prodded. “Well . . . Yeah, I guess so. Certainly, was some stuff in there I’d rather not ever see again. Or speak of for that matter. But Rainbow is right. I think it helped us understand each other a bit better.” And Applejack shifted around uncomfortably. “Though I wouldn't mind being put down now; hint hint.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Alright princess. Just take it easy.” She teased and carefully lowering herself down, helped Applejack out of her hooves and onto the ground. Geez, what a reaction from just being held in front of her friends. Applejack had a shyer side after all. Once Applejack was resting comfortably on the grass, Dash landed beside her and turned to Pinkie Pie with a smile. “Thanks Pinkie. Not quite what I expected, but kinda what I needed. Just . . . Don't ever do it again.” Pinkie Pie just giggled, the mood having lightened up and she returned to her usual springy self. “Aww thanks Dash! And don’t you worry, I triple Pinkie Promise that I won't ever do something like that ever again!” As if on cue, Fluttershy stepped up to the party pony’s side and wrapped a hoof around Pinkie, adding, “And I’ll make sure she keeps that promise.” It elicited a laugh from every-pony there. That’s when Pinkie Pie suddenly got a case of the jitters. Her body spasmed and she shook violently in unbridled excitement next to Fluttershy. The pegasus seemed unfazed by this sudden outburst as every-pony stared at the bumbling Pinkie. “Can I Fluttershy?! Oh please can I?! It’s so perfect right now!” She said, looking ready to explode. Even Twilight and Rarity took a couple steps back. Usually a case of the Pinkie Jitters like this spelled doom for all those not wary of the pony’s mystical Pinkie Sense. “Alright Pinkie Pie.” Fluttershy said in her harmonious voice. “You can tell them.” “We’re going out!” Pinkie blurted, “We’re dating! We’re in love! Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy sitting in a tree . . .” Pinkie exclaimed to not just her friends, but to any-pony nearby as well. She jumped up into the air, bouncier than usual, and when she landed, the party pony grabbed hold of Fluttershy and planted a big kiss right on the mare’s maw. Fluttershy’s face flushed from embarrassment. She tried to obscure her face with her mane, but she did not pull away from the kiss. She just closed her eyes. Twilight turned scarlet, though even in her frustration, couldn’t stop herself from smiling. Rarity, the hopeless romantic, was just dazzled at the sight. As far as Rainbow Dash was concerned, she was more than happy to let Pinkie and Fluttershy have the lime light. She just snuggled up against her beautiful mare, Applejack, and watched the show. “Ya know Rainbow,” Applejack whispered, “ya could’ve been sweeter when ya introduced me as your mare-friend.” Rainbow Dash turned incredulously towards her partner. “What do you mean? I think I did a fine job of introducing us to everyone!” Applejack chuckled. “Yeah. Right.” And the farmer rolled her eyes. “You gathered us all at Twilight’s castle and basically told every-pony they couldn’t touch me no more cause I belonged to ya. I imagine Pinkie here was taking notes on how not to do things.” Rainbow Dash blushed. Okay, so she didn’t have the greatest way with words. Big deal. Not like being a Wonderbolt required her to recite poetry or anything. Besides, she’d used those words very much on purpose. Because not only were they true, but they also flustered Applejack. And a blushing Applejack was best Applejack. Rainbow Dash nuzzled in with her lover, “I wasn't wrong.” Applejack smiled. “No, ya weren't wrong. Just . . .” and the farmer sighed and said, “Never mind.” There was a cheer from the ponies surrounding Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Twilight by the looks of it, had given up on any kind of anger and announced, “The fishing tournament is officially canceled. I’ll speak with the mayor and get us another date. I’m sorry every-pony for today’s antics. I’ll announce the new date as soon as I can.” Fortunately, with love in the air, very few ponies objected or were even upset at the announcement. Part of it probably had something to do with the giant fish that had been lingering in the river. After the crowd had dispersed, the only ponies left were Dash and her friends. She watched as Twilight wandered right over towards the fish and said, “Okay, we still need to get this fish out of here. Pinkie, where the hay did he come from?” “I can answer that.” Fluttershy volunteered, much to Twilight’s shock. “His name is Rory, and he’s a Griffonstone blow fish.” Without waiting for a response from the princess, Fluttershy fluttered over to the fish and patting his head, said, “Go on Rory. You can deflate now.” The fish, happy to have Fluttershy by his side, somehow smiled at her with a big toothy grin and then Dash watched in disbelief as Rory exhaled. Like a balloon, Rory’s body shrunk and sputtered around in the water until he’d shrunk down to less than half the size of one of the row boats used in the tournament. “Fluttershy!” Rarity exclaimed, “You mean to tell me you were in on this the whole time?” The pegasus just nodded. “Sorry for not saying it earlier. But when Pinkie Pie mentioned Rainbow Dash's plan, I just knew Rory was the right fish for the job. He’d gotten lost following a school of fish and was feeling rather depressed. And since Griffonstone blow fish are known for being playful, I thought helping Pinkie might cheer him back up.” Twilight peered into the river at the shrunken fish. “Well, did it work?” Fluttershy just nodded. “Maybe a little too well.” She admitted. The gang shared another laugh together and Twilight finally sighed and said, “Well how about we head back to Ponyville then. I imagine a trip to Griffonstone will be quite tiring for your little friend. And we might as well eat up and have some fun.” Jumping into the conversation, Pinkie Pie bounced between her friends, “And you all just have to come to Sugarcube Corner and have a round of chocolate cherry coated cupcakes on me!” Her grin stretched from ear to ear as she bounced around. “We just have to celebrate me and Fluttershy dating! Maybe I can even throw a party!” “Maybe have the party after we return Rory,” Fluttershy suggested. “But cupcakes sound wonderful.” Twilight took one look at Rarity, who nodded her head in agreement. “I’ll grab an extra fish tank for Rory.” Then turning to Dash and Applejack, Twilight said, “What about you two?” Rainbow Dash just waved her hoof and said, “Nah, that’s alright. I should probably get Applejack over to the doctor for her leg. Maybe I’ll stop later and grab some cupcakes for us though. You girls go on ahead.” Twilight nodded, and after a brief goodbye, the four ponies disappeared down a nearby trail. Then, it was just Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Moving over to her mare-friend, Rainbow Dash said, “Well. Shall we?” “Yeah. I reckon so.” Applejack said. Then without further hesitation, Rainbow Dash scooped up Applejack into her hooves once more. Taking off into the air, she slowly flew them towards Ponyville. “Sooo . . . guess I gotta start prepping our date. Since you lost and all.” Applejack snorted. “Excuse me! I don’t exactly remember ya playing fair. Far as I’m concerned, all ya caught was that boot!” “What?! And after all that work I went through to put this together?” Applejack just raised an eyebrow staring back. “Okay, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy helped.” “And?” Rainbow Dash sighed. “And I suppose you caught the only fair fish today which meant you got the biggest catch.” Applejack smiled. “That’s right.” But instead of rubbing in her victory like usual, she instead leaned up and kissed Rainbow Dash’s cheek. “But ya know what?” She whispered, “I think ya might’ve made a bigger catch.” “Huh?” Applejack giggled, her face a bit red. “Ya did catch me after all. And I’d reckon I’m a bigger catch than that catfish ever could be.” Rainbow Dash smiled. “Even bigger than me?” And she couldn’t help but giggle when she’d managed to catch her mare-friend off-guard with that remark. Before Applejack could come up with a response, Rainbow Dash leaned in and kissed her lover. She had to hover in the sky during their kiss to avoid distracted flying. But it was well worth it. When finally their lips pulled apart, Rainbow Dash nuzzled her AJ. “You better heal up real soon.” She said to Applejack, pushing them faster through the air. “Cause you’re gonna need that leg when I take you out dancing in Cloudsdale.” “Cloudsdale?!” “Yep! And I know for a fact that Rarity has a sexy red dress all lined up for you!” Dash teased. Well, only half teased. She was definitely serious, and she’d already seen the dress. One advantage to having lost so many date bets was getting ample opportunity to browse the unicorn’s inventory, and perfect her requirements for Applejack’s dress. “N-Now hang on Rainbow, I . . .” And then Applejack thought better of arguing. She hushed up and went silent for a few moments. “Ya know. Maybe we outta stop with the date bets. And just have dates. Ya know, just have fun.” Rainbow Dash smiled. “I could go for that.” She said. And Applejack breathed out a sigh of relief. “After our date on Cloudsdale.” The farmer’s eyes shot open and Rainbow Dash just laughed. She nuzzled her mare-friend, and flew Applejack the rest of the way to Ponyville, where there were doctors, cupcakes, and a nice little red dress with Applejack’s name all over it. The End