The Batpony

by Atlas INC

Just The Beginning

Ventura gets up out of the couch and sees that it is right before dawn. He walks over to the other bedroom and Sapphire is gone. He walks out of the bedroom confused, where could she be? He checks the living room, the kitchen, and even loops back around to the bedroom and he still hasn’t found her. He then remembers about the bathroom. He trots on over and knocks on the door. “You can come in, I actually need your help with something” Sapphire answers from the other side of the door.
Ventura pushes open the door to see Sapphire attempting to bandage herself but failing miserably. She’s tied her four legs together somehow and bandaged her head to the floor. Ventura chuckles lightly and attempts untying her from the trap she made for herself. He mumbles to himself a bit. “What are you saying?” Sapphire questions.
“Hm? Oh, just talking to myself” he responds.
“What were you doing in here”
“I was trying to fix my scorched wing”
“And pull that out and all done! Your free from the bandages!”
Sapphire stands back up onto her feet. “So, about the sun” Ventura begins “do you get hurt by it or are you fine, because if we’re going on this adventure to your home I think it would be good to know.”
“I do get hurt by the sun but I should be fine as long as I have my magic necklace” she states while bringing her hoof up to her neck.
“What necklace?” Ventura questions.
“My necklace! It’s gone! How did I not notice that? I completely forgot about it until now!” Sapphire exclaims.
“Calm down, alright, you’ll be fine, Amethyst left some clothes here from a previous time, do clothes work against the sun for you?” Ventura explains.
“Yes clothes do negate the affects of the sun” she answers.
Ventura walks away into his room and visits the closet. He returns to the bathroom with the clothes. “I hope these fit” he says.
He leaves to the living room while she gets changed in the bathroom. About a minute later she struts into the living room showing off Amethyst’s leftover clothes. “They’ll work, do you think they look good on me?” Sapphire inquires.
“I think you look better in them than Amethyst does.” Ventura returns.
“Thanks” she says while blushing a bit.
“where does the rest of your family live? Because then I can plot the course to get there.”
“They live up over here, super close to the Crystal Empire” she remarks.
Ventura goes and grabs a saddle bag (A pony backpack) he packs it up with a few snacks, bits, and other important pieces of gear for the journey. In his other hoof he holds another saddle bag then hands it to Sapphire. “Load it up with whatever you need” he says while pointing to the pantry with his free hoof.
She goes and starts stuffing the bag with things she thinks will be useful. Ventura writes a note that says “I’ll be back soon” then he sticks it to the front door just incase Amethyst shows up while they’re gone. They finish packing their bags and head out. The journey that awaits them will be long and arduous but can they make it?