The Batpony

by Atlas INC

Room for one more

Ventura pushes open the front door and holds it open for him and Sapphire. She pulls the hat down more to protect her head from the sun. He pulls the map out of his saddle bag and observes it. He had circled the location they needed to go and marked the path to trek on the map. He shifted it over and let Sapphire take a look at the map too. He then proceeded to put the map back. “Alright” Ventura began ”let’s go.”
They began walking down the path to the town to pick up some extra supplies. At the end of the road lied the mixed species town of AereDale a town known for being half in the sky while half on the ground. While walking through AereDale they bump into Amethyst again. “Why hello again” Amethyst says while gently waving a hoof at them.
“Hello to you too” Ventura returns.
Amethyst walks up to Ventura and Sapphire. “I don’t believe I have properly met you yet” Amethyst mentions while putting a hoof out to shake hands with Sapphire.
“Y’know I still don’t approve of you being friends with a bat pony, but I won’t be a jerk about it” Amethyst announces to Ventura.
“Not to butt in, but I’m Sapphire” declares Sapphire.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Amethyst” retorts Amethyst.
“You don’t happen to know a place where I can get an enchantable necklace and a sunlight protection spell” says Sapphire.
“I actually do know, and I can help, if you tell me why you need me to do it.” States Amethyst.
“Alright, we can do that” replies Sapphire.
They stop talking and follow amethyst through the town. She stops at the local library to renew the magic book she got a while ago. Once at Amethyst’s home she opens up the book and retrieves the enchantable amulet. “Alright tell me, why do you need me to do this?” Queries Amethyst.
“She needs it to protect her from the sun, the clothes were just a temporary solution.” Answers Ventura.
Amethyst levitates the necklace with her magic and chants a couple words then she says “Ta Da! It’s a necklace that’ll protect you from the sun.”
Sapphire picks up the necklace and tries it on then announces “Thanks for doing that, we’ll be on our way now.”
“Actually” Amethyst begins “I think I want to come along, I haven’t really gone on a trip since before I moved here.”
“Sure, the more the merrier, I guess” Ventura answers.
And with that Amethyst joins Ventura and Sapphire as they continue on their journey through Equestria. First they must go through the Timber Wolf forest, known for many timber wolf attacks over the years. While walking through the a clearer part of the forest a lone timber wolf appears. It growls and snarls at the both of them. Ventura’s used to it but Sapphire isn’t and neither is Amethyst, they’ve never seen a timber wolf before. Both Amethyst and Sapphire cower behind Ventura as stares down at the creature with a threatening look in his eyes. Ventura and the wolf circle around the clearing sizing each other up. Ventura leaps forward in the direction of the wolf. It leaps out of the way dodging his attack. Quickly Ventura picks up a larger rock sitting on the ground and leads his throw to hit the beast. He throws, and the timber wolf gets smashed by the rock. They continue on their journey and as night closes in they set up camp. Ventura and Amethyst go to sleep first not being a nocturnal bat ponies. Sapphire stands guard and watches for danger. Hours pass by and the others get out of the tent. They both now starts packing up their supplies while Sapphire gets comfy in the tent. Ventura gives her a few hours in the tent before hoisting her up onto his back and carrying her instead of waking her up from her sleep. They have begun their journey and are going on an adventure with one more friend!