//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 - Something in the sky // Story: Space Jam // by Gojizilla54 //------------------------------// 4 Earth Hoover Metropolitan Stadium Back on Earth, the now baseball player, Michael Jordan is playing his first baseball game for the Birmingham Barons. Michael waits for the pitcher to throw, and he does, Michael swings and misses the ball. “Strike!” yelled the Umpire as the crowd cheers for Michael and the other Baron players watch Michael. “Looks great in the uniform,” said a Baron player. “Looks great. Can’t teach that,” said another Baron player. “Can’t teach it,” said a Baron player. On the field, the catcher for the Star’s team talks to Michael. “Hey, thanks for autographing the basketball for my kid. I’m a hero now,” said the catcher. “No problem. Happy to do it man,” said Michael. The catcher smiled and nods his head. “Let’s go!” yelled the umpire. Michael get ready to swing the bat again then hears the catcher’s voice. “Curve ball. Don’t swing,” said the catcher. Michael looks at him confused, but took the advice. The pitcher throws a curve ball and Michael doesn’t swing. “Ball!” shouted the umpire as the crowd and players cheer. “Fastball, ourside corner. Swing,” said the catcher. The pitcher throws the ball, Michael swings the bat, but misses. “Strike!” shouted the umpire. “That was your pitch,” said the catcher. “I know I know I missed it,” said Michael. “Don’t worry I’ll get you another one,” said the catcher. On the stands, the Baron’s manager is watching the game and is considered about Michael and he gets an idea. “Podolak! Podolak! Podolak!” called the Baron’s manager. A man gets up from his seat and walks up to the manager. “Sorry I didn’t mean to,” said Stan Podolak. “Come here!” the Baron manager demanded. “Yes, sir?” questioned Stan “I want you to make sure nobody bothers Michael. I want him to be the happiest player in the world,” demanded the manager “The happiest,” repeated Stan. Back on the field, the catcher sees the pitcher. “Slider, don’t swing,” suggested the catcher. The pitcher throws the ball and Michael swings the bat, but missed it again. “Strike three! You’re out!” shouted the umpire. “I told you not to swing,” said the catcher. “I couldn’t help it,” said Michael. “I understand. Hey nice talking to you,” said the catcher. Michael walks to the dugout as the coward and his teammates cheer for him. “We’re not to worry, We’re not worried,” said one of the players as Michael sits down as they talk to him. “Good job, Mike,l said the Boran player. “Don’t worry. Good try. Good hustle,” said another player. “Good cut, Michael. Good cut,” said another player. “That was a strikeout, Mike. That was a good looking strikeout. Real good,” said another player. “I mean, you look good when you strike out, man. When I strikeout, man, it looks nasty, man. At least you did good man. Good looking,” said another player. As Michael listens to the other player complimenting him a person comes to greet Michael on his stomach. “Hi, Hi Mr. Jordan. Mr. Jordan I’m Stan Podolak,”introduced Podolak as he leans in too far. He falls in the dugout and lands on his back, hurting himself. The players look at him as he gets up, groaning in pain and he sits next to Michael. “You all right?” questioned Michael. “That was a nasty fall,” said Michael with concern. “Yeah,” said Podolak as he shakes his hand. “Oh I’m Podolak, Mr. Jordan. I’m the Baron’s new publicist. I’m here to make your life easier. You want me to drive you somewhere, I will drive you anywhere. You want me to pick your laundry, babysit your kids, I will do it,” promised Podolak. “I’m here to personally guarantee that no one will even bother you,” said Podolak. Michael didn’t seem to like that idea of getting followed by someone and doing all of his work. Suddenly a spaceship flies by the stadium and the players looked up and the crowd gasped in school and it disappeared. All of the people in the stands were confused as Michael runs out of the dugout and looks up into the sky. “What was that?” Equestria As Twilight and her friends were walking down Ponyville and talking about their days they then raked about the fun times they had. “Ahh, all those times we had were fun,” said Rainbow Dash. “Yep, those good old times when we first met,” said Applejack. “Meh, unlike my where I saved The Crystal Empire twice,” said Spike. All the girls groaned. “Wel only mentioned about 15 times when we started this conversation,” said Rainbow Dash. “That is true, but Startlight seems to enjoy the story,” said Spike. Starlight waved with a fake smile. “Wow even Spike even has an epic story to tell,” said Starlight. “All I’ve done was take everyponies’s cutie mark,” added Starlight. Twilight put her left wing around Starlight. “Hey, that is all in the past now. We already forget about that and the past you, “ said Twilight. “It really isn’t to let go of your past,” said Starlight. “It might seem hard l, but really it is easy,” said Twilight. “Hey Twilight,” said Pinkie bouncing up and down. “Yes, Pinkie?” asked Twilight. “Does the sky have a crack?” questioned Pinkie. Twilight was confused on the question that Pinkie asked but then realized that the sky has a crack in it. Not just her also her friends did to. Then a spaceship appears from the crack and zooms past Rainbow Dash and nearly hitting Fluttershy. “What the,” said Rainbow. “Rainbow try chasing that thing,” commanded Twilight. Rainbow Dash did so. Rainbow Dash was chasing the spaceship, but every time she would get close the spaceship would increase its speed. Her friends were following Rainbow Dash. “Come on almost there,” said Rainbow with determination. Then the spaceship increased its speed that it left Rainbow in the dust. “That is one fast ship,” said Rainbow. Then she continued the chase. As she was catching up to the ship she heard her friends. “Rainbow it is heading straight to town!” yelled Twilight. Rainbow heard what Twilight said and quickly took action. As the spaceship was heading to town everypony got out of the way so they don’t get crushed. Just then the spaceship decreased its attitude and started to get closer to the ground. Then when it reached it max speed it disappeared right in front of Rainbow’s eyes. “Hey, where did you go? questioned Rainbow. “Rainbow! Did you get it?” questioned Twilight. “No, but it just disappeared,” said Rainbow. “That’s weird, never though that Equestria might have extraterrestrial life,” said Twilight. “Because it hasn’t. Equestria is for creatures from here not alien life,” said Starlight. “I don’t like this alien life,” whimpered Fluttershy. “Well, that thing is gone,” said Rarity. “Maybe we would just forget about it,” said Starlight. The girls agreed and move on.