A New Land

by sol flare

Weird dream.

The bottom leaves of a tall tree, filled with small red fruit is what I wake up to. The sight confuses me and makes me wonder. Is this still a dream? Like some kind of dream where I was dreaming but wake up like Inception? The foliage of leaves block the hot rays of light and cast a large cool shadow over me. This must be what lucid dreaming is like. Everything feels so real. A warm breeze rustles through the leaves peacefully. It’s so relaxing here I really don’t want to do anything but lay here and enjoy this sensory.

I turned my head and scanned the land before me. The land was made up of rolling hills covered in tall green trees with small red fruit. Another breeze blew by that carried the scent of apples. Laying Laying here has been nice but I am getting restless and maybe there is more to this dream then a nice view. I never really put any thought in get up, but for some reason everything was moving weird.

I was going to just push myself up with my arms but everything was moving differently. "Holy crap!" I proclaimed. "W-what happened to my, and w-where are my hands?" I question myself loudly hoping someone would answer me and explain to me what is going on. It didn't happen. "Okay, okay calm down, it's just a dream." Reassuring myself I examine my 'new' body. It's crazy, my entire body is covered in ash black hair and I have hoofs! From the looks of it I am a horse. I move my self so that I am laying down with my fore-hoofs are out stretched in front of my and my hind-hoofs are bent in by my side. "All right, I've seen enough fillies and colts get up and walk around from the moment of birth, I can do this." With that I shift my weight and bend my fore-hoofs down so that I am on the knees then I stand up on my hind-hoofs. "Okay, now just to-" *pff* I lose my balance and fall on my right side. "Gaggghhhh!" I shout angrily kicking my hoofs. I try again to get up but I am soon greeted by the green grass.

Looking up I see the sun is setting closer to the horizon. It's going to get dark soon and I can't even get up. "Stupid dream." I huff and lay my head down on the grass. "I can't believe I stil-"

"Hey! what ya' doin' on ma' land?"

"Aaaaaa!" I jump up on my hoofs in shock. "Who are you?"

"Uhh, I'm Applejack and who in tar-nations are you?" The orange horse replied in a thick southern accent.

"I-I uhh, don't remember." I stammer nervously. I don't remember my name.

"Oh, uhh, well what do you remember?" Applejack responded both concerned but still remaining defensive.

I think hard trying to remember what I was doing before I woke up, but there was nothing. All I remember was opening my eyes to the leaves on the tree. "I-I can't remember anythi-" My head started to spin, I lost my balance, and with a thud I fell to the ground, blacking out.

"Uh oh, looks like somepony has tumble weed fever, better bring him back to the house." And with a heave and a ho Applejack scooped the ash black colt onto her back. She had only trotted for a little while till her house came to view. A big red stallion was waiting on the house patio, and with out a skip of a beat he galloped towards Applejack meeting her half way.

"This here colt has a bad case of tumble weed and doesn't even know his own name." Applejack explained to the slightly confused red stallion. "Here you take him up to the spare room Big Mac I'm tired." And with that Applejack past over the colt to Big Mac.

The dim light of the setting sun shinning on the opposite wall illuminated the wood with an orange hue. The reflecting light was enough to wake me from my not so restful slumber. Once again not what I was expecting to wake up to, but I didn't know what to expect, just not this wooden wall. A turn of my head and it all came back, I'm still a horse. I arc my back up which causes an echoing crack. "Much better now, alright now just to step down from the bed to the floor." My words were simple but walking still is not my thing and with a crashing thud the sound of galloping hoofs up stairs soon follow. I move my eyes towards the door to see Applejack standing by the open door.

"Howd'y partner, looks like ya' still have legs like a new born colt." She teases with a kind chuckle.

"I'm guessing that's not a compliment?"

"Well ya' be right to thick so, here le'me help ya' up." Applejack bent her head down to the side of my chest and nudged me up with her snout as I pushed up with my hoofs. I was a bit embarrassed by the touch of her snout on my chest but she didn't seem to bother.

"Thanks you have no idea how long I've been trying to do that."

"Ya really don't remember anything do ya?" Her tone filled with both concern and curiosity.

My nod is enough to answer her question. I really couldn't give a spoken reply for I had to much running through my head all at once. Where am I? Who am I? Why does this seem out of place like I don't belong here? A simple nod was all I could come up and it was enough to get through the question. Trying to move on and past all the confusion I focus on what I can deal with right now and that is walking. "So how do I go forward?"

The seriousness in my tone gives Applejack the giggles, "I've never been asked that question before, but all ya' got ta do is move your right fore-hoof along with your left hind-hoof."

"So like this." I move my right and left hoofs forward.

"Good, now yer on yer way just alternate each time."

I do as she says and trot forward and with out asking for more advise I take it into my own hoofs. I trot in circles around the room, "Hey I'm getting the hang of this."

"Great, now ya' can come down stairs and meet the rest of us, oh and dinner will be ready by then." She jesters to the open door and then trots out. I follow behind her and notice some markings on her flanks but the stairs take the priorety of my focus. "Alright partner take it easy down these here stairs, don't want ya' to lose the rest of yer memory." She chuckles trotting down the stairs with ease.

My approach was slow and as far from "with ease" as possible. With each hoof I moved slowly and with precision. One after the other and I was down the stairs. "Phew, I didn't fall."

"No but you were as slow as my grandma, Granny Smith." She teased as she lead me to the living room to find an old green horse, a big red horse and a little yellow horse. Pointing to the green horse Applejack began to inductance me to her family. "This here is Granny Smith, my grandma and the one who walks down the stairs as slow as you. This here is big Macintosh, he's my brother and doesn't say much." Pointing to the big red horse. "And last but not least is-"

"I'm Applebloom her sister, nice to meet ya Tumble Weed!" The little one yelled out with much exscitment.

"Applebloom don't call him that!"

"But you said it yer self." Applebloom argued back against her older sister with much tenasity.

"Umm, Tumble Weed?" I ask the arguing sisters a bit puzzled about what is going on.

"Well ya see you didn't give me your name so I just gave you the nickname Tumble Weed, because you came of of no where and you tumble more then most." Applejack replied to my question instantly out of her and her sister's argument.

"Well you have to call me something."

"Oh golly all this talking, is making me hungry." Granny Smith's voice raddled. "I'll start the dinner and Tumble Weed would you like to join us?"

With a nod I reply, "That would be great, thank you very much."

"Ah, ya don't have to thank me but it is appreciated." She smiled at me and with a turn of her head to Applejack, "AJ could ya' be a dear and light the candles its getting dark in here."

"Sure thing Granny."

"Hey I could help, it's the least I can do for every thing you have done." Turning towards Applejack

"Sure thing Tumble Weed, right this way." Applejack once again leads me around her house.

I again started to wounder what the markings on her flanks meant. "Umm, Applejack."


"Why do you have apples on your flank?"

"Oh that's my cutie mark, every pony gets one when they figure out their special talent." She stops and turns towards me, "Ya know you don't have a cutie mark either."

"What do you mean?" I turn my head to view my flank and notice the blankness of it.

"I mean you don't have one." She answers my stupid question.

"Is that a bad thing?" I'm a bit concerned now.

"Not a bad thing, but unusual. All fillies and colts are born with blank flanks until they find their special talent." Her reply relieves my little bit concerns. "Alright Tumble Weed it's lighting time. Now all ya' have to do is hold the box yer hoof and take the match out with your mouth then strike it like this." She demonstrates it and then hoofs me the match box. I take the box with my hoof and open it with my snout, reach down and grab a match and strike it against the side to light the match.

"Heehaa, partner you took to that like a duck to water." Giving me a pat on the should. "Now all ya have to do is follow me and light these candles."

"Easy enough." I shrug and follow closely behind her. We walk around the main floor lighting some candles that hang on the sides of the wall, a giant lantern in the kitchen for Granny Smith and the chandelier over the dinner table. Applejack then leads us up stairs to where the rooms are.

"Alright Tumble Weed we can split up the work here, I'll go left where Granny Smith's, Applebloom's and my room are and you go right were your room, and Big Mac's room are." Applejack looked at me and pointed, "Right is that way." She pointed.

"I know that, Applejack. I'm not that messed up in the head."

"Just wanting to make sure." Giggling away to her side of the work.

"I bet your dessert I can finish my part of the job before you!" I shout out running towards my room.

"You're on partner." Returning my challenge her gallop can be heard echoing through out the hall.

I quickly light the one candle on the lamp stand next to the head of the bed and gallop out to Big Mac's room. The door is closed so I knock, "Hey Big Mac it's Tumble Weed, do need your candles lit?"

"Eeyup." The deep toned voice reach out past the door.

"Well can I come in?"


I open the door and see that Big Mac is doing curls. "How much are you curling?" I ask curiously.


"Fifty pounds!"


"Dang Big Mac that's intense." I finish lighting the one candle in his room.


"Well I'm heading out."


I walk out of Big Mac's room and turn to wait for Applejack to return but am shocked to see her sitting there with a winning grin. "Looks like I'm giving you my dessert."

"Yes sir, next time don't spend so much chatting up a storm with Big Mac." She smirks.

"Soups up everypony!" Granny Smith yells ringing a dinner bell and Applejack, I and Big Mac gallop down to the table to enjoy the much needed dinner. The food was delicious and I have no idea what you have to do to hay to make it that good, but what ever it is, it works. Dessert looked even better, Granny smith and Applebloom made ice cream with apple bits and caramel sauce, to bad I lost my bet with Applejack.

"Hey, Tumble Weed."

"Yes Applejack."

"Here you take yours, I can't pig out too much." She joked hoofing over the dessert she won from me.

"WhooHoo!" And that was the last thing I said till my ice cream was gone.

The food was gone, dishes rested chaotically in the sink, Granny Smith and Applebloom were put to bed by Big Mac. I turn to Applejack, "Looks like the dishes are up to us now?"

"Looks like it." She starts the bubble water. "You do know how to wash dishes?" She chuckles.

"Yes in fact I do, but I wish I didn't so I could avoid washing them right now." I chuckle back. Our laughs fill the quiet and dim house. My eyes went from dirty dishes to her green eyes, and for a while time seemed to slow. Only when she asked for the scrubby did I pop back to reality. She seemed to notice I was starring because her orange coat around her cheeks began to blush. I turned down to the dirty dishes and began to dry the clean dishes one by one as Applejack scrubbed.

Only when applejack began to talk did it break the silence, "So um, do ya' know how ya ended up on my farm?"

"I have no clue, I just opened my eyes and I was laying down by the tree." My answer even made me wonder more about how I ended up there. It was silent again, and getting a bit awkward. Trying to move past it I ask, "What are we going to do tomorrow. I mean what are we going to do about me tomorrow?"

"We need to take ya' to the doctors, make sur' nothin' wrong with yer head." Giving me a playful pat on the head.

"Well if you keep knocking me like that then there is defiantly going to something wrong." Teasing her a bit. Once again the room is filled with laughter. Our dish duty was soon over and Applejack went around the house blowing out the unused candles. I trot up the stair to my room but before I go in I turn around to say good night to Applejack then part for the night.