Tales of the Battle Foals

by Sirdubya

Meetings and Misadventures

Fire Fight and Shadow Should broke off, still warmly embracing each other as they smiled warmly. Shadow Shroud has her head rested on the crook of Fire Fight’s neck.

“I’m definitely not stabbing you for that.” Shroud whispered.

“I didn’t think you would.” Fire Fight with a wink, inciting a giggle from his lady. The two shared a softer kiss. “We should probably get back with the others.”

“Yeah.” Shroud said as they let go. “Actually, where’s that kunai I threw?”

“Oh! Yeah, I think it was over here somewhere” Fire Fight said, walking in the direction of interest. “Can’t see a freakin’ thing…” He lit the other torches in the room one by one as he and Shroud scoured the dark corner.

“Found it!” Shroud said just as Fire Fight lit the last torch. “AIIEE!”

“WHOA!” Fire Fight reared his fists to fight while Shroud readied her knife. “Huh?” The light of the torch had revealed on the wall a cartoonishly drawn head of Tirek with a goofy smile and cross eyes.

“Well somepony was bored…” Shroud said.


The center of attention seemed to be Crazylocks amidst Twilight, Spike, Cheerilee, Film Noir, Bullseye, and Quantum Tech as she cycled through species.

“Unicorn, Pegasus, Earth Pony! Unicorn, Pegasus, Earth Pony! Unicorn, Pegasus, Earth Pony!” She chanted as she expressed the appropriate phenotypes, making all those new to her slightly uncomfortable.

“Talk about an existential crisis.” Spike said.

“This was done to her by somepony else?” Cheerilee asked.

Quantum Tech nodded. “Unfortunately. While her unique physiology has proven quite useful, it has driven her body into chaos. I’ve been looking into ways we can cure her, but to no avail.”

“Oh dear…” Twilight said.

“And it was this ‘Gene Splice’ fellow who-” Spike started

“IDIOT!!” Bullseye exclaimed.

“What?” Spike asked.

“GENE SPLICE!?!?” Crazylocks exclaimed. The Battle Foals were all anxious, but ready to subdue her ensuing tantrum. Her face was distorted with rage, but she didn’t explode. “Pfft! He can go marry his toilet again for all I care!”

A collective sigh of relief from the foals was mixed with awe. “She has gotten better!” Quantum said.

“Better from what?” Film Noir asked

“She’d go ballistic if you let her grandpa’s name slip.” Bullseye said. “But it looks like the hippy was right. All she needed were some friends”

“Friendship can some of the best medicine out there.” Twilight said.

“Time for my nap!” Crazylocks blurted. She spread her wings and flew towards an opened doorway. However, a rogue wave that crashed into the hull caused the door to slam into her. “The doors are mutinying! Traitorous door… WE’LL DISCUSS THIS LATER!” And she flew into through the doorway like a missile.

The awkwardness in the air was palpable. “And just like that… relapse.” Bullseye said.


“Umm… Your Highness?” Quantum asked Twilight. The good princess was too busy drooling at the very sight of Quantum Tech’s mech suit to pay attention to anything else.

Knight’s Soul and Air Slash were in the room with them. “Highness!” The clan master said.

Spike gave his surrogate sister a rough nudge. “Twilight!”

Twilight snapped out of her entrancement. “Huh? Oh! Sorry, Quantum Tech. I’m just…”

Quantum giggled. “I’ve heard tell that you’ve quite the soft spot for science and technology. Seems ponies weren’t ‘whistling dixie’ as it were.”

Twilight sighed. “Guilty as charged. But seriously, this is SUCH an amazing construction you’ve made! You’ll have to show me you’re blueprints sometime.”

“As you wish.” Quantum said confidently. She clicked a button on her glasses that projected a holographic image of her mech’s blueprints in front of her audience. “Well?”

“My goodness!” Cheerilee said in awe. “You must’ve been the envy of your entire class, Quantum Tech!” Twilight fell back into her entrancement.

Quantum blushed. “Oh, stop! I cannot begin to recount how much trial and error it took to perfect these alone. Besides, it was Air Slash who forged the plating and armor for my mech suit.”

“That does not surprise me.” Knight’s Soul said. “Air Slash paid very close attention to his uncle’s strict instruction when he mastered his skills at our clan’s forge.”

Air Slash blushed. “Please, father. I was only doing as expected of our family.” He said humbly.
Knight’s Soul laughed. “To say nothing of the arms and armor you forged for your fellow Battle Foals. Even mythical pyranium… Now I know I gave you too little credit.”

“May I take a closer look at one of your swords, Air Slash?” Cheerilee asked.

Air Slash carefully drew one of his swords. “Of course, milady.” He presented his sword in both hooves, and the small town teacher marveled at the fine craftsmanship.

“Wow… I’d love to have the two of you to be guests in my class one day whenever I get around to teaching about your family.” Cheerilee said.

“I see no reason not to.” Knight’s Soul said. He then noticed that purple gems in the sword’s hilt. “I see you added to you blade, my boy.”

“Hm? Oh, yes. It’s the remnant of a gem golem that could conduct magic with its body. Both of my swords are now able to absorb and project various forms of magical energies.” Air Slash explained.

“Like you did back in Great Horn Temple!” Twilight said having an epiphany.

“Yes.” Air Slash said. “I… sincerely hope you weren’t harmed during that debacle.”

“We weren’t. Well, Rainbow Dash got jabbed pretty hard by Bullseye, but she’s a tough mare.” Twilight said. She refocused on the mech. “But this is still the star of the show! How does it work? How does it move? What’re its functions?” She fired off questions as she inspected the mech like a foal running around a Hearth’s Warmth tree.

“Well to begin, its main composition is-” She then noticed the good princess trying to pry into the cockpit “STOP! YOU’LL SET OFF THE-”

But it was too late. The mech suit produced a powerful electric jolt that zapped the Princess of Friendship silly. The charge then jumped to Air Slash’s still unsheathed sword, zapping him and his father, causing him to drop it towards Cheerilee, zapping her as well. She fell back from pain and landed on Spike zapping him as well. They all shrieked erratically as they were continuously zapped for a few seconds.

“Oooh…” Spike moaned.

All of them staggered to their feet with their fur and scales smoking. They all glared at am unharmed and very sheepish looking Quantum Tech. “Anti… theft… protocol…”


Kickback and Frostbite were in some lodging quarters where evacuees occupied. They had decided to help his dad, Film Noir, Twilight, and Spike manage their resources. “Thank you very much, you two. You’re such gentlecolts!” the actress said. “Well, one gentlecolt and gentledragon.”

Frostbite rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Potato, po-tah-to.”

Kickback tipped his hat. “Happy to oblige, Ms. Film Noir.”

“Just be careful with you’re guns, Kickback.” Spike said.

“Shoot. Y’all don’t need to worry none about Sound n’ Fury so long Ah’m keepin’ an eye on ‘em.” Kickback said.

“Yeah, seriously. Lay off my bro.” Frostbite said as he started moving some boxes over. He then noticed a fat cylindrical container resting atop a desk table nailed into the floorboard. “What’s that?”

“It’s a water dispenser, Frostbite. We store water in it and pout some out through this nozzle when we want some.” Twilight explained, demonstrating its function with a paper cup.

“Huh…” Frostbite said. He bent down and opened his mouth beneath the nozzle and let the water pour into it. “Pretty nifty.”

“Well Ah reckon that saves on cups.” Kickback said.

A mare evacuee walked up to them with her young son. “It hasn’t been keeping us very cool though.” She said.

“Can you put some ice in it, please?” the colt asked.

“I’m sorry, sweetie. We don’t have any ice.” Film Noir said, disappointing the colt.

Kickback looked at his draconic friend and shot him a wink. “Hold my water.” Frostbite said. He popped open the dispenser’s lid. He then exhaled some ice into his hands and crushed it, sprinkling it into the water and putting the lid back on. “I’ll be here all week.”

“Wow!” the colt said. He ran to the dispenser and got himself a cup of water, and sure enough, it was nicely chilled. “Thanks, Mr. Ice Dragon Guy!”

“It’s ‘Frostbite’, squirt.” The icy drake said. He then smiled and ruffled the colt’s mane. “And you’re welcome.”

“A dragon that breathes ice… That’s amazing! I wonder if I’ll ever start doing that?” Spike said.

Frostbite shrugged. “Probably not. Never breathed a flame my whole life. Always ice. Can’t explain it.”

Kickback contently started organizing some boxes of rations with his father. “Never thought I’d see the day you’d make friends with one of them dragon folk, boy.”

“Me neither. Word is they’re awful fine once ya get to know ‘em better.” Kickback said.

“Reckon that goes for just about any folk.” His dad said.

As Kickback was started moving some toiletries onto some shelves, he noticed that there was a filly about his age standing right next to and looking right at him. “Howdy, ma’am.”

The filly shyly smiled. “H-Hi…”

There was an awkward silence as Kickback tilted his head. “Is there… somethin’ Ah can help ya with?”

“Oh no, no. Just… uh… How’re you?” The filly nervously asked while blushing.

Kickback went back to his task while giving her attention. “Just fine, thanks. Yerself?”

“Ehehe…” The filly was having trouble looking him in the eye and pawing at the ground.

“‘Scuse me?” A small voice from behind him said. It was another filly, but she had a wry smile about her. “You have a nice coat.” She said.

Kickback was slightly startled at her comment. “Aw, shucks. Reckon it’s all dusty from all the places Ah’ve been.”

He then suddenly felt a third filly jump onto him from the side and hug him while giggling. “He’s too cute, girls!” She gave a big kiss on his cheek, and the other two started fawning over him as well.

“N-Now fillies, A-Ah sure appreciate the attention n’ all, b-but…” Kickback was helpless to stop them. His manners kept him from getting confrontational.

His dad saw this debacle and started laughing. “Oh, that brings back memories!”

“Yer not helpin’!” Kickback said just one of the fillies started making out with him.


Clanging and banging overwhelmed a small training room where Sky Strike and an Earth Pony Bladerunner named Obsidian Needle sparred with Turf War and Valkyrie. Sky Strike’s lance thrusts were swift and precise, but the two shield warriors blocked his strikes with all of their hardened strength. Valkyrie’s swordplay was able to match that of the trained Bladerunner, and they parried furiously. Meanwhile, Turf War’s imposing hammer prompted Sky Strike to keep his distance until he was ready to hit. They had an audience of Twilight, Knight’s Soul, and Luna.

“Man! Tidal Wave wasn’t trippin’ when he said you don’t play with your spear!” Turf War said.

Sky Strike swooped under Turf War’s hammer swing and thrust his spear, only for the street talker to block it vigorously. “He got it from somewhere, didn’t he?”

Just as Valkyrie’s and Needle’s swords slid off each other, the griffonlet knight launched her chain-linked shield at him. Needle jumped over the shield ad landed on the chain, pinning Valkyrie. He grabbed the chain and yanked her towards him, ready to swipe his blade. Valkyrie divebombed into it and parried the strike, pushing him off in the process.

“Splendid recovery, amigo!” Obsidian Needle said.

“Thanks! Like what you tried, kid.” Valkyrie replied.

Knight’s Soul stepped in. “Alright, I think that’s enough.” At his command the warriors went at ease. “Your reputation proceeds you, Bearer of the Valhalla. Very few Bladerunners show so much promise so young.”

Valkyrie preened her feathers. “Heh. Tell me something I don’t know.”

The sword master rolled his eyes at her pride and turned his attention to Turf War. “And you, young colt, your form is mildly uncontrolled, but I could feel the sheer strength behind your swings from a distance.”

“Hey, I’ll take it. Ain’t nopony perfect.” Turf War said.

“Well said, O mighty homie.” Luna said with a playful wink, surprising everyone in the room. “Valkyrie, I must dearly thank you for deciding to lend us your strength.”

“Don’t sweat it! Any two-bit winter enthusiast that could crawl it’s way over to Griffonstone has got a hot date with my sword.” Valkyrie said twirling her greatsword.

“Make it a double date! My hammer been talkin’ about ‘popsicles sound real good’ lately!” Turf War said.

Twilight giggled at the two and turned to Sky Strike. “You should really consider giving lancing lessons in Canterlot, Sky Strike. You’re a natural.”

Sky Strike blushed. “Aw, shucks. I didn’t train in Canterlot. What they learn from a Joe Schmoe like me?”

“Your son took after you, and he’s survived, hasn’t he?” Twilight asked.

Sky Strike chuckled. “Yeah, he has… Speaking of whom, where is he?”

“Beats me. How about we hit the grindstone? My sword’s kinda blunt.” Valkyrie said.

“Yes, yes.” Obsidian Needle said, extravagantly swinging his sword in a ‘Z’ motion. “My rose’s thorn must remain sharp.” His master rolled his eyes at him as they made their way.

“Could we search for Spiral Galaxy as well? I’d like to discuss with her possibly attending my sister’s school given her control of cosmic magic.” Luna said.

“I’d put in a good word for her! I’d love to learn how she even managed to do that.” Twilight said as they were coming to the door to the forge room.

“I still can’t over Tidal Wave being able to control water.” Sky Strike said as he opened the door. “Might have to ask his zebra buddy about making me- huh? Tidal Wave!?”

In a dim corner of the room were Tidal Wave and Spiral Galaxy passionately making out until the former’s father interrupted, and they broke off furiously blushing. “WHOA!! DAD!!!”

“AIIEE!!!” Spiral screamed and released a gravity pulse out of panic that rocked the whole room, knocking over everything and even shattering a few wooden racks. She buried her face in her hooves.

Tidal Wave tried to calm her down by weaving a halo of water over her, but he was as flustered as she was. “It’s ok, it’s ok! N-N-No need for a supernova! Ehehe…”

There was an awkward pause before Sky Strike tried to speak, only to be cut off by Turf War grabbing his leg and motioning for everyone to back out the door. “SO! Princess Luna, what you was sayin’ ‘bout that maid who keep gettin’ smashed?”


“Just hold still, sister. All will be well.” Greensprout said as she was treating a deckhand who had deeply cut her hoof on a splintered guardrail she was scraping out.

The wound healed completely within seconds, and the mare was able to stand. “Thanks, little lady!” she said before resuming her task, and said little lady saw her off with a bow and a smile.

“Miraculous magic, my child.” Zecora had approached from behind with Zebota and Shrapnel.

“Oh! I didn’t see you two.” Greensprout said. “Having a nice visit?”

“We are. It is a comfort to speak at ease with another of my people, and the rest of the ponyfolk seem unafraid of Shrapnel in my presence.” Zebota said.

“Well, we knew to expect him ever since he was first seen at the mountain temple.” Approaching them was Rarity, who looked like she had nothing better to do. “That said, we’re still a bit cautious given that he’s still a dangerous predator.”

Zebota sighed. “That is only fair…”

“Do not be disheartened, child that tames. Living things have a heart that beats all the same.” She contently looked up at the wooden titan. “Perhaps it will be you who opens the hearts of those who fear, and open the eyes of those whose sight is near.” She then happened to notice a familiar curly indigo tail sticking out from behind the ships main mast. “Such as Rarity over here.”

Greensprout giggled. “Please come out, sister. Shrapnel means no harm.”

Rarity nervously shuffled from around the mast and approached them. She could see Shrapnel curiously eyeing her, prompting her to avoid eye contact with him. “H-Hello, d-darlings.” Her smile was as fake as they come.

Zebota wasn’t hurt by her fear, but it was becoming a bit annoying by now, but an idea caused him to lighten up. “Shrapnel, lay down, my friend.” His beast obeyed, carefully laying his large body across the small section of the deck he occupied, looking very relaxed. “Does this ease you, dramatic one?” he asked Rarity.

“I-I suppose.” Rarity said. She’d seen Fluttershy interact with them with no problem on occasion, if only because she had the ability to tame beasts much like Zebota. That was enough to make her feel safe enough to approach Shrapnel. “H-Hello… Shrapnel.”

Greensprout stood next to Rarity. “Be at ease.” She said. “Shrapnel, can you say ‘hello’ back? Be gentle.”
Shrapnel slowly bent his head down and lightly nuzzled the nervous Rarity. “Hm?” She quickly felt the genuine kindness from the beast and took a liking to the affection. “Oh! You sweet thing.” She happily started scratching around his nose where she could reach, and Shrapnel started grunting in delight.

“I have never seen him react quite like this.” Zebota said.

Rarity giggled. “No complaints here!” She got more excited as Shrapnel’s breathing became heavier… and heavier. Eventually, the wooden titan reared up and inhaled greatly, and then violently exhaling… into a sneeze.

“EEP!” Greensprout quickly jumped out of the way, but Rarity was covered in mucus filled with splinters. She held completely still and with breathless horror as Shrapnel innocently wiped his nose. “Umm… I’m just… gonna go to the med bay. P-Play nice.” Greensprout said shuffling away.

Zecora awkwardly stared at Rarity while Zebota slowly looked up at his titan. “Gods bless you…” he said.



As Film Noir was finishing up organizing sleeping bags for the evacuees, she noticed a lone figure sitting quietly in the corner atop an old supply crate. When she looked more closely, se saw that it was Bullseye. Having heard of her aggression, she cautiously approached the archer. “What’re you doing here, honey?”

Bullseye slowly turned her head halfway so that her good eye was barely facing her. “Just chilling.” She faced away again.

Feeling some tension, Film Noir backed away a little. “You’re not playing with your friends?”

Bullseye took an audibly nervous breath. “Nah. They uh… get you tired after a while.”

Film Noir decided to calmly sit down next to her. “I heard you weren’t treated very well by your parents, honey.”

“Ehh, forget about them.” Bullseye said. “They can’t hurt me anymore.”

“I know. That’s wonderful isn’t it?” Film Noir said, but Bullseye seemed to curl up a bit. “Do you want to talk about it, sweetie? That always helps.”

Bullseye slowly turned to the actress, but she shivered upon making eye contact while making a glare. “J-Just… go f*** yourself!” And she hurriedly flew away.

Film Noir sighed heavily. “I took that too fast didn’t I? She might not be ready to trust.”