//------------------------------// // Consequences. // Story: Rainbows. // by Arial_Dreemmurr //------------------------------// "After the 'suicide' of Spitfire a lot of things have changes. In the Wonderbolts and Cloudsdale too. But I'm getting ahead of myself.. After they found her and her note it was news all over Cloudsdale 'Equestria stresses their ponies to the point of suicide. Spitfire's story' Eversince they found out everyone has been treating her like some saint and stuff like that. It's also time for her funeral now.. I hope I'll be able to get through it.." I walked through the giant church door and walked in. I was nervous. I still felt awfull about what I've done and I'm still scared if they find out some day. Anyways I got in and saw almost everyone from Cloudsdale there. Some were even standing because almost all the seats were full and the empty seats were kept for the more important ponies. I had a place saved for me with the Wonderbolts. I was looking looking across the room when I heard a familiar voice behind me. "Hey Dash!" I looked and saw Twilight and my other friends there. "Oh hey! I didn't know you guys were going to come." "We're elements of harmony. We kinda have to." Twilight didn't look like she wanted to be here. I shrugged. "I'm part of the Wonderbolts and I would feel bad if would skip something like this." "You did know her better than most of the ponies here." Apple Jack mentioned. "Yea.." I noticed something in the corner of my eye and saw Soarin signing me to come sit in the empty seat next to him. "I'm going to my seat. I'll see you guys later." They nodded and we went to our seats. I came to my seat and Soarin gave me a smile. "I saved you a seat." "Thx Soarin.." I sat down and failed to keep up a smile. Soarin's smile faded. "What's wrong Rainbow?" I looked at him and pointed at the scene infront of us. "That." "Oh come on.." He put a hoof around me and gave me a small smile. "It's not THAT bad." I looked away stayed quiet for a few seconds before responding. "Yes it is.. This isn't right.. We did something awfull and you expect me to keep a smile like nothing happened??" "That's not at all what I want. Just think about it. This has been like a revolution of ponykind. Just think of all the positive changes that happened." He gave me a smile again. I shuck my head. "That doesn't change anything.. We still did it and it's bad. Even with the good things that came after." "It was just an accident, and nobody found out and nobody will find out. As long as we just play it cool. It'll be ok. I'm here Dash." He put a hoof on my hoof and smiled again. I knew he was right. I knew it wasn't right but this is better than everyone knowing what we did. I forced a small smile on my face. "You're right.. I shouldn't worry about it. Thx Soarin." He put a hood around me and watched as they started the funeral. "No problem." I looked forward too and tried my best to keep myself together until the end of it. It was hard but I managed to do it. It was the end of the funeral and I got through it only shedding a few tears when they read the 'suicide' note. We got off our seats and started walking through the hall. "See, that wasn't that hard." Soarin commented having a smile on his face. "Whatever dork. I'll see you at practice." He nodded and walked out. I saw my friends leaving their seats too and I waited for them. When they were there I forced a smile back on my face. "Hey guys." "Hey." I could see they were all trying to keep a smile. "So uhm.." I looked away trying to keep myself together. "Crazy thing huh?" It was a stupid thing to say but it was the only thing I could think of. "I guess you can call it that.." Twilight mentioned. I could see they weren't fooled my my fake smile. "You alright?" "Yea.. I'm fine.." I tried my best to sound alright but failed miserably. They all gave me a hug and Pinkie Pie of all people gave me a sad smile. "It's alright to feel sad Dashie." I didn't know what we did had such great impact on people even if they didn't know them well. That made me feel even worse.. Apple Jack continued. "Especially after something like this.." Twilight nodded in agreement. "Yea. Suicides haven't been a thing in Equestia eversince Discord was still evil." That was an even worst thing to know. But even with this horrible new information I just got I put on a smile. "Thx guys.." We let go of the hug and Twilight gave me a smile. "No problem. That's what friends are for." I knew I couldn't hold it for long and quickly made an excuse to leave. "Yea. I have to go now. Still got things to do at home and stuff like that." Before they could say something I quickly sped away. I didn't look back and just kept flying until I was home. I got in my room and let myself fall on my bed. I felt terrible. I got the blacket and got to bed early. I didn't feel like doing anything else that day. I just hoped I would feel better next day. I woke up again not really feeling any better. Still I got up and did my usual morning routine. Me and Soarin were going to fly to practice together today. He said he wanted to check up on me that way. I knew he didn't mean it just like me and I was happy to have him with me in a time like this. I finished and after a few minutes I saw Soarin at my door. I gave him a smile. "Good morning. You ready for practice?" He returned the smile. "Yea. Let's talk on the way there ok?" He flew up and I joined him. "Sure" On our way to practice we talked about the 'suicide' some more. We can't even let anyone know what we did or what happened. We promised eachother again to stay quiet about it and split up to our practice. I got in the arena and saw Misty Fly in an outfit that looked a lot like a captain outfit that Spitfire always wore. She also held a paper. She noticed me. "Crash, finally you're here." I landed and saw Fleetfoot noticed me too. She looked at me like saying 'I don't know what she's doing' but she didn't want to ask about it. I looked confussed at Misty. "What are you wearing?" She rolled her eyes like it was obvious. "It's a captain uniform. I got them from Spitfire's locker. Don't I look great in it?" We both quietly nodded just to please her. Fleetfoot spoke now too. "Anyways.. Now that Spitfire is gone.. What now?" "Well obviously.." Her smile got bigger before she finished. "I'LL be the new captain!" "What!?" We both said in unison. "Someone HAS to replace her. And I would be the best to do so." Before we could say anything against her she blew on her whistle. "Now let's start! 25 rounds around the arena!" "We never do that many!" Fleetfoot said getting in the air. "I'm the captain now! I get to decide what YOU have to do! Now, fly!!!" We did as she said and flew up. Misty was quick to point out all the mistakes of me and Fleetfoot. And she wasn't that nice about it. She made us do so much that it felt more like torture than practice. And I could see from Fleetfoot that she felt the same way. When practice was over we just left to our lockers. Fleetfoot was in the middle of a small rant. "I mean, who wanted her to be captain? Spitfire sure didn't cause she was never as good as me! You saw it yourself. I flew the obstacle course faster than she could ever do! So how could she decide to be captain like that! Doesn't she need like a paper of that or something??" She was very frustrated and just trotted around in a circle only stopping to her my oppinion on the matter. I just nodded "I guess it was pretty selfish of her." I knew it wasn't right what she did but I didn't want to rat her out. "Understatement of the year! She's way more than that. She's like.. Some evil dictator or something!" But she wasn't trying to be nice.. I shrugged. "Maybe, but what she said was true. Someone needed to replace her. You can't leave the team without a captain." "Still she should have come to us about it so we could all decide for it instead of her deciding it on her own. It's like an election with 1 person voting and that person being the one running for it!" She did have a point. "We can probably talk to her next time. Let's just keep it here for now." She sighed. "You're right. We'll talk to her about it next time." She put her stuff in her locker and walked out. "See you next time Dash!" "You too!" She left the room and I finished up too. I Always waited for Soarin outside of the arena. It was one of the highest clouds on Cloudsdale and you could see everything from up there. I was waiting for him when I saw a suprise walking to me. "Look who's here to see my favorite pegasus~" I looked over and saw Zephyr Breeze there. "Zephyr?? What are you doing here??" "I thought I'd give a small suprise visit. I know how happy you must be to see me~" I almost felt like vomiting when he said that. "It was a suprise alright.." He smiled. "Now don't worry! I got way more!" He got a blue suit out of his bag and showed it to me. "Don't you think I would looked totally amazing is this thing Rainbows?" "A Wonderbolt uniform!?" How could he have that?? How!? "Yep. I thought this would be the best time for me to get in. And I'm happy to get to fly with you Dash." It did make sense. Now that Spitfire wasn't aproving them anymore it's easier for 'good' flyers to get in. "Whatever. Just get to where you're going. I'm waiting for a friend." "Actually I don't have anywhere to go to now so I'm sure you wont mind of I join you." He sat down next to me and gave me a smirk. I just prayed for Soarin to finish soon. I sat there with him for a bit before I saw Soarin. I quickly got to him seeying Zephyr following behind me. Soarin noticed me. "Hey Dash!" I got to him and smiled. "Hey Soarin. You ready?" "Sure-" He noticed Zephyr. "Who's that?" "He's not impo-" I couldn't continue before he interupted me. "I'm Zephyr Breeze. Nice to meet ya. So, what are we gonna do Rainbows~?" I couldn't keep it in anymore. "We aren't doing anything! Just get your own life and leave mine!" Zephyr looked at me for a second before getting a small smile. "Alright then.. Could have just told me so earlier tho." He started walking away still keeping that dumb smile. "Well.. Bye then." He flew away and I sighed in relief. Soarin looked very confussed. "What was that all about?" "I'll explain later. Now, lets go. I want to start the fun!" I flew up and he followed. We wanted to stay at eachother's places for a night and it was my turn first. Like all the times before we had a lot of fun. Maybe a little too much.. It was late and we sat on my bed just chatting a bit. "Anyways, are you going to tell me who that stalion was?" Soarin asked me again. "That's Zephyr Breeze. He's the brother of my best friend. I didn't know he would be there." I explained. He nodded and continued. "Alright.. It looked like he was bothering you." I nodded. "He is pretty annoying.. Eversince Fluttershy introduced him he has been running after me like crazy." "Wow.. That must suck." I nodded again. "I asked him to leave me alone almost every time but he never listens." I saw him thinking before getting a grin. "Want to do something fun?" I got a grin too now. "What's are you thinking about?" "I thought we could pull a small prank on him. Then you can get back at him." I really liked that idea. "I'm in! Got any ideas?" "Hmm.." He looked around the room and then got up to look in some desks. "We need it to be big. So he'll really get the point." I remembered something Fluttershy gave me once that would be perfect for it. "I think I got the perfect thing then!" I went to one of the desks and got out a few tranquilizers with two small guns. "What do you think." I asked already grinning of imagining his reaction. "Tranquilizers?" He got one of them and inspected them. "What's in this?" "It's something Fluttershy gave me for tank. It is strong enough to put anything to sleep a second after injection. It will last a few minutes but I thought we could set him up in that time. Embarras him a little ya know." "That sounds awesome! Let's do it!" I got a smile. "Great! I'll get him to come to the highest cloud in cloudsdale. No one will be able to hear us up there." Soarin got the gun and started pilling them up with the tranquilizers. "I can get these ready." I made sure Zephyr Breeze would be there and we set out to pull the prank. We came a bit early to the location to discuss the plan one last time. "So I'll hide and when you count to three we'll shoot!" Soarin said with a grin. I nodded. "He won't know what's comin' for him." We hear some sounds and Soarin hid behind the cloud. I hid the gun under my wing and waited there. I saw Zephyr landing on the cloud. "Why did you ask me to come so late? I'll miss my 10 hours of sleep." I rolled my eyes and got a smile again. "I thought things over and realised I wasn't the nicest today. I just wanted to apologize." He got a smile. "Oh, it's alright. I already forgave you Rainbows~" He started walking to me but I signed for him to stay there. "It's better if you stay over there. I have a suprise." He nods with an excited smile. "Alright. Is it somewhere around here?" "Sorta.. I'll count to three and then I'll show you, ok?" I already got my grip on the trigger so it was ready. He nods again and I started. "One.. Two…" "Three!" Me and Soarin said in unison as we both pulled the trigger. He got hit by them and we both started laughing. "Did you see his face?? It was great!" I said excited. "I know! Now lets make this even greater!" We walked to his unconcious body but noticed something off. He wasn't breathing. "Zephyr..?" I started nudging at him a little. "You're just unconcious right?" I really started to panic now. "Zephyr!?" Soarin got it now too and his smile faded. "Oh Celestia.. Did we kill him?" "I-I think so.." I checked the description on the tranquilizers and knew we messed up 'Warning: Only one at a time. Too much can be deadly.' "Me messed up.." He read it too and realised it too. He looked at me just as panicked. "Do you have paper?" I knew from last time what he wanted to do. "You serious? Again?" "How else are we going to covor this up??" I looked and saw a clean paper in a nearby trashcan. "What do we even write on here?" "Uhm.." He thought for a minute before he got a smile. "I already know something." He started writing and I looked at him confussed. "You're reason is him being gay??" "Yea. It's not very commen in Equestria so it could work. Did you think of anything else then?" "Not really.." I looked at his dead body again. "Just make it quick.."