//------------------------------// // 15. The Power of Friendship (Part 2) // Story: Sunset's Wonderful Life // by sonicfan05 //------------------------------// Everyone quickly turned towards the sound of a voice, only to gasp in shock after seeing three familiar kids and a dog near the door. "Apple Bloom!" "Sweetie Belle!" "Scootaloo!" "Spike!" The four teens stared at their younger siblings (and dog) for a moment, happy and relieved that they were here safe and sound, only that it was short-lived when all four suddenly had anger expressions on their faces. "Where have YOU been!?" The four teens yelled angrily. The CMC’s and Spike winced from their sisters (and owner) shouting. Before either one of them responded, a new voice spoke up. "They're with me!" Everyone turned towards the direction of a new voice just as a police officer entered the gym. Both Twilights gasped when they recognized who that person was. "Shining Armor!" They cried in unison. Shining Armor blinked as he stared at two Twilights. “Am I more tired then I thought or am I really seeing two of my sisters?” Before anyone said anything, Rarity cut in. "What's going on?" Rarity asked, both out of confusion and dread. "Did our sisters get themselves into trouble… again?" Putting his shock of double Twilights aside, Shining Armor shook his head. "No, they didn't cause any trouble… this time at least!" "We caught the bad guys!" Scootaloo cried cheerfully! Applejack blinked. "Bad guys?" As Applejack questioned that statement, three new people were dragged into the gym with each one paired up with two cops with handcuffs behind their backs. To everyone’s shock they were the same ones who claimed to be working for the town. There was also something familiar about those three but no one could recall where they saw them before. Following them, more police officers walked into the gym. What caught everyone’s attention was that each officer was carrying a box, which contained the stolen toys that were missing from the storage room for the party. “HEY! That’s our toys!” Sunset exclaimed. "We noticed these guys were actin’ strangely earlier at the party!” Apple Bloom spoke up, getting everyone’s attention. “And when we saw them takin’ somethin’ from the school to their trucks, we knew somethin’ was up!" "Turns out, they stole all the toys from the storage!” Sweetie Belle added. “So we followed them until we're at a warehouse near the docks! They would've burned all those toys to the ground if we hadn't called Officer Armor!" "You girls did the right thing of calling me once you reached the building!" Shining Armor praised with a smile before he frowned sternly. "But next time, don't try to follow them again!" "You follow them!?" Applejack screamed, scaring the younger Apple sibling. "Apple Bloom, why didn't ya call the police then?" "Or better yet, why didn't you come to us?” Rarity added just as angrily. “Do you have any idea of what just happened or how dangerous this was?" "And you followed them Spike!?" Twilight demanded. Spike gulped. "I-I would've come to you right away Twilight!” Spike defended nervously. “B-but I followed them to make sure that they didn't get themselves hurt!" "And if we haven't followed them, they would've gotten away with those stolen toys!" Sweetie added. Apple Bloom nodded. “We knew that it was risky and that you all don’t like that we ran off without tellin’ ya, but we knew that any second longer, it would be too late!” Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Twilight looked at each other for a moment before they nodded and faced their siblings and dog again. "Alright, we'll admit, if y’all haven’t followed them, we wouldn’t get our toys back!” Applejack admitted on behalf of the group. “You four really saved the day!" Apple Bloom smiled in relief. "Thanks Applejack!" Applejack’s eyes narrowed. "But also because of yer stunt, yer grounded!" "WAT!" Apple Bloom screeched. "And you're also grounded once our parents heard of this Sweetie Belle!" Rarity added. "Aw C'mon Rarity!" Sweetie Belle whined. Scootaloo stared at her idol/sister figure with a nervous expression, expecting to get punished too. Rainbow Dash noticed this and gave her her sly expression. "Don't worry Scoots! You're not grounded since we're technically not related by blood!" Rainbow Dash whispered slyly, making Scootaloo feel at ease. Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash was loud enough for both Applejack and Rarity to hear and they both gave her their expected glares. Rainbow Dash noticed their glares and nearly gulped. "Buuuuuuuuut, once your Aunts hear about this... my hands are tied," Rainbow Dash added in her apologetic tone, causing Scootaloo to groan loudly in defeat. "Ah shoot!" Spike walked up to Twilight and then looked up to her with his ears drooped and a nervous expression. “Am I in trouble too?” Twilight stared at her dog for a moment with an unreadable expression before she let out a sigh. “Well... considering that you were making sure that these girls are safe, I’ll let this one slide.” Her eyes then narrowed. “But don’t you EVER ran off without letting me know again! Understand?” Spike nodded, making Twilight smile. “Good!” she said before she picked up her dog, nuzzling him affectionately. The three CMC’s pouted at the sight of Twilight hugging her dog. “Hey, no fair!” Sweetie Belle complained. “How come Spike gets rewarded while we get punished?” Rarity crossed her arms. “Because despite that he followed you girls, Spikey-Wikey was being responsible by keeping you three safe from harm!” Sweetie Belle and her friends grumbled in response. The girls and the rest of the student body then set their eyes on three suspects who were currently held by police officers. They didn’t recognize any of these suspects until three of the Equestria Girls widen their eyes in realization. "Hey! It's that same girl who helped me with the food, claiming that Sunset told her to help me!" Pinkie exclaimed as she eyed the girl with a long blue ponytail. "And so was that gal who said Sunset sent her to help with the stage!" Applejack added as she stared at the scowling girl with purple pigtails. "And that's the girl who offered to keep an eye of my clothes per Sunset's suggestion!" said Rarity while studying the third girl with huge orange hair. Rarity rubbed her chin in thought as she looked at each of the three suspects. "Although, those three looked very familiar, but I can’t seem to grasp who they are!" "That's because they have THESE on!" Apple Bloom announced as she and her friends pulled the necklaces off from their necks before any of the officers could stop them. Once again, multi-colored aura glowed briefly, sounding the three suspects before the light evaporated into thin air. After that light display, everyone gasped in shock once their memories were no longer resisted from some strange force. "It's the Dazzlings!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. With widened eyes, Sunset stared at the three sirens as the first two scowling at her while Sonata was waving at her with a sheepish expression. "Adagio, Aria... and Sonata?" Sunset uttered before she growled. “What are you three doing here and why are you doing this?” Adagio scoffed. "Hmph! We're doing this as revenge against you girls, especially you, Sunset Shimmer for ruining our lives! So the we figured we’ll get back at you and the school by ruining this event and your precious Christmas party!" “But how did you do it?” Sunset demanded. Adagio and the other sirens turned away, refusing to answer. Princess Twilight turned towards Apple Bloom. “Those medallions, let me see them!” Apple Bloom obliged as she handed them over to Princess Twilight. Princess Twilight inspected the three medallions for a moment before her eyes widened. “I don’t believe this… these necklaces are from Equestria!” “You know these necklaces Princess Twilight?” Sunset inquired. Princess Twilight nodded. “Yes, I read about them once. These medallions were originally from the ancient civilization of the sirens many moons ago! At some point, the Sirens powers were getting weak and couldn’t use their abilities to conquest other nations. So they enchanted these medallions in hopes to use their original powers and other abilities in case if they completely lost their powers. Unfortunately for them… their race passed on before they could use them and the medallions were lost ever since.” “You’re wrong about one thing Princess!” Adagio sneered. “They were never lost! The few Sirens who survived managed to hide them for safekeeping, until we got our hands on them as our backup to conquer this pathetic planet! But we used it as revenge instead!” Rainbow Dash crossed her arms. “How’s that working out for ya?” she mocked. Adagio growled in response. “What do you mean… ‘other abilities’?” Sunset asked. Princess Twilight’s brow furrowed. “From what I could remember, almost each one gave them abilities to turn invisible, levitate, go through walls and the most interesting one of all, preventing anyone who saw them won’t be able to recognize the user!” “So dat’s how both our parties got ruined twice!” Applejack exclaimed. “Those snakes used them this whole time, ruinin’ our party and put the blame on Sunset!” “Seeing Sunset and this cursed school go down in flames would’ve been a sweet revenge for us!” said Adagio. She then scowled angrily before she turned and glared at the CMC’s. "And we would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids!" "A-hem!" Adagio rolled her eyes. "Oh… and that mangy dog too!" Spike held his chest and head up high with pride. "Hey look on the bright side, at least we got ourselves some free tacos!~" Sonata said cheerfully. Aria growled in annoyance. "UGH! Go back to sleep Sonata!" Sonata frowned. “Well you’re just mad because you didn’t get to have them after our deal we have with–” “I think that’s quite enough!” Cinch said quickly, cutting Sonata off. “I believe these hooligans should be taken away and locked up at once!” Adagio looked appalled by Cinch’s words. “Hey, we have a dea–” Wait… was Adagio going to say, “deal”? Sunset thought. Suddenly her eyes widened when she put two and two together. “Hey, wait a minute…” Sunset then glared accusingly at Cinch. “You and the Dazzling are working together weren’t you?” Everyone was shocked by this revelation while Cinch scoffed. “You dare accused me, girl?” Cinch exclaimed. “Why would I be working with such low lives as those three?” “Because you also wanted to get back at us as revenge by joining them!” Sunset answered. “And trying to get me out of the picture was one of them! And you dare telling me that I’M the bad one!” Sunset then turned to her friends. “I’ll admit… that almost worked… if not for my friends!” The Equestria Girls gave Sunset their supporting smiles before glaring at Cinch. "Don’t be absurd!" Cinch scoffed. “She’s obviously lying!” She then turned to Shining Armor. “Officer, arrest those kids for refusing to listen to their authority!” “Shining Armor crossed his arms. “No can do ma’am. I’m these kids did nothing wrong, especially that you are acting more suspicious then them!” “Oh really?” Cinch said with a grin as she walked over to the Mayor, who was strangely quiet this whole time. “Why don’t we ask her? She then leaned over towards the Mayor and lightly grasped her cobra medallion. “These kids are obviously in the wrong and they deserved to be punished! Don’t you agree Ms. Mare?” "...yes,” Mayor Mare responded slowly. “I... agree." Everyone began to protest how rediculous the Mayor was acting while Sunset had a thoughtful look as she stared at Cinch’s medallion. While Cinch was touching her necklace, Sunset spotted something glowing from the cobra’s eyes again. Unlike last time that she thought it was just a reflection, this time she paid close attention to it. She noticed that the cobra’s eyes were not glowing from the light reflection, it was actually glowing on its own in bright red. Sunset also sensed felt a very familiar force coming from the medallion as its eyes glow. What really disturbed her the most was the Mayor had that same glowing red eyes as the cobra of the medallion. Suddenly, Sunset’s eyes widened when she recalled all of Rebecca’s words from earlier echoing within her mind. “There was one person who is not only immune to their ‘magic’, but also made a deal with them so that she could use one of their artifacts so that she can control over the people too.” "They would've got her under their spell just like the others… if not for that artifact she found." "That artifact has the same ability as the Dazzlings, but without the music. The artifact has a face of a cobra with magical ruby jewels as its eyes. Anyone who sees them, their minds are instantly controlled by the welder. But the real kicker... was that these artifacts originally belonged to those sirens." "The sirens brought it along with them as a backup in case something happens to their powers. They hid their artifacts after their arrival to this world, but Cinch ended up finding them." It was then that Sunset realized that Rebecca wasn't just telling her what Cinch could have done without her being born, she was also warning her what Cinch was about to do now! Sunset remembered that there were four Equestrian artifacts that the sirens brought over to this world. The first three artifacts were already taken away from the Dazzlings, but Cinch was holding the forth medallion, and she was using it to control the Mayor right now. Sunset knew what she had to do. "Mayor Mare, what is wrong with you?" Principal Celestia exclaimed, appalled by the Mayor’s behavior. "I know what's wrong!" Sunset exclaimed as she immediately got close to Cinch and yanked the cobra medallion away from Cinch’s neck. "HEY!" Cinch shouted. Before Cinch could stop her, Sunset threw the necklace on the ground and then stomped on it, breaking it into several pieces. "MY ARTIFACT!" Cinch screamed. Red sparks suddenly appeared throughout the broken cobra medallion until it exploded and red spoke shot up into the air and then exploded again into small particles. At the same time, Mayor Mare’s eyes slowly changed from light red into blue and the older woman let out a loud groan as if she had just woke up from a very long slumber. "Wha… what happened?” Mayor Mare slurred. Once she got her bearings, Mayor Mare looked around with a look of confusion on her face. Once she spotted Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, she was immediately surprised as if this was the first time she had saw her. “Miss Celestia... Miss Luna?” Mayor Mare exclaimed. “Where am I? And why am I here at your school?" Both ladies blinked, taken back with the Mayor’s sudden mood change. "You... really don't remember Mayor?" Principal Celestia inquired. Mayor Mare slowly shook her head. "No…” She then grasped her head, feeling a major headache as she was trying to recollect her thoughts. “Last I remembered… I was signing much-needed paperwork for the upcoming Thanksgiving Parade for our town. My newest aide Cinch then wanted to show me something for the parade then… nothing!" Everyone at the gym, sans Sunset, was shocked and horrified by this revelation, which the Mayor noticed. “...W-what?” Mayor Mare asked, both confused and nervous from their reactions. Vice Principal Luna cleared her throat with an uncomfortable look on her face. “Mayor… that was a month ago! And today’s Christmas Eve!” Mayor Mare’s eyes widened in shock. “W-WHAT!? Impossible!?” She screeched, panic shown on her face. “How is this Christmas already!? How many meetings did I miss!? And why can’t I remember anything!?” Before the Mayor was on full breakdown, Sunset scooped up the broken cobra medallion. "Mayor, you've been brainwashed!" Sunset announced before showing the medallion. "Your “aide” was using this to hypnotize you and then controlling you just to get what she wanted this whole time, including trying to shut down our school!" Mayor Mare inspected the medallion with a shock expression before it was turned into rage. "W-w-w-what? ...WHAT!?" She turned towards Cinch to demand answers, only to see Cinch who was trying to sneak away towards the door during the commotion. "Cinch!” Mayor screamed. “Where do you think you're going, you snake!?" Cinch was slowly stepping away with a nervous grin. “M-Miss Mayor! Please… allow me to explain–” “Officer Armor!” Mayor Mare shouted. “Arrest that woman!” Not needed to be told twice, Shining Armor immediately made his way over to Cinch. The Equestria Girls and the rest of the student body also decided to slowly go after Cinch to keep her from escaping. Cinch hurried herself backing away from the crowd towards the door until she felt like she bumped into someone. Cinch quickly turned around, only to be shocked and confused when she saw who had stopped her. The person she bumped into was a woman and was dressed in a white and golden gown and a golden tiara on her head. But what stood out to Cinch the most was that not only this woman had a familiar face, but also a very familiar blue, green and pink hairstyle. “Going somewhere?” The woman asked in an aggressive tone. Both Sunset Shimmer and Princess Twilight gasped. “Princess Celestia!” they exclaimed in unison. Cinch quickly looked behind her to see Principal Celestia, who was just as shocked to see her doppelganger before turning back to Princess Celestia with a perplexed look. “Who… who are you!?” Cinch demanded in her fearful tone. Princess Celestia narrowed her eyes. “Someone you don’t want to run into after messing with MY daughter!” Cinch began to panic as she looked around the room with everyone closing in on her. She couldn’t believe that her laid out plans were falling apart and with no hope to escape, even her “minions” refused to help her after being double-crossed by her. In desperation, Cinch looked around until she noticed that she was right next to the CMC’s and in a split second, she grabbed Sweetie Belle and held close to her. "Stay back! All of you!" Cinch screamed. Sweetie Belle started screeching in fear as everyone else gasped as Cinch now has her hostage. "Sweetie Belle!" Rarity screamed in horror. "Take another step closer or else this girl gets it!" Cinch threatened as she held up her phone from her other hand. "And let's not forget, I still have these videos of you girls! Try anything funny, and I'll send these to the public and your lives will be ruined!" Sunset and her friends growled in rage. What Cinch did to Sunset and the rest of the school was despicable enough just for petty revenge. But kidnapping a child just to use by any means of escaping had gone too far. They don’t care if their lives get exposed at this point, but they don’t want to risk Sweetie Belle any more danger than she already was. Cinch smirked triumphantly, feeling in control of this situation. While she was now pretty much exposed, she can at least finally have her revenge on those brats who ruined her reputation. While the standoff was happing, no one noticed the purple dog stealthfully sneaked around the crowd and then slowly approached Cinch from behind. Once he noticed Cinch was lowering her guard, Spike jumped towards Cinch and bit her arm where it held Sweetie. “YOW!” Cinch screamed in pain, as she immediately let go of Sweetie Belle, which allowed her to escape and ran over to hug her sister for safety. Cinch tried to pry herself off from Spike, but Spike held her on like a vice grip. As Cinch continued to struggle, she finally took a good look at Spike and her eyes widened in horror. For you see, it was common knowledge back at Crystal Prep that Cinch is allergic to dogs, which was partly why she banned them from ever entering the building. Just the sight of Spike intently made her eye glossy, severe itchiness from where Spike had bitten and most importantly, her nose began running, which lead her to a very loud, strong and unladylike sneeze. Her sneeze not only made Spike to finally let go of her arm but also she unintentionally let go of her phone, which was flown into the air. By the time Cinch realized this, her phone had crashed onto the floor with a sickening crunch, broken into two beyond repair. Just like that, her only copy of those videos and her leverage against those “magical” brats was destroyed. "Nooooooo!" Cinch screamed in despair as Shining and the rest of the officers to finally nab her before she could have the chance of escaping or harm anyone else. “Well here goes that entertainment!” Aria said in her dull tone while Adagio smirked at Cinch’s schadenfreude and Sonata mindlessly hummed “Jingle Bells”. Glad that Sweetie Belle was unharmed, she walked over to Cinch and crossed her arms. "It's over Cinch!” Sunset announced with a huge grin on her face. “You have lost with nowhere to go and no more leverage for you to use against us!" Cinch growled in anger as Shining Armor handcuffed her from behind her back. "Abacus Cinch, you are under arrest for abducting and then brainwashing the Mayor, abuse use of power, being the mastermind of vandalism, stalking and blackmailing these kids and almost ruining Christmas!" Shining Armor stated. "Enjoy spending Christmas alone in jail Cinch!" Rainbow Dash taunted as Cinch was slowly dragged away towards the door with the officers. “This isn’t over!” Cinch snarled as she was glaring at the girls despite being dragged away. “Somehow, someday, I will have my revenge! I swear it!” “Yeah, yeah, tell that down by the station!” Shining Armor interrupted before Cinch and his colleagues disappeared out the door leading outside. He then faced the girls. “Everyone okay?” “We’re okay Shining Armor, thanks to you!” said Twilight with a smile. “I only help put handcuffs on this lady!” said Shining as he beamed at a certain canine. “Spike’s the one who saved Sweetie Belle! He’s the real hero!” Everyone praised Spike for his bravery and heroic actions, causing Spike to blush humbly, even as Sweetie Belle kissed him from the top of his head. “My hero!” Sweetie Belle squeaked happily. Twilight made a mental note to add something extra to Spike’s stocking for tonight. “Okay guys, take these creeps back to our vehicles!” Shining Armor ordered as he heads back outside. As the cops lead the Dazzlings towards the door, Sonata suddenly gasped as if she just realized the situation she was in. "Oh no! Is Santa still going to deliver the presents to me even in prison?” Sonata asked out loud as she was lead out the door. “I was hoping for a sombrero and a couple of maracas for this year!" "Shut up Sonata!" Aria growled as she followed Sonata. Adagio rolled her eyes in annoyance, not looking forward to spending her time in prison with these two idiots. "Christmas... bah humbug!" Adagio grunted as she disappeared out the door. Vice Principal Luna let out a sigh, exhausted from the events. “Gotta say, this is without a doubt the wackiest Christmas we ever have in our school! Pinkie, who overheard Luna, shrugged playfully. “Eh, to us, it’s only Tuesday!” Vice Principal Luna only gave Pinkie her blank stare. Sunset Shimmer slowly approached the Equestrian Celestia with a surprised expression. “Princess... Celestia?” Princess Celestia turned towards Sunset with a gentle smile. “Hello… my little Sun.” Before she could blink, Sunset ran over to her and hugged her tightly. “PRINCESS CELESTIA!” Sunset cried, tears spilling from her eyes. While she was relieved that she was okay from Princess Twilight, but to see her mentor and mother figure alive and well in person truly made her happy. Princess Celestia smiled and hugged her back. “It’s good to see you again my little Sun. I wished we meet again under better circumstances. Did you missed me?” “More than you know!” Sunset broke her hug and looked up to her mentor. “What are you doing here? Not that I’m complaining.” “Twilight,” she paused as she saw two Twilights. “Princess Twilight,” she corrected. “Sent me a message that you were missing. So I dropped everything to come here to this world to find you.” She then frowned. “It’s a good thing I did, especially that I overheard what that woman did to you and helped catch her before she escaped. She’s very lucky that she was taken away before I could punish her myself!” Sunset cocked an eyebrow. “May I ask what kind of punishment?” Celestia had a dark look. “Let’s just say… the place I had in mind to imprison her will be very hot!” Sunset shuddered from her mentor’s tone before she quickly smiled. “Um… have you met my friends?” Sunset then introduced her mentor to her friends one by one. She was very happy that her friends greeted her with opened arms while her mentor responded back with warm reception. What really amused her was when Princess Celestia introduced herself to her doppelganger. At first, it was a bit awkward between the two of them, but then slowly they opened up and acted like they each met their long lost twin sisters. As the two Celestias continued their conversation, Sunset noticed that Mayor Mare was talking quietly to Vice Principal Luna, still in shock about her being hypnotized this whole time. She cautiously approached the woman and gently cleared her throat to get their attention. “Um… Miss Mare? Is our school still shut down and our party’s canceled?” Everyone set their eyes on the Mayor with a sad and worried look, remembering what happened hours ago. Thankfully, after being informed by both Principals, Mayor Mare gave them all their assuring looks. “Fret not everyone!” said Mayor Mare with a smile. “I don’t know exactly what kind of damage Ms. Cinch had caused to our town, but I will do everything in my power to fix them, including bringing your school back up and running and resuming the party and Toys for Kids Festival effective immediately!” Everybody at the school let out a huge cheer of joy, happy from the Mayor’s news and that things are right again. "YES! We have our school back!" Rainbow Dash cheered. "And the party's not canceled! It's a Christmas miracle!" Pinkie yelled out happily as she was randomly upsidedown and tossed confetti into the air. The girls hugged each other in celebration, including Sunset and Twilight. When they realized that they hugged each other and remembered what happened earlier, they began to blush but still smiled. “Thank you Twilight... for everything!” Sunset whispered. “It is I who should be thanking you!” Twilight replied with a tender smile. They stared at each other for a moment until Sunset realized something. “Oh no the party!” she exclaimed in panic, letting go of Twilight in the process. “How are we going to set up the party the third time!? Everything was ruined and destroyed!” Sunset became confused when Twilight gave her a reassuring grin. “Don’t worry Sunset We got ya covered Sunset, right girls!” Pinkie let out a huge grin before turning to the group. “You heard the lady, the party is back on! WHO’S READY TO HELP?” Everyone cheered loudly before they rushed out of the building. Before Sunset could say anything Twilight spoke up. “I mean what I said, let us help you, it’s the least we can do!” She said with a smile. “You just leave the planning to me… the organization is kinda my thing!” “In that case, let me help you!” Princess Twilight spoke up with an exciting grin. “I may not be Pinkie Pie, but I certainly know how to organize an event like this!” Twilight’s eyes smiled. “Sure, the more the merrier! Plus it’s nice to be working with someone with the same love for planning!” She then turned back to Sunset and blush. “Um… we can talk more about… us later, is that okay?” Sunset nodded with an assuring smile. “Sure… we can talk later.” With a happy grin, Twilight, along with her doppelganger walked off while discussing party plans with each other. Sunset, now alone with the Mayor, decided to bring up a conversation with her. “Thanks for allowing us to have our party again Ms. Mare... and I’m sorry for what happened from earlier,” said Sunset. The older woman smiled but had guilt in her eyes. “It’s not your fault for what happened to me Miss Shimmer,” Mayor Mare responded. “And it’s the least I could do for letting Ms. Cinch caused all that heartache for the past several hours. Your friends are really lucky to have you as their friends!” Sunset nodded with a smile before changed to a nervous expression. “And… what about the knowledge of us having magic?” Mayor Mare gave Sunset her sly grin. “What magic?”