//------------------------------// // Chapter 16. Love is a Higher Law. // Story: Skeletor, Master of The Empire. // by Hotel_Chicken //------------------------------// A deathly silence permeated the council's meeting room on the beginning of the second week of Lord Skeletor’s reign over the Crystal Empire. The days after the Crystal Fair had allowed the Empire to make great strides in their attempts to repair the damages caused by Sombra. Buildings were being rebuilt, victims of mental or physical trauma were being treated in the medical wing of the Crystal Castle, and the Alchemist Guild had made excellent progress in their attempts to use cotton to make paper; though Lord Skeletor appeared somewhat uneasy about the alchemist’s decision to use their own bedding and blankets to get the cotton needed. While the buildings could be fixed with a few weeks of hard work, and the physical scars left on some ponies would naturally heal with time, the mental lashings Sombra inflicted on them would take years to repair. When Lord Skeletor heard of the issues in the medical wing involving the ponies who were placed on suicide watch, he hesitantly suggested giving them a magical medicine of his own design. Cannon Fodder didn’t initially believe that the “placebos” Lord Skeletor created would do anything other than hurt the patients, but to his surprise, some of the patients were calming down slightly. His elixir was a secret concoction that had the potential to help those who have a strong sense of belief in their hearts, at least that's what the demon claimed. Still being wary of the demon, Cannon Fodder snatched up a jar of the “placebos” and, with the surprising help of Crumb Catcher, tasked one of the alchemists with finding out what was in it. While Cannon Fodder was still extremely uneasy about Crumb Catcher, he was relieved to know that his fellow council member shared his skepticism for Lord Skeletor’s remedy. If it turned out that his magical drink was actually a poison or complex concoction that could turn ponies into mindless zombies, then he and Crumb Catcher would be able to use his own creation against him. As Cannon Fodder and Crumb Catcher waited for the alchemist to deduce what Lord Skeletor’s placebos were made of, they continued to play the part of loyal council members for the days following the Crystal Fair. Unfortunately, playing the part of loyal lap dog appeared to be harder then either of them could have imagined. One sentence was all it took for the conversation to completely die, much to the confusion and worry of Cannon Fodder. Lord Skeletor looked towards the general of his Empire in a mixture of horror and disbelief, as if he had told the demon the most blasphemous thing to ever leave a pony’s throat. The silence in the room dragged on for an uncomfortably long time, causing time to feel as if it was struggling to crawl forward in the room. Seconds sluggishly moved by as Lord Skeletor looked into Cannon Fodder's eyes with complete shock. “What… What are they in the dungeon for?” Lord Skeletor eventually asked the General of the Royal Guard in a stupefied tone. Cannon Fodder briefly glanced at Crumb Catcher to see if he knew anything about Lord Skeletor’s sudden shift in mood. Crumb Catcher made no attempt to relay any silent messages to his ally, choosing instead to stare at Lord Skeletor with an equal amount of confusion to the rest of the council members. “Illegal relations. They were caught in the caverns below the Empire and were detained,” the general easily replied. “Illegal? Why the hell is being gay suddenly illegal!?” Lord Skeletor questioned loudly, causing his council members to instinctively flinch back at his outburst. The council members threw confused looks to each other at their master’s inquiry, silently asking if anypnony else knew what their lord was talking about. “Um, I don’t believe being happy is illegal, my lord,” Copper Plate replied hesitantly. “What? No, I mean gay, like homosexual, the thing those two mares are: Gay! When a mare really likes a mare or when a stallion really likes another stallion. For Christ's sake, do I need to draw a picture?” Lord Skeletor exclaimed as he attempted to explain his foreign terminology to his council. “Well, in that case, being ‘gay’ as you call it is illegal,” Crumb Catcher explained. “It was Princess Amore who had told us that having feelings towards a member of the same gender is a sickness of the mind that could spread to other ponies who are near them. If two ponies of the same gender were together, then that would pollute the love that powers the barrier over the Empire, and thus leave us vulnerable to the elements outside. Some citizens, like the ones in the dungeon, decided to ignore the divine word of Princess Amore, and conduct their debauchery in secrecy. The two mares who were captured were too lax, and were easily apprehended, all that remains is your decision for their punishment, sire.” As his explanation dragged on, their lord violently seethed in anger, an unbridled rage threatening to spill out of him after hearing Crumb’s explanation. “Well then, I officially abolish that law,” Lord Skeletor announced firmly. Many of the lord’s private council were taken aback by the sudden tone in his voice, a commanding anger that hadn’t been heard by anypony who served the new lord. Before any of his council members could object or question his sudden decree, he stood up from his chair and banged his scepter against the ground. His seat scraped against the floor as it flew back several feet, allowing Lord Skeletor to stand to his full height and completely tower over the seated ponies. Any thoughts of questioning his decision died instantly as their instincts took hold, telling them to run away from the predator that had suddenly turned aggressive. “I wish to know every law, and I will announce whether or not I believe they should be enforced. If any of you disagree, then please present your reason as to why and I will take that into consideration. However, I will remain firm on this point; if two ponies of the same gender love each other and are of consenting age, then they should be allowed to be together. And if I hear anything about it being a mental issue then I will be making serious changes to whom I allow on my council. Is that clear?” Lord Skeletor rhetorically asked his council. Everypony in the room knew that their lord’s order was not up for debate, at least not while he was so agitated after hearing about it. With a great haste, all of his council members nodded their heads in agreement to their lord’s order. “Good then. Cannon Fodder!” Lord Skeletor called out, causing the guard to reflexively salute his lord. “Go down to the dungeons and bring those two mares to my throne room. Copper, I want to officially abolish that law by tonight if I can, bring any legal documents needed to do so. And Crumb…” Lord Skeletor seethed, causing the head of staff to swallow a nervous lump in his throat. “Go to the kitchen and ask the staff to prepare two extra servings for tonight. Emerald, prepare a statement for the citizens in regards to my order. I want to know every counter argument the citizens could use, I don’t want to be blindsided by a fact or ‘fact’ from some arrogant douchebag,” he demanded. “Also, look into the claim about it being, ‘tainted’ love and see what jackass pulled that out of their hat. I want to know how qualified they were to make that claim and hear their argument. Are there any questions?” He asked the rest of his council. “Um... Is there anything you need me to do, your highness?” Avid Value worryingly asked. 
 “… Not for this. I don’t see how this issue could impact our financial progress, and I wanted to visit the alchemists to see progress on producing paper first hand. Once this meeting is dismissed, I'll need someone to guide me to the Alchemy Tower, so you can help in that regard. Emerald, delay court until tomorrow and make sure the two mares are comfortable when they arrive to the throne room. The rest of you have already been given your duties, so unless there is anything else I should know about, then I want my orders to be carried out swiftly,” Lord Skeletor finished. Cannon Fodder decided that it would be best to bring up his desires to retrain the guard at a later date for another meeting since he had accidentally earned the scorn of the demon he called his lord. After Emerald Secret had brought up the possible need for stronger placebos for some patients, Lord Skeletor stated that he would attempt to help them later on and dismissed his council. Each of the council members hastily trotted out of the meeting room to complete their tasks, with the exception of Avid Value. The youngest council member waited patiently for his lord to speak, and was rewarded with an order to wait outside the council room for Lord Skeletor to collect himself. Cannon Fodder felt a tinge of fear for Avid Value being forced to be near the demon when he was in a volatile state. If Avid Value said one wrong word, it could have been the end for him. Skeletor sat alone in his chair in the council’s meeting room. As he breathed through the nasal cavity of his skull, he buried his face into his hands and let out an exhausted groan. His high of anger faded away, leaving him with a sobering sense of dread as he was left alone with his own thoughts. “Fuck me… I just made an enemy of the church, didn’t I? Ooooh that’s not good…” Skeletor said to himself as he leaned against his chair. “Wait to go, dumbass, you probably pissed off the pony pope,” he berated himself. “That’s definitely going to bite you in the ass. If there’s a religious organization that heavily agreed with that law, then you’re screwed. Fuck, not to mention Princess Amore was seen as a damn goddess… fuuuuuuuuck,” he groaned as tapped his fingers on the table. “Fuck me, I reeeeally hope they aren’t like some of the countries on my planet. I can see it now, revolutions led by religious groups that now have a physical monster to vilify and use as the devil,” Skeletor stated as he wondered what had compelled him to speak out against his council. Equality for them didn’t help him with his plans of getting home, if anything, it hindered him since he would now need to worry about religious organizations in the Empire gunning for him. A leader may have power, but a church held a great influence that could persuade armies to rise and topple empires. He could vividly imagine the outcry from the Empire. Burning effigies of himself would be paraded through the Empire along with hundreds of pitchforks and torches that would move in rhythm to the chanting of, “Kill the King.” History would possibly smile upon his decision to legalize it, stating that he was ahead of his time. But who cared what history would say about him when his skull was in a basket and his body was on the other side of a guillotine? It wouldn’t matter to him because he would be put on a spike and skewered, or maybe even tortured by the ponies for legalizing something that went against their religion. While he knew enough spells to protect himself, such as a portal spell that could give him some distance between himself and an angry mob, he was only one man against thousands of ponies. They had numbers, knowledge of the Empire’s layout, and the ability to kill without hesitation. He didn’t think he could kill any of them like he had Sombra, even if he could use magic to make the act of killing them easier. The mental toll and strength needed to actively kill something without relying on instinct was too much for him. Even if he took down a few of them, hundreds upon thousands of ponies would be there to take their place. No matter what, if he were to upset the crystal ponies enough, he would die by their hooves. After taking a deep breath and berating himself internally for another minute, he rose from his seat and walked over to the doors of the council room. Outside of the room, Avid Value was sitting patiently with his ears facing Skeletor and his head pointed away slightly. Skeletor desperately hoped that the Alchemists could deliver on their promise to make paper. If they were successful, then Skeletor could use it to gain public favor, though he highly doubted that it would give him any more sway than any of the religions in the Empire. Without any prompting, Avid led Skeletor down the hallway towards the staircase to go to the Alchemist’s tower which was about ten minutes away from the council room on foot. For ponies, walking there was exceptionally quicker because of their four legs, so Avid trotted at a slower and more relaxed pace to allow Skeletor to follow him without practically speed walking down the halls. After nearly a full minute of silence between them, Skeletor decided to get a pony’s perspective on his abrupt decision to legalize gay marriage. If Skeletor knew which religious leaders to butter up to and who to be on guard for, he would be able to avoid being dragged through the streets by an angry mob of religious ponies. And if it turned out that the pony pope was someone Skeletor wouldn’t be able to convince or bribe, then he’d have a head start on running out of the Empire. The Thestral and Ruva Kingdoms were still abandoned and left unexplored by the freed crystal ponies. If worst came to worst, he could run to the Ruva Kingdom and rummage through any of the books left there to find a way to send him home using less taxing methods. “Avid, I have a few things that I need to ask you.” “Of course, your highness, what do you want to know?” “I want to know how my decision will impact the Empire. How will the religions react, how will the citizens react, and so on and so forth? Start with religions, how will they react to my decree?” “There isn’t really anypony in a high enough position of power to question it. Sombra banned all religions worshiping Faust during his reign, burning every Church of Faust in the Thestral, Ruva, and Crystal Pony Kingdom in the Crystal Empire. I believe he had the priests of the churches burn them down themselves before he forced them to… desecrate any of her religious texts,” Avid informed him. “Jesus Christ, just when I think that I couldn’t hate that asshole any more than I already did… So, to clarify, there is no religious authority to oppose me in my decision?” “None, your highness.” “I see…” Skeletor simply stated as he wondered how happy that should have made him. On one hand, the possibility of him being put on a spike and flailed drastically decreased, but only because of the atrocities Sombra committed. Being thankful for one less threat almost felt like he was being thankful to the tyrant that had ruined the lives of thousands. “Did anything in those religious texts talk about being gay, or call it blasphemous?” Skeletor asked. “Not that I know of for a fact, your highness. I wasn’t literate like the priests were, and by the time I had managed to teach myself, I felt no need to read the book since the priest would read all the passages to us. The memories are a little hazy, but I don’t believe any of the texts of Faust directly stated that there was anything sinful about being… Gay, as you called it. I know that it was heavily frowned upon by each of the pony races, but I’m not sure when it was officially abolished... My lord, if I may ask, why did you change the law?” Avid Value asked. “‘Why?’ Because it was stupid, that’s why,” Skeletor responded harshly. “Oh… Uh, would you mind me asking why it’s stupid?” “Because it is! People-er-ponies deserve to be allowed to be with the one they love. There’s nothing harmful about gay marriage, and gay ponies aren’t so different from you or anyone else in my council. It’s aggravating to think that laws like these existed in the Empire, and in a moment of clouded judgment, I made a decision without taking any time to consider it. “Morally, I feel justified in my decision, but intellectually I’m at a cross roads. I begrudgingly admit that I’m not too familiar with your magic so they may have a point. And, on another note, I regret exploding at the council the way I did. Your culture and mine varies in ways I can’t even imagine, forcing you to change your culture in a day because it doesn’t align with mine feels… Morally grey, I suppose. It almost feels like I'm bullying the Empire into embracing my opinions,” Skeletor explained before he let his shoulders slump. “You’re a pony, Avid, do you know anything about magic powered by the love of the citizens?” “Only that it powers the barrier above the Empire.” “… Is there any validity to the claim that love shared between the same gender can affect the barrier negatively? Like, was there a point in history where it fell because of same sex love?” “None that I know of… But…” “But?”
 “I…” Avid paused as he mauled over his words inside his head. “There was a reason why the Crystal Heart was hidden. When Sombra first came to power, he attempted to make his slaves… He tried to power the heart by having ponies… have sex with eachother,” Avid quietly told him, forcing the words to leave his body. “That was the only time the barrier fell. I don’t think that the love of… Gay ponies will make it fall but… Lord Skeletor, why are you so passionate about this? Are you… You know,” Avid asked as he danced around calling Skeletor gay. “No, I… I had a friend, back where I’m from, who, to put it lightly, wasn’t accepted for his preferences. Trevor uh, ’swung for the other team’ so to speak, and his mom didn’t like that,” Skeletor began to explain as he remembered one of his close friends back on Earth. “He was raised to be a strict Christian and his mother saw it as a ‘terrible sin’ to like another man, because some book that was rewritten a dozen times claimed it was. It hit him pretty hard when his mother called him… Well, I’m not going to repeat it, but just know it hurt him a lot. And it hurt me too. “Trevor was like a brother to me, sometimes he was more of a brother than my actual damn brother. And to hear about his mom shouting at him like that just… It just pissed me off! He was a good kid, got great grades in school, never did drugs or anything like that, was part of the swim team, he even took dance lessons since he was eight for Christ’s sake! But apparently, none of that mattered because he liked guys!” Lord Skeletor exclaimed angrily. “It wasn’t fair to him… Trevor was… Well, he was a better man than me. Heh, I actually felt a little jealous of him sometimes. But no matter how I felt, he was there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on, or a friend to lean on. And when he needed a shoulder to cry on, I was there for him. Trevor wasn't a sinful monsters or anything like that, he was a good man and an amazing friend, and all he wanted to do was love Bedar. So, Avid, that’s why I legalized it. Because at the end of the day, people and ponies should be free to love who they want.” “So… So then, you believe that there’s really nothing wrong with it, sire?” “Of course not. Why? Do you have an issue with my orders?” Skeletor asked in an aggressive tone, as if begging Avid to insult his friend so he could have a reason to attack him. A protective fury burned inside of Skeletor as he looked at the smaller pony, waiting for the moment to let that fire explode from him. “It’s not that, your highness! It’s just… Nopony was ever as vocal as you were. I just… I just wanted to believe what you said was true,” Avid quietly admitted as they passed by a pair of guards standing at a door. Neither of the guards appeared to hear Avid’s quiet admission, leaving Skeletor alone with the little grain of knowledge that Avid had given him. Avid's words hung in the air as he led Skeletor down the hall, the quiet echo of his voice filled the silence inside Skeletor’s mind as he processed what his council member told him. Taking a chance to confirm his suspicions, Skeletor approached the subject delicately to see if he had misinterpreted Avid’s words. “Avid… It’s not my place to pry, but… Is there anything you want to share with me?” “Not necessarily, your highness. Anything we discuss should be for the benefit and growth of the Empire. The happiness and stability of the citizens comes before anything else. E-except your happiness, your highness,” he quickly tacked on. “Alright… So, how will my decision involving the legalization of gay marriage, and by extension practices of gay relationships, affect the citizens?” “I’m afraid that I’m the wrong pony to ask that question, your highness. I deal more heavily in the finances of the Empire, if you want a firm grasp on the public’s opinion, then I’d recommend speaking with Crumb Catcher. Though, if I had to make a guess, I’d say that there will be a few very happy ponies. I don’t believe that public relationships between the same gender will start appearing left and right, but I do think that some ponies will sleep better knowing that they won’t be punished for their choice in partner,” Avid stated with a small smile that was quickly hidden by a look of pure profesionalism. “Speaking of punishment, what would have happened to those two mares in the dungeon if I hadn’t intervened?” Skeletor asked. Since burning and desecrating books of any kind was apparently an automatic death sentence in the Crystal Empire, Skeletor wondered if the punishment for being gay was of a greater or lesser value. “… Before the rise of Sombra, gay ponies who were caught were, ‘cleansed’ by ruvas using mind magic,” Avid quietly admitted, causing Skeletor to stop dead in his tracks. “I believe Sombra was able to modify the spell used for the ‘cleansing sessions’ and used it to take over the Empire.” “They… They would have been brainwashed?” Skeletor fearfully asked as thoughts of his friend being tormented flooded his mind for a brief moment. “I’ve never heard that term be used, but it’s a fitting title for it,” Avid replied, completely unaware of the effect his words had on Skeletor. Skeletor’s blood boiled as he imagined the torture those captured ponies must have gone through and the experiments they were forced to go through to be ‘healed’. The thought that a spell like that was regularly used by its government caused Skeletor to look at the previous beloved princess in a new light. He had been told stories about her love for her ponies, how she promoted love for all in her Empire when she ruled. Now, to find out that a supposed Princess of Love would commit such atrocities, he felt nothing but disgust for the previous princess. Skeletor briefly entertained the idea of stopping the artisans from recreating artwork of Princess Amore, but quickly banished that thought as soon as it arrived. Even in death, the princess held sway over her kingdom from beyond the grave. If Skeletor were to call off the restoration of her paintings a few days after commemorating a holiday to her, then he would only be seen as another Sombra, another tyrant to be dethroned. With no way to vent his frustration towards the dead princess, Skeletor decided to turn his fury towards the spells that she used to brainwash her subjects. “After we meet with the alchemists, I'm going to go to the court room, speak with the mares, and then find Copper so that I can see those spell books,” Skeletor told Avid with a deep anger resonating in is voice. “W-why?” Avid fearfully asked as he tried to control his voice. Skeletor admonished himself for a brief moment for accidentally startling Avid with his tone and decided to speak with a gentler voice that held no vitriol, but still commanded respect. “Tell me, Avid, burning and desecrating books is a death sentence, correct?” “Yes.” “Well, first I’ll abolish that law, and then I’ll ‘accidentally’ cast a fire spell on the pages containing that brain washing spell,” he promised as he quickened his pace towards the Alchemist’s tower.