The Oddyssey of Sunlight Blaze, rise of a hero, Volume 1: Meet Sunlight Blaze

by Justafanfictioner

Chapter 6: Sunlight Meet the Yaks and the Crystal ponies

4 days had passed since Sunlight came back from Mount Aeris. During which he visited the changelings and the griffin kingdom, Appleoosa and Manehattan. He didn’t learn anything important, but had a good time eating griffins scones with the griffins, playing «Guess who is that pony» with the changelings, made rodeo competition at Appleoosa (he got a participation prize and fractures) then finally made a complete guided tour of Manehattan. Now, today, Sunlight’s next destination was the Yakyakistan located in the Frozen Mountains, (which included the Crystal Empire, located in the same region) which he thought he could visit first, pass the day with them, sleep here and then, visiting the Crystal Empire. He proposed that idea to Starlight, who accepted it.

“You really want to visit the Yak village? She asked. You know it is located in a very cold region of Equestria and you couldn’t be able to stand it very long, from what you told me about you and the cold.”

Sunlight knew that she was right, He was indeed suceptible to cold and ice and took a few minutes to think about a solution. During this time, he was standing in her office.

“With Cinder at my side, he said. I could be able to support the hard cold of that region.”

“Have you though about if that same cold could also affect your phoenix?” asked Starlight.

“Hum, only Miss Fluttershy or Miss Celestia could told us the answer, answered Sunlight. Why don’t you ask the question to one of them?”

“We don’t have the time, she answered. But i can cast on you a spell to protect you from the cold!”

She disappeared and reappeared 10 seconds later with a book of elemental magic spells. She opened it and found a cold protection spell in the chapter of Ice.

“The effect of that spell last 4 hours only, she said. This is not enough and i doubt you will have enough of 4 hours to learn this spell.”

She continued looking for a more powerful spell or a longer lasting spell, but didnt find one

“Damn it!! She said. Let me a minute, okay?”

She disappeared again and came back 3 minutes later with dozens of books. She read all of them but didn’t find cold protection spells lasting more than 8 hours. They heard a laugh coming from Yona, who had listened to most of their discussion.

“Yona know how Fire Pony could survive Yak village cold! She said. Yaks have been living in cold for centuries and know everything. Miss Rarity made very warm clothes for Fire Pony to support cold!”

“Yona is right, said Rarity. (Her class was near from where Sunlight and Starlight were talking) You are depending too much on magic. Starlight. There is other alternatives to magic. I heard Sunlight will visit the Yakyakistan today, so i made a winter kit for him!!”

She returned in her class and came back one minute later with the winter clothes she made for Sunlight. They were a buffed version of his hero costume.

“Thank you, Miss Rarity, he said. For these clothes, you are too generous...I feel like i don't deserve that much...especially for somepony like you...”

“Oh, please, don't judge yourself so harshly. I am happy to do things for the others and my friends, said Rarity. Now, excuse me, my class will begin soon.”

“Can Yona come with Fire Pony? Asked Yona. All Yona’s friends came with Fire Pony during the last days!”

“Sure, said Starlight. You didn’t need to ask.”

Sunlight had already put his winter clothes on.

“I am ready, i think!” he said.

Starlight teleported him and Yona to the Yak village. They surprised some yaks when the two friends appeared in the center of the village. But their surprise transformed into joy when they saw Yona.

“Yona is back!!!” said one of them.

Then, 2 minutes later, every yak of the village had came to welcome Yona. She then presented Sunlight to them.

“Everyyaks, she said. Yona present you a friend of her, Fire Pony!”

“Sunlight Blaze, he said. I know you talk a little bit differently from every other creatures, but can you please call me by my pony name?”

“Yona sorry, she said. Yona will try to call friend pony by his name... But can Yona call you Sunlight Pony instead?”

“Whatever name including Sun, light or fire will be okay, he answered. But now, i want to know what your people do of their days.”

“Friends of yaks are welcome in our village, said the prince Rutherford. Yes, I talk at the first person, Princess Twilight encouraged me to learn ponies and other creatures accent. Prince Rutherford don’t regret that decision because he won 3 times the prize of best orator of Equestria!! Ha ha ha ha!!”

“So, nopony forced you to learn to talk like us?” asked Sunlight.

“Nope, he answered. Nopony and nobody can force yaks to do something we don’t want to do! But enough talking, this is time for you to see how us, yaks, live.”

“I am ready!!! He said. Show me what yaks does!!”

Rutherford first brought Sunlight to the yurt where he will pass the night, then he showed to him another one, then another until Sunlight visited them all.

“Now that Sunlight have seen yaks yurts, said the yak prince. He will see how yaks eat!!! Follow me to the pantry!”

Sunlight arrived in the pantry of the village and saw a lot of vanilla cakes and griffins scones, cupcakes and different pastries.

“Now watch us” said Rutherford.

He ate the whole cake in one bite.

“Now, Pony have to try to eat like a yak!” said the prince.

Sunlight tried to take the largest bite he could took but compared to Rutherford, his bite was tiny. A lot of yaks laughed and mocked him. The yak prince encouraged Sunlight to try again. He bited in what looked like a huge strawberry cake, eating it whole.

“What about that!?” he said to the yaks

“Pony just eat a cupcake, said one of the elder yaks. Pony used a zoomed view to make him look like he ate a cake!”

“Well, at least, he ate it whole, said Rutherford. Yaks eat in one bite anything, this is how we eat!!”

The other yaks agreed with their chief and cheered Sunlight, chanting his name.

“Now, Pony will learn how to break things like a yak, said the prince. Watch and learn!”

Him and the rest of the village began to break wood logs to pieces. Sunlight tried to stomp something little to begin, a little wood branch. The prince stopped him.

“Why Pony want to stomp millennial sacred yak twig?” asked prince Rutherford to him.

“What, this is a sacred twig!? I...Uh...I am sorry, i thought that was a ordinary twig, In that case, i'll just find something else to break!!” said the unicorn, panicked.

The prince laughed.

“Yak just kidding!! He said. This yak gag work each time!!! Yak gags are the best!!!”

Sunlight felt a little bit embarrassed being tricked.

“Pony can continue to smash little twig, he said. Everyone continue to smash!!”

Yona joined them and started smashing a rock.

“Prince Rutherford jokes are the best, she said. Is Sunlight Pony okay?”

“I am fine, he said. I just can’t believe i fell for that. Someone smart as me, tricked by such a simple prank”

“Even smartest ponies can’t compete with the power of yaks jokes! She said. Yak are the best in everything!!”

“Nah-ah, said the unicorn. Yaks are not the best in magic!”

“Hum, Sunlight pony have a point, she said. But yaks are fair and humble, Yaks have to let ponies being the best at one thing!”

“Your race is very proud, he said. Even dragons are not as proud as your race is! Does it exist anything that can make yaks doubt of themselves?”

“Nope, yaks don’t feel fear, yaks are tough, yaks don’t let anyone belittle them!!”

“I wish i could have that level of confidence, said the pony. Letting no one walk on my feet, discourage me or make me feel powerless”

“Yona like Sunlight Pony the way he is, she said. Because Sunlight is Yona’s friend!!”

“Thank you, he said. I can admit that yaks are the best for motivational speeches.”

During the rest of the day, Sunlight did snow ponies, ate pastries, smashed objects and danced with the yaks. But the time to sleep finally came and Sunrise learned that he would have to share the tent with 4 other yaks. He kept his winter suit to stay warm during the night. The next day, Sunlight woke up and went outside the yurt.

“Pony is finally awake!! Said Rutherford. Hurry up, you will be late!! There is a pony waiting for you outside! Yaks say goodbye and thank to Sunlight pony for passing a day with yaks. Pony is now an honorary yak!!”

The prince gave him a yak wood talisman. Sunlight thanked him and ran fast as he could to join the pony waiting for him. He saw that was Starlight, who teleported him and herself immediately at the Crystal Empire entrance. The guards keeping it told to a messenger to inform the prince Shining Armor and the princess Cadence of the arrival of Starlight and his student. A few moment later, a royal cart arrived, with only Cadence in it, at the entrance.

“This is nice to see you again, Starlight!!” said Cadence, hugging her.

“Me too, princess, she said. But you know what bring me here...”

She pointed at Sunlight Blaze, who was petting his phoenix and wearing his normal clothes.

“This is one of my students, Sunlight Blaze, she said. Celestia, Twilight and me saw think he is not like other unicorns, he seem to have a special gift. There is everything we know about it in this book, if you discover something new about him, write it in the book. Now, i will let him in your hands, goodbye!!!”

She disappeared. Cadence walked in direction of the young stallion, who was amazed by the beauty of the place. Sunlight stopped looking at the surroundings when the princess told his name. He immediately knelt and excused himself of his disrespectful attitude.

“This is nothing, she said. I can understand the Crystal Empire is a beautiful place, especially for somepony who never saw it before. At the way you acted when you saw me, that way you spoke, i must deduce you are for the nobility, right?”

“Is this so obvious? Answered Sunlight. My parents are of the nobility and i was raised in Canterlot, so yes, they taught me everything about the rules and habits high-society members need to follow”

“Hum, did you know that male unicorns from the high society can receive the title of Prince if they do an heroic act or gain the heart of a princess?”

“Yes, he answered. I know that. But i don’t want to be a prince, i want to be a hero, like Twilight and her friends in the past!! They inspired me and i want at my turn to inspire futures generations!”

“So, my sister-in-law and her friends have inspired you? She said. I am glad to heard that. If you followed their adventures, you certainly have heard of me...And wasn't Twilight a princess and a hero?”

“Yes, I know everything about them and their siblings, he said. I heard about how you and Shining Armor, beat the changelings when they were evil with the power of love. A little bit cliché in my opinion, but really worthy of a fairy tale! And you have a point about Twilight being a princess and a hero.”

“You seem to have a high consideration of Friendship, she asked. But how do you consider love? Love is the heart of my empire, his source of magic and my source of magic.”

“Love? He answered. This is hard to explain. I know what love is, i have love for my family and my friends. But if we talk about romantical love, i don't consider it important. Love, the true kind, is like a double-edged sword. Why? Love can motive you to do the impossible, but it also make you vulnerable, weak and blind your reason in the most critical situations. A hero must have the capacity to love and feel empathy, but he also have to put them aside in some situations.”

“So, does that mean you give or not an importance about it?” she asked.

“That mean that i accept familial love of friendship love, he said. But not romantic love, I don't want and will never fall in love with somepony else.”

“You will fall in love one day or another, said Cadence. Nopony, i mean, no creature are safe from it.”

“We’ll see about that, he answered to her. My mind is pretty strong, i won’t fall in love!”

“You want to bet? She said. I could make you fall in love with, by example, that mare over here with a simple spell”

“Prove it...I'll give you 5 bits if it work” said Sunlight.

The princess of love casted a love spell on him.

“See? He said, My mind is stronger than my...”

The spell made it’s effect.

“Now, go tell to that mare you love her and want to marry her!” she told to him.

Sunlight obeyed and walked in her direction. He told to the Crystal mare that he loved her and wanted her hoof.

“Are you crazy? She said. We just met!! And i am already married, you creep!”

Cadence cancelled her spell and Sunlight came back to her, confused and not happy to have been brainwashed. He gave her 5 bits.

“So, Sunlight, are you still thinking your mind his stronger than love?” she asked, satisfied of winning the bet.

“Love spells doesn’t count, he answered. And that mean that now, i'll have to find a way to resist to charm spells!”

Cadence begin to feel angered by Sunlight’s stubbornness against love. Her anger soon turned into a burning determination to make him accept love. She couldn’t let that happen, that was her duty of princess of love.

“Just follow me, she said, trying to hide her anger by smiling. I will present you my husband and our baby and then, the main attractions of my kingdom.”

“Okay, he answered. And if you ask why i have a phoenix with me, this is because she is my pet. Celestia and Twilight offered her to me as a gift. What do you think about that?”

“This is impressive, she said. I read in that book that you have a close relation with the fire element. Do you know fire and love are two things generally assimilated together. Maybe love can boost your fire magic!”

“Uh..., said Sunlight, conscious of what Cadence was trying to do. This «Fire of love» thing i heard about his bullshit”

“B...Bull...?! How dare you!! She said. Do you realize i can banish you of this kingdom right now, uh?”

“Yes, he answered. But you won’t do it because you want me to consider love like something vital...”

“Uh.., she tried to say, now realizing that Sunlight returned her own psychological manipulation technique against her. I hate you...Where did you learn psychological manipulation?”

“I learned it from Discord, he answered. This is a quality a hero like me should have!”

“What? You told me you learned something from that clown but not from me? The sister-in-law of your idol?!”

“Love is something useless for me, except if it’s familial love, he said. You can’t change my mind...And the fact you are Twilight sister-in-law doesn't mean anything to me!”

“That one will be tough, she thought. That’s fine, i love a good challenge. After all, my duty is to make every living beings to believe in true love. I sense he really care about his friends and family, no hope is lost to redeem him to accept love fully.”

On these words, her and Sunlight entered in the royal palace.