Smol Noms

by Bixtie

The Smollest Pred?

Despite being the end of March, it was a surprisingly cold day out in the normally bright and colourful flower field somewhere in Equestria. Only around now was the snow nearly depleted, almost drowning the soil underneath due to the sheer volume of what melted. Grey, bland clouds covered the blue sky and gleaming sun, leaving the evening atmosphere dismal and dark. Nary a soul would wish to subject themselves to a trot through the muddy field today; at first glance, it was entirely barren of any life. The turn of weather the past weak hindered the growth of leaves on the trees that almost formed a ring around the area, leaving most of them bare and devoid of foliage.

However, if one were to hold their gaze towards the southern border of this field, they would spot a lost soul trekking through. At a glance, one would suspect her to be a filly given her petite figure, but a listen to her voice or a quick look at her matured face would reveal she was simply an incredibly short mare. Couple her coat with the white of the snow and one may struggle to see her simply based on that, though her puffy pink and green afro helped her stand out, along with her red glasses. She had a chubby body despite having been lost and hungry for a few days after a wayward camping adventure. Being out of contact with most of her relatives, and being an antisocial introvert, nobody had seemed to notice her disappearance as of yet. Which led her to attempt to find her way back home, going through this field - miles away, unfortunately.

Fortunately for the mare in distress, aid was about to show itself to her - albeit in a much unorthodox and unexpected way. Around the same time she had entered the field, weakly tramping over the sprouting flowers, an even smaller creature had shown herself just above her. It was a Breezie, though one look at the creature would reveal something immediately different about her from others of her species: she was part jewel-beetle. As such, she was on a flight in search of any scattered gems to carve into jewelry, which was sold to other Breezies and ponies. Another thing that was different about the Breezie, though one could hardly tell this simply with a look - she had a voracious appetite. As such, she often would gorge herself one whole ponies - which was mostly met with surprise and giggles from others who saw her flying around after a meal. Her stomach would expand to be much, much larger than her, holding the willing dinner inside as it painlessly digested them.

Holding the natural ability to reform those she devoured, she occasionally used her eating abilities to help ponies who were injured or lost to heal or find their way back - whenever they came by the area she patrolled, that is. Not only did she feel good emotionally for helping those in distress, but she also got physical satisfaction as her hunger was sated and she got a bit chubbier. Her weight gain was much more controlled than would need be that of a pony in her same sort of position, since her tiny size would naturally give her much more than she could take. As such, it was only a tiny bit of weight that any given pony would give her upon digesting and reforming.

Her big, purple eyes got drawn to the other life form present, taking note of her physical appearance. As her head moved, her teal, purple, blue and pink mane swished across her face. It was cropped after the neck, with small rings of hot pink braided throughout the mass. Her bangs covered her two smaller beetle horns, though leaving her larger middle one unfazed. Her tail shared the colours of her mane, as well as a section with the pink braiding. Continuing her curious look at the other mare, she soared down into her path, landing on their dry snout.

"Hello there!" she smiled brightly, eyes shifting to a worried look as she noticed the clearly hungry and deteriorating state the mare was in. "I'm Bixtie! Do you need any help?" fret was grinding through her face and voice as she spoke, smile fading quickly.

The mare sighed and gazed up at Bixtie, stumbling a bit on a bump in the ground. Her voice, when it came, was hoarse and dry, incomparable to her usual bright, geeky one. "h-huh?" She drifted her weary eyes towards the small, adorable creature on her snout. She couldn't help but give a tiny smile at the sight.

Bixtie looked right into her eyes. "You don't look too good! Are you..lost or somethin'?" she cocked her head in curiosity, the move done in a cute way.

The mare sat herself down, eventually letting herself crumple into a laying position to rest her body. She was on her back so she could stare up towards Bixtie. For minutes she considered what to tell her. Half of her felt that the Breezie genuinely wanted to help, the other that Bixtie was a predator just looking for a meal. Little did she know she would soon find out it was both options.

"...yeah. I kinda...forget what happened, but..." she paused, letting what saliva could form do so to moisturize her mouth. "I was, um...camping in the forest and then something...happened, I've been lost without anything to eat...or drink, for like three days..."

Bixtie gave the mare, who revealed her name as Sekkachi, a pitying look. She knew exactly what the right thing to do would be - to eat her, fly over to Ponyville and let Sekkachi reform and get led back to her home. That was the logical solution to her, but she was unsure whether Sekkachi would even consent to being eaten, let alone digested. Not that the process was painful by any stretch of the imagination, but your average pony would at least be a bit on the iffy side about the subject. Perhaps even against it. She'd need to handle this carefully.

The Breezie stuttered as she began speaking. "Uh...u-um..." Sekkachi's eyes asked 'what?' as Bixtie struggled to bring the subject up comfortably. "...I do know a way I can help! But-" before she could even begin to give a small warning, she was cut off.

Sekkachi spoke up, "I don't care what it is...I just...want to get back." She gave Bixtie a tiny nod of her head, letting her know she could do whatever she seemed to have in mind. Bixtie grinned and nodded.

"Happy to help! Just don't move much okay?" she reached her head down, giving a tiny little lick to Sekkachi's snout before fluttering back up, both pairs of wings flapping and buzzing as she went over to the top of Sekkachi's head.

A tiny smack of the lips was audible as the Bixtie licked inside her mouth to wet it with her saliva. Before she opened her maw in preparation to eat Sekkachi, she said one thing, "Might wanna close your eyes!"

As Sekkachi's eyes shut gently, Bixtie was already stretching her maw as wide as she possibly could without having something inside, the beginning to gently suck the messy mane inside, soaking it with saliva. Bixtie began to slightly quicken her pace, tiny maw slowly stretching over the circumference of the head - if anybody were witnessing this it would be madly impressive even despite Sekkachi's smaller-than-average size. Already the Breezie's throat was swelling immensely with just a few bits of mane within it. The tight but pleasantly warm tunnel aided her maw in dragging the pony inside. Soon enough Sekkachi could feel Bixtie's maw wetting her mane and scalp.

She soon realized that Bixtie was eating her, though didn't feel threatened. In fact, she could somehow tell this was the tiny creature's way of helping her out and simply accepted the fact. It didn't even bother her as she felt the tongue gliding along her skin, drooling saliva all over her scalp and forehead. Bixtie was able to work surprisingly fast due to her experience in eating those larger than herself and demonstrated this, Sekkachi able to feel the squishy, drenching cheeks and muscle around her head as it tenderly slipped into the Breezie maw. The further inside she went, the more pleasant this became to her, and the more she relaxed internally. At this point, Sekkachi didn't necessarily mind if this was the way she went - it was comfortable, the abundance of saliva only seeming to make the experience even better.

Bixtie had a bright blush on her face that Sekkachi wouldn't see, savouring the sweet, marshmallow-like taste of this marshmallow-coloured pony. Her mane even had its own distinct watermelon-ish taste to it, creating an amazing sensation of flavour on the Breezie's taste buds. Every saliva-dripping slurp across the soft white coat and skin added to this sensation - right now, she was enjoying one of the best meals she had ever had the joy of devouring. Not only that but judging by Sekkachi's situation, Bixtie was probably also saving her life. In her mind it was a double victory - could this get any better for her?

As her throat began expanding a surprising amount to allocate Sekkachi's head, Bixtie's eyes shot wide open as the taste from her meal's neck was even better than her head! It was soft, fatty and supple, denting with the slightest touch of her tongue and ruthlessly striking her taste buds. A small, muffled moan escaped her lips in satisfaction, drawing a small giggle from Sekkachi. Sekkachi loved Bixtie's throat, nuzzling it tenderly. Between its tight squeezing, pleasant warmth and enjoyable wetness, it was a glorious experience.

Bixtie's eyes smiled, hearing Sekkachi's enjoyment of being her prey. It was always a million times better and tastier when they liked it. Her jaw passed Sekkachi's chest and sucked on her belly a bit, finding it the best-tasting part. Sekkachi had an incredibly sweet and rich-tasting belly, shivering in delight during her slide. More of her body had reached the throat and begun getting pushed down the lovely passage, the squeezes akin to a massage.

Finally, her maw stretched beyond belief as was her throat, tiny body beginning to bulge near the soft beetle belly along with her swallows and pulls. Sekkachi wiggled her legs and swished her tail, which was all that remained outside of the relaxing confinement. Bixtie realized this, letting her mouth deflate to match the much smaller size of what remained. While the legs were effortlessly slurped inside, Sekkachi found her head pressing and slipping through the stomach sphincter. About now was when Bixtie's belly really bulged and stretched, leaving her rump and legs small as always as it took in the pony head.

"mmm!" she mumbled with a happy, sated giggle. Sekkachi's body began filling into her stomach, surprisingly not feel squished whatsoever. In fact, Bixtie's stomach was even more of an amazing place for her!

Bixtie relaxed on the ground a bit and smiled, giving her huge belly a good few pats. Before long her mouth opened into a loud, satisfied belch. She let a small purr out as Sekkachi's body wiggled and rubbed the squishy, slimy walls of her stomach. "You were, like...the best pony I've ever eaten!"

Sekkachi smiled, happy she was enjoyed by the Breezie. One question prominently resided on her mind. "...Bixtie? gonna reform me after?" The question got a gasp from the surprised recipient.

"Of course, silly! I'm gonna go over to Ponyville and digest you, then reform you so you can get led back home!" Bixtie replied cheerfully, tail wagging. She practically revelled in her ability to help out ponies that needed it and feed herself at the same time!

Sekkachi squeaked in shock as Bixtie casually rose upwards on her wings, watching her full belly sway contently both with wind and movement. It would be a decent flight, so most of the digestion would take place on the way over to the town where Sekkachi did indeed live. As for her own feelings, she couldn't be more content. Problems of hers were being done away with and she got to enjoy being food for somepony other than a nearby baker or her sister.

Not whatsoever did the Breezie's flight wave or slow; her vast experience was definitely on display here. Sekkachi's pudgy body made up for how small she was in weight, effectively equating to a normal pony's at the moment. Acids did begin to pour from the roof of the comfortable chamber, though they were unplentiful as of yet, and completely painless. Despite a couple of instinctual wiggles kicking in from the small legs, Bixtie either barely felt anything much or simply enjoyed the feeling, as no noises or requests for it to stop came.

The scenery of the flight was mostly naught but thick forest, which added to the mundane atmosphere of the day added no interest to the flight. Bixtie made no effort to look down at what she passed thusly, keeping her gaze straight towards the pleasant town of Ponyville, which despite being a good while away was already visible. Bixtie smiled at the sight.

"Almost there!" She chanted. Small, light gurgles came from her stomach as the internal walls squeezed Sekkachi a bit. Acids did their work, calmly and peacefully melting away her fur and skin. The announcement relaxed the marshmallow even more.

Faintly came the sounds of the buzzing Breezie wings as she neared Ponyville more and more. Most of them were drowned out for Sekkachi by the many sounds around her: the sizzling of the stomach acids, groans of the stomach as it expelled air - sometimes with a small, soft belch out of Bixtie - and the gurgles and glorps of digestion. Not one bit did Sekkachi mind having her ears filled with these sounds - it was perfectly pleasant to her in every way.

Even feeling her body melt away into a nice Breezie belly full of pony goo was a good, if not great, feeling. At first, when it was slow due to the lack of sufficient acids, it was barely noticable. But now the acids had filled the stomach to the point of forcing Sekkachi to sit up straight. Between the ever-rising acids and the tightening stomach that squeezed her more now, the digestion of her body was very noticable.

Bixtie had an expression of satisfaction and pleasure written all over her tiny face. If Sekkachi loved the squishes and churns of digestion from the inside, Bixtie simply could not get enough of those actions and feelings from the outside. It was pure heaven for the Breezie, as it always was, to have a pony allow her to devour them. Despite enjoying it when a prey would move about frequently within her stomach, that was mostly reserved for when she was at a standstill - too much during flight became bothersome - so she had gratitude towards the calmness of Sekkachi.

Around the time Bixtie's head flew over Ponyville, she let a last belch out of her system, giggling as her stomach tightened further. By this point Sekkachi had almost entirely melted - simply her head and just enough of her body to keep her conscious just a while longer remained - and the process was only quickened by this squeezeing. Before the acids overtook her head and submerged her entirely in the hungry stomach walls, churning the rest of her into goo, she gave a small nuzzle to the stomach walls as a thank you.

"Awww...!" Bixtie smiled softly and gave a small purr. "Of course! Happy to help and eat anypony!"

Noticably to anypony who saw besides herself, Bixtie's stomach began shrinking at a rapid rate, causing along, loud, liquid-y groan. Sekkachi was, for the moment, goo in Bixtie's stomach and had already become a noticable pudgy layer on the Breezie's body. Bixtie sat on a tree branch and waited, giving her sated, happy gut some loving rubs.

Soon enough Sekkachi reformed far down below, a pony immediately noticing her. Bixtie held her front hooves to her cheeks and grinned, pleased to see the poor, lost mare get the help that she needed. A definite win-win for the voracious, yet tiny Breezie.