//------------------------------// // space connection 55540 2011/2003 part 1 // Story: Ruler of Time & Space! Zi-O // by Kamen rider yokai //------------------------------// It didn’t take long for Celestia to get back to us about coming back and I suggested she give twilight her old journal with the mirror portal to let twilight use it’s connection to open the portal. Celestia agreed and a few hours later I was leaning on the mirror when I suddenly went through and found myself in the golden oaks library with sunset, geiz, tsukiyomi, woz and yume with Serene following. I was turned into a humaniod brown unicorn with my outfit while on my coat having the emblem of Kamen rider Zi-o now on the area above my heart. Geiz was now a red earth pony with his hair and outfit with a pair of clock hands as his emblem. Tsukiyomi was a white alicorn in her outfit with her emblem being a moon dial. Woz ended up a black Pegasus with his outfit with his emblem being his orma Advent calendar. The only one to remain human was yume. Standing around us was twilight and her friends. “Sunset! I thought it was just going to be you for a visit according to Celestia” twilight said confused. " Celestia decided to have us be a surprise it seems” I muttered pushing myself up. “Wow nice to see what twilight, Applejack, and rarity look like around this time period” yume noted as Serene hugged his back. " Sunset who’s he and how is he still human?” Asked twilight. " Im yume hedeki Kamen rider cyber I’m like James only I ended up in Equestria about eighty years from now the dimensional barrier gets thin in that time. Only ones of you still around is you, Applejack and rarity. Never met the others. I’m friends with some of the next generation of you six” yume said. " What I want to know is why my daughter is a alicorn” sunset said staring at tsukiyomi. " Think I’m the king of time you become the queen of time in my world a princess is the hier of the king and queen. So tsukiyomi is the princess of time” I deadpanned. " Oh right such a powerful concept would effect how tsukiyomi would be when she crosses over” sunset noted. " No wonder people called me princess when I crossed over when I was younger when mom visited Equestria” tsukiyomi muttered. " So what brings you guys over” asked twilight. “Remember when woz mentioned another riders in Equestria? We got both another faiz and fourze appearing so we need to find a school” I explained. " Celestia's school for gifted unicorns!” Said twilight catching on. “Hold on what are you talking about? Another riders?” Asked rainbow looking lost. “It wasn’t something I felt was my place to tell” twilight admitted. " Right... Oh and word of warning don’t keep the portal and journal in this library future you told me a future foe of yours blew up the library so if you want the mirror and journal intact put them someplace out of the target area” yume said to twilight. " Thanks for the warning” twilight nodded. " So who is the next generation of our little group” asked rarity looking at yume. " Well for one you and spikes daughter sparity, Applejack junior, apple Eden, Ariel ace, prince Dawn, and surprise. Applejack Jr is half human, Ariel ace is the granddaughter of spitfire, soarin, daring Doo and ahuizotle. Eden is fluttershy’s granddaughter who can see spirits, Dawn unknowingly recreated a system of magic from the negima world, sparity has both a unicorn and dragon form that is pretty much it for the next gen of you guys. From what I heard rainbow never had a kid but reincarnated as Ariel ace. Things have apparently gotten crazy since rarity and Spike moved into ponyville to settle down” yume ticked off. " Wait me and Spike have a daughter!” Rarity went wide eyed with shock. Yume pulled out two photos of a white and purple dragoness with a white and green unicorn. “This is sparity... Let’s just say somehow you became like nightmare moon but stayed yourself somehow and your former nightmare persona somehow reincarnated itself as sparity. I got the story out of Spike when he explained why they left a few decades before I arrived.” Yume informed. " Whoo Nelly I can believe it” Applejack said. " Why does she need glasses” asked rarity. " Side effect of the nightmare form means she normally sees a nightmarish version of the world around her. The glasses are enchanted to let her see the world as everyone else does” yume answered shrugging. " How do you know that” Spike asked. " I asked her and she told me that herself.” Yume deadpanned. “Right so canterlot” said sunset trying to bring everyone back on track. With that we exited the library and yume blinked. Ponyville in the past for him was a lot smaller as ponyville was practically a megacity in his time but here it was just a small town still. The group went to the train station to head to canterlot buying tickets the group was soon on their way while tsukiyomi had to deal with shocked stares her way due to her alicorn form. On the way we caught twilight and her friends up on what was going on since we last saw twilight. “Wait you created yume here as a fictional character” asked twilight looking at me in surprise. " It’s a large multiverse anything can happen. I didn’t expect to actually meet him or him becoming a rider” I said shrugging. " Wouldn’t that make you his dad?” Asked rainbow making me jerk in surprise. " Considering im a orphan in my world and he did make my world that about sums things up” yume agreed before looking to tsukiyomi. " Guess that makes me your brother” he added. “Great so my family is even more stranger than usual. Seeing as riders apparently run in it” I groaned looking at the ceiling. " Hey I’m not that bad” yume said. " Point kusaka is the worst to be related to” I agreed making those of us aware of faiz to shudder in agreement. “Kusaka?” Asked sunset. “The original Kamen rider kaixa and not a particularly good person. He was cause of so much miscommunication that geiz if he didn’t find out tsukiyomi is my daughter would have a similar personality to trying to kill me at all costs to prevent his future” I said pointing at geiz. Geiz paled as woz showed him something in his book. " Thank God I’m not like him! That guy is supposed to be dead though” geiz said once he recovered. " Another faiz accidentally prevented his death so be prepared for a migraine of him trying to kill a student the another rider has a connection to when we can just change the past so he has no reason to become another rider. Thank God we will meet takumi the original faiz so kusaka will be kept somewhat in line” I said. " But you said something about fourze” twilight asked. " According to woz it’s a Kamen rider fourze displaced so I will find a token so we can get rid of another faiz. Only the power of the original rider can defeat the another rider. It’s just our luck this another rider has two ride watches and switch’s between fourze and faiz as a result on defeat. Geiz you need the faiz ride watch as the show/timeline I saw had you use it while I get the fourze ride watch” I said relaxing. " Wait fourze... Are you talking about jack? Wasn’t he teaching at canterlot University” asked pinkie blinking. " Oh come one this is the world the fourze displaced is from” both me and yume asked shocked. The mane six pulled out six driver’s themselves. " He made us these making us Kamen riders contrail, Galaxy, nebula, Nova, grav, and flare” twilight informed. " And why didn’t you use your driver when we met twilight” I asked her eye twitching. " I forgot to pack it when I went to the Crystal empire after I became a princess. Jack made these for if we couldn’t use the elements” she sheepishly admitted. " So who is jack” asked sunset. “Jack saraph is someone we met who ended up on the moon just before Luna was banished apparently they spent all thousand years doing therapy for Luna and studying cosmic energy. Jack teaches ponies and anyone how to use cosmic energy. He’s married to Luna with both having four kids who were fragments of Luna’s cosmic energy that formed Astro switches. They were the stars that aided their escape. They were the shadowbolts. Besides the zoidarts on occasion jack loves teaching” twilight said before I facepalmed. " Once was surprising but twice! Yume your about to meet another ‘brother’ I groaned. " You wrote and thought up jack didn’t you” pinkie realized what I meant. “Yep he was a former farmer training to be a astronaught but lived in Texas while yume here is from their worlds Japan. He stumbled onto Kamen rider fourze online and became inspired to become a astronaught” I said confirming that. " Explains how he knew his way around a farm” Applejack said chuckling. " I started writing him around the end of fourzes series I got really inspired by gentaro for his character” I said. " Still why in the world am I meeting characters I created? Who next geo hikari?” I asked as seriously this is becoming a running gag I can tell. " Huh now when I get back to my time I got to contact him seeing as shocker has popped up in my era I wouldn’t mind having the backup... Plus ask your future selves where you left the driver’s. You seem to have forgotten about being riders in my time so I can get them to the new elements of harmony” yume said. " Considering me, rainbow and Fluttershy are dead in your time you might have to ask my granddaughter where I might have left the three of us driver’s” pinkie said as frankly she would ask her family to watch over the driver’s of her friends if they passed away. “Applejacks might be destroyed though. She ended up in a universe called dark souls where she met her husband... Lordran isn’t a pleasant place so never hurts to be prepared. Two years there was seventy here which explains how your still alive in my time” yume said with a wince. " Ah shoot how bad” asked Applejack. " Cursed to being undead having to fight other undead and fighting demons just to reignite a flame that keeps the land going? Yeah that bad” yume said with a wince. " Fewments I’ll take that warning to heart then” Applejack said. Soon enough we arrived and headed our way to the school for gifted unicorns meeting up with Celestia at the entrance. With her was four ponies one looking like a younger blue and navy version of rainbow and another a younger and teal with dark blue version of Fluttershy. The other two resembled a varying shades of blue spitfire and the last resembled daring do. “Ah good to see you made it okay... And who is this alicorn with you I don’t think we met” said Celestia looking surprised at tsukiyomi. " I’m tsukiyomi McCann I’m James and sunset’s daughter fifty years from now. Dad has powers over time I slightly inherited resulting in me being a alicorn when I cross over from earth” tsukiyomi explained. " She has the ability to freeze time and can selectively leave people uneffected which is handy for saving people from falling debris” I said. " I see” said Celestia giving her student a smile. " Has twilight told you about my supposed future?” I asked Celestia. “Yes but I didn’t think what has been going on here was connected until you contacted me” said Celestia. " Yeah things have been hectic. So can we meet jack? We’re going to need his help if we are going to find the another rider going around” I said. " Sure dad is having lunch in the rabbit hutch around this time” the spitfire like Pegasus said. " New moon” the rainbow dash like one rolled her eyes giving her elder sister a look. “Fine harvest you lead the way blue you let Mom know we have guests hunter you good with going with blue?” New moon said looking at her sisters. With nods the four pegasi split up into pairs as Celestia looked amused. “My niece’s seem excited to meet newcomers like you” Celestia mused making the pair blush. " Technically we are family in me and tsukiyomi’s case. James here apparently wrote about me and jack in his world and well that makes him our dad as a result. I’m yume Xavier hideki Kamen rider cyber I end up in ponyville eighty years from now as a displaced. Twilight seems to have taken over for you and Luna in my time” yume said. " That means your my uncle!” Harvest said wide eyed. " And that means your my aunt and grandpa” new moon said looking at tsukiyomi and me. " Oh kouta I’m a grandpa at eighteen years old this is one sentence I never expected to say in my life” I said looking at the sky. " Don’t worry my king at least your relatives have Equestria in safe hands” woz placated looking at his book. " King” asked harvest looking surprised. " Kamen rider Zi-o known as the king of time and space... Which means I have to deal with the headache that is timetravel a lot. Yume didn’t even know tokens can send someone to the past of their own worlds or worlds connected to them when I got his token” I said. " Finding out he pulled a recreators with me and now jack is putting things mildly” yume said. " Oh we just watched that last week” harvest mused snickering. Entering a shed the group found themselves at a station that showed the moon and laying next to a man in a blue suit with brown hair and blue eyes was a zorua and a small wyvern with princess Luna looking up as she fiddled with her own moon based driver I could see was designed after meteor. “Ah dear we got company it seems” Luna said. Jack looked up and blinked finding yume was tilting his head. “Okay now I can believe James did write you besides the eye color you are identical” yume nodded. " What” jack asked. " Recreators situation I’m the guy who wrote both of you into existance. Your both from the same world. James McCann currently displaced as Kamen rider Zi-o this purple haired teen here is yume hideki considered to be your Younger brother as I wrote him after you so to speak. He ends up here 80 years from now as a Kamen rider himself” I explained. “... Dear when were you going to tell me your father was going to visit” Luna asked shocked. " I didn’t know I even had a pa!” Jack said wide eyed. " Oh right your backstory had both your parents killed by a thrown grenade into a barn a year after you were born. Sometimes it’s hard keeping track of which backstory I give characters. Oh God skyline may throttle me if we ever meet” I said with a wince. " Skyline” asked jack. " A character as a test on how well I can do a female character... Had her be the lone survivor of a plane crash her parents sacrificed themselves to land safely only for the engine to explode. She was lucky the blast sent her into the ocean with enough momentum to reach the shore of liberty island. She was born in the international skyline between America and Japan. Hence her name skyline” I explained. " Huh so I might have a sister” yume said nodding in understanding. " So what brings you here father” Luna asked and I deadpanned at rainbow. “Now look at what you started rainbow your counterpart won’t let me live this down if Luna’s counterpart on the other side of the mirror heard about this” I told her annoyed. " This is already awkward as I’m going to be the mother of tsukiyomi here I don’t think I’m able to handle the realization if James is now the father in law of princess Luna that makes me the mother in law” sunset pointed out before paling as what she said registered and fainted. “Whoops” rainbow said realizing just how awkward things got between Celestia and sunset as both registered that statement. “Figures it was rainbow who started this mess still our family is just as crazy no matter how we are related” jack said giving her a unamused look. " Yes still back to my question” asked Luna. “Ah right we came here to help with the assault on the female students going on here. Luna I’m sure Celestia told you about why we are dealing with time travel right?” I asked looking at Celestia who froze as sweat started breaking out on her. “Sister... What did you forget to tell me” Luna knew her elder sister well to recognize that expression. One explanation later and the saraph family facepalmed as Luna leveled Celestia a flat look. “Tia... You are going to be spending time in the sun for a week once we are done with this crisis” Luna informed looking Celestia in the eye not pleased such info was withheld. The solar diarch slumped. “Still jack do you have a student named Karin enrolled if we can find her we can find another faize not far from her” I asked. " Huh how did you know about miss lulamoon” asked jack. " Related to Trixie? Guess we got a lead as to who is the two for one another rider now” I said sharing a look with our group. “Karin should be at Gym class right now” jack said looking at his watch. With that all of us started moving to the gym once we went back to Equestria only to see another fourze approach Karin. “Trixie stop! Is this about what happened seven years ago?” Karin said backing away. And to my surprise takumi and kusaka arrived looking like pony versions both earth ponies. “Guys we better hurry and Karin just confirmed Trixie is the Another rider” I said as we each put on our drivers. Zi-o!/geiz!/tsukiyomi!/solar! Was heard as the four of us activated our ride watches, yume pulled out his change card, while twilight and the others got ready to activate their driver’s as jack flipped down the red troggles on his driver. 3-2-1 was heard as each of us took a deep breath as we unlocked our drivers as yume set in his change card. “Henshin!” All of us called out as our armors formed on us. Rider time! Kamen rider zi-o/geiz/tsukiyomi! Tsu-ki-yo-mi! Era time! Kamen rider Solar! Cyber! Sync up Rider! Added to the electronic beats our fellow riders appeared. Fourze looked us over. “Huh so your theme is watches?” Asked fourze. “Well I am the king of time in tsukiyomi and geiz’s time. Sunset and tsukiyomi are sun and moon dials respectfully” I said as I looked at fourze. I looked over twilight and her friends as twilight was in a lavender bodysuit much like fourze only her helmet was a spiral Galaxy in shape like meteors. Rainbow was much like meteor in design in cyan with her armor more feminine, pinkie was well pink and astrod themed while Applejack resembled super rocket states color wise but had a more sun theme, rarity was crystalline white with nadeshiko like armor. Fluttershy was shuttle based and had the shield module. Luna was more like fourze just inversed colors of the base states and the black of her mask was navy. “Alright let’s restore time!” I shouted as we charged as Trixie summoned out dustards and riotroopers to fight back leaving me and fourze with takumi fighting another fourze while the others handled the mooks. Though a few moments into the battle it was getting clear we needed to change the tires. “Guys time to kick things up a notch!” I called pulling out the build ride watch making geiz pull out the cross z ride watch as sunset pulled out rouge and tsukiyomi pulled out grease. Rider time! Era time! Kamen rider Zi-o, Kamen rider geiz, Kamen rider tsukiyomi, Kamen rider Solar! Armor time! Best match! Build, wake up burning cross z! Robots in grease! Legend time! Crack up Rogue burah! A cocophony of noise sound as each of us entered the build set of armors. “The law of victory is set!” I called sending my drill into the side of another faize. “I get the feeling I can’t loose” geiz said as he slashed with his ax. “Well might as well try this” cyber said putting in a new card. Cyber! Level up rider Ex-aid! Was heard as the ex-aid based ganbarider armor replaced his default form. With that the battle continued before another faize vanished using launcher to cause a smokescreen. “Shoot!” I said looking around. I went wide eyed as I saw kusaka approaching Karin. “Kusaka don’t even think about it!” I snarled making him freeze as geiz shuddered. “Tsukiyomi I’m getting reminded of the one time orma Zi-o lost his temper when someone tried to kill your mother” geiz said obviously caught in a flashback. " Well he’s like shining armor than can’t stand to see his loved ones hurt” twilight noted. “It was because of that mom knew the man she loved was still in there somewhere in orma Zi-o.” Tsukiyomi muttered. " Explains why she chewed me out before I ran off to the past when I came up with the stupid idea to kill Zi-o before he becomes the tyrant” geiz shuddered. " That reminds me mom has a message... Take a time majin without permission again and you can kiss being able to have kids goodbye” tsukiyomi informed. Sunset gave her a look. " That does sound like something I would say” sunset admitted. Still they gave a start as I walked past dragging kusaka by his jacket clearly annoyed. “You were better when you died in 2003 kusaka because in my world you were so hated Japan had a day celebrating your death” I coldly informed making the asshole pale at that info. Takumi looked confused. “He’s not kidding kaixa day is a thing and he deserved it for intentionally causing miscommunication to the point you guys couldn’t work together at all” jack winced. " And trying to get you killed by making you give up being a rider because of his own issues” yume muttered. " Yeah that would make James be ticked” geiz muttered. “James!” Jack called before tossing him the fourze ride watch. " Now I know why I woke up last week holding that for some reason” jack said shaking his head. Takumi pulled out the faiz ride watch and handed it to geiz. “If he thinks that can help you better hold onto this” said takumi. " Right geiz you head to 2003 I got 2011 that way we can prevent Karin here from getting into a accident that forces some obscure ritual to keep her alive through the death of students the same horoscope she is” I called back making Karin blink. " You knew” asked Karin looking at me. “I deal with timetravel timelines are easy to figure out after a while” I shot back as the time majins flew over as sunset joined me in one whith time while tsukiyomi joined geiz. Yume did had to catch new cards for fourze and faiz’s sets having brushed against both jack and takumi as he ran to catch up. I tossed kusaka over to takumi. “Watch him while we are gone” I said as we shot into the past.