The Oddyssey of Sunlight Blaze, rise of a hero, Volume 1: Meet Sunlight Blaze

by Justafanfictioner

Chapter 8: Clarifying the things

Sunlight was actually inside C.H.S, at night. He looked at all the pictures of the students and saw Sunset Shimmer on most of them. That let him with two options: Or she was actually still studying in this school, or she had frequented it and was gone. He walked outside the school without knowing where to go next.

“Hum, i don’t know where she lives, he said to himself. I have to wait until tomorrow to know it, or...”

He took his mirror with the intention of asking where she was living, but was struck by a thought.

“Wait, even if i find her and where she lives, he thought. Will she believe me if i told her i am her lost brother? Now that i think about it, i acted a bit to excited. I have to return to Equestria, I know for sure somepony who could help me reach her instead.”

Sunlight returned in the direction of the portal and jumped in it, reappearing in one of the chambers of the castle of Friendship.

“Now, all i have to do is to wait until the morning to talk with Starlight, who will told it to Twilight. Then i will have a talk with my parents and finally, use Twilight or Starlight to reach Sunset Shimmer and reveal to her she have a brother. Not hard at all!”

He couldn't find sleep, so he head to the castle library and decided to learn new elemental magic spells. He immediately thought of his obvious weakness to cold and water.

“Learning thunder and ice magic can't be so hard, he thought. I will first try to learn the bases.”

He passed all the night on trying to casr ice and thunder spell. All these efforts at least made him able to cast a basic lightning from his horn, and a snowball. When the morning came, he was aslept until Starlight woke him up.

“Hey, Sunlight! She said. Wake up!! You will be late for school!!”

He didn’t woke up immediately, so she casted on him a spell who suppressed his fatigue. He woke up immediately.

“I am awake!! He said out loud. Oh, hi, Starlight, i have something to tell you, something Twilight also have to know. That concern me.”

“Go, i am listening” she said.

“Yesterday, he explained. Cadence gave me that mirror, telling me it could reveal the answer to 3 questions of my choices.”

He showed her the mirror, that she analyzed. She realized Sunlight was telling the truth about the artifact. She told Sunlight to continue.

“So, first, he said, i asked if it knew something i didn’t knew about my past. It showed me that i have been adopted!”

“Ouch, she said. Poor you.”

“But this is not the most shocking, he said. I learned my true parents abandoned me a during the first days following my birth. Then, cherry on the cake, the mirror show me that i had a sister who was also, like me, adopted by another family. Her name is Sunset Shimmer, my childhood friend at the school of magic, one of Twilight best friends, old pupil of Celestia and also your friend.”

Starlight mind was blown. She immediately teleported him and herself at Canterlot, in the royal castle, in the royal room. Twilight was surprised to saw her and Sunlight so soon and during her breakfast.

“What are you two doing here?” she asked.

“This is for something concerning Sunlight, answered Starlight. Something that will shock you too!”

“Told me so, Starlight!” said the princess.

“Sunlight learned yesterday from a magic mirror, who can reveal the answer to any question, gave by Cadence, she said. He have a sister, from which he was separated at the birth. I didn’t believe him when i told me what her name was Sunset Shimmer!”

Twilight spited the apple cider she was drinking, shocked by the revelation.

“Sunset Shimmer? She said. You mean, my friend from C.H.S?! She is Sunlight’s sister?!”

“Yes, answered Sunlight. I know this is crazy, especially when this is from a magic mirror i got the revelation, but this is true.”

Twilight took a few minutes to calm down and then continued to talk.

“I know you can’t lie, she said. I believe you, you look a lot like her now that i am thinking about it. You have the same-looking mane and spark of fire in your eyes”

“I need your help to join her, he asked. If i told her directly, she is not gonna believe me, but if you and Starlight told her the story, she will listen. Please, can you do that for me?”

“Spike, she said, bring me the journal.”

“Immediately, Twilight” he said.

Spike took a few minutes to find the book and then brought him to Twilight. She wrote at the intention of Sunset to came back to Equestria immediately, telling that was very important.

“That’s done, she said. Now, we will have to wait she read it and come.”

“Please bring me here directly when she will arrive, he asked to Twilight. I have another thing to do before.”

“Count on me!! She answered. See ya later!!!”

Starlight and Sunlight walked together outside the castle. Sunlight told her that he have to left the school of friendship so he could be with his sister.

“I am sad to see you leave from the second time, she said. But i understand that your family matter more than me or your friends. So i will announce to them you will be gone for a while and remove your name from the student list until you come back.”

“Thank you, Starlight, to understand it, he said. I know my friends will be sad, but my sister is more important, she need me. And thank you for anything you have done for me”

They hugged, then Starlight disappeared, because she had a school to run. Sunlight headed to his parents house. They were happy to see him again. But when he told them i knew he was adopted, they hugged him and apologized for hiding it to him. Then when he told them he had a sister, they answered that they didn’t knew it, that they found him alone.

“I forgave you, said Sunlight, after they explained to him why they didn’t told him sooner. That made me the stallion i am today and i couldn’t have done anything i did during my life if i knew that.”

“This is funny you said that, said his father, because we were going to reveal that to you today...”

Sunlight facehooved himself for wasting a question yesterday when he could have got the answer the next day. His parents hugged him again and Sunlight told them he was loving them even if they were not his true parents. Then he left the house, followed like always by his pet to head toward the castle again. He was suddenly teleported and knew what that was meaning.

[During the time Sunlight was with his parents,In the world of E.G]

Sunset Shimmer, like every morning, woke up and jumped off of her bed. She took a long shower, then brushed her teeth and dressed up for school. (she took almost an hour in total) She then noticed that the book she was using to communicate with Twilight was vibrating and opened it. She read the message telling to come immediately to Canterlot and in less than a second, She immediately head to the portal and passed trough it. She found herself in a room of the castle of Friendship but got out of the castle as fast as she could to head to the school of friendship and asked Starlight to teleport her to Canterlot. She found her in her office and the two greeted each other with a hug.

“I need you to bring me to Canterlot, she told to her. Don’t ask questions, Twilight want to see me immediately!”

She teleported her in the royal castle of Twilight.

“Hi, Twilight, she said. I came as soon as i read your message. What is the problem?”

“I have something to told you, a revelation, she answered. You can enter, Sunlight!!”

Sunlight entered in the royal room and when he saw her Sister, his heart started to beat faster. Sunset recognized him as her friend at the school of magic when she was a filly.

“I know you, she said. You were my friend when i was young!!! Sunlight Blaze, am i right?”

“Yes, he answered. But, how to tell you that...”

Twilight then revealed her that Sunlight and her were related as siblings, separated at the birth and raised in different families.

“He is my...WHAT?! She yelled, surprised. You mean, i had a brother all this time and i didn’t knew it?”

“You took it really well, said Sunlight. Me, i was petrified and in state of shock.”

“I know this is hard to believe, said Twilight. But i am telling the truth.”

“I have one way to know if it is the truth” she said.

She used her magic power to read Sunlight’s memory of yesterday.

“Give me that mirror” she then said.

Sunlight obeyed without saying anything. She used her power on it to see what was it’s nature and origin and discover that the mirror had effectively the power to reveal hidden secrets about anything and anyone

“You are really my brother, she said to him. I thought i had no family outside my adoptive one and my friends.”

“I though it to, he said. Just knowing we were so close from each other without realizing that we were siblings, this is something frustrating but also funny.”

“The question is why our parents, our true parents, abandoned us, she said. Can you use the mirror to ask where our parents are right now?”

“I don’t know, he answered. If a parent abandon is children, that mean only two things: Or we were not desired and didn’t want to raise us because of that, or they abandoned us because they wanted to save us from something. But i both of the case, something tell me we don’t want to find them.”

“In the first case, If you were not wanted by them, you and Sunset, said Twilight, retrieve them is a bad idea. In the second case, your parents are dead.”

“Only one way to know, said Sunlight. Mirror, show me where are our parents right now!!”

The mirror showed in 3D vision the place where they were. They saw a graveyard and they knew that was not a good sign. The image changed and showed a tombstone where a name was wrote, the name of their father. Then the mirror showed another tombstone with the name of their mother. The mirror shattered in pieces and turned to dust. The 3 ponies were silent. Sunset knew they she would never had answers.

“I am sorry, Sunset Shimmer, said the princess. I am also sorry for you too, Sunlight.”

Sunlight and her gave a hug to Sunset.

“I think i will return home, said Sunset. I will try to live with the fact that my true parents are probably dead, without even knowing why they abandoned me.”

Sunlight teleported in front of Sunset to stop her.

“Hey, i am here, he said. I am sad too. You...We don’t have parents, but we have each other and have your friends.”

Sunset looked at his brother with a smile, she knew he was right. She didn’t have parents, but she had a brother now, and her friends from C.H.S. They were her real family.

“But before you return to your world, i have to pick some stuff i let at the castle of friendship, i want to go with you, if you are okay with that”

“Sure, she said. We have so much to told to each other...”

She and Sunlight were transported by Twilight to Ponyville, in face of the castle. Sunlight opened the doors and head in direction of his chamber. His pet immediately came to see him.

“Wait, is this a phoenix?” she asked.

“Yep, he answered. She is my pet, this is a gift from Twilight and Celestia.”

He showed her his room, full of posters, toys and plushies of the Mane 6. He explained to her how his childhood have been inspired by them. He also told her about his life with his adoptive parents and how great that was for him.

“You are lucky, she answered. You family loved you. My family was horrible, forcing me to be better, using violence to do it or mind manipulation. They were proud of me only when i had good grades. They never supported me, i hated them, this is why i never wanted to came back with them....When i left Equestria”

Sunlight took all of his stuff with him, including the artifacts and the posters.

“The only reasons i didn’t sink in this madness sooner was because of you, Sunlight. You were my only friend when i was young. But then one day, you were gone and i was alone.”

“I didn’t choose to leave, he said. My parents just wanted to make me focus on other things than magic. I am sorry if i let you alone. If only i could have stayed with you...I would have”

“But what happened made me and you what we are today, she said. The fate wanted that to happen to us”

“Not the fate, said Sunlight. I think that was destiny!”

He walked out of his chamber and Sunset followed him to the room where the magic portal was and they crossed it together.