The Oddyssey of Sunlight Blaze, rise of a hero, Volume 1: Meet Sunlight Blaze

by Justafanfictioner

Chapter 10: Sunlight and the mane 7

2 days had passed and Sunlight had met the mane 6 of the human world. They were surprised and happy for Sunset Shimmer that she found her long lost brother and when Sunlight presented himself, the group loved him instantly. Sunlight mentioned his talent for fashion (Rarity), martial art (Rainbow Dash, cause i suppose she know some of them), manual work (like Applejack), engineering and technology (like Twilight), cooking (like Pinkie Pie) and that his pet was a phoenix (Which Fluttershy immediately fell in love with). He revealed he had admiration for them and what he was was a combination of each of them. Then later in the first day, Sunlight used immediately his money to make some expensive shopping. He wanted to get the most recent and advanced products on the market. He purchased tons of electronic material, tons of tissues, tons of cool gadgets. His last expense would be a pair of rocket boots. He was told he would receive them in two days. And now today was the day his rocket boots would be delivered.

“They said 3 days, said Sunlight. And the third day is today!!”

He was waiting in front of Flash’s parents house. The delivery truck arrived and two guy brought the big box to him.

“Are you Sunlight Blaze?” asked one of them.

“Yes” he answered.

“Sign here and here” told the second guy to him.

Sunlight signed and took the package to his room and opened it immediately. He took the Rocket boots and put them on

“Wow, now, let's try them!! He said. Their colors are perfect and their design too.”

He waited until the school was over and invited the girls to join him at a abandoned facility. They arrived with a lot of question on why he wanted them to be here. Sunlight showed himself in his costume made by Rarity and told them about the rocket boots (For some reasons, when he crossed the portal, the costume magically change to fit to the body of an human)

“Oh my star, Darling!! Said Rarity. This costume is amazing! Who did it?"

“You, answered Sunlight. The pony you"

"I knew it, she said. I am so talented, even in another dimension!"

"She told me that it was enhanced with magical protection spells, but not what were their effect. So, i will need you to test these new functionalities."

Twilight took a notebook and a pencil.

“First test!! Resistance to cold!! Said Sunset. What is the coldest source of temperature in our world?"

"The Absolute Zero" answered Twilight.

"But where we can find something that cold?” asked Sunset.

Pinkie Pie verified in her hairs and pulled out a gun.

“With that, she said. This is a cryogenic gun i found in one of my adventures in another dimension. Let’s put it at the Absolute Zero!”

“Wait, what?!! Said Sunlight, scared. No, don’t! What if!!!”

She shot on Sunlight a ray of ice which ice him solid. At his surprise, he resisted very well and broke the shell of ice.

“Ice resistance, checked!! Said Twilight. Your costume can indeed resist to the coldest temperature known to humans”

“Next is to see if you costume is bulletproof!! Said Sunset. Rainbow Dash, can you get a gun for me?”

She obeyed and came back 5 seconds later with a gun. She gave it to Sunset who shot at Sunlight. The bullets were deflected

“The costume is bulletproof, she said. You can put a check on it”

Twilight and the other were shocked

"What?" asked Sunset.

"Nothing, said Twilight. Let's pass to the next test.

Rainbow Dash brought back the two friends to the factory.

“The second test was a success” said Rainbow Dash

“Now, shock absorption, said Sunset. A.J, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, hit the harder you can on his costume!”

The 3 girls obeyed to that demand. Rainbow Dash hit him with objects threw at high speed, Applejack was punching him and Pinkie Pie was using her explosives cupcakes. After 30 minutes of being hit by all sort of objects without any problem, Sunlight decided to push it further and asked Rainbow Dash and Applejack to combine their powers on him. They obeyed with a certain hesitation.

“Are you ready, Applejack?” asked Rainbow to her friend.

“I am, she answered. And you?”

“Sure i am!! She answered. Let’s do this!!”

Rainbow Dash started to run at high velocity, holding Applejack by the two arms. She threw her at 50 meters of Sunlight in his direction. Applejack focused her magic strength into her knuckles, to made them as hard as steel. Sunlight didn't move out and waited for the impact. The punch of Applejack hit him with such power that the poor guy was projected violently so far he destroyed half of the factory and made a one kilometer long furrow in the ground.

“Holy fucking shit!! Said Sunset. You killed him!! You killed my brother!!”

Rainbow Dash followed the furrow and found Sunlight unconscious, but without any damages to his body. She brought him back to the factory and woke him by slapping him in the face for two minutes.

“Are you okay? Asked Sunset. Do you have something broken?!”

“Nope, i am okay, i think, he answered. The shock was very powerful, but my costume absorbed almost all of it.”

He get on his legs and yell of pain, causing Sunset to scream of surprise.

“Oh shit, he said. I think you broke some of my ribs, he he he. But at least, i am not dead!”

“We need to bring you at a hospital” said Rarity.

“Not necessary” said Sunlight.

Cinder immediately came helping his master. She used fire to heal Sunlight’s wounds and soon, he was completely healed.

“This is why i bring her everywhere with me, he said. Thank you, Cinder.”

Sunset hugged him.

“Don’t do that again!!” she said to him, furious and still a little bit shocked.

“I calculated the power of the shock, said Twilight. You took a hit equivalent to the power of a spaceship entering in the atmosphere!! You survived a mach 40 impact!!!”

“But i don’t run that fast, said Rainbow Dash. My top speed his mach 4!I know, i calculated”

“Exactly, she said. But Applejack’s punch was 10 time stronger to her normal one thanks to her super strength.”

“How did you calculated that?” Asked Sunset.

“My drone is equipped with a hi-tech slow motion camera, she answered. Then it calculated everything from Rainbow Dash’s speed to applejack punches power. And they gave me this result”

“Okay, let’s continue the tests” said Sunlight.

“No!! Said Sunset. No more test. I don’t want to see you hurt again.”

“You forgot Cinder can heal me if i got hurt, he said to her. I want to see what else my costume have”

“This is not the problem, she said. I just don't support to see yourself got hurt, i don’t want to lose you again because of a stupid test!”

“Okay, i will stop hurting myself, he said. But at least let me try my rocket boots!!”

The boots activated and Sunlight was projected in the airs. He pass two long minutes flying, out of control. Then he shutted them down and fell on the ground violently.

“Maybe the boots were not a good idea, he said. I think i will have to learn how to use them, He he. Let’s just get home...”

He returned in the chamber he rented but before, he passed in front of his roommate chamber and saw him playing O&O with his friends ( Derpy, Micro Chips and Sandal Wood)

“Hey, Sunlight, said Flash, do you want to join us? We need one more player in our game!”

“I don’t know, he said. I am a little bit exhausted...Maybe another day!"

The 4 students begged him to play, and Sunlight couldn't resist for long.

“Let me just put my stuff in my room and i join you” he said.

When that was done, Sunlight joined the group.

“So, i will resume the story, said Flash. My hero is a powerful level 20 warrior, he said. A master of swords and close combat. He possess a magical sword gave by his father.”

“Mine is an alchemist of level 24, said Micro Chips. He is an excellent denier and a great supporter in the battles.”

“My hero is a skilled elvish archer of level 26, said Sandal Wood. He possess a magic bow who never misses his target.”

“Hum, let me guess, you guys need a magician in your team?” said Sunlight

He showed them his character sheet to the group.

“My hero have two classes, he said to them. He his a Pyromancer and an Elementalist. He possess 3 powerful relics: The Phoenix Talisman, who can give him the flight ability, the Dragon Gauntlets, who give him the speed and strength of a dragon and a pair of goggles that allow him to see beyond illusions”

“Well, we need a magician, said Micro Chip, but not as a hero. We need an antagonist in our game, and your character is perfect for that role.”

“You want me to play as a bad guy? He asked. No thanks, I hate the villains and i won’t play one.”

“This is just a game, said Flash, not the real life. Your character won’t be the main villain, just one of his second in chief, his Right hand man, to be exact. He can keep his artifacts and his powers but you need to have at least 3 bad guy characteristics”

Sunlight left the room without saying a word.

“Where are you going?” asked Flash.

“See my sister, he answered. I want to play your game, but not as a villain. I am sure you will find another person who love playing the bad guys. Sunlight's Out!!!”

He locked his room after he took a few things. He then walked in direction of Sunset’s apartment. He knocked at her door and she slightly open to him. She had blush in her face and was looking exhausted.

“Oh, hey brother!!, she said. What bring you here? I was thinking you would play with your stuff or something.”

“I was thinking i could spent the evening with you, he said, suspecting something. Hum, except if you planned something else?”

“Well, i am, kinda occupied right now, she said. I can’t let you enter in my room for the moment, you know, girls need to be alone sometimes. I am sure you understand...”

“I understand, he said. Well, goodnight!! If you search for me, i will be training to fly!!! Sunlight's Off!!”

He ran to a window in the hallway leading to the outside and opened it.

“What are you...Oh, heck no!! She said loud. You realize you are on the last floor, right?!”

“Yes, he said. Time to make a superhero exit!!!”

“Sunlight, wait!! You don’t have your costume!!” she yelled.

That was too late. Sunlight jumped off the window. She heard a scream followed by a complete silence.

“SUNLIGHT!!!!” she yelled, terrorized.

She grabbed some clothes to put on and ran in the direction of the window to see if Sunlight was okay. But she was not seeing his body crushed against the ground.

“What? Where did he goes?! She said. Sunlight?!”

He appeared in front of her, flying with his magic wings.

“Hey, i did it! Well, see ya tomorrow, Sis!!” he said to her.

He made a wrong move and hit the window. Sunset avoided being hit as Sunlight crashed against a wall.

“I think i will take the stairs instead” he said to her, smiling and a little bit confused.

She smiled too and had a little laugh. Sunlight got on his legs and walked in direction of the stairs.

“Well, if you want to be alone tonight, i will let you alone, he said. I am sorry for the inconvenience and i will paid that window, i swear!”

“Wait! She said. You can stay with me for the rest of the evening if you want!!”

“You were not supposed to pass the evening alone, like you said?” he asked.

“Well...i can report this for another day, she answered. Beside, passing time with my brother is more important. Do you want to play with me at Tirek’s Revenge 4?”

“This time, i will beat you!” he answered with a smile

“You wish! She said. Don’t make me laugh. I never lose!!”

They passed the rest of the evening playing video games and then, Sunset fell asleep. Sunlight shutted off the console, the lights and let her in her bed. Then, he left. While on his way home, he felt something in his heart, something he though he would never feel again. He retrieved his sister, was friends with the Mane 6, had a lot of money, but something was missing in his life: Adventure. He loved his sister and his friends, but that was not enough. He wanted to save lives, be a superhero and thought that in this world, That would not happen. Later, in his bed, he looked at his costume and had a thought:

”I wish i could live the adventure of my life, he said. An adventure so epic, with lot of powerful heroes and villains and where i would be at my place...But i don’t want to leave my sister alone again...I want her to come with me too!!”

He then closed his eyes.