Twilight's Nightmare

by Nightsclaw

CH 35.2 Unexpected Mail

Rarity relaxed as she sat at her table. A teacup filled with her favourite refined blend and a pencil slowly marking the paper held in her aura before her. Slowly she took a sip of her drink, letting the herbal blend work its magic and revitalise her mind and body.

A ladylike sigh escaped her muzzle, she put the pencil down. She looked out the window taking in Ponyville, still almost the same as it had been a decade ago, apart from the castle. Her life had become infinitely more complicated since she first met Twilight all those years ago. It almost felt like a different lifetime. 

Her eyes turned back inside, settling on a framed picture of her and the rest of the Elements. All the many memories, everything she shared with her friends. Yes her life was more complicated, but she would not trade it for the world.

She checked herself in her portable mirror, she was still the same beautiful mare that she had been then, but even she could start to see there were some minor changes, refinements really. She would still have many years until she truly started to look old.

The small mirror was set aside with care, being deposited precisely where she intended as dozens of swatches of fabric and spools of thread started to dance around her. 

A small smile crossed her face. She might not have the raw power of Twilight, but she still had the edge in fine control. 

Trying to get back to work, she glanced at her sketch. Despite her intentions, she had trouble getting her mind to focus. Her mind kept wandering, thinking about recent events. 

Yesterday had been one of the strangest days Rarity could remember. Yesterday was more chaotic than anything not caused by either Discord, Pinkie Pie or a world-threatening ancient evil. 

There was the aftermath of the changeling attack and all the panicked ponies that she needed to calm down. It had taken hours of reassuring words and some soothing tea before the flower sisters were able to settle down again.

After that, Twilight was late and seemed unbothered by it. That, more than anything else, let her know something was deeply wrong with her friend. Even if she did not have the ‘insight’ Starlight shared about what Twilight had been through, she would still have worried. With that insight, she was afraid. 

Rarity's mind had a moment of considering Rainbow's implications that Twilight had tried to seduce her. Rainbow’s expression left her unsure if it had been successful. Then there was Fluttershy's invite to the harem. This did not seem like the action of the mare she knew, but so little of how she was these days seemed to fit.

The methods of her craft were so ingrained that even with her mind occupied, her aura and senses kept working. She has discarded most of the selection of material as being unworthy of her plans and started grouping what was left based on what outfit they would be for. The lavender fabric and metallic magenta thread caught her attention.

With the association of Scootaloo’s new feathers, Rarity could not help but recall watching Twilight perform her ritual. Twilight used her magic to let Scootaloo finally fly. Even she could tell that a lot of what was seen was just showmareship clearly used to hide whatever magic she was really using. 

Rarity's keen mind brought up the fact Twilight did everything in that eyesore of an arena she had created. It easily blocked any magical senses from feeling what happened. Now Rainbow Dash might have done something in there to make a point of showing off, but not Twilight, she would always have a reason, a plan. There was something about this magic she did not want others to notice, but why?

She closed her eyes, reliving the moment. The awe she had felt watching her friend rising again. Twilight looked like a goddess reaching out with elegant strands of magic as she altered, no healed Scootaloo. 

Is this what an Alicorn really is? How would I be feeling now if I had felt the magic she used? Rarity thought.

If she was a painter, she would have immortalised that scene in paint. Instead, she was sketching more designs in her idea pad. She had so many wonderful ideas, dresses that would look ravishing on Twilight. As well as a few that would survive the antics of most of the adventures of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Who knew that dealing with them for years would have proved so useful.

Her mind went back to Scootaloo. She had honestly feared that the poor filly would never fly for years. Learning that she was a hybrid and never could, was heartbreaking. She honestly thought she would need to advise Sweetie Belle how to comfort her friend.

Opening her eyes, Rarity narrowed her attention back to her work. In addition to her inspiration fueled efforts, she would have to spend some time working on the design of Twilight’s guard uniform, as well as the preparations for Twilight’s upcoming event. “So many ideas, so little time,” Her elegant voice pronounced to the world.

Rarity held fabric ready for her to begin, but she hesitated. “I really do need to get a chance to get some new measurements from Twilight, she seems to have grown since the last time.”

She placed all her materials and tools down. Taking a sip of her tea, she grimaced. In her distraction, she had allowed it to cool far below pleasant drinking temperature. She rose and headed to the kitchen. Reheated tea never tasted quite right even if it would have been trivial. She always enjoyed things at their best.

Tipping the cold tea out, she set about brewing another cup. This one, she promised herself, she would enjoy while it was still at the perfect temperature. Leaving the beverage brewing, she looked at the clock. It was long past the time her sister should be up. 

“Sweetie Belle,” Rarity called out, projecting her voice to easily be heard upstairs.

Receiving no answer, she headed up the stairway to Sweetie's room. With each audible hoof-fall upon the stairs, she worried a little more about what was wrong with her sister. She knocked once as she called out again. “Sweetie, time to wake up.”

Receiving no answer, she carefully pushed the door open. The bed was empty and made, laying atop it was a note. The large writing was clearly visible from the door.

Gone to play with Star, be back later. Don’t worry we will be safe.

Rarity sighed. Ever since Star had started playing with her sister and their friends, they had become almost impossible to pin down. “I do not envy Twilight and Luna when Star becomes a teenager.”

A loud formal sounding knock interrupted her train of thought. “What did the Crusaders do now?” She sighed in a rather unladylike manner before calling out in her normal sing-song voice. “Coming.”

She trotted down the stairs and made her way to the front door in good time. It would not do to keep anypony waiting too long. Taking a breath and making sure her mane was just so, Rarity opened the door.

On seeing an unfamiliar pony, she was just about to launch into her well-rehersed greeting for a customer before their clothes stopped her. Before her, was a tall unicorn stallion, standing almost at attention in a distinctive courier uniform. Their services were only used for messages of the utmost importance, where paying to have one of the few ponies who could teleport long distance deliver the message provided the certainty it could never be intercepted. That or nobles who were too tribalist to allow pegasus hooves to contaminate their correspondences, Rarity amended to herself.

Somepony had spent a lot of money when they sent this messenger. Rarity’s mind raced, who or what could mean that she would receive a message this way. It had nothing to do with any of the princesses. They would either teleport themselves or send the message through Spike. 

Her mind danced with all the possibilities. A fashion magazine? A prince from another land entranced by tales of her beauty? Another wealthy noble needing an ensemble for a social event, offering her a commission to have the best outfit at the event? 

“Lady Rarity, Element of Generosity,” The stallion said in a cultured Canterlot accent. 

“Indeed,” Rarity responded, trying to keep the hope from her voice.

The stallion, in a well-practised gesture, pulled a metal scroll-case from a dimensional pocket. He presented it to her in his amber aura, deliberately leaving half of it free of his magic so their energies would never have to touch.

Almost without thinking, she lit her own horn, her aura embraced the bare part of the scroll case. Even if she thought it was silly, she still was not going to breach etiquette by letting their auras mingle.

The stallion released his magic and bowed formally. “Good day, Lady Rarity.” Taking exactly six steps back, he lit his horn and four seconds later vanished in a teleportation effect. 

“Leaving immediately, I guess no reply is expected.” She mused to herself.
Unable to contain her curiosity, she did not even wait to be fully back inside before she opened it. The seal of Blueblood was all she needed to see. With a slight flick of her aura, the extremely expensively conveyed message deposited itself in its proper home. The wastebasket.

Rarity snorted in an unladylike way. “Seriously, Blueblood sent me a missive? He thinks I’m going to even entertain a letter from him after the way he treated me?”

A small feeling of satisfaction surged through her. It was not as satisfying as throwing Blueblood into the bin, but it was cathartic.

With a smile on her muzzle, she set back to her work, imaging how he might react to such a fate. It was hard not to laugh at the thought of him being unable to free himself from being in such an undignified position. If he had knocked on the door right at that moment, Rarity did not know if she would make the vision a reality.

Rarity’s eyes trailed to the bin again. It was the third time this hour. The letter seemed to demand her attention. A long unladylike sigh escaped her. “Confound it. This is going to eat at me. I’m not going to be able to focus on my work, let alone sleep unless I read it.” She huffed and angrily strode and definitely did not stomp over to the bin. “What on Equus could he want? Why did he send me a letter?” 

Her aura violently grabbed the letter up in a melodramatic flourish and she started reading. Her eyes went wider and wider with each line. 

“I don’t believe it. An apology? From Blueblood?” She almost shrieked. “Has the world gone mad? Either that or he’s trying to manipulate me. No matter, I’ll tell Twilight about this and get it sorted out.”

Placing a ‘be back later’ sign on the door, she trotted out towards Twilight’s castle, doing her best to keep her agitation out of her gate. A lady must always act the part. She thought as she followed her own advice on her short journey.
A few ponies' eyes watched her for longer than normal. She hoped it was because she looked like she was heading somewhere with purpose and not because her composure was failing her.

Seeing the fierce-looking Nightguard flanking the doors of the Castle of Friendship was still jarring to see. Until recently, it was a bastion of friendship and any of the girls could just walk in. Now it was starting to feel more like Canterlot. A slight flicker of motion from high up likely meant there was a guard station atop the castle somewhere. Well at least Twilight and Little Star should be safe here now. She thought, regretful of the lost innocent charm of the place.

One of the guards was a rugged looking grey thestral stallion, the other a quite dashing looking midnight blue unicorn mare. Both of them looked like they were the type of character that might sweep a princess off her hooves in one of her novels. For a moment, she considered what she would do if the stallion approached her romantically. She had been so fixated on her dream and then she lost it. Could she be happy with a normal pony?

There was a flash of magic from the mare's horn. Rarity did not even break stride as the changeling detection spell washed over her. For a moment, it felt like her coat was made of wire wool digging into her flesh with each movement. Somepony needs to work on their horncraft. She thought bitterly.

Six full seconds passed before the guards seemed happy that she was, in fact, herself and not an imposter. Without a word, they opened the main doors and allowed her to enter.

"Thank you," Rarity said with an elegant tip of her head to the guards as she passed them. I do hope Twilight gets her own guards as there is no way she would allow them to be so incompetent with their magic. She tried to not shudder at just thinking of how that detection spell felt. She was going to need at least an hour at the spa getting her coat maintained just to get over the trauma of the experience.

The doors thudded shut behind her, only barely avoiding her tail. She gazed at the now-closed doors, it was a rather unladylike look. And better manners. She commented to herself, relieved that her beautiful tail survived intact. She might be willing to sacrifice to save the day from Nightmare Moon, but she would be most unpleased to lose it because some fool of a guard slammed the door on it. 

She made her way into the castle at a walk. Somehow the thought of trotting or galloping around just because of Blueblood’s letter felt wrong. 

She was barely a dozen steps in when she heard conversation up ahead.

"Trixie, are you sure you want to do this? You know what it will cost." Starlight’s voice came from around the corner along with the sound of hooves on the crystal floor. 

Trixie and Starlight walked around the corner, coming into view. Starlight offered a quick nod to Rarity though Trixie was still too caught up to notice anypony at all. Only her marefriend and her own ego seemed to exist to the showmare.

"Trixie will be great and powerful again! She will show the world what she was meant to be capable of," Trixie exclaimed. Walking past Rarity without even acknowledging her presence, the showmare continued. "The Great and Powerful Trixie will dazzle even you," she finished with a dramatic pose that set her cloak billowing in a conjured breeze behind her rearing form. 

Rarity watched them as they headed out. Starlight caught her eyes with a concerned glance. 

Starlight looked back to Trixie, a slightly fake supportive smile on her face. "Just please be careful, Trixie, it is not wise to get between Alicorns."

Trixie’s horn lit to open the door, but the Nightguard beat her to it. They must have heard them coming. Rarity thought, recalling the fact that some of the gossip columns employed more than a few of thestrals to eavesdrop because of their excellent hearing.

The two Nightguard closed the door with the same suddenness as before. The solid slabs of material now hiding the pair from view and denying Rarity the chance to hear Trixie’s response. 

Get between Alicorns? Has something else happened between Celestia and Twilight? Rarity worried, hoping it was not true. 

Shaking her head and banishing such thoughts from her mind, she continued on. 

She made her way into the castle, wondering who, if anypony, was watching her. First, there was Little Star who was more than capable of scrying undetected on both her mother's. Then there was the very definition of stealth, the Nightguard. It seemed her every action was likely being observed. Now normally, she did not mind an audience, but she liked to know they were there at least. 

Ever since Emerald’s comment the other day, it was hard not to see each shadow as a potential Nightguard. Add that to scrying magic and other spells and there were just too many ways for a pony to spy on her that she could not detect, nor do anything to resist.

With a quiet sigh, she put on a pleasant smile. She would just have to accept that she was being watched whenever she was here. Twilight really was a princess and was starting to gather the guards and servants that her position required. For a moment, Rarity wondered how much this would change Ponyville. Would it become more like Canterlot, would nobles, sycophants and servants all move in. Would the rustic charm of the place be lost under the consequences of Twilight truly accepting her royalty and everything that came with it?

Rarity glanced around at the castle, it was actually a castle. A beautiful and unique structure gifted to Twilight by the Tree of Harmony. 

Studying the crystal wall, her own reflection caught her eyes. She knew, and could easily see that for a unicorn, her form was almost perfection, second only to the top fashion models. 

Rarity's beauty took hours of work to maintain. Even with that, she had to admit she was not as perfect as Fluttershy’s natural beauty. Perhaps that was why she got invited to a royal harem. 

Though perhaps it was because Twilight knew her. Rarity would much prefer a romance with a prince that led to a royal wedding and her being a princess. 

She grimaced. Letting her eyes trace over the letter that useless stallion had sent her. Blueblood had destroyed her dreams that fateful Gala. How long would it be until she got over it?

In a way, it might have been better if she never attended that Gala, if she never learned how horrible of a stallion he was. At least that way she might still have the pleasant daydream to keep her company. A long-suffering sigh escaped her.

She spared a glance back in the crystal reflection. Her mind idly wondering how things would have been if she ascended instead of Twilight. She could most certainly make the Alicorn attributes look truly divine, unlike the just mostly divine all four adult Alicorns achieved. 

Until Twilight had ascended, she would have thought it could never have been anything but a dream. Becoming an Alicorn Princess was nothing but an impossible fantasy. There used to be only one Alicorn and then there were two, three, more. Where would it stop? How many Alicorns would there be, and who would be the next one? 

Rarity continued walking, thinking. It did not take her mind long to spot the pattern. Every Alicorn had a direct connection to Celestia. Luna, her sister. Cadance, her niece. Twilight, her student. Who is left?

She had almost gotten to her destination when it hit her. The next Alicorn is either going to be Raven Inkwell or Sunset Shimmer. She thought with disappointment. 

Arriving and finding no guards, she almost thought she had gone to the wrong room. But no, she knew this was the right room. She was completely certain of it. She paused in thought. How do I know this is the right room?[/] Though her entire journey through the castle, she just simply walked, as if she already knew what room Twilight was in.

Only one way to find out. Rarity lifted a hoof to knock at the door. Just before her hoof made contact, a slightly fluorescent white aura enveloped the doors.

As the sound of the rustling of many scrolls, parchments and books being neatly moved aside greeted her, Twilight's warm voice called out, “Rarity,” but it seemed a little distant.

The doors fully opened, revealing three ponies in the room. Twilight, Candice and Emerald.

The inside of the room used to be set up as a small reception. It had been somewhat transformed. It now was very much night themed. At the centre was a large comfortable chaise lounge. Twilight lay like some empress being attended to by her servants. If Candice was holding grapes instead of a clipboard, the image might have held.

Twilight was lounging, wings both spread wide. One was being expertly tended to by Emerald’s aura as her hooves massaged Twilight's powerful flight muscles. Like this, with her majestic wings on full display, Rarity could see that Twilight was no longer the sedate bookish librarian she used to be. Her body was toned and powerful. 

If it was not for the clear marks of pain on Twilight muzzle, Rarity might have thought she had walked into a rather intimate scene.

Twilight's eyes shifted, becoming warmer. All expressions of pain faded, replaced with Twilight’s normal friendly smile. “What can I do for you?” she asked, her voice seeming somehow more familiar.

“Twilight, dear, are you all right?” Rarity asked, concern marring her muzzle’s elegant lines.

Twilight just smiled with lazy contentment. “Yes, Rarity, I’m fine, thank you.” 

Rarity hesitated for a moment. “You looked like you were in pain.”

Twilight nodded, “A little. It is only a small side effect of helping Scootaloo, nothing you need to worry about.”

“I’ve never seen a spell affect you this way,” Rarity's voice was full of concern.

“I don’t normally give away part of my wellspring,” Twilight joked.

“You did what?! Are you going to be alright, do I need to call Luna?” Rarity asked in rising panic. Any damage to a pony’s wellspring was normally fatal.

Twilight’s aura wrapping around her felt warm and caring as it gently pulled her into a one-legged embrace. “Rarity, I'm fine. I'm an Alicorn.”

“But, your soul?” Rarity asked in disbelief.

Twilight offered her best reassuring smile. “Will be fine, it will heal. For me, this is little more than a slightly painful blood transfusion.” 

Candice moved subtly, catching Rarity’s attention as she supported Twilight’s statement with a smile and simple confirming nod. 

“That is very generous of you,” Rarity said, trying to come to terms with this new fact about her friend.

“I learned from the best,” Twilight said, nuzzling Rarity. “Would you like some tea?”

Rarity nodded “That would be lovely darling.” 

Twilight glanced to Emerald who nodded and headed out of the room. As last time, the green maned beauty almost glided across the room with almost unnatural grace. She made it look so easy, almost as if she had been born to it.

Once the door closed, Rarity spoke up. “It is good to see you are letting other ponies take care of you.”

Twilight nodded. “There are some advantages to my position, some I really should have been using for years. I have so many responsibilities now, I just don't have time to do everything myself.”

Candice let her eyes look to Twilight, affection and perhaps even true love, sparkling within them.

“That and organising the Festival in time for next week,” Rarity commented, choosing not to comment on the look from Candice.

“Are you going to be alright getting your part done?” Twilight asked her.

“I should be,” Rarity started a little hesitantly. “It's a lot of work, but I have worked with tighter deadlines,” She finished, sounding confident.

“If you need more funds to hire more help,” Twilight offered

“I should be fine, thank you,” Rarity said.

Twilight lazily stood and stretched, flexing like Opal might, letting out a relieved sigh. “So, Rarity, what brings you here? Is it that letter you're carrying?”

Rarity looked at the mentioned correspondence “Yes, I'm a little unsure what to do with it.”

“From Blueblood?” Candice asked simply.

“Yes… he wrote to apologise to me, can you believe that?” Rarity exclaimed with disbelief.

Candice nodded. “Annoyed Alicorns can be quite the source of motivation.”

“I only teleported him to the fountain.” Twilight waved her hoof as if such things were nothing.

“Then took off with part of a building,” Candice smirked.

“At least I didn’t drop it on him,” Twilight said far too casually and with what sounded like a hint of regret.

“Twilight, is that sort of thing overreacting? I know he may not be our favourite pony, but wouldn’t dropping a building on him be going a little too far? You sound like you wanted to hurt him,” Rarity asked, some of Starlight's warnings coming to mind.

Twilight eyes narrowed dangerously, “As long as he behaves himself, we will never need to find out.”

Candice chuckled.

Maybe Starlight had a point about there being something wrong with Twilight... The sound of the door opening again snapped Rarity out of her thoughts.

Emerald entered the room with a tea service. Twilight inhaled, taking in the scent of an unfamiliar blend of leaves. It seemed to calm Twilight. Her smile returned, and she bade Emerald to serve Rarity first. “You do have to try this, it is a recent discovery of mine, and I think it is truly excellent,” Twilight said with pride.

Emerald expertly lifted the teapot and poured the first cup, gracefully offering it to Rarity as Twilight settled back down comfortably.

Rarity took the cup in her own aura and inhaled its complex scent. She could not identify any of the ingredients. It was fruity like berries, slightly spiced yet made her mind think of a cool night breeze and the peace after a storm.
Twilight smiled encouragingly. 

Rarity took a single sip in a refined ladylike manner. The strange spiced fruity flavour caressed her tongue and a small amount of energy seemed to disperse throughout her body. A pleasant coolness seemed to spread through her, slowing her heart rate and breaths. The worry about Twilight being stable, what Blueblood was up to and even the recent changeling attack faded. The knowledge was still there, and she could take action based on the knowledge, but there was no reason to worry, panic or stress.

A smile crossed Rarity’s muzzle as she settled down on a silken pillow that seemed to be set aside for visitors. Every part of her body seemed to relax, the tension in her muscles undoing itself. This would be a perfect complement for a massage or just to settle down after a long day's work. Rarity thought. “What is this remarkable elixir?”  

Candice had a small smile on her face. Clearly indicating she had already tried it and knew what Rarity was feeling.

Twilight beamed, this was clearly a question she was hoping to be asked. “This is a little something I put together based on some thousand-year-old recipe and some ingredients that were thought to be extinct. That and being infused with a small dash of starlight and some other aspected magic.”

Rarity smiled, “Assuming this is legal, would I be able to get a supply?” 

“Of course, you will have to wait for more to be made and some of the ingredients to regrow, but yes, I think we can manage that,” Twilight said as she accepted her own cup from Emerald. Inhaling, she said to herself. “I hope Luna likes this.”

“Darling, I'm sure she will,” Rarity said. The only two ponies she thought might not like this was Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.

Twilight smiled “I hope you're right.”

Candice piped up, “I think you are worrying about it too much. If what she gave me to help with knocking out three months of paperwork and research within a week, is anything to go by, then she will not just like it, she will love it.”

"So what exactly did Luna give you?" Rarity asked.

“A liquid stimulant that let me stay up for the whole time. I slept for sixteen hours after it was done, I have no idea what was in it.” Candice replied.

Twilight pondered for a moment, "Should I make something more to keep ponies awake and active and not so relaxing?"

“Maybe check the laws about what is legal or not. Then have something that can balance it if too much is taken. Wouldn't want ponies going comatose.” Candice advised.

“If I am going to try and sell it, the laws become an issue... And naturally, it needs to be more potent to affect Alicorns…” Twilight looked thoughtful. “I might need to talk to Pinky if I want to make something with enough power to affect an Alicorn. She did make that coffee that Celestia deemed to be dangerous enough to have locked up in the RGIS vault.”

Rarity tried to keep the alarm from her face. "Darling, isn't that the one that nearly destroyed Sugarcube Corner? And if it was not for your magic holding it in stasis, it would have caused a huge explosion?"

Twilight nodded. "So I will need to get some of my lab equipment to safely store it. Maybe if I paint some of the containers, we could still make it look somewhat like a tea set?"

"Twilight, serving Luna a drink that could literally cause her to explode is not, and I repeat not, something you do in a loving relationship." Rarity was amazed that she managed to sound calm.

“Rarity has a point on that one. Like I said, something to balance it. Not anything that Pinkie has a tendency to make,” Candice lightly rebuked though there was a touch of humour on her face.

“I will see about making an antidote.” Twilight looked a little crestfallen, seeming not to notice the humour.

Rarity smiled at Twilight. "It is one of, if not the best tea I have ever sampled. If it is made from plants thought lost to time, perhaps it will remind Luna of happy times from before Nightmare Moon?"

“Most likely, I can only imagine what other stuff she has taken considering what she let me have,” Candice said.

Twilight raised a single eyebrow before turning back to the cup before her. She slowly sampled her tea again, this time seeming more analytical. After a moment of contemplation, the doubt and worry faded. She nodded to herself and then turned her attention back to Rarity, her eyes just a little more guarded than before.

Hmm, guarded a bit after that. I will have to watch how I criticize her choices in the future. What she's been through seems to have affected her sensitivities as well. Rarity thought to herself as she once again wondered just how bad things must have been to affect her friend this much.

After a few contented minutes filled with companionable silence and them both slowly reducing the amount of liquid in their teacups, Rarity spoke. “So, darling. Do you think that Blueblood is being sincere with his letter?”

“Perhaps,” Twilight looked at Candice for a moment over the top of her teacup. “Perhaps not, but I do believe this is his new public stance at least.”

Rarity nodded. “So we don't know if this is him really having changed or if this is a move in the game of politics?”

“Or a move in the game of survival? Feels like somepony had a talk with him.” Candice added.

It did feel odd having Candice here when talking to her friend, but Twilight was a princess, one that had been almost killed. So it made sense she would always have her guard wither her. 

Twilight lit her horn, her aura wrapping around some letters of her own. “He seemed to be more verbose with me. In essence, this is an effort to mend bridges between us.”

The magenta magic presented the correspondences to her. The first thing Rarity noticed was the same horn writing and marks of authenticity, meaning that there was no doubt this was real.

Two caught her attention the most. One, a formal but understated apology for language and words unbecoming of his station being directed at Candice. The other pointed out that as Twilight’s Royal Guard force, even if it is only one pony strong, it was required to have a Captain.

In the corner of her eye, she noticed that there was one letter left to one side deliberately. That letter looked like one of the scrolls that Celestia sent through Spike. It had been opened, so that was good. The scroll next to it with a single word on it likely was the start of a reply. That Celestia and Twilight were at least writing letters to each other was hopefully a good sign. 

“Is he trying to help you?” Rarity asked doubtfully, choosing to ignore the letter from Celestia for now.

Candice shrugged her wings, the motions accentuating how large her wings were. Clearly, she had something she wanted to add, but her professionalism held her tongue. 

Twilight answered instead. “He is, but the question is why.”

Rarity nodded to herself, changing the subject. “So Candice, if you are going to be Twilight’s Guard Captain, it is even more important you come over to my boutique to get proper measurements so I can begin crafting you the finest uniform.”

“As long as I can get the time off, I would be happy to do so,” Candice said

“Or you can get your stuff and you can measure her here?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight, I could but… my boutique is where I do my best work,” Rarity almost pouted.

Twilight sighed and mumbled something, “You can have her for an hour, I will be teleporting you both back in exactly sixty minutes.”

Rarity eyes widened only a little. The tea was proving extremely good at keeping panic at bay. As Twilight lit her horn, Rarity picked up her teacup and held it close.

Candice tapped Twilight with her wing. “It takes longer than that, besides that should be a proper appointment.”

“Fine, just bring her back when you’re done,” Twilight said with a clearly fake annoyed tone, glancing at the assorted paperwork.

There was a flash of magenta as Twilight’s magic took hold of both of them. The last thing she heard of the castle was a quiet chuckle from Twilight before appearing back at home inside the Carousel Boutique.

Rarity’s senses swam from the teleport. Twilight's raw power blotted out her magical awareness and made her horn itch for a few seconds. Her senses started to make sense of her surroundings. Around her, the familiar surrounds of her workroom revealed themselves. Blinking, she shook her head to try and clear it. 

Rarity looked around seeing Candice looking perfectly at ease. She seemed to have recovered from the teleport first. 

“Well, that was unexpected,” Candice stated, sounding a little amused.

“Quite. So Candice…” Rarity started, leaning closer to the mare. “What exactly is your relationship with our dear Twilight?”

Candice offered a wry smile, “Multi-faceted.”

“Yes, granted Darling…” Rarity said, desperately wanting to get onto actual information. “But what about the details? How did you meet and why are you interested in her? What are your goals here? And you do know she is to be wed to Luna?”

Candice’s smile took on a hint of happy remembrance. “Luna literally gave me to her as a present. That’s how we met. Though I was dressed up in Luna’s shadows when she did.”

“Luna's shadows, you have got to let me see that material. What wondrous things I could make with such a fabric,” Rarity pleaded. She was amazed at how calm she was being. The tea must still be affecting me. She thought. 

Candice pulled said shadowy material from under her wing. It flowed more than unfolded. It’s nearly perfectly black surface looked almost infinitely thin and never creased. It was truly magnificent.

Rarity reached out and ran a hoof over the material. It felt impossibly smooth and never wrinkled. The fabric seemed weightless, yet had a definite presence. She imagined it might be what clouds might feel like if you could spin them into fabric. Idea, that might work. She thought as her mind started into a line of pegasus only outfits made of different types of weather.

Taking a moment to collect herself, Rarity continued. "So Luna just gave you to her? Are you ok with this?” Rarity paused for a moment looking into Candice’s eyes and seeing the devotion there. “I know that you are, I can see it in your eyes.” 

“I was originally one of Princess Celestia’s intelligence analysts. Luna called in a favour and got me released from the Solar Oath. I joined the Nightguard and shortly after was given to Twilight. To be honest, I’m in love with both of them. I’ve dreamt of Luna and Twilight since before Luna returned. Thank you for your role in that by the way.” 

“You mean defeating that monster Nightmare moon? If so, you are more than welcome. That was a public service and what brought all of us together. None of the girls would be where they are today if it was not for that.” Rarity said happily, before leaning in conspiratorially  “I can tell you though, it was truly terrifying at the time and the state my tail nearly ended up in. I still have sleepless nights because of it upon occasion.”

“There is a lot that could have been different if you and your friends hadn’t come to the rescue. I’m just happy to be where I am. Seeing Twilight do the things she does, being able to help her research and, well mostly, I just want her to be happy and safe. If I had the power to make the world safe, then I would… sorry, that was more than you were asking for, isn’t it?”

“Relax dear, it is fine,” Rarity said, still continuing on with her work with her tape measure.

Unlike Rainbow, Candice offered no resistance and happily stood there being measured and having different bits of fabrics held against her coat and mane. Occasionally her magic reaching out for a piece of fabric as if making a suggestion.

Candice seemed to relax. “My emotions are not a state secret or anything. So when others ask, I have a tendency to speak at length if there is an interest shown. I figured you wanted a private talk with her guard. It’s one of the reasons I pointed out the time for a proper measurement and fitting. If you desire to know something and I am allowed to tell, just ask and I will share. You are one of Twilight’s closest friends. I don’t want to have a wall between us. I prefer friendship as well and would like to be friends with you, not just ‘Twilight’s guard’.”

“She is the Princess of Friendship, do you think she would let you get away with just being her guard? She would have you eating cookies at Sugarcube Corner before the end of your first week if you tried to be just her guard. Now on the other hoof, I was wondering if you are going to need some ‘special’ clothes for your time with Twilight?” Rarity inquired.

“I’m sure you’re right. There would be friendship lessons for me if that were the case. Would you like to see the shadow outfit on me?” Candice asked in response to the ‘special’ outfits.

“If I did not know better, I would say you were trying to seduce me as well.” Rarity shook her head for a moment. “Yes, I would very much like to see what it looks like on the intended pony. I have never seen the material, let alone Luna’s own craftwork.”

“You are an Artist. One that happens to work with fabric. I would only try to seduce you if you were interested in Twilight and I thought it would make her happy. My willingness to show you is because you are a professional.” Candice said.

The fabric vanished and reappeared on Candice's body. Well, that is one way to avoid putting on a show, and why am I not surprised that Luna picked a guard that has a knack for magic. Rarity thought.

Rarity circled Candice, looking at the outfit crafted by an Alicorn. It did certainly enhance all the desirable traits of the hybrid mare. To Rarity, the pony herself was the lesser part of the ensemble. The clothes were more impressive, the finest craft and that impossible material were both within her hoof’s reach. “Can you get more of this material? Or is this something I would have to deal directly with Luna for?”

“I’m not certain I was meant to keep what I have, to be honest. But, if I get good enough with the shadow magic, I might be able to make some myself in a few years.” Candice stated with a hint of hope.

“A few years… I can try and wait a few years... So what is shadow magic? I don't remember reading about it at school.”

“Thestral magic, but they work with shadows a lot. I gained some Thestral magic when Luna made me her chosen.” Candice said with apparent pride.

“So all the guards around town might be able to make some?” Rarity looked like she was about to be very happy if her thoughts were true.

“I don't know. You might want to start with Luna though.” Candice suggested.

Rarity nodded, humming a little as she looked for a bit of paper and a quill. 

The shadow silk was beautiful, it was a material that almost called to her. She could do so much with it. It would completely redefine the fashion world for generations to come. If Luna makes shadow silk, what would Celestia, Cadance or even Twilight make as their fabrics? This could lead to a new line of princess dresses and other accessories.

‘Dear Princess Luna,’ Rarity started her letter eagerly. Still admiring Candice’s form and dress. Rarity looked between the letter and Candice for a moment before setting it aside. Considering how she was thinking a moment ago, she realised she was over the effects of Twilight’s Tea. “Sorry Darling, I seemed to have gotten a little carried away there. I can write that later, shall we get back to your uniform?”

“Before I put this away, would you want to see how it comes off?” Candice asked with casual confidence as she was posing for Rarity in ways that showed off the intent of the outfit.

Rarity let her eyes wander for a moment, actually taking in the mare in the outfit for a long moment. Did Luna train her to be a seductress? Rarity thought as she felt her cheeks warm a bit before answering. "As appealing as that would be. I think that would be an experience base saved for Luna or Twilight?" 

“While I was thinking you might desire to know the limits of the fabric, you seem to be enjoying the show. Don't be shy in asking questions.” Candice rather openly stated.

“Are you trying to seduce me into joining Twilight's harem?” Rarity asked.

Candice just looked at her. “Do you want to be? If your desires head that way, then don't be afraid to be honest with your best friend. If they don't, then don't worry about it. I'm only suggesting a completely honest understanding of your relationship and desires therein. I love her, I want her to have as much close support as she can get. Her friends are the best place to find that in my opinion, though only to the depth that they want. So what do you want?”

Rarity’s mind jumped to that as she made her think of Fluttershy and the offer Twilight made. “I think Twilight has been through a lot. I think she is a little unstable and not quite herself at the moment. I don't think anypony should be making permanent life-changing decisions with or about her until she has fully recovered. I am and always will be her friend, first and foremost.”

Candice shrugged a bit, “Nothing saying your desires have to be permanent. But it's your choice. I'm not going to push you in either direction.”

“So, shall we get to work on your uniform?" Rarity deflected. A Princess would be at least as good as a Prince. It is a shame I did not realise that last year. Rarity thought.

Candice nodded and the outfit vanished to whence it came. Suddenly Candice was at attention and wings spread, ready for any measurements that might need to be taken. "The last thing I will say, don't ignore your desires, you never know if they might come true."

Rarity would not step one hoof into what could truly be a fairytale marriage between two princesses. "Well unless you know of an Alicorn Prince that is going to come and sweep me off my hooves, I think I will have to keep dreaming." Rarity hoped she managed to keep the sliver of interest with the idea of being with Twilight from both her expression and voice. The look on Candice's face though said otherwise.

“Look, getting any closer to us will just hurt her in the long run. With Luna, she can have somepony forever. The tragic love between an Alicorn and a mortal makes a great read. I will not inflict such pain on Twilight. Not after everything she has already been through,” Rarity intoned.

“You never know if that situation might change. One bearer of the Elements has ascended already. There is nothing saying the rest can't,” Candice pointed out.

“Unless you can convince Celestia to hoof over more wings. I don't think it will happen,” Rarity postulated.

Candice rolled her eyes a little, "Celestia isn't the only one that has ascended."

“But every Alicorn is directly connected to her. Her sister, her niece she trained for years, her student,” Rarity pointed out.

“Perhaps, but I prefer to look at it as it has happened before, it can happen again. I don't think Celestia has a monopoly on that. Cadance ascended on her own and only had a connection to Celestia after her ascension. I would hate to think that any who ascend would have to go through her.” Candice stated with a bit of irritation at the idea.

“Well, only time will tell,” Rarity said. “I still believe if there is going to be another Alicorn, it is likely going to be Sunset Shimmer.” She paused for a moment in thought. “Candice, I’ll make a wager with you. If somepony else ascends that is not directly connected to Celestia, I will give you free clothes for a year.”

“Very well,” Candice answered. “And what do you get if one doesn't? What time frame are we talking about?”

“Well... I don't know. You have to admit I'm right? And how about ten years?” Rarity asked.

“Actually, there is Flurry Heart, Celestia didn't have anything to do with her being an Alicorn. But ten years sounds good,” Candice replied thoughtfully.

“Being born an Alicorn does not count,” Rarity retorted.

“What if she ascended in the womb?” Candice hypothesised.

Rarity paused for a moment. “There is no way an unborn foal could do anything worthy to ascend.”

“What if it doesn't have anything to do with worth?” Candice countered.

“Unless you are saying Cadance can cause ascension?” Rarity asked. She had to admit, it was possible there was room for doubt there.

“She might be able to, I have no idea,” Candice answered.

Rarity thought for a moment more, “Then there would be a lot more Alicorns, and I would want to know where my wings are or how to get them.” She smiled at Candice.

“Alright, so what would you want if you win the bet?” Candice asked.

Rarity looked her in the eyes. “For you to admit I was right, and that is all. I'm hoping that I am wrong, but I don't think I am.”

“So do I. If that is all you desire, then so be it,” Candice responded.

Rarity laughed. “With your beautiful body, I am likely going to make you free clothes anyway.”

“Are you hitting on me now?” Candice asked with a smile.

“No... Merely complimenting you and seeing if you would be willing to wear more of my creations?” Rarity asked. If she could get Candice to model for her…

Candice gave her a friendly nuzzle, "Of course I would. You are one of the best there is."

“And if you want any...  special outfits…” Rarity let the question hang in the air.

“I know exactly where to come,” Candice said as she offered a hug which Rarity gladly accepted.

Hours had passed as Rarity dressed Candice and made adjustments then redressed her. She was lost in the world of fabrics and stitches, textures and colours. Everything was perfect. The new uniform was starting to take form, beginning to look stunning in its own way.

Candice’s tail feathers were an interesting new challenge. She required them for flight, like her wings. They would have to be clear to move freely. Rarity knew she would rise to this and use it as inspiration. It was a shame she was the only pony with them. Any styles she developed would only have one pony that would ever be able to wear them.

Suddenly Candice’s ears twitched, almost as if she seemed to hear something. 

“Candice?” Rarity asked cautiously. Receiving no immediate answer, she began to worry. A trained guard did not react like this for no reason.

After a few moments, Candice activated her magic. The white auras sparkling around her wings. The glow momentarily settled on her ears. Candice deliberately went over to the window to look outside.

Rarity sighed with exasperation but followed. “This had better be important, this uniform won’t make itself and you don't know how much other stuff Twilight wants made before the end of next week.”

“Possibly. Sounds like Scootaloo is coming in hot.” Candice intoned.

Comin in hot? What does that mean? Rarity thought as she looked outside. She could see the scraggly erratic, but recklessly fast flying of Scootaloo heading straight for the castle. Straining her ears, Rarity could just make out the filly shouting at the top of her lungs. “Twilight, Twilight you have to help, Rainbow’s gone to save them, she needs help...” 

Even at this distance, something about the expression and movements of the young pony made Rarity’s heart drop with dread. What has happened this time? And where is Sweetie Belle?

“Sorry, got to go,” Candice said before opening the window with her aura and taking off like Rainbow, not even taking off the in-progress uniform. 

“You better not wreck that work-in-progress,” Rarity called after her, trying her best not to worry. She failed.