//------------------------------// // A Miracle // Story: Cinematic Adventures: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory // by extremeenigma02 //------------------------------// As the sun rose high over the Bucket house, one would expect the beginning of a new day filled with joy and hope. Sadly, that was not the case today as Twilight Sparkle and her friends trudged through the house after waking up. Charlie had already awoken, the lad currently in school, and Mrs. Bucket cleaned around the house since she didn’t work that day. The entire atmosphere around the house was gloomy and depressing, ever since the events of the day before. With the fifth and final Wonka golden ticket found, the contest was over and done, which means Charlie no longer had a chance to visit the famous factory. Twilight Sparkle trudged tiredly towards Mrs. Bucket, look up to the poor woman, looking frightfully glum and upset. “May I offer to help with anything, Mrs. Bucket?” Twilight asked. Mrs. Bucket looked down towards the lavender Princess. “I appreciate the offer, Twilight,” Mrs. Bucket sighed, gloomily. “But I’ve nothing for you to do at the moment.” “… Okay,” Twilight nodded, understanding. Looking down at the floor, Twilight trudged back toward her friends who gathered around the grandparents. Much like Twilight and Mrs. Bucket, they all looked rather upset and gloomy. Yet the only who didn’t seem upset was Cheese Sandwich, who tried to hide a sly smile. “I don’t know about you girls, but I’m in a real sad shape,” Twilight said. “I haven’t felt this bad since Discord first escaped and tried to turn us against each other. “I know whatcha mean, sugar cube,” Applejack agreed. “That was positively the most dreadful moment of my life,” Rarity groaned. “I shudder just dwelling about it.” “Well girls, it could be worse,” Spike said, being enthusiastic. WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?!?!?!?!? Hey, hey! Buddy, it’s okay. Calm down, just calm down… Atta boy… Rainbow slowly looked over toward Spike, with a heated glare. “How in pony feathers could it possibly get worse?” She grumbled. Seeing her heated expression, Spike quickly shut his mouth and hid behind Twilight. But out of all the Mane Six, the most depressed of them all was Pinkie Pie, her mane had lost it’s bounce and hung completely flat. Even her own fur coat was starting to turn gray. There was one instance this happened before, when her friends asked her to stop playing the Yovidaphone and she was so upset she almost moved to Yakyakistan. I still think that was one of the worst episodes I’ve ever seen; my ears bleed every time I hear that instrument. You’re one to talk; you ever listen to yourself during your ‘recording sessions’? “I feel nothing,” Pinkie moaned. No pony had any idea what to do about Pinkie in this state. Not as if they didn’t try, they ‘literally’ tried everything they could think of to make her feel better. But much like before, no matter what they did, it never seems to be enough. All they could do was her emotional support, hoping this phase will eventually pass… Eventually… “I just can’t stand seeing poor Pinkie Pie this way,” Rarity said. “I hear what you’re saying,” Rainbow agreed. “She hasn’t been this bad in a long time, but she is… Ooh boy!” “Personally, ah think we gotta get’er outta the house,” Applejack suggested. “I reckon we can all do with gettin’ some fresh air.” Every pony nodded in agreement, at least thinking some fresh air would do them some good. “That sounds like a wonderful idea,” Fluttershy said. “The least we can do is check on Charlie and see how he’s doing,” Twilight offered. They all turn to hear Pinkie’s response, only for her to faceplant onto the ground, groaning. Cheese walked up alongside his favorite mare, placing a soft hoof on her back. “Come on, Pinkie-Winkie,” Cheese said, happily. “I have a sneaking suspicion today is going to be a really good day!” Pinkie slowly peeled her face off the ground, staring at Cheese with a blank, emotionless expression. “Nothing is good right now,” She said, flatly. “Probably won’t ever be again.” “Aww, come on, sour puss. Please come out with us for a while. If not for your friends, at least for me. Pretty please?” Truthfully, the look on Pinkie’s face made it clear she didn’t want to go. Now with any pony or even to do anything. In her state, she’d rather curl in a ball, tucked in the covers with Charlie’s grandparents, and just watch the world crumble around her. However, she knew her friends weren’t going to quit on her especially not Cheese Sandwich. Since she really had nothing better to do with her life, she figured she may as well go along. “Alright, I’ll go,” She sighed. <> Making their way out the house, the group of friends trot down the street. It truly was a beautiful day outside, the birds chirping in the trees and puffy white clouds cast overhead. However, none of this did anything to brighten Pinkie’s mood. As they walked down the street, they passed the window of a tiny flower shop as a shop-keep was washing the plants. But as Pinkie walked by, all the flowers started to wilt and die leaving the shop owner stunned and confused. This did not go unnoticed by the group who quickly pushed Pinkie faster, racing toward Charlie’s school to avoid any problems. The moment they arrived they peek through the window in the classroom. All the students inside were somber and disappointed, all of them having partaken in the contest and failed as miserably as Charlie. Even Mr. Turkentine seemed bummed seeing the state of his class. “I’ve just decided to switch our Friday Schedule to Monday,” Mr. Turkentine announced. “Which means that the test we take each Friday on what we learned during the week will now take place on Monday before we’ve learned it. But since today is Tuesday, it doesn’t matter in the slightest. Pencils ready.” The class pick up their pencils, as Mr. Turkentine approached the blackboard and drew a percent symbol on it. “Today, we are going to learn about… Percentages. And for an example, let’s take the recent unpleasantness. Supposing that there were a thousand Wonka Bars in the world and during the contest you each opened a certain number of them. That number is a percent. Everyone understand?” The entire class shook their heads with a definitive ‘no’. The group observing outside shook their heads. “Man, this guy really gets on my nerves,” Rainbow growled. “Can you imagine that?” Rarity asked, appalled. “A man taking out his frustrations about the contest on those poor, innocent children?” “How did he ever become a teacher again?” Spike asked. Twilight shushed them all back down, as they continued listening in on the lesson. “You, Madeline Durkin, how many Wonka Bars did you open?” “About a hundred,” Madeline answered. “There are ten ‘hundreds’ in a thousand; therefore, you opened ten percent. He then points to a boy further back. “You, Peter Goff, how many did you open?” “A hundred and fifty,” Peter answered. “That’s ten percent half over again, which makes fifteen percent.” He then points right toward Charlie, who looked up from his desk rather gloomy. “Charlie Bucket, how many did you open?” “Two,” He responded. “That’s easy. Two hundred is twice one hundred…” “Not two hundred… Just two.” Everyone, including Mr. Turkentine, look over at Charlie. They were all in complete shock. “Two? What do you mean you only opened two?” “I don’t care much for the chocolate.” “Well, I can’t figure out just two! So, let’s pretend you opened two hundred. Now, if you opened two hundred Wonka Bars, apart from being dreadfully sick, you’d have used up twenty percent of one thousand, which is fifteen percent half over again, ten percent—” Deciding she finally couldn’t stand this anymore, Twilight Sparkle decided it was time for action. She faces the clock on the wall, encasing it in a magical aura. The hands on the clock quickly spun until they rest in three o’clock. The school bell rang, and Mr. Turkentine looks up at the clock. “Huh, didn’t realize it was that time already. Alright, class dismissed!” All the students sluggishly got up from their seat, sauntering out the door. Everyone exits the school, as once again Charlie is the last to leave. He noticed his friends standing there waiting for him and made his way over. “Hey there, Charlie,” Spike greeted. “Do we even gotta ask how school was, sugar cube?” Applejack asked. Charlie shook his head, staring at the ground. Cheese came up alongside him, patting his back. “Don’t look so glum, chum,” Cheese smiled. “I have a feeling this day will still be great!” “I appreciate you trying, Cheese,” Charlie responds. “But I really don’t think anything will be great.” The group of friends proceed down the road heading back to the Bucket house. None of them said much apart from the occasional question, most of the time was spent walking. They knew full too well that everyone was still going through the motions of this upsetting turn of events. As they cross the street, from the corner of his eye, Charlie noticed something shiny peeking from the street gutter. “Do you guys see that?” He asked. They look down the street, as something shiny caught their eyes. “Yeah, but what is it?” Twilight asked. “Who cares?!” Rainbow groaned. Charlie, however, curiously reached his down through the gutter and pulled out what appears to be a silver coin. “It’s a coin!” He pointed out. “Wow, it must be your lucky day!” Twilight said. It was then Twilight turned down the street and noticed Bill’s Candy Shop wasn’t far from their position. All at once, a thought came to her. “Why don’t you use that to buy yourself a Wonka bar?” She suggested. The mere mention of the candy bar made Charlie look disappointed again. “What’s the point? All the tickets are gone.” “True, but I think you deserve a little treat to perk you up. Just a tiny bit.” Charlie looked down the street, his eyes on the sweet shop. Though he was still upset, he figured Twilight did have a point. Perhaps a little candy would make him feel better. So they all proceed down the street before stopping just outside the front door. “Alright, I’m going inside,” Charlie declared. “You guys want anything at all?” Every pony just shook their heads, Pinkie Pie simply sighing while looking at the cracks on the ground. “Don’t worry about us, Charlie,” Twilight assured. “Just go ahead and treat yourself. You deserve it.” Charlie nodded, before walking into the candy shop. The others lean against the window to see inside, though Cheese Sandwich had to hold Pinkie’s head up just to look. “Oh sure, when we offer him bits to buy candy he says ‘no’,” Spike replied, sarcastically. “But when he finds a coin on the road, suddenly the idea is… Brilliant!” “At ease, Spike,” Twilight hushed him. Meanwhile, inside the shop, Charlie approached the counter and clears his throat, drawing Bill’s attention. “Hi!” Bill greeted. “I’d like a bar of chocolate please,” Charlie requests. “Yeah, sure. What kind? A Slugworth Sizzler? A Wonka Scrumdidilyumptious?” “Whichever’s the biggest.” “Try a Scrumdidilyumtious. Now that all the tickets have been found, I don’t have to hide them anymore.” Bill hands Charlie the long candy bar, which Charlie quickly ripped open and ate rather quickly. Bill clears his throat a few times, holding out his hand signifying payment. Charlie hands him the coin he found. Bill smiles, placing the coin in the cash register. He was just getting some change when he saw Charlie swallowing down the chocolate. “Hey, hey, hey, take it easy,” Bill warned. “You’ll get a stomachache if you swallow it like that.” “Bye,” Charlie said. “Bye now,” Bill smiled. After collecting his change, Charlie turned around and was about to leave. Suddenly, a ‘tap tap’ draws him to the window seeing Cheese Sandwich. The yellow pony gestures Charlie to grab one more Wonka bar. Seeing as he had some change left over, Charlie nodded his head and turns back to Bill. “I think I’ll buy just one more, for my friends.” “Sure, why not try a regular Wonka bar this time?” “Fine.” Bill hands Charlie a regular Wonka bar and Charlie heads for the door. Back outside, Twilight turns toward Cheese Sandwich. “What was that all about Cheese?” She asked. “Trust me on this one, Twi-Pie,” Cheese replied. “I’ll tell you later.” Twilight Sparkle had no idea what was going on, being the inquisitive pony she is she wanted to ask him more. Suddenly, a commotion down the road interrupted her. She peers down the street and spots a large group of people crowding around the newspaper stand grabbing today’s paper. “Extra, extra! Read all about it! Hear the latest news! Get your papers here!” “Hey guys, look over there!” Twilight points out. They all turn to look, noticing all the commotion. As Charlie left the shop, he spots his friends looking down the street. He faces their direction and was quite surprised. “What do you think is going on?” He asked. “I have no idea,” Twilight answered. “I think should go and find out.” The whole team strolled down the street, avoiding the crowd of people walking away with their newspapers. They managed to overhear some gentlemen discussing the headlines on the paper. “Did you hear the news? That gambler from Paraguay made up a phony ticket!” “That means there’s one golden ticket still floating around somewhere.” “Can you believe the nerve of that guy? Trying to fool the whole world?” Hearing the news made every pony’s mouth drop in shock, Charlie as well. Twilight motions her head sideways, signaling to walk away slowly. They eventually walk far enough while everyone else was busy. “You all heard that, right?” Charlie asked. “We sure did, sugar cube,” Applejack nodded. “So… That last ticket was a fake?” Fluttershy asked. “Seems that way, Flutters,” Rainbow answered. Pinkie Pie, who before was all gloomy and gray, started picking up after hearing the news. The color slowly comes back to her body, mane inflating to its originally fluffy nature. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” She said, excitedly. “This is the most super, terrific, fantastical, spectacular, amazing news I’ve ever heard!” Suddenly, Pinkie Pie made a loud gasp, as if it all dawned on her. “… Maybe there’s still a chance for Charlie to win the contest and for us to speak with Mr. Wonka!” It was then, Charlie just remembered the other Wonka bar he received from Bill, pulling it out of his pocket. He and every pony else stared at the candy bar in his hand, wide-eyed. “What do you guys think?” He asked them. “Should I go for it?” “Open it, Charlie,” Twilight said. “What have we got to lose?” Looking side to side to make sure no one else was looking, Charlie pulls the outer layer off the Wonka bar till only the aluminum wrapping remained. Charlie slowly unravels the corners of the wrapping, as every pony waited with anticipation as the chocolate came into view. As Charlie pulls back the wrapping ever so subtle, he was greeted with the smallest hint of gold. Seeing this, becoming more excited, Charlie rips the rest of the wrapping away… And pulls out the fifth and final golden ticket. He lifts it high in the air, getting a good look as the shocked expressions of all the ponies changed into huge smiles. “It’s a golden ticket,” Twilight softly said. Pinkie Pie could feel her body shaking about, she tried to hold it back, but the news was just so big. Before every pony else could react… “YOU FOUND WONKA’S LAST GOLDEN TICKET!!!!!!!!!” Pinkie shouted. Pinkie’s exclamation echoed all over the street, so loud that everything seemed to stop. All the birds stopped chirping, the cars skid to a halt, and all the hustle-and-bustle paused as the townspeople turned toward where the boy and the girls stood. It was an awkward silence for them all, as Pinkie’s eyes flicked side to side as every pony else stared at her. “You think they heard that?” Pinkie whispered, smiling sheepishly. Just then, another hand grabbed ahold of Charlie and they turn to see a woman with wide eyes. “Hey, you’ve got it! You’ve got the last Golden Ticket! The kid’s found the last Golden Ticket!” She pulls Charlie over to the large gathering of people, as they start crowding around him for a glimpse of that ticket. “It really is gold!” “Over here, show it over here!” “Here, let me see!” “I’ll buy it from you; I’ll give you fifty dollars and a new bicycle!” “Are you crazy? I’d give him five hundred dollars for that ticket!” The ponies and Spike watch Charlie quickly being smothered by all these people, several of them filling his head with requests. They knew they had to do something before things got out of hand. “Hey! You leave the kid alone!” Spike shouted. “Come on, girls!” Twilight shouts. They all ran forward, diving through the crowd. The girls and Spike shoved people out of the way trying to reach Charlie. “Hey! Watch where you’re grabbing partner!” Applejack gasped. “Who touched my flank?!” “Sorry!” Rainbow shouted. “Charlie, are you alright?!” Fluttershy called out. “We simply must get away from all these people!” Rarity cried out. Thankfully, Mr. Jopeck, the Newspaper man, was able to get ahold of Charlie leading the boy through the huge crowd. “Come on, Charlie! Hold onto that ticket! Run for it, Charlie! Run straight home and don’t stop till you get there!” Jopeck finally pushed Charlie out of that awful mess, as the ponies followed close behind him. They all made a mad dash/gallop through the streets back to Charlie’s house. What started off as a day filled with sorrow and desperation, now it quickly turned into one of the best days ever. How could anything spoil this wonderful moment? Oh, so when Spike says it that’s taboo. But when you say it, you get off scot-free? *Pause* You’re the one writing most of this stuff. Yeah, I know