//------------------------------// // 21 // Story: Choice // by AnOrdinaryWriter //------------------------------// You head onto the path and start walking right. The only thing you can really hope now is that this takes you home. You have not a single inkling of where you’re going to end up, but ending up somewhere will be better than nothing. Without a doubt, it will beat dying of dehydration out in a desert. What you find yourself trying to wonder is how you ended up this far in the desert. One second, you were playing pin the tail on the pony with your friend Pinkie, then you were suddenly falling down a hill and now… you’re here. If you somehow did walk that far, you’re not sure why nopony at the party tried to stop you. Though, in some part of your head, the thought creeps in that you did not actually walk that distance. Whatever the case, you’re now in the desert, and it’s hot, so you want to find somewhere to rest as soon as possible. With that settled, you set your mind on finding that somewhere, and start following the path to your undetermined destiny. *** You’ve been walking for days. You’re not sure how long it’s been exactly. You’ve only roughly kept track of the time gone by from the direction of the sun, and from what you’ve recorded, it had gone down, then up, then down, then up again. So it’s been two days, and you’re just about ready to collapse. The night gave you a bit of relief due to the slight chill, but it’s the desert so you didn’t get a lot of that, and it made the coming of morning all the more brutal. Not having any water or food throughout any of it just made it worse, and your walk has been reduced to slow, stiff, robotic movements. You question how you’re still alive. The fact that you’re not yet is either an insane miracle or a legitimate impossibility and… something is keeping you alive. Maybe everything is a hallucination. Maybe it’s only been a day or less and the heat is just making you think that the sun has gone down twice. Maybe it’s been longer. At this point you’re throwing in assumptions. You can barely think straight. You lost the road a long time ago. You were following it at one point but then the road blended into the sand, so you were just left to wander until you miraculously come across something. Soon enough, miracle strikes. A short ways away to your right is what appears to be a small village, though it looks abandoned. It could be promising. Then again, if there’s nothing of use there, you’ll have just wasted your time checking it out, thus draining your almost empty tank of energy. It’s then that you see a small figure peek out from behind one of the buildings, before disappearing behind another. That catches your interest. Maybe it is a lot more worth checking out than you thought. Explore the Village_______________________________________________________________________________________Carry On