
by AnOrdinaryWriter


You decide that the best thing to do in this situation is to get out of their manes and let them deal with their issues. You’ll just hang out with Vinyl another time, and maybe Pinkie still has time to hang out.

You walk leisurely toward the front door, around the arguing couple who, focused on their feud with each other, don’t pay you any attention. You open the door, trotting out into the bright morning outside and shut the door behind you, the voices of the two mares fading behind it.

Walking down the alley of houses, you can’t help but get a sinking feeling that you’re doing something wrong. What if Vinyl and Octavia actually needed your help…?

Nah, the other side of your rationality says. They’ll work out their problems and be fine the next day. With the reassurance of that thought, your mood is boosted, and you trot down the road, excited to get on with the rest of your day. 

You hear the house door open behind you before slamming shut. You stop in your tracks, and turn around, seeing Vinyl Scratch galloping toward you with tears in her eyes. Slowing down in front of you, she stares at you with a glare.

“Why didn’t you help?! You saw us arguing and just left, and now...” her sentence is interrupted by a sob that shakes her body. “Screw you. Some friend you are!” She runs past you and into the distance.

You watch as she gallops and then disappears behind the houses at the end of the road. Then you look down at the ground in contemplation. You probably shouldn’t have left, you think to yourself, especially since you’ve just lost one of your friends. Should you go after her and apologize?

No, you think. She’ll get better. She probably wants to be alone right now. You’ll apologize later, or tomorrow. In the meantime, you have the rest of today to enjoy, so there’s no time to waste!

Screw you. Some friend you are!

What’s wrong with you…? Vinyl was right. You should have helped, but instead you left like a scaredy-cat. You might have been able to diffuse the situation, or at least help out slightly.

You decide that you can’t think that way all day. You set those thoughts aside, ready to once again face the remainder of the day that waits impatiently for you to tackle it.

Some friend you are!



You stay in place. Forget tackling the rest of the day. You’re a bad pony. You left out of anxiety and now Vinyl hates you. Why wouldn’t she hate you? You can’t even help your friends when they need it. What kind of pony abandons their friends?


Those words replay in your mind over and over again. You don’t deserve friends if you don’t even know how to be a friend. You don’t even notice that the once bright morning sky is now a black void, or that everything around you is slowly being submerged in a black fog that drowns any existing light that touches the ground, because you’re too focused on making sure those words don’t leave your mind.

When you finally do notice the darkness rapidly enclosing around you, becoming more and more claustrophobic, you simply sit on the ground and watch it come closer. Looks like even the day itself recognizes that you don’t deserve a bright and sunny morning. It doesn’t matter to you at this point. You decide to just sit there, away from everypony. You’re a toxin. Poisonous. The only way to keep anyone else from getting poisoned is to isolate yourself from everypony, and that’s what you’re going to do.

A cloud of surreal black smoke builds up in front of you. You look up at it. From the mist, a haunting silence pulsates from it. It twists into itself, rippling. An entity that should not be. And you can feel it staring at you.


The voice doesn’t come from any specific direction. It echoes from everywhere at once, like the voice exists in your mind. You stare at the mist as it drifts toward you, streaming gracefully through the air and wrapping itself around you. It's cold. Freezing. And yet, it’s comforting. You accept the embrace of the darkness as the cold begins to freeze the blood inside your body.


The alley, once brightly lit by the warm summer sun is now nothing but a black void where almost all the light has been extinguished by the black fog. But this is good. This is what you deserve. Everything is now numb. It won’t be long now…

Y̨̙̖̮OU̖̫̮ ̲̕C̠͈̖͟A̶͕̰̥N̫̘'͎͈͈T̬̻̞̘̞͙ ̠͓̜͚G͍̫̹͕̱͇̕I̜͔̞̞̳͘V̧E͉ Ư͓̝̘͙͉͎̰P̀ ̙͔̀N̦̺̜O͕W̟̲̙͓

The darkness is suddenly warded away by a blinding flash of light. You’re going baàáãâääÛ͍Þ̗̯͘Ú̱̣̜͜Ö̸̝͈̯Ø̭͈̦̮F̴̣͉̼̮̦÷̟Q͔͓̮͔̮



Start Over?