//------------------------------// // Not again.. // Story: Rainbows. // by Arial_Dreemmurr //------------------------------// "It happened again.. I accidently killed someone and played it off as a suicide.. I thought that was a one time think but I was wrong.. Somehow I managed to do it again.. But now it's a big worse because it was the brother of my best friend.. We're having the funeral today. But I'm not ready to see that scene again.. And now it's even worse.." After mentaly preparing myself I entered the church. It was almost the same as last time exept less people. Mostly Zephyr's family, friends and others who decided to join them. I was at the door when I heard a familiar voice. "Hey Dash!" It was Soarin. He walked to me and gave me a smile. "You don't have to worry. There are way less people here so it'll be ok." I gave him a small smile. "Yea.. I saw that too.." He noticed my smile fading. "It's ok Dash. I'm here for you." I got a smile and hugged him. He offered to go with me and I knew it would be better if he did. "Want to go get a seat?" "Sure." We got to the seats and got one. I noticed Fluttershy already there. She was sitting in the family section and looked destroyed. I knew she wasn't very close with him but it still hurt her.. I saw my other friends cmining in. They first went to see Fluttershy before they noticed me and Soarin. They got to us with a small smile. "Hey Dash. Here again huh?" Twilight said her smile fading. "Yea.. Crazy right.." I saw Rarity looking curious. "Who did you bring with you?" Before I could introduce him he did it himself. "I'm Soarin. I'm also a Wonderbolt. We're friends." She got a smile. "I see.." I knew what she was thinking but didn't want to bring it up now. I saw some seats next to me that were still clear. "You guys can sit here if you want?" "Yea, that would be nice." Twilight said as they sat down. Me and Soarin talked to them for a little and I almost forgot about the funeral. I got reminded of that when I heard the bell and the funeral began. It was easier to keep myself together this time since I wasn't as close to him. I did see Fluttershy cry but she had her family to comfort her. There was this thing in the middle. They were listing things about him when Soarin got my attention. "Notice how it doesn't say annoying anywhere. I guess they're just as ignorant as him." I couldn't help but laugh a little. But after I saw my friends look at us I just looked away and stayed quiet. The funeral ended and we all left our seats. Fluttershy said she had to stay there a bit longer with her family so we walked to the door. I really wanted to leave so I tried my best to get away. "It was nice seeying you guys again but I have to go." Before I could leave Twilight stopped me. "Actually Dash, we wanted to talk to you for a bit.." I started getting a bit nervous. "A-About what?" Apple Jack continued."You haven't been acting like yourself lately. Is there something?" "N-No.. I'm fine.. Totally fine.." I knew they weren't convinced. "Really Dash. If there's anything you can tell us." I felt myself breaking so I quickly flew out. Soarin quickly followed me but I just wanted to go home. I got to my home and got on my bed. I laid there and just stared out the window. I heard Soarin entering behind me and sitting next to me. He gave me a small smile and put a his hoof in my manes. "You ok?" I shook my head. I wasn't going to lie to him. I felt horrible. I feel a lot of guilt and the only one I can talk about it is him. "I'm not ok.. I feel horrible.." "Oh.." He thought for a bit and continued. "If you want to talk you can do that now. We're in this together." "I can't keep this between the two of us forever.. I feel like breaking everytime I come near anyone effected by our actions." I felt tears coming again. "They were just accidents. And you don't need those other ponies. I'm all you need to be happy. Once they all forget we'll be free of any trouble or guilt. Just you wait." I got up and looked at him. "Why are you so cool about this?" "What do you mean?" "You talk about it like some sick game you can quit any time. Don't you feel any guilt?" He stayed quiet for a bit before responding. "Of course I do. I just don't think we should worry that much. As long as we just stay quiet no one will find out and cause trouble." I thought for a second before responding. "And if they do find out..?" He looked away for a few seconds before replying. "Then we figure something out." I was thinking of trying to explain and accepting the punishment but alright.. "Right.." I looked away again but he got my face and put it closer to his. "It's going to be alright.." He gave me a quick kiss and smiled. I got a smile on my face too and hugged him. He was right. They were just accidents and I should forget about it.. It was another day and I was having breakfast when I heard a knock on my door. I got to the door and openned it to find Fluttershy there. "Fluttershy?" Why was she here? Is it about Zephyr? I hope not.. "Hey Dash.. Can I come in?" I let her in and closed the door. "Why are you here? Do you need anything?" She shuck her head. "No.. I just wanted to talk to you about something." I started to get a bit nervous but kept a smile. "Sure, what is it?" "Well.." She stayed quiet for a second before continuing. "You haven't been yourself lately. We wanted to talk about that yesterday but you flew off.." I do admit that was a pretty dumb thing to do. But I had to to keep the secret. "Yea I.. Had to go somewhere.. But I'm fine.. Promise." "Really..?" She looked at me trying to get it out of me. But I couldn't tell her about what we did. She would hate me forever.. "Yea.. I'm fine." She gave me a small smile. "I'm glad you are. But if there is anything you can tell us." "I know." I tried to move away from the subject. "So, was that all?" She shuck her head. "Actually, no.. But you have to promise not to tell anybody. This is between us and our friends ok?" I didn't expect that but nodded. "Promise." I don't know what I was getting myself into but I just hoped it was good. "Ok then.." She stayed quiet for a bit. "How do I say this without it sounding wrong.." She said quietly to herself before continuing. "I don't think Zephyr's death was a suicide.." I started to get a bit nervous again. "W-What? Why would you think that?" "It just.. Doesn't make sense.." "What do you mean?" "Everything. I mean, I've known him all my life but he never had intrest in anyone other than you. And if he was trying to hide it I'm sure I would have noticed something.." She looked away. "Well..." I tried to come up with something. "You probably just didn't notice. And how are you going to prove that anyway? No one dares to doubth a suicide. Not even me of all ponies." I hoped this would stop her but it didn't. "I talked about it first with Twilight and she's going to run some experiments with Princess Celestia's permision. She said she's going to look for hoofprints and stuff." I really got nervous now.. "When is she going to do that..?" "Once she has all the equipment she needs. About a few days she said. She would inform us when she's ready." I tried my best to look like everything was okay and got a smile back on. "Alright then.. I'm excited to see the results.." She didn't notice and got a smile. "Me too. Now I'm going to the vet store. But I decided to come talk to you on my way there." "Yea, I'll see you then." She gave me another smile and left. I closed the door behind me and switched my fake smile with quite some panic. I did what I first thought of and wrote a letter for Soarin to come over. I didn't know what to do. We had to think of something. I cant have them knowing. I cant have anyone knowing.. Ever.. After some time I heard a knock at my door. I was still panicking a little but I knew who it was so I wasn't going to hide it. I openned the door and saw Soarin. "I got your message. What is-..." He saw my panicked face and looked worried. "What's wrong?" I let him come in and we sat on the couch. "Everthing is wrong.. Fluttershy doesn't think that Zephyr killed himself and Twilight is going to look for hoofprints and stuff.. I don't want them to hate me.." He looked at me for a bit before responding. "Do they know it's us yet?" I shuck my head. "No, but if we dont do anything I'm sure they will.." I saw him think for a few seconds. "How many are involved?" I was a bit confussed of the question but answered. "Just my friends. Why?" "If there aren't too many consequences.." He looked at me with a grin. "Want to pull another prank~?" I looked at him for a bit before I understood what he was talking about. "W-What!? Are you crazy!? I'm not going to kill my friends!" I was angry at him for even suggesting such a thing. To my suprise he started arguing back. "And if we dont!? I'm not going in jail because of them!" Even with that I argued back too. "I would rather be in jail then know I murdered my best friends!" He started to look more frustrated. "Well I don't! And what do you expect to do when they find out!? Ask them to forget about it!?" "I.." I had no idea what I would tell them but anything was better than what he was planning. "It doesn't matter! I'm not joining you in another murder!" "I thought we were in this together! You promised to stick with me! I promise you it will be okay if you do as I say." He showed me a small smile. He tried to put a hoof around me but I slapped it away. "I did! Not when you say things like this!" I got off the couch and pointed at the door. "Soarin, I I'm not going to follow your plan. I can't go through that again. So if you won't change your mind.. Leave." He hessitated before letting out a frustrated sigh. "Fine. I'll leave. But don't expect this to end this mess. We're still in trouble and I'm going to fix that. But for ME only!" He walked out the door and before he left he said one last thing. "It's over between us! Good bye!" He slammed the door behind him and I quickly left to my room. And now after I wrote everything down I still don't have a solid plan. I have no idea what Soarin is going to do or what is going to happen but I'm just going to try to make the best of it.. I hope...