Life is Unfortunately Death

by voxlez

Introduction - New Born

There I was, so long ago. A new changeling hatching out of a egg, I don't remember much at that age, but as I was taken away from one of the Nurses, I remember seeing the Changeling hive for the first time in my life, it was huge, with thousands of Changelings flying around performing their duties for the hive, it felt amazing seeing the structure of the Hive, from when our ancestors first started carving the hive.

And now I am of age, it's been amazing living the life of a Changeling, learning magic and the history of our race among others, tomorrow I'm going to start my official duties as a Changeling, which excites me, already being taught how to take love. I won't just be some young Changeling who goes to collect the daily rations of love from other Changelings every day.

Anyway, going to see my Mentor Thernim, who has taught me flight and magic over the course of many months, a handsome Changeling with slick blue wings... Er, I mean, a nice Changeling who is compassionate, whom I'm visiting to thank him for everything he taught me...

"Hello Thernim!" I said brightly, as I entered the training halls where he was reading a book.

"Ah, Persephine, I suppose today is the day you say your farewells?" He said surprising me, but I suppose it made sense, judging he has had other students.

"Yeah, I'd like to thank you for everything you've done for me." I said a little hesitantly, thinking about what to say and decided upon "I really appreciate it."

"Well, thank you for being a good student." He said, with a half forced-half real smile on his face. "Now you should run along and get some rest, it's a big day tomorrow."

"I'll miss you a lot, I'm sure I'll visit occasionally." I said with a embarrassed blush on my face.

"I will too, see you later, try to catch up on some sleep." He said sighing, most likely in reference to when he caught me once staying up to study on some magic, the memory making me laugh in my head.

I started to walk around the Hive, looking at everything they accomplished, the parks inside the dark atmosphere, as I saw crowds a people flying and walking around, a few of them who I recognized, waving to some as they flew past.

Changelings had a way of telling emotions, we used our magic to hide emotions from each other, but sometimes they broke down, as we tried to comfort anyone who may have been down that day. Sometimes it helped the Hive, sometimes not, but we did it anyway agreeing upon that it was the best way to do things.

Sometimes criminals would be found too, stealing rations from our prisoners, which I found quite stupid with all the guards around, most being found and captured, but you really can't blame them. Life has been hard in the Hive, Changelings try not to talk about it, but truth be told we're kind of starving.

People try not to touch on the subject, to keep a light mood, but I know it's fake. And I hope to make it real, I hope that I'll bring back prisoners for the Hive, and get love so that none of us starve. It seems crazy for me to be able to do that, but hey, everyone famous started off with a idea.

The fact I'm thinking about it this much is crazy... I should really just sleep. I thought to myself as I walked to my sleeping quarters, and collapsed on my bed trying to sleep.

In my dreams I thought about all that I've done so far, and the mystery of the next day. I've been living in a Hive under the surveillance of Queen Chrysalis assistant, with the main hive being a little far away. I've met her a few times, but usually she's to busy to talk about anything. I wondered about what my first task would be tomorrow, normally they give pretty simple and easy task's to start off with, I heard. And although I knew that was true and that I should start easy like that, I couldn't help but hope in the back of my mind that maybe I'd get a hard task, as I started to have more vivid dreams about me becoming a famous Changeling in the hive who completed so much on their first day.