//------------------------------// // Let's make it beautifull... // Story: Rainbows. // by Arial_Dreemmurr //------------------------------// I woke up and got out of bed not feeling any better. I still had no plan for when they found out or what Soarin was planning. I had breakfast and got ready to leave when I heard a knock. It sounded like multiple ponies and they sounded like they were in a hurry for me to open. I did so and saw my friends. Obviously I was very confussed. "What are you guys doing here??" They looked very worried at me. Twilight spoke first. "Soarin told us everything.. But we're here to help you ok?" I was even more confussed and I started thinking of what he could've told them. "W-What did Soarin tell you?" I hoped he didn't tell them I was the one who did it. I didn't want to be the only one to be blamed for it. "He showed us your diary entries." She showed me multiple papers with scribbles on it alluding to suicidal thoughts. "We knew you were hiding something but now we can talk to you about it." I stayed quiet for a bit before responding. "I didn't write any of that!" "You can be honest with us Rainbow." Apple Jack said putting a hoof on my shoulder. "But-" Before I could say anything else they hugged me. While in the grouphug I saw someone behind the bushes with a grin. It was Soarin.. I saw him leave the bushes and make his way to my window. I panicked and left the hug. "I have to go!" I ran back in the house and closed the door. "Dash!-" "Got no time!!" I interupted them and sped to the window. It was half open and I quickly slammed it shut. I could see Soarin notice and make his way through another window. I quickly locked the door of my room and stayed there wondering what he was planning to do. I heard his hooves landing on the floor and walking to my door. He gave a small knock at the door. "Knock Knock~" "What are you doing in my house!?" I sat against the door keeping him from breaking it open. "Look, I know we didn't have the best talk yesterday but I decided to forgive you." I was a bit confussed at that statement. "For what? Not wanting more ponies to die!?" "Not really.. We still need to get rid of anyone who suspects something." His voice didn't sound honest. I rolled my eyes. "Well, like I said I'm not killing more ponies. So if you're just here to convince me again you can leave." I heard him getting closer to the door. "You can't leave me now. You are all that I have Dash. You're all I can talk to. I thought we would go through this together.." His voice became softer but I still didn't want anything to do with it. "It was the same for me but not with this. This is going too far. Just leave me and my friends alone please.." I heard some sounds at the door and Soarin did too. "Oh yea, I forgot I invited them too." I heard him hessitate before continuing. "But if you're not going to stick with me.." I heard him get something. "I'm sorry for what I'm going to have to do." I felt him trying to break the door open now. I realised why he was here and told my friends about me being suicidal. He set me up.. I put something heavy against the door and looked through my room. If he wanted to kill me he would leave if he thought that was the case. I got the box of tranquilizers and emptied them a little on the floor. I also put some empty ones in my hooves and got ready to play dead. I wonder how he's going to react to a suicide he didn't plan himself.. After a few seconds the door slammed open and he got in the room. "No hiding now-" He noticed me on the floor and got quiet. He got closer and moves me around a little but I stayed limb. "R-Rainbow Dash..?" I saw some tears form in his eyes. "No.. No! You can't leave me like this! I.. I didn't.." He looked away. "I was going to come out here and kill you just for sure but I guess you were quicker than me." He was a mix of sadness and frustration. "W-Well, I guess my next targets would be her friends. But I can't do it now while they're in public.." He throught for a bit before a grin. "But I could try something when they're all in one spot. Dash did say they were meeting up.." His grin got bigger and he left hearing my friends get through the door. Just so he didn't suspect anything I laid there until he was completely out of sight. What I didn't expect however was that Twilight entered the room before I got up. "D-Dash!?" I saw she was panicking and going to cry. I noticed her and quickly got up trying to calm her down a little. "Oh Twilight, I'm so sorry! I'm not dead! I'm ok! It was just a joke!" She looked angry at me. "It's not funny!!" "Sorry!" My other friends got in the room and saw my room that looked like a crime scene right now. "Oh, hi guys.." "What in Equestria is goin' on in here??" Apple Jack said obviously confussed. "T-That's not important.." I remembered Soarin is probably going to plan something at the hoofprint meeting. "Twilight, when is the hoofprint meeting?" "Why do you need to know-" "You need to tell me!" I knew I wasn't doing a great job of not being suspicious but it was for their own savety. "Ok, ok, calm down.. I planned it tomorrow. But wht do you want to know so early?" They all looked at me confussed. "It's.. Not important.. But I have to go, you'll thank me later." Without saying good bye I sped off. I heard them following me for a bit but I quickly lost them. I needed to make sure my friends were save. Soarin was probably going to set something up in her castle, more specificaly the map room, where we usualy have meetings. I got in and my my way to the map room. When I got there I saw Soarin messing with the seats. I saw something that looked like some sort of grenades. He noticed me and looked confussed and shocked to see me. "Rainbow Dash!? How are you..?" "It was fake. But I couldn't let you kill my friends. So I'm here now to stop that." I landed on the ground and got closer. He put the 'grenades' away exept for one of them. "So what? I have something to protect myself. And you don't." From what I saw before he wouldn't be scared to use them. So I knew I had to be carefull before I really died. "I know.. But I'm not going to hurt you unless you force me to." He got a grin. "Looks like I'm winning then." He got in the air and dove down. I avoided it but he took a scarp turn back. He flew right at me and when he got to me and bucked the 'grenade' out of his hooves. I quickly catched it before it could do anything. I was trying to turn off the 'grenade' when Soarin quickly pinned me down against the wall. I was stuck like that while he was trying to choke me and couldn't get free. I saw he was trying to get it from me and quickly, without thinking, bucked him somewhere in the stomach. He let his grip on me go and fell on the ground in a lot of pain. I catched my breath. I got closer to him and felt tears filling my eyes. "I-I'm sorry.." I tried to turn off the 'grenade' but it didn't work. "I-I guess we really are in this together…" I didn't want to fly off. But if I stayed here I would have to put the 'grenade' somewhere probably killing me in the process. I was going to give up when I saw Soarin get up a little still in pain. "G-Give me the grenade.." I looked at him not really trusting him. "Why would I?" "I-I'm sorry ok.. I never wanted it to become such a mess.." He got closer. "You don't deserve to die because of my mistakes.." He got the 'grenade' from me and gave me a small smile. I returned the smile and made sure all the grenades were out of the room. I helped him outside and he got all of them. I flew far away from him and stayed there. He gave me one more smile before pulling the trigger. The explotion almost destroyed my eardrums and I felt the powerfull 'boom' in my manes. I stayed there for a few seconds before leaving the area and heading to my next and last location. I arrived at the wonderbolt HQ after being probably an hour late thx to what happened. But I didn't care. I just wanted to set things right. I arrived at the practice arena where I saw Misty and Fleetfoot already there practicing. Well actually, Fleetfoot was flying her tail off while Misty watched and yelled at her to do better and go faster. She noticed me and looked really pissed. "You're 1 hour late! And no, I don't want to hear any excuses!" "You didn't have to remind me." I didn't care. I walked up to her and she started backing off. "W-What do you think you're doing!?" I got close enough and ripped spitfire's coach badge off her uniform. "We're going to do this the right way now." She looked at me angry meanwhile Fleetfoot got down looking confussed. "Rainbow Dash you're here-" She saw I had the badge. "What happened here?" I noticed her and gave her a smile. "We're going to do it right this time. Fleet foot, who do you want to be captain?" She got a smile on her face too. "I'm sorry Misty but I'm going for Dash." Misty looked very mad but I ignored it. "Misty, who do you choose? And you can't choose yourself." "I'm not choosing anything! I deserve that role! I-" Before she could continue Fleetfoot interupted her. "Claimed it for yourself without telling us anything? That's not what a leader does." I got a smile and put the badge on her suit. She looked suprised but quickly gave me a hug. Misty flew away frustrated but I knew she would get over it. After getting my suit me and Fleetfoot did the usual course and she also added some mini games. After that I was still a bit nervous about tomorrow but whatever will happen I'm ready for the consequenses..