//------------------------------// // Episode 1-3: Rivaled Clash // Story: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger vs. Keisatsu Sentai Patranger // by DestinyDecade //------------------------------// Episode 1: Arrival / Chapter 3: Rivaled Clash Isle of V.I.L.E, Faculty Area - a few minutes after the Patrangers defeated Tremor “Esteemed faculty, we are faced with a predicament,” says a man in his mid-50s, sitting in the middle chair. His hands are gently touching via his fingerprints. “A few minutes ago, our scouts have reported that our operative has failed in his mission. Made worse is that we were unable to find him, mostly due to him being corrupted and becoming a monster.” “Our Cleaners report that no trace of him was left behind. I guess that Tremor has proven to be an inadequate candidate for the Gangler project. But we have obtained sufficient data that will prove useful to any and all future operations,” responds another, a woman wearing a black and white lab coat. She also wears goggles and is currently inputting stuff through her many screens. “This has been the second incident we have dealt with this month alone. Last week, one of our bases have been ransacked. Security footage confirms that it was those Power Rangers, the Lupinrangers they were called,” says another member, one dressed like she would fit in a fashion show, wearing in green. “And now today. Tremor couldn't handle a pack of inexperienced brats. And yet they're called Patrangers. For all I know, I rather call them the Pat Brats,” follows another, a woman, muscular and wearing a track suit in the colors of their organization. “Pat Brats? Pah! They are no different than the Lupinrangers who have been sabotaging our operations left and right,” says the last, a man wearing a formal Wafuku of Japanese culture. “Yes, I agree with you on the matter Shadowsan but our concern now is that there are two teams to contend with,” says the head in charge. “Prof. Maelstrom, if I may be so bold, I think there is a way we can use both teams to our advantage.” “Proceed then, Dr. Bellum,” says Maelstrom. “As you can see here, our operatives have arrived in Rome. Their job is to prep up our plans and we do so by means of this: these special printing plates. Their alloy ensures that not even the Italian government can tell the difference from their funds. And considering that we need plenty, it'll do us well,” explains Bellum. “But Bellum, how will this attract both teams? You know they're both after the same goal,” says the woman in the tracksuit. “You think too small Coach Brunt. Attracting them will no doubt have the two teams cross paths and once they are distracted, we will send our Gangler to destroy them both,” explains Bellum. “And with their destruction, nothing will stop us from obtaining what we desire: the world's treasures at our fingertips. Don't you agree Countess Cleo?” Maelstrom asks her. “Most definitely. The Lupins will pay. They will pay dearly,” replies Cleo. “Let us not forget the Patrangers Countess,” intrudes Shadowsan, “They are just as much of a threat as the Lupins.” “Agreed. Dr. Bellum, I pray your plan is put in motion,” Cleo tells her. “It will. For now, I prepare,” Bellum wastes no time in gearing her plan in motion. Maelstrom smiles and says, “Excellent.” A.C.M.E HQ – At the same time... Though we are victorious in our first battle against a V.I.L.E operative who turned into some kind of monster, it wasn't all for naught. Believe me. The five of us are now taking the time to unwind and get our mind off this crap. “Okay. So I sent the report to the Chief. All we can do now is wait,” I tell them. “So is that it? I mean all this happened in the span of a few hours. I can't get over the fact that I combined with Snips and Sunset to pull off a move like that. It's insane. I'm not kidding,” Snails tells me. “You'll get the hang of it man. Besides, Chief did say that we can get some R&R right? That's what we'll do.” My attention shifts toward to the others. They found their own ways to relax and unwind from the troubles that plague them. Sunset's reading a magazine, hoping to learn more about the world and the people that live there. Twilight, being the bookworm that she is, is spending her time reading history books that ACME has. As for Snips, he's more towards video games. As if it's any obvious. I sit on a nearby chair, hoping to get my mind off what happened. Agent Zari notices us all getting a load off and doesn't say anything. Most of the agents know of what happened today, even the Chief. As I rest however, my mind soon starts to drift. I soon start to remember a few things, many of them back when we were in our world. How can I forget? All I remember is me being a completely different person than I was right now. I was brash, impulsive, a showoff at times. I also remember how that had to be put aside for the sake of doing what's better for all of us. When Abacus Cinch wanted to put the city under martial law and even when the government abolished the old system, she was determined to do things her way. I had to stop her. I did do that and saved my home but it wasn't the end for her. I remember she sicced Twilight Sparkle onto us and how she nearly messed Sunset up bad. Though if it wasn't for her, who knows what would happen to her now. But eventually we decided that she needed new friends, people who can be the light within the darkness. But then I learned that Sunset broke my heart... by having an affair with her ex. I was hurt and I then turned to the one person who I saw as a kindred spirit: Twilight Sparkle. Like me, she also had to endure hell under Abacus. I don't know why but every time I saw her, it's as if I can relate. It started as simple talk but that talk would be much more. It became love. A lot of it. Sunset would eventually know the truth. Just as she hurt me, I would end up doing the same to her. I know that for sure because she felt my rage during the World Cup Finals. “How long has Roy been resting?” Snips asks, “It's been almost an hour.” “Even a guy like him needs R&R... like we all should,” Twilight replies. As I continue my rest, I continue remembering. Abacus had tasted defeat twice but what she did would make everything she had already done pale in comparison. I already learned the truth about my origins and how I was the last survivor of a dead world. She realized that if she can't get what she wants, then no one can. So she enacted a plan to bring an evil from the past to the present. That evil... was Zarc. Zarc was once a prominent duelist until a little accident awoke the demon within him. He became ruthless, winning every duel until he became the best. Nothing would stop him... except for one. My own father. He stood up against Zarc and he won. He defeated Zarc and that was what caused him to snap. He would use his own monsters and fuse with them, becoming a terror that would bring the old world to its knees. Everyone tried to stop him but all failed. Even my father paid the price. A man would create four cards capable of stopping him. His daughter tried... only to be killed by Zarc. With nothing to oppose him, Zarc brought ruin to the world. How do I know this? Because someone known as the Doctor told me. A woman, who found me when I was younger, brought me here. I was only an infant and I could remember very little. But eventually Abacus Cinch would bring Zarc to the present so that his revenge would be sated. Like in the past, we all united together to stop him but it was for naught. Zarc wanted vengeance against me, since my father was the one who defeated him. I couldn't run away anymore. I faced my past to save the future. I did that. We did that. We defeated Zarc and sent him back to hell. As for Abacus Cinch, her punishment would be fitting for her. Exile. She was never seen again. The nightmare was finally over... or was it? “Roy... Roy,” says Twilight. She tries to wake me, albeit gently. My eyes open and I see her. “Huh? What is it?” I tell her, still tired. “Wake up. The Chief wants us in her office. It's important,” She answers. I stretch a bit and then met up with the others. Twilight does the same. We enter the Chief's office. Turns out she got something. Whether it be VILE or the Lupins, one thing is for certain. We're back on the beat. “Enjoyed your R&R gumshoes?” She asks us. We simply nod at her in response, “Good. Because we have a lead.” “Wait a second. What lead?” Sunset asks. “Our agents have spotted some unusual activity at Rome,” the Chief tells us. She presses a button, causing the screen to appear with footage showing what's going on in Rome. “This boat was spotted a few minutes ago at a nearby dock. Police nearby try to obtain identification but nothing. We can only assume that it's VILE. Whatever they have planned must be stopped. Your mission gumshoes... head to Italy, stop whatever VILE has planned and then capture Carmen Sandiego. Is that clear?” She orders us. We go in a salute and say, “Yes ma'am.” “Good! Now get going!” We do just that but one of us seems a bit off by this. It catches the Chief so she decides to ask, “Snips. Is there something that concerns you?” “Yes,” He answers, “Something just seems off.” “Go on.” “Why would VILE decide to put their foot down in a place like Rome? Don't you think this is a bit conspicuous? I mean. What if this is all a trap?” “I have to agree,” I intrude, “You forget that Carmen Sandiego and her gang of loudmouth lunkheads would probably know about it and try to do something.” “Fair enough,” The Chief replies, “If you plan to stop VILE's operation, do so with caution. As for Carmen and her gang, do not show any avenue of trust to them. They are just as dangerous.” “Yes ma'am,” Snips orders, saluting as he meets up with the others. Snails asks, “What was that about?” “You ever wonder if all of this could lead to something bad? It's just a hunch,” He explains to us. “I hate to admit it but he might be right,” Sunset replies. “Fair enough. Regardless, we have to be ready for anything. We know so little about the Lupinrangers that we're going in this thing blind,” Snails tells us. “All the more for it! I know that one of them is in that group. Someone named Patty Larceny,” Twilight replies. “Patty Larceny?” Sunset wonders. “Yep. A teenage delinquent that looks cute but she's not. I hear she's vicious.” Having been fed up by Twilight's constant understanding, Snails rasps, “How the hell do you know so much of this crap?” “Maybe that's what I get for binge-watching the show on YouTube. It's fact,” She has to pour salt on the wound did she? Yes she did. “Let's just get moving,” But something hits him, mentally, “How are we going to get to Italy?” “With this,” I take something out and press the button. This in turn activates some kind of portal to appear in front of us. My friends get startled by this. “Roy, what the hell is that?” Sunset asks. “This is the C-5 Corridor. ACME uses this to transport their operatives to anywhere on the planet. And the Chief has given us authorization to use it as we see fit... only if through traditional means won't get us there fast enough,” I reply. “Basically, this serves as a way we can teleport to anywhere right? Like in Power Rangers?” Snips wonders. “Yes,” I reply, dejectedly, “Like in Power Rangers.” “Sweet,” His excitement never ceases. “Okay Chief. We're ready. C-5 us to Italy!” Before long, we five enter the portal. Everything seems normal, at first. But something goes wrong. We feel something strange within the whole thing. Yes, it is sending us to our destination but since these guys can't get the process right, it feels as if we're being separated. Within the ACME central area of operations, Chief Thigpen watches and feels disappointed that they still can't get the thing to work properly. She presses a button and says, “Agent Zari. Fire whoever was managing the C-5 Corridor. It seems that we still can't get it to work properly. Also, get me in touch with Global Police's New York office. I may need that scientist of theirs.” “Yes ma'am,” replies Agent Zari. Venice, Italy – 4:50 PM Venice, capital of the Veneto region and a city of Italy. This city has many names but many mostly call it “The Floating City”. Parts of it are best known for its beauty, architecture and artwork. Hell, it's where the Renaissance came about along with the birthplace of composer Antonio Vivaldi. For me personally, it's a romantic city and it makes me wish I would have a date there. We arrive alright but it seems that due to the C-5 Corridor being a bit unstable, we got separated. I arrive unscathed, near a harbor but the others weren't as lucky. Snails also arrives, but a few hundred feet away. Twilight was a mile away from us. Snips landed at a pier but the good news is he didn't get drenched. Sunset landed on the roof of a nearby home. She drops down to find that she isn't far from Snails' position. “Chief, what the hell's going on?” I ask, “We got separated when the C-5 Corridor brought us to Italy!” “That's on us unfortunately. It proved to be unstable, hence why this happens. Luckily I fired the one managing it. We'll be working on a new system to get you agents safely next time,” She replies. “Thank goodness,” I follow. “Chief, what's our assignment? We got separated,” Snails now asks. “New plan then. Reunite with your companions then find the VILE ship that was located. Our agents will scour the area for it's location. Get moving!” She orders. “Understood.” We waste no time trying to find the others. Good news is that our VS Changers also double as radar points so that if we are to find each other, we'll know. But it seems that we're not the only team here. High above the rooftops, Carmen is watching us using a pair of binoculars. With an ear piece, she contacts her crew. “This is Carmen, I got visual. Where's everyone?” She says. “This is Zack. Still looking for that yacht,” Zack replies. “Ivy here. No sign of it,” Ivy follows. “Patty here. Enjoying a little dessert before moving out. A lady can't fight on an empty stomach,” Patty intrudes. “Eating? Now?” Carmen wonders. “Yeah. You know I'm the kind of lady that prefers something sweet like some Tiramisu,” Patty explains. “Oh, think you can hook us up with desserts after this?” Zack asks. “Food later. Mission now. Where's Lupin?” Carmen intrudes. “Lupin here. Still no sign of the yacht. My guess VILE hasn't arrived yet,” says Lupin. “But it seems we're not the only people here,” Carmen tells them. “What do you mean?” Lupin asks. “Don't know but whoever they are, they don't seem like VILE goons. They are more like police officers,” Carmen tells them. “Can you be a bit more specific than that? I don't think that's a good accurate description of what we're up against,” Lupin asks, once more. “All I can say is that I see a bunch of teenagers. Regardless, be ready for anything. Got it?” She orders them. “Right!” The others shout. “Player, I need a map of Italy. We need to know where VILE's yacht is at,” Carmen asks. “On it Red,” Player replies, as he gets to work. Carmen then moves about, from rooftop to rooftop, hoping to get a better view. Meanwhile, our team was working to find each other. It doesn't take long as we all gather about. The fact that our arrival was bumpy only proves that being an agent is going to have its downsides. “I swear it. What was ACME thinking in using that?” Sunset complains. “At least we made it to Italy. This is quite different from Equestria. Very different,” I reply, hoping to change the subject. “We don't even have these back home,” Sunset interrupts, “Can we focus on the mission already? We don't even know where to start!” “Have you forgotten that I'm leader of this team?” Snails replies, interrupting Sunset. “Oh, I totally forgot,” Sunset follows, being real damn sarcastic. “Quit the sarcasm Sunset. We don't need this,” Snails then gets in touch with the chief via headset, “Chief, everyone's here. Any luck on finding the yacht.” “Still looking,” Chief replies, “However, I have detected several targets around the vicinity. It seems that Carmen Sandiego and her gang of delinquents are around here.” “They are here? This is surprising,” I said. “Not helping Roy,” Snails says, shutting me up, “Anyway. What are our orders?” “For now, investigate the area. The instant ACME discovers VILE's location, you will be the first to know. Just don't do anything careless,” orders Chief. “Copy that. Snails out,” He cuts communication before turning his attention to us, “You heard the Chief. Let's investigate.” “Better yet, we split into two teams. Snips, Sunset, you are with me. Twilight, go with Roy. If you encounter the Lupinrangers, do not engage... unless otherwise,” He orders, fitting the leader role well. “Loud and clear. Let's move Twilight,” I tell her as I head off with Twilight. Sunset watches with a cautious yet disgusted look on her face. I know why. Snails notices and says, “Sunset, for the sake of this job can you put your feelings aside?” “How can I? Seeing Roy with Twilight makes my stomach churn,” Sunset replies. “Jeezus. Listen to me. I know you're mad over what happened but you need to get over it. You broke his heart when you cheated on him remember? Or are you still reeling over what he did to you?” Snails wonders, trying to get Sunset to focus on the job. “Don't you dare Snails, I mean it!” She threatens. Yep, she's still sour over this. “I already dealt enough since that bitter break up. I really don't need this now.” “I'm not. Let's focus already. We got a yacht to find and thieves to catch,” He orders. Snips looks at him and asks, “I thought she moved on from it all. Sure Roy hurt Sunset but I thought that she would be over it.” “Nope. Not entirely. She's still bitter but let's focus on the task at hand. Besides, we should get an update from ACME soon so for now, we should just investigate,” He replies. “Right.” The three Patranger start exploring Venice and it's many sights. For Sunset, she wants to try to get her mind off seeing Twilight and I head off but she can't. She honestly can't. She's still bitter. Sometimes you just need to learn to move on and let it go. As for Twilight and I, we decide to focus on our job but being a flirt, I couldn't resist trying to butter up to her. “Enjoying Italy Twilight?” I ask her. “I'm liking it even though it's very different from reading about it,” She replies. “You want to know where I want to go?” “Where?” “Paris. The city of love, the city of beauty. How I wouldn't give for us to have our date there where we see all the sights especially the Eiffel Tower. How I wouldn't give... wouldn't give to be on my knees and,” as I keep blabbing about, Twilight suddenly comes in, wondering what the hell. “Roy, I know you have all these plans but can we focus on our job please?” She says. Realizing that I was blabbing like an idiot, I tell her, “Yeah sure. Why not.” The two of us explore the area but like the others, it didn't seem right. It's then we notice some people coming out of a building. They look like janitors but it wasn't just that. Something about them seemed off, like they had no emotion. Just a serious, monotone face. I didn't like it. I moved to a corner as I keep watch. Twilight meanwhile hides in a table, hoping not to attract attention. I simply shrug it off. We then notice two people coming in, possibly to meet up with said janitors. One was tall and muscular, the other was tall but thin. Both are meeting up with the janitor-like mooks. “So, is everything ready?” says one of them, “We're on a schedule.” The mook responds, “We are ready Le Chevre. Coach Brunt requests your presence.” “We will report to her momentarily. Right El Topo?” Le Chevre asks his partner. “Indeed. We are all set,” El Topo answers. “Good,” says the Cleaner mook. El Topo and Le Chevre walk off as the Cleaners continue with their work. Seems we found it before the Lupins did. I quickly let the others know. “Guys, it's Roy. I found them. Lock onto my signal,” I tell them. “What? You found them,” Snails asks. “I did. Better hurry up before the Lupins drop by.” “Okay. We're on our way,” He ends communication, “Guys. Let's go. Roy and Twilight found them.” “About time,” Sunset says. “Awesome,” follows Snips. The three quickly are on the move. As for Twilight and I, we still continue to maintain our position. But we wouldn't wait for much longer. On the building's rooftop, I notice someone watching us. Yep. It's him and I know it. It's Enigma. “What do you know? We found them,” says Enigma, “Boss, it's me. Found them. Not to mention two operatives are there too. You know them right?” “I know who they are. Wait right there until we arrive,” responds his boss, “Anything else?” “As a matter of act, yes. There is. Turns out we're not the only people here.” “So they are here too huh?” “Yeah. Exactly as I told you. What are your orders?” “Stay out of sight until we arrive. Something's not right and I know it. Plus what you told me earlier is starting to bug me for some reason.” “I know,” Enigma remembers what he told his partners. An hour earlier... “So let me get this straight,” says Carmen, taking out her VS Changer and showing it, “You're saying that who you saw also got the same stuff we have? These VS Changers?” “Correct,” replies Enigma, “But there is a difference what we have and what they have.” “Like what exactly?” “I notice that the trinkets they have look like vehicles, plus the suits they were are like police uniforms.” “Police uniforms? Like actual cops?” wonders Zack. “Precisely,” Enigma answers, “They also fight differently too, preferring close quarter combat.” “Close quarters huh? They kind of like getting their hands dirty don't they?” Ivy wonders. “Except we've been doing this sort of thing for a year now. Thanks to Lupin of course, we're strong enough to even take the fight to V.I.L.E themselves,” Carmen replies, feeling assured. “Fighting V.I.L.E themselves? Are you mad Carmen,” says Player from her com link. “I'm just kidding. Besides, why would even try to? Sabotaging their operations is what matters. Plus it lets us find those trinkets he keep telling us,” Carmen replies. “By the way, I got something from the file Lupin sent us. V.I.L.E's holding up shop somewhere in Rome. Whatever it is, it ain't good,” Player tells them. “Then it's go time. Zack, Ivy, you guys scour Rome until you find them. Lupin, take the rooftops. If you find them, don't engage. Got it?” She orders. They nod and then head off but Carmen notices something off. What is it? Simple. Someone of their team isn't here. “Where's Larceny?” She asks Enigma. “I don't know. I don't question what she does. For all I know, she went out to get dessert or something,” He replies. “Seriously? Dessert? At a time like this?” She wonders. “I don't question it. She's my wife and I love her too much. Plus, she doesn't fight on an empty stomach. She gets pissy,” He answers. “Fair enough. Let's go.” Their team heads off to do their operation, not realizing that fate has a weird way of playing around. Back to the present... Enigma continues watching us, gathering around. Snails and his companions arrive to meet up. We don't see the Cleaner mooks. My guess is that they went inside and haven't come out yet. “Okay Roy, you spotted them?” Snails asks. I simply give him a nod, “Good. If they're inside, we know that VILE isn't that far behind.” He takes his VS Changer out and has it ready, in case they try anything. But even if we approach from the front, they may have something up their sleeves. So I have a suggestion in mind. “Snails, you take Sunset and Snips and head inside. Twilight and I will head around. I have a feeling this all may be a front and what not,” I suggest. “Good idea,” He answers. Twilight and I don't waste any time. We move around the place to see if VILE had anything else. “Be on your guard guys. These guys are no laughing matter,” Snails tells them. The three of them head investigate and as they do, they notice nothing out of the ordinary. “That's weird. No one's here,” Sunset investigates, “I thought someone was inside here. Roy did say he spotted some Cleaners entering.” “Even so, this could be leading to something. Still, be cautious,” He tells her. Snips is deep inside and his gut knows something's off. His instincts prove to be right as someone enters, not realizing that they are expecting company. The Cleaner notices Snips and he doesn't waste a second. With one shot, he blasts the Cleaner. It gets the others' attention. “You hear that?” Sunset asks. “I did. Come on!” Snails shouts. Snips then blasts the other Cleaner robot, reducing it to rubble. The others show up and knew that he had been busy. “You guys missed it. Cleaners were here but it looks like they cleaned the whole place out. Whatever they did, they might have known we were coming,” He says. “I doubt it. I think they were expecting someone else instead,” Snails replies. “Like those Lupins?” Sunset points out. That's when it hits him, “My thoughts exactly. But if they were expecting them, then that means?” “They are not that far are they?” Snips pinpoints. “Nope,” Snails turns his attention to see three figures approaching, “They're right in front of us.” Snails, Snips and Sunset see Carmen along with her two partners arriving outside. They look at each other with bated breath. Excitement is filled but on the other side, Carmen along with Zack and Ivy appear outside. They see Lupin, holding position and waiting. “This the place?” Zack asks. “Yeah. But I got a feeling that we're not alone,” Carmen replies. “Why? We haven't seen those other Power Rangers so what's the worst that can happen?” Ivy follows. Carmen hesitates before answering. She then says, “I don't know. But we should be ready, regardless.” The three head for the base the Patrangers are in. Carmen hesitates, because she ends up seeing three individuals come outside. Zack and Ivy see them as well. Fate is now already in motion. “If you plan on finding anything, sorry but we beat you to it. You must be Carmen Sandiego aren't you?” Snails says, taking his VS Changer out and aiming it at her group. “And you must be the other Ranger team aren't you?” Carmen responds, taking her VS Changer out and aiming it at them. “Chief did say that these guys have VS Changers right?” Snips wonders. “Of course she did,” Sunset replies, having taken out her VS Changer just like the other two have. “Carmen, these guys got the same trinkets we do,” says Zack. “So that means we got a fight on our hands huh?” Ivy follows. “Yeah,” Carmen assures. “I'll make this simple. We're ordered to take you guys in. If you make it easy and surrender willingly, we'll show you a bit of leniency,” Snails requests. “Leniency? Don't make me laugh. You think you can stop us from taking down VILE?” Carmen threatens. “Thing is, we're after VILE too but we have our own reasons for stopping them and that has to do with the Lupin Collection!” Snips interrupts. “Wait a sec, Lupin Collection? You got to be kidding me!” shouts Zack. “Snips, not helping!” Snails chides, “Not to mention that this would jeopardize everything.” “Sorry,” He apologizes. “I'm not going to ask you again. Put down your arms and we will be lenient towards you. Refuse and you will be taken down,” Snails threatens once more towards Carmen and her team. “Does it look like we're giving up?” Carmen tells them, “Guys, let's do this.” “Alright! It's showtime!” Zack shouts. “Guess you guys should have let us through huh?” Ivy follows. Carmen and her group got ready, taking out their respective Lupin pieces, the Dial Fighters. They then yelled out, “Kaitou Change!” Each of them would insert their pieces into their respective changers. First comes Carmen, “Red! 0-1-0!” Zack was next, “Blue! 2-6-0!” And then Ivy, “Yellow! 1-1-6!” “Masqueraise! Kaitou Change!” All three pushed the grip on their Changers and then turned their triggers sideways, causing their Dial Fighters to appear upward. Grabbing them, the three fired, causing three colored Vs to appear in front of them, before moving towards them. Within seconds, Carmen along with Zack and Ivy transform into the thieving Power Rangers, the Lupinrangers! A jingle is then heard with the phrase “Lupinranger!” is heard. “Snails, what do we do?” Sunset asks. “The only thing we can do. Our orders are to take them in and they aren't coming quietly,” He takes out his VS Changer and Trigger Machine, “We have no choice. Let's do this!” The others take out theirs, gearing to transform. They then yell out, “Keisatsu Change!” Snails goes first, “1Gou!” Snips went next, “2Gou!” Then Sunset, “3Gou!” The three push on the grip, “Patrize!” then turn them so that their Trigger Machines are underneath. They then grab them with their other hands and fired. Three colored “S” shaped badges appear above them, heading downard. Each of them go down, enveloping them. In seconds, they transform into the justice-seeking Power Rangers, the Patrangers! The sound “Patranger!” is heard. They don't waste time. They aim their blasters, squarely at the Lupins. The Lupins do the same. “Here's a warning for you guys. We're here to stop VILE, no matter what it takes,” Carmen tells them. “And here's a warning of our own for you. By order of ACME and the Global Police, we're taking you three in! By force if we have to!” Snails counters. “Bring it then!” Zack challenges. Time isn't wasted. To hell with Ranger intros! Both Ranger teams go in and go into battle! Sounds of lasers firing are heard. Not to mention the Lupins being real athletic, forcing the Patrens to actually put some effort in their offense. While the fighting goes on, Enigma notices me and Twilight on the move. Looks like our fight will be happening soon enough. “Patty, you finished? We're about to have company,” He says. “I'm ready. Where's Carmen and the others?” She asks. “They're busy. We need to get moving. Now. Looks like they kind of found VILE before we did.” “Figures. I'm on my way then.” Enigma gears to get on the move. Twilight and I on the other hand, spot a yacht not far off. Looks like we reached red hot here. “That must be it,” says Twilight, “That building was just a front!” “Exactly!” I reply, “Twilight, we should split. We're being watched!” “By who?” “Enigma. He's been watching and I rather not want to deal with that clown!” “Good idea,” Before Twilight departs, I gently grab her hand. I went closer to her and planted one soft kiss. If anyone asks, yes, Twilight and I have been dating for more than a year. It's a topic for another day and I don't want this tale to get diverted into more bs. “For luck,” I tell her. But Twilight provides a kiss of her own to me. She says, “Yeah. For luck.” The two of us split up. Twilight doesn't have to move that far because it turns out she finds Patty Larceny. A fight between these two will not be a pretty sight. For me, I head for VILE's big yacht and dear god, these guys certainly know how to spend. Before I can go further, someone tries to attack me from behind but it's a no-go as I dodge the attack. “So it seems you decide to interfere in our operations isn't it?” says Enigma. “I can say the same for you and your gang of hooligans,” I reply, taking my X Changer out and aiming it at him. “What else did Chief Thigpen feed into your heads? Everything she utters is a lie!” He shouts with an angry tone. “The only lie I see is your loyalty. I have to ask... friend? Or foe? Who really knows if you are working for someone like Carmen Sandiego?” As if I want to piss him off any further and yet I did. He takes out his X Changer and shouts, “Enough! Our last battle ended in a draw but this time, there will be an outcome. Kaitou Change!” “X-nize! Kaitou X Change!” He turns his blaster from silver to gold and then turns it again to show silver. Aiming it, he fires downward causing a silver top hat with a “V” inside to appear in front of him and then cover him, revealing his silver Lupin X suit. “Lupin X!” Transformed into the silver Power Ranger Lupin X, the guy doesn't waste time to attack me. I had little time to react so I had to move, “Keisatsu Change!” “X-nize! Keisatsu X Change!” I quickly turn my blaster around: first showing the silver train then rotating it back to gold. I jump over him, using his shoulder as a stepping stone and fired upward, causing a golden “S” police badge to appear and envelop me, transforming into the golden Power Ranger, Patren X! “Like the morning sun that blankets this glorious sky, I smite evil in the name of justice! Patren X!” I shout. “And I am the rogue thief that strikes terror through the night! Lupin X!” He shouts right back. “I will say this. There will be a winner today... and it will be me!” I tell him as I race forward to engage Enigma, not realizing that all of this is part of VILE's little plan. And just as two fights have been happening, a third battle is on the horizon. Patty, having finished her dessert, is gearing up to meet with the other Lupins. She doesn't realize that someone is out looking for her and it won't be pretty. “Huh? May I help you?” She tells Twilight. “Yes. You must be Patty Larceny aren't you?” Twilight responds. It gets Patty a bit ticked, “Let me guess. You're here to arrest me right?” “You catch on pretty quick,” Twilight aims her VS Changer at Patty, ready to arrest her but knowing Larceny, she ain't going down without a fight. “Since when did ACME decide to hire gumshoes again? You kids are so pathetic,” Patty replies, taking out something from her purse, a whip and she uses it to assault Twilight. Twilight dodges it by moving back. Patty's already standing up, having left her tip for the food. She then takes out her VS Changer and aims it at Twilight. “Assaulting an officer like me is a serious offense. You really want to go back to jail do you?” Twilight asks. “You think you can arrest me? I like you to try, provided you can,” Taking out a Pink Dial Fighter, Patty decides to take it up a notch, “Kaitou Change!” “Pink! 9-1-3! Masqueraise!” Having inserted her Dial Fighter and activated the code, she gears up to transform into a Lupinranger. “Kaitou Change!” She then fires, causing a pink hat with a “V” inside to appear. It then touches her, transforming into the Pink Lupinranger. “Lupinranger!” “Guess the easy way's out the window. Let's do this the hard way then,” Twilight takes out her Trigger Machine and shouts, “Keisatsu Change!” “4Gou! Patrize!” Inserting her Trigger Machine, she pulls the grip and turns the Changer to have the Trigger Machine on the bottom. “Keisatsu Change!” She then aims up and fires. A yellow “S” badge appears above her, going down. She is then covered in it, transforming into the yellow Patranger, Patren 4Gou. “Patranger!” “Yellow does suit people like you. You ACME gumshoes are little wussies,” taunts Patty as she takes out her LupinSword. “I'll make you eat those words!” shouts Twilight as she rushes in, blaster blazing and firing. Patty is nimble. She dodges the attacks and responds by going over and striking Twilight with her blade. She also does a gesture, taunting Twilight and telling her to come after her. Twilight doesn't resist. She wants to take Patty down, even if it kills her. Three brawls are going down between the two teams. As they occur, El Toppo and Le Chevre are in touch with one of VILE's faculty, Coach Brunt. The look on her face tells that everything is going as planned. “So the Rangers are now battling each other eh? Perfect,” says Brunt. “And with their distraction, nothing will stop us from completing our goals yes?” replies Le Chevre. “Don't let your guard down on them. They are very dangerous. Make sure the Gangler is ready,” orders Brunt. “The Gangler is on standby. Thankfully he will not prove to be an issue unlike other last one,” replies El Toppo. “See to it that he doesn't. We still haven't worked out everything but we want to ensure that everything goes right. Failure will not be tolerated. Is that clear?” she orders. “Si Coach Brunt,” answers El Toppo. “Yes Coach Brunt,” follows Le Chevre. “Good. Let us know when the Rangers are no more,” Coach Brunt cuts communication. The two go to check on their little pet project, the Gangler. As they do, the battles continue on. The main three Lupins and Patrangers are still duking things out. The Lupins specialize in evasion and quick shots to get the advantage. The Patrangers prefer to take the fight to them. In a way, they are opposite to each other. Snails continues to shoot as Carmen's quick footwork avoids them while responding with shots of her own. He dodges by means of simple swerves. Snips prefers to get up close and personal with his offense, specializes in punches, kicks and blaster shots. Zack avoids, responding with his own offense. As for the ladies, Sunset has a mix between her blaster and her Patrol Baton. Ivy got her blaster and Lupin Sword. Both teams, giving all they have against one another. “For a thief, you're very athletic. I won't lie. You're pretty good,” Snails praises, as he constantly does his best to keep up and take her down. “And for a kid like you, you're not bad. But even that won't be enough,” Carmen replies, going in now for the strike. She dodges one of his swings and responds with a punch, two kicks and a laser blast to his chest. In turn, he reels from the impact but does it stop him? Hell no. Realizing that his blaster won't cut it, he takes out his Patrol Baton. He then wields it like it's a sword. It gets Carmen skeptical, wondering what he'll do next. Next thing she sees, he runs straight for her. She responds by firing blasts but he quickly deflects them. He goes to strike her only for Carmen to dodge. This fight's getting serious. Meanwhile, the other Rangers are continuing their battles. I have to deal with a vengeful Lupin X while Twilight deals with his wife. Eventually Twilight's scuffle crosses paths with mine. Patty dodges a few of Twilight's blasts and like a ballet dancer, she nimbly makes it easy. She reaches her husband. Twilight and I meet and notice that something isn't right. “Didn't fare better against her didn't you?” I ask her. Twilight chides, “How about you? You fared no better.” “But something about this just doesn't seem right. Why did we get the same reading that they did on a VILE operation,” Enigma says. “Either way, we got to shut them down. Who knows what they got planned?” Patty orders. “Wait a minute,” I wonder, turning my attention to Twilight, “If the Lupins found out about this just like we did, then that means...” “It's all a trap!” Twilight answers. Before we can figure everything out, something comes out from a nearby building. A Gangler has appeared. It looked disgusting. It's hump and head looks like a pink slug. It's got pink and yellow tentacles covering much of his body. He also packs some kind of snail shell gun on his left arm. It's right arm has green leaves and a pink hand root. It pretty much looks like a freak experiment or something and it doesn't help that much of his body is still filled with some kind of liquid. It doesn't waste time firing on us. We're forced to evade its shots, some hitting a nearby building and causing parts of it to solidify and next thing we know, it explodes. The explosion pushes Twilight and me back a bit. Yep. We're dealing with trouble. “Like my work? It's a work of art! I am the Slugster and I plan on making VILE all the more proud,” It says, acting like a complete douchebag. “Slugster huh? What kind of crap name is that?” insults Enigma, noticing the safe on the top of its head. “You dare insult me. How about I make you my next work instead!” Slugster shouts, using the safe to channel energy into his shell gun and fires a few shots at Enigma. Enigma (as Lupin X) takes his X-Rod Sword and uses it to deflect some of the shots. Sadly that doesn't help. The shots start to stick onto the sword. Enigma keeps going, until his X Rod Sword is filled with this gunk. Next thing he knows, he gets sent flying via an explosion. The explosion isn't as serious since his suit lets him withstand it but dear god, the guy is careless. “Like that? You like that? You like that! That should teach you lupin brat!” It shouts. But I intrude, responding, “Let me take a crack at it wise guy. Kaitou Change!” I turn my X Changer 180 degrees, showing the silver X-Train. “X-NIZE! Kaitou X Change!” Like Enigma already has done before, I aim downwards and fire, causing a silver top hat with a “V” inside to appear. It covers me, turning from the gold officer of justice to the silver thief, Lupin X. “Lupin X!” But as I do so, Enigma starts to feel intense pain. The pain's so great that he couldn't move. Patty notices and tries to do so but doesn't want to get hit by the shocks. What she did do was move his VS Changer so that it shows the gold train. When that happens, the sound “Keisatsu X Change!” is heard. He fires, transforming from the silver Lupin X to the gold Patren X. He's back to normal but he has to wonder why it happened to begin with. “Since you and I both share this, we can't be two of the same. It screws up the morphing grid,” He says. “Let me guess, too much pink energy is dangerous right?” I reply, “But I guess this kind of shows you what happens when you decided to be a careless ass.” “Don't push it,” Enigma threatens. “Anyway, I'll try my luck,” I shout, but I had another idea in mind so I turn to Twilight,” Remember I told you that there's a yacht nearby?” “Yeah, so?” Twilight asks. I don't answer. I simply gave her a nod as I decide to taunt the freak with a few shots from my blaster. That got its attention alright. It runs after me so I decide to lead it to VILE's yacht. Fitting because El Topo and Le Chevre just show up right on cue. “Huh? Is that,” Le Chevre wonders, before I jump over them causing the three to collide in spectacular fashion. “You guys make my work way too easy,” I take out something from my waist and place it on the Gangler's safe on his head. “4-7-9!” The safe opens and I take out what's inside, some kind of gold orb, revealing it to be a small statue that looks similar to the character Auric the Conqueror from Power Rangers Zeo. “By the way, we Patrangers will be taking your Lupin piece now thank you,” I tell them. But my attention shifts on the yacht itself. “What are you waiting for? Let's get it!” Patty shouts, already moving to intercept me. But the Gangler intrudes, pissed that I stole the Lupin Piece from the safe. It takes out some kind of sword and tries to attack her. But Enigma, being Patren X, blocks it with his X Rod Sword. “You dare lay a hand on my wife you swine?!” He shouts as his attack pushes him back. Enigma wastes no time. He goes ahead and gears up his finishing strike, pulling the lever to the middle before pulling up then back and repeat. He does this four times. “X-Time! Ichi-tte! Ni-tte! San-tte! Ji-tte! Ikitosen! (Man With No Match!)” After the fourth time, he twirls the weapon in a circular manner, causing a large sharp X sigil to appear. In turn, several smaller crosses appear alongside it and they move in a counter-clockwise manner. “Excellent X!” He then pierces it causing the crosses to fire straight for the Gangler, “One-Shot X Strike! (Ichigeki X-Strike!)” The Gangler gets blasted by the Ichigeki X-Strike, reducing it to nothing but oblivion. It gets worse when the Gangler is revealed to be yet another VILE flunk job. This only gets his blood boiling. But as for me, I decided to see what's inside the yacht. Twilight follows suit and the two of us explore the place. But we both know what's coming for us. “What was VILE planning to do with this anyway?” Twilight asks. “I don't know. But this here's just a front. Notice why the Lupins were here too?” I answer, then ask her. She doesn't respond so I continue, “The whole thing screams a trap. Snips was right!” “Your friend seems to get it,” intrudes Enigma, who appears along with his wife. I aim my X Changer at him, as does Twilight with her VS Changer, “Okay. How do you know this was a trap?” “Is it obvious? One Ranger team is bad enough for VILE. Two, just really pisses them off!” Enigma replies, aiming his X Changer at us. His wife aims her VS Changer at us as well. “So all of this was done to get rid of us?” Twilight wonders, trying to piece everything together. “Precisely,” Patty answers, “How we didn't figure this out sooner is beyond us. But to think we all fell for it is proof. For all I know, our team is going to mop the floor with yours.” “Wanna bet?” Twilight counters. “It's not a bet. It's fact,” Patty strikes back, firing a shot from her VS Changer. It's a warning shot, at best. “Let us prove you wrong then. Chief will be pleased that we get to arrest you Bonnie & Clyde. Keisatsu Change!” I use my X Changer to rotate, revealing the Gold X Train. “Not if I have any say in it! Kaitou Change!” Enigma shouts, doing the same as I have, rotating his changer to show the Silver X Train. “Keisatsu X Change!” “Kaitou X Change!” Both myself and Enigma aim respectively and fire, changing ourselves back to our other forms. Enigma changes back to Lupin X while I become Patren X. We also change our respective weapon forms. Now it's more than enough for us to make it an even battlefield. He rushes in to attack us but I quickly respond by blocking. Yep. This makes the battle really difficult since I have the Lupin piece I stole from the monstrous Gangler eariler. Twilight assists with two shots that Enigma repels. Patty comes in to attack as well. Yep. The battle continues but what about the rest of the Patrangers? Let's check up on them. Unfortunately it is not good. The Lupins continue to push the Patrangers into a corner. Despite specializing on his Patrol Baton, Snails struggles against Carmen. Snips hasn't fared any better since Zack decides to go brute force. As for Sunset, Ivy mops the floor with her. Before long the three Patrangers group up, already beat up from the fights they each are going through. “You guys okay?” Snails asks. “Yeah. Still able I guess,” Sunset answers. “Me too... damn,” Snips follows. “For a bunch of rookies, you really put up a fight but not enough to stop us,” Carmen tells them. “Yeah. Time we finish this right?” Zack asks. “Yep. So ready to give up?” Carmen asks them. Snails gets himself back up. He isn't going to let them push him down. Neither is his comrades. The three Patrangers get themselves up. They each look at one another before gearing up once more to fight. Their second wind slowly starts to kick in. The Lupins can only watch as the three gear up to go in on the attack. But unexpectedly, Snails takes his blaster and throws it to the right. In turn, Snips does the same, throwing his baton left. They each both grab it and before long, they're back in the fight. All three of them. “Guys... let's show them why we're a team,” He orders. The others nod in approval. The three then rush in to attack the Lupins. These guys don't see it coming. The three Patrangers jump in and deliver a triple kick sending them back. Each of the Patrangers start going after the Lupins. Snips is the first to go after his target, Lupin Blue. He starts with a barrage of blaster fire. That gets Zack on the defensive. Snips is relentless. He keeps going, not giving his opponent any chances. Zack tries to respond with his own attacks but nothing. In fact the opening is what Snips needs to strike back. He starts by firing a shot that hits the wall. In turn, it strikes Zack in the back. He then follows with a tackle attack, pushing him back. Zack tries fighting back but Snips is quick to avoid the attacks. “Why can't I hit you?” Zack shouts, struggling to lay even a dent on him. “You're getting sloppy here!” Snips replies, delivering an elbow at Zack that stops him cold. He then throws one of the blasters up, delivers a swift uppercut and as he does so, he then grabs the blaster he threw up and fired a full on double charge blast. The blast sends Zack flying to the ground below. Due to him having taken up so much damage, sparks start flying from his suit. He suddenly powers down as a result. Getting back on his feet, Snips twirls both blasters before he assumes a stance. “One down, two to go!” Snips says. Ivy notices Zack on the ground, demorphed. “Zack!” She shouts, racing for him. But Sunset isn't letting that happen so she fires a blast to stop her, “Not so fast Ivy. You still have a date with me!” “Get in my way and I'll knock you down!” She threatens, but Sunset isn't amused. So Ivy decides to respond with her Lupin Sword. Sunset dodges both her strikes and then responds with one of her own, courtesy of her Patrol Baton. If that isn't enough. She presses a button on her Patrol Baton, causing the blade part to glow pink. This gets her intrigued but is enough for her to hopefully deliver the strike. “Your time is up Ivy!” She then unleashes a slash that hits Ivy hard. But considering that she suffers too much, like Zack, she also hits the floor powering down. “That makes two,” Sunset follows. Meanwhile Snails is still fighting against Carmen. Despite having two Batons, he gives it all he has but nothing can lay a dent to Carmen aka LupinRed. After a 2-blade attack, he repels Carmen back. “I won't lie. Even with two of these, you still hold your ground. If only you fought for the side of good, we would be allies,” Snails says. “Thing is, I do work for good but in order to be good, I got to be bad,” Carmen replies, repelling one of Snails' baton strikes. “Honor among thieves huh? I like your attitude but it still doesn't excuse your actions!” Snails counters back, ready to strike at her. Carmen blocks it. “I don't need anyone telling me how I decide my way of life. Not V.I.L.E and definitely not you!” “Fine by me. A shame that I have to take you out!” Snails, having heard enough, decides to go on the offensive one more time. He throws one of the Patrol Batons to Carmen, whom she quickly deflects. That provides him the opening needed to deal the final strike. He rushes in, while pressing the button on the handle. It causes his blade to glow red. It's then that Carmen gears up her own finishing strike. But she won't get the chance to use it. Snails unleashes a slash that strikes at her waist but the hit hurts hard, almost like it pierced through Carmen. “Dame! Zettai Giri! (Refusal to Comply Strike!)” Carmen then feels a surge of energy exploding around her suit and her body. It gets so bad that she collapses due to all the damage she suffered and powers down. Snails swings the Baton and then puts it back in the same way a samurai sheaths his sword. Turning around, he notices the others and they group up. “You two okay?” Snails asks. “We're more than okay,” Sunset replies. “We kicked butt you know!” Snips shouts in excitement. “I am pleased to hear. We need to check up on Roy and Twilight. Come on!” He orders. The three quickly move to find us. They don't need to wait long. We come to them as Twilight and I jump over the three. They notice Lupin and Patty ready to attack them but they find an unexpected sight. Carmen, Zack and Ivy, on the ground, reeling in pain from the Patrangers. Patty can only look in horror seeing her comrades there. Enigma however, has nothing but anger. Anger towards us for harming them. “What have you done with them?!” He shouts. Snails respond right back, “Don't worry. They'll be fine. The only thing they'll look forward to is being in a jail cell. Only you two remain!” “You expect us to surrender? Not a chance!” Patty retorts. “So much for doing things the easy way. We'll just have to do it the hard way for you both,” responds Twilight. “Patty, get the Rangers and get out of here! If we don't save them, our works will be for naught. We can't let that happen!” He shouts. Patty says nothing. She seeks her friends and goes to get them. This catches us off guard as she was quick. She was able to get Carmen, Zack and Ivy to a safe place. This leaves the five of us against one Lupin X. “You're all that's left! Once we take you out, your friends are next!” Snails shouts. “Not a chance! I dare you to try your luck!” He responds, turning the lever down and revealing the blade of his X Rod Sword. Snails says nothing. From out of nowhere, GoodStriker shows up only for him to be snagged. “Hey! What are you doing? Are you trying to use me?” He complains, as he is inserted into Snails' VS Changer, activating the Patren Ugou Form. Snips and Sunset become beings of energy, that then allow Patren 1Gou to become Patren Ugou. “1Gou! 2Gou! 3Gou! Ichidanketsu! (For the Common Good!)” “GoodStriker? You choose to side with him? What's wrong with you!?” Enigma shouts. “Don't look at me!” It replies, “I just came out of nowhere and he grabs it!” “Damn!” It's all he can say. Patren Ugou gears up to unleash the Ichigeki Strike on Enigma. In turn, he preps his own signature attack. “X-Time! Countdown! 3! 2! 1! 0!” I also do the same activating my own signature move. It's going to be intense to say the least. “X-Time! Ichi-tte! Ni-tte! San-tte! Ji-tte! Ikitosen! (Man With No Match!)” Twilight joins in as well, gearing up her weapon for the finishing job. Enigma doesn't care how bad his odds are. He wants to take us all down, no matter what it takes. So do we. “Excellent X!” “Ichigeki Strike!” “Superior X” “Itadaki X Strike!” Our attacks collide. Three attacks from our side against one from Enigma's. Considering that our strength is stronger than his, they push it aside. It strikes Enigma. Hard. In fact, the blow is so strong that he gets flying back. He hits the ground. He can feel his body weakening. Made no better by the fact that he notices something different. His helmet broke. Pieces of it are on the floor. We see Enigma, struggling to comprehend what happened. He had lost. He sees us and it doesn't help that the look in his eyes is one of pure anger. “This isn't over,” He tells us, while trying to keep himself composed. “It will be, once you are taken into custody,” I tell him. “Tell Thigpen I ain't coming. I got a job to do!” He uses both his X-Rod Sword and X Changer to let off a flash of light. We shield our eyes as a result. But as the flash dims, he's nowhere to be found. He escaped, as expected. Made no better by the fact that Patty Larceny already got Carmen and her crew out of there. Patren Ugou detaches GoodStriker from his VS Changer, returning 1 back into 3. GoodStriker flies off, but not before turning around to get a look at us. “Yowza! You five are something else!” It says, “But I'm making sure that next time you don't overdo it. I don't just let you all do as you please!” GoodStriker flies off, who knows where he'll end up. But as we see it fly, one of us powers down. It's Snails. He then collapses on the ground, drained of energy. This catches us by surprise. I quickly get in touch with ACME before things get worse. “Chief, send us back! We need a medic!” I shout. The C-5 corridor homes in on our signal and we teleport out. This time, they got it to work, arriving to ACME HQ within seconds. Chief Thigpen appears along with some of ACME's medic crew. “Take him to the infirmary!” She orders. Her attention then turns to us and says, “Report to my quarters for debriefing. I need to know what happened. For now, get some rest.” They take Snails to an infirmary room while the Chief walks off. We four get to the break room nearby to get some R&R. A lot of us are on the brink of exhaustion. The fights we had took a toll on a lot of us, especially the main three. “So, were you able to snag the Lupin Piece?” Sunset asks me. I nod at her and answer, “Nope. Despite opening the safe, Lupin got his hands on it. But knowing that he took the brunt of that attack, I can guess that he dropped it somewhere.” “You guys couldn't get it? The Chief is going to kill us!” Snips follows. “It could be worse. We all would have gotten our butts handed to us by them. Bear in mind, the Lupins are no laughing matter!” I tell them, before my attention shifts to someone else, “Besides, I worry more for him.” “Agreed,” Twilight replies. We four head for ACME's medic quarters and there he is. Snails, resting up in a bed. We see him also connected to a few cables. His face has some patch ups as a result of first aid use. We don't want to intrude in his sleep but I sense he knows we're watching. Agent Zari arrives a few seconds later. “Chief Thigpen requires your presence. She needs to know what happened in Italy. Now,” She orders. The four of us head to Chief Thigpen's quarters. A lot of emotions are flowing through our minds right now. One such emotion is dread. We were given a job and it was to stop VILE's operations. Nobody expected us to cross paths with the Lupinrangers, beat them down and just as we gear to arrest them, they got away. As we arrive, Chief Thigpen looks at us with a cold yet serious tone. If there are any words that sum it up, it would be two: “We're fucked.” We assume a line as Thigpen stands. “All right. Out with it. What exactly happened?” She asks us. We look at each other, trying to figure out how to come up with the right words to explain everything. I mean, how can we? This already gets Chief Thigpen upset. Not good. “The more you four stand around, the less likely you will leave this room. I want an explanation. Now. What happened?” She asks once again. I step forward, realizing that I may be the one that can get us out of this mess. I have to do it in the best way possible: telling the truth. “Here's what happened Chief,” I tell her, but not before gulping, since I know that it's going to end pretty badly. I explained everything to her. How we arrived in Italy to stop VILE's operation, how we would encounter the Lupinrangers. how VILE had this all set up as a trap to lure both teams in and take us out and how we triumphed against the Lupins, only for them to get away. It wasn't easy and the look on Chief's face is not just of shock but unease. After it was done, I let out a sigh. I'm more concerned over Snails. He's resting in the medic ward since well, he overdid it. I mean that literally. What can you say when you outwit Carmen Sandiego and take her down? That counts for something. But anyway, Chief closes her eyes, trying to contemplate everything. It doesn't take long before she opens and responds. “Upon hearing what you have told me, I can conclude that this entire operation was in fact, a set up. Have you found anything that VILE had inside that yacht of theirs?” She asks. I nod at her and say, “Yes. There was. We found a collection of printing plates, based off the Euro.” “Have you recovered them?” She asks again. “Yes,” I answer. “Very good. That to me is all that matters,” She tells us, “But I do wish to say this.” Chief Thigpen gets up, as the four of us stare her down, “You all did well here. Your friend Snails, especially. Despite your failure to capture the Lupinrangers, you drove them into a disadvantage.” “Um Chief Thigpen?” asks Twilight unexpectedly. “Yes. What is it Twilight?” Chief wonders. “I apologize if I am interrupting but, does this mean that you plan to disband this team?” What she asks takes us by surprise. Thigpen quickly responds in an unexpected way, “Disband the team? I don't have any intention to.” “Huh?” We all say, at the exact same time. It catches us by surprise. “You five have risen above expectations and have done what many of our gumshoes have could not. You have taken the fight not only to VILE but the Lupinrangers as well. For that, you have done well. I congratulate you all!” In just seconds, it went from worry to praise. I thought it was all over. Then everything starts to change suddenly. “Despite congratulating you all for your efforts, your work here isn't over. We know VILE already got their hands on the Lupin Piece from that monster. There will be another opportunity for you to get your hands on it. For now, I ask that you take this opportunity to rest and recharge. The instant VILE makes their next move, we hope that you will be ready. Is that clear?” She asks us. “Yes ma'am!” We shout, saluting. “Very good!” She shouts, “As of today, you five have been assigned as our new ACME Patranger squadron. Your friend, for the time being, will remain in our medic quarters resting until he's fully recovered. I will ensure that he is briefed on everything transpired today. Until then, you are all off-duty unless otherwise. You are dismissed! Now get going! You earned this break.” “Yes ma'am!” We shout, saluting once again. Afterwards we turn and walk off, now cheerful that our work yielded a positive result. As the door shuts behind us, we cheer that our first assignment ended on a big hit. “I don't know how you did it but well done,” Sunset praises me. “It's nothing. I mean. I didn't want to lie to her but we have to realize that VILE ain't playing around now. They just aren't period,”I tell them. “Yeah. We got lucky we beat the Lupins but not lucky enough to get that piece,” Snips replies. “I wouldn't worry. Knowing VILE, they'll find some other schmuck to use it on,” Twilight follows. “And when that happens, we'll get our second chance. This time, we're making sure they don't get away!” Sunset assures us all. “Think we should check up on him?” I suggest. “Chief said we can't. Let him rest. Besides, I need to get out for a bit. Being stuffed up in here is the pits,” Sunset replies. “Same here,” Snips follows in agreement. “I would rather have a shower,” says Twilight. To be fair, our hygiene should take priority. Luckily for them, I have just the plan in mind. “I got you guys covered. Come with me!” I tell them. The others follow, wondering about what I have planned. Don't worry. It's good because if we're going to stick around, we need a place to crash and I know where to boot. Meanwhile... V.I.L.E Island, Faculty Area “How did our plan fail?!” shouts Coach Brunt, upset over what she had seen, “We were supposed to take them both down in one fell swoop!” “No one anticipated that our Gangler would be defeated so quickly. Our candidate proved to be inadequate for a simple job,” explains Dr. Bellum. “Inadequate? Or incompetent?” Countess Cleo interrupts, “Regardless. He has failed us and it's no better by the fact those Rangers ransacked what was in our yacht.” “We can worry about casualties later Countess Cleo,” intrudes Maelstrom, “Our first priority is whether or not the Lupin Piece had been confiscated by them.” But Shadowsan assures them by saying this, “Considering that both Ranger teams were in conflict, I can say that the Piece is guaranteed in our hands.” Before Maelstrom can say a thing, a view screen drops down. The screen turns on, revealing El Topo and Le Chevre and their emotions are heightened, mostly since our fight really got them scared. “El Topo. Le Chevre. State your business,” says Maelstrom. “Professor, our yacht has been cleaned out by these brats. There were two teams, just like you said,” Le Chevre yelps. “We are aware of that,” interrupts Maelstrom, “Where is the test subject? Where is the Lupin Piece!?” El Topo shows the Lupin Piece and responds, “We have it here. Apparently Enigma must have dropped it during their fight.” “And what about the subject? Is he conscious?” Dr. Bellum asks them. “Yes. He is conscious. He hasn't disintegrated yet,” Le Chevre answers. “Perfect,” says Bellum. “We will send the Cleaners over to recover. Remain there until they arrive,” Maelstrom orders. The feed gets cut and the view screen rises up. “So it seems that our experiments prove to be successful,” says Dr. Bellum, “But we will need a bit more testing to ensure nothing happens again.” “Despite this setback, everything is going as planned,” replies Maelstrom. “Next time those Rangers challenge us, they will get what's coming to 'em. That's a promise!” assures Coach Brunt. But someone interrupts her, saying this, “Next time? I doubt that there will be a next time should it happen again Coach Brunt!” “Who said that?!” Coach Brunt asks. She doesn't need to know for long. The VILE Faculty members get a look at someone arriving, albeit in a digitized form. Each member of faculty had a look that sum up its arrival. For Coach Brunt, caution. Countess Cleo, disgust. Shadowsan, firm. Dr. Bellum, expected. As for Maelstrom, uncertainty. Uncertainty that he never expected him to show up. The person appearing looks pleased, but deep down, he knows they aren't happy to see him. “To what do we owe the honor of your visit, doctor?” asks Maelstrom, as he sees Dr. Belljar approach. “Is this how you greet old friends Gunnar?” He asks him, “You haven't changed.” “And you are still as sniveling as I remember. Why are you even here?” He asks. “I'm not here for much. Just wish to see how VILE is doing... since you decide to fiddle with a power you can't comprehend,” Belljar replies. “The only thing that we comprehend is your tolerance towards you! We know of your loyalty you gray hat son of a bitch!” Coach Brunt shouts, catching Belljar's attention. “Coach Brunt,” He counters, “You are as stubborn as I remember. Is that a black eye I see right there? I can tell it is.” “Don't you dare,” She threatens, “You hear me?! Don't you damn dare say it!?” “I don't need to. Two words sum it all up well,” Belljar finishes by saying two words, “Eartha Brute!” Triggered by those two words, Brunt stands up and shouts, “You're dead!” Before she can lay a hand on Belljar, Maelstrom interrupts by yelling, “SIT DOWN!” Brunt turns to Maelstrom, not saying a thing. The look on Maelstrom's face is one of pure vitriol, seeing one of his own faculty allies get triggered over someone else's words. It's messy. “You are letting this miscreant get to you! Have you not learned any self-control? You represent an organization that desires the world and yet you try to embarrass yourself like this?! Show some restraint! This instant!” says Maelstrom, ordering Brunt in pure anger. Coach Brunt turns her sight towards Belljar and then back to Maelstrom. Realizing that she done f'd up, she takes a deep breath and sits back down. Maelstrom then turns his attention towards Belljar. He isn't pleased yet Belljar has a smile on his face, as if he knew he'd get a reaction. “You really have proven to be a nuisance Belljar!” shouts Maelstrom. “And you haven't changed. Neither has she, or any of you for that matter,” Belljar replies. “Are you finished badgering us? We would like it best if we can return to preparation if you please,” counters Countess Cleo. “Preparation? All you are doing is trying to come up with another plan to defeat the Power Rangers, despite the fact that your little trap went down the rabbit hole. I always thought you were the reasonable one, Contessa,” Belljar strikes back. Having heard that, Countess Cleo, like Brunt before her, got triggered. She says this, “That's a name I abandoned a long time ago. I am Countess Cleo! Show some respect!” “Respect? You? Don't make me laugh,” Belljar replies, “Out of all the VILE Dropouts, you and one other stood out amongst them. Didn't think that you would end up going a path that shows your true colors.” “Are you finished?” Maelstrom asks, annoyed over Belljar's antics. “Not even close,” He tells him, turning his eyes towards the other Faculty members... but he knows better. “I'm only here to give you all a bit of a warning. You are fiddling with a power that you can't possibly understand. I speak of The Lupin Collection. A series of trinkets that once belonged to the great Arsene Lupin. To think that VILE would waste their time getting these trinkets, not realizing the consequences,” Belljar explains. But then he chuckles and follows up with this quip, “Those of malicious intent that find them will become consumed by their power. Becoming Ganglers. Am I right? This really has to be sister's work.” All of VILE's faculty say nothing, proving Belljar's point. It's as if he knew they would do this, especially Bellum, to which deep inside, she's gritting her teeth in anger. He knows his time is limited so he may as well decide to change the topic outright. “I can tell you all feel I am not wanted. Figuratively because I was never loyal. I'm here to send you a little warning,” says Belljar as he mentions this, “You are one of many who seek the Lupin Collection. You desire it's power for world domination. There are others, like the Power Rangers for instance.” “And you think they have their reasons for obtaining them?” Shadowsan asks Belljar. “Direct and to the point, Shadowsan. I like it,” Belljar answers as he continues, “You all know there are two Ranger teams. One team, the Lupinrangers seek their power to find what matters most. The other, the Patrangers, seek justice. It will be a struggle to say the least. I only pray you all won't be consumed by their power.” “And we at VILE pray that you never cross paths with us again, Belljar!” shouts Bellum, already having had enough of Belljar's tone, “You of all people should know since you had a hand with tampering the Lupin Collection!” “Tampering? You have any proof? I'm afraid you don't. I simply do what is needed. But my time grows short. I suggest you all take my advice. The wheels of fate in motion. We shall meet again,” Belljar replies, disappearing once more into data, having fulfilled what needs to be done. Every member of VILE's faculty have various emotions going through them but all of them share one simple feeling: anger. Maelstrom however is the angriest of all, considering the situation. He then turns towards Bellum, realizing that she may be hiding something. “Dr. Bellum, explain yourself,” orders Maelstrom. Caught by surprise, Bellum says, “I have nothing to tell you Prof. Maelstrom. You know as well as I do that Belljar is someone you should ignore. He no longer holds sway within VILE.” “Holding sway?” Shadowsan intrudes, “I doubt that, considering he knows you most of all.” “Belljar is nothing to me,” Bellum assures. But Maelstrom is not convinced, “Yet you refuse to explain. You will not leave here unless you provide me clear proof.” “As I said Prof. Maelstrom, I have nothing to give and nothing to present. Belljar is nothing but a remnant of VILE's past,” Bellum answers. “If you say that he is part of VILE's past then why the hell did he mention Eartha Brute!?” says Coach Brunt, accusing Bellum, “I haven't forgotten what she had done to me!” “Didn't Maelstrom tell you to keep your anger in check. That dropout is nothing to us!” Bellum counters. “Even so! Next time I see her, she's history. She will learn what it means to cross paths with VILE!” Coach Brunt assures. “Then our situation is unchanged. Now you will answer once again Bellum,” follows Maelstrom, who waits for an explanation, “Belljar. Do you share any connection with him?” “I know for certain she does,” Cleo replies, accusing Bellum, “Why do you think that Belljar remembers who I was? Wasn't he a member of the VILE Dropouts?” “That is an impossibility, and one that Bellum should answer,” Shadowsan follows. “All of us faculty are waiting for you Dr. Salra Bellum,” says Maelstrom, “Answer us! What is your connection between yourself and that fool Belljar?” Dr. Bellum realizes that the jig is up. She can't hide it any further. Made worse is that the rest of VILE's faculty are waiting. She's upset over how Belljar made fools out of them. Made no better was of the warnings he gave. Realizing this, she feels that enough's enough. Bellum turns towards Maelstrom and does something nobody expected. She removes her goggles, revealing her violet eyes. Coach Brunt and Countess Cleo are surprised by this. It is then that she reveals the truth, “He is my brother.” “What?” Coach Brunt wonders. “Brother?” Countess Cleo asks as well. “Yes. That is correct,” Bellum answers, but not before putting her goggles back on. She then presses a button on her small tablet, causing the large view screen to appear. It's then that Belljar's face is shown on the screen. “His name is Dr. Samuel Bellum. I know him by his codename: 'Dr. Belljar'. He was once of VILE's professors, specializing in hacking and technology manipulation. But for whatever reason, he simply vanished. No one at VILE knew what happened until a few years ago. He reappeared, having now sided with a rival organization. Since then, he has become nothing but a blight. But as of today, we now know his real loyalty,” explains Bellum. “Yes. His loyalty is only to himself and no one else,” replies Maelstrom, “If he says we would become corrupted by its power, so be it! Nothing will stop VILE from obtaining what will be ours. Not Belljar & not the Power Rangers!” Maelstrom's shout assures the rest of VILE's faculty that nothing will stop them. The battle lines have been drawn. Three factions are now on the hunt for the Lupin pieces. VILE, who desires them for world domination. The Lupinrangers, who fight to steal from evil. And the Patrangers, who fight in the name of justice. Who will be the victor of this long war? And I ask you, the reader... which side will you choose? To be continued... Next time on Equestria Girls Lupinranger vs. Patranger! Despite their victory, the Patrangers now have a new challenge ahead of them. They encounter their predecessors, who are not impressed by this new team. It's put to the test as VILE unleashes a Gangler on them. It wants payback! Can ACME's Patrangers pull it off and prove they are worthy? Find out in the next exciting episode: To Pass the Torch; The Patranger's First Assignment! Two teams, two objectives! Which side will you choose?