Lunar Love

by Midnight Blackhorn

The Fight

Luna awoke to Celestia's hoof tapping on her head.
"What the heck? Oh, hello sister. Did I oversleep?
"No, Luna, I just wanted to talk to you about something"
"What's that sis?"
"How do you truly feel about this human?"
"She's......She's my best friend"
"Really? nothing more?"
"Nothing more" Luna said nervously
"Sister?" Celestia said, questioning the sincerity of her sister's words.
"I don't know Tia. I think.....I think I need time to think about it....about her" Luna said shakily
"You don't have to hide your feelings. While I don't understand how you could fall for a human, I have no problem with it, if that is what makes you happy, sister." She paused a moment, then said "I will leave you to your thoghts then. Make sure you have time for night court tonight, okay?"
"Okay Tia. Goodnight"

Celestia then left Luna's chambers. Luna tried to go back to sleep, but sleep wouldn't come. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make her body rest. What was she feeling? She wasn't quite sure. Did it have something to do with Avril? She looked over at her sleeping friend. They had been comfortable in Luna's bed together, so that's how they stayed. But was there another reason? Luna sighed with minor frustration. She knew one thing for sure; she did not want to ruin her relationship with Avril. She slowly embraced Avril as she started to drift off to sleep.
Avril woke up feeling something around her. She opened her eyes looked down
And saw it
Luna had wrapped her forelegs around Avril.
Her stomach started doing flips. Did this mean what she thought it meant? No, it couldn't be.....
Could it?
Her head started spinning, and she started to feel giddy, as if she had butterflies in her stomach.
Luna woke up to her sister knocking on the door, saying it was time to raise the moon. She also realized Avril had turned towards her while she slept, instead of pushing her hooves off. This awoke Avril, who then blinked her eyes open.
"Hello" Avril said.
"Hello to you, too" Luna replied. They were close now, and getting closer, and then
Avril got off the bed.
"I'm gonna get dressed"
"Okay" Luna said. She was very disappointed, a little hurt, and definitely sad. She thought Avril had feelings for her, but she didn't. Luna snapped herself out of it. She didn't want Avril to see her cry, after all. When Avril came out of the bathroom, she was, as always, wearing her gaming-themed gear.
"What's the matter Lulu?"
"Oh, c'mon Lulu. I know when you are upset about something. Tell me what's wrong. Please?"
"It's nothing. Really. Besides, how could you possibly tell when I'm upset?"
"Well, when you are happy, your mane flows like it's on some kind of wind. But when you are upset, your mane stops flowing. That's how" Luna looked at her mane in the bedroom mirror. Avril was right, her mane wasn't flowing anymore. Luna turned towards Avril.
"Where is our friendship going?" she asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, when you first arrived, everything was really fun. Now it seems more awkward than anything else"
"What do you mean it "was" fun? Are you saying I'm not fun anymore?"
"No, not at all. I'm just saying it was different. Happier"
"Yeah, I know it was. Which brings me back to what's your problem lately?"
"I already told you. Nothing"
"You know, it really pisses me off that you think I'm stupid"
"I don't think you are stupid. Where would you get that idea?"
"Obviously you do if you expect me to believe that nothing is wrong with you"
"Okay! Fine! You want to hear the truth? I think I'm in love with you!" Avril was stunned; She had thought Luna liked her, but wasn't sure. Luna was put off when Avril didn't say anything.
"You know what? I would appreciate if you left my room. As a matter of fact, I'll arrange a transport out of Canterlot for you".
"But-but Luna, I-"
"I SAID GET OUT!" Luna yelled in her Canterlot voice. Avril stormed out, tearing up. She wasn't mad at Luna, her reaction was understandable, she was pissed off at herself for not saying anything. This girl she liked very much - possibly even loved- she just dismissed. She was full on crying now.

As Avril rode the train into ponyville, she was still crying. This was the first time in years that Avril had actually cried. She usually screamed and got pissed off, but this time silent melancholy tears were streaming down her face. How could this happen? Avril was never the naive type; she didn't believe in true love. In her mind, everyone just settled with the person they marry. Some relationships, lucky ones, worked, but most didn't. However, Luna had made her believe that kind of love exists. And now, she had hurt Luna. She felt so stupid and...oh wait, this was her stop. Avril felt around in her pockets, and realized she had her mp3 player and headphones with her. She put her headphones in, and listened to some music. She loved A Day To Remember; it was one her favorite bands, and their music had gotten her through a lot of rough patches, and this was definitely a rough patch. That's one thing she never got to do with Luna; just sit around doing absolutely nothing but talking and listening to good music.
"Hello! You must be the human! I'm Twilight Sparkle, what's your name?"
"Avril. Nice to meet you Twilight"
"Are you okay? Are you sick? If you are, can I study how humans get over-"
"I'm not sick! Just.....Where am I staying?"
"Oh, well, you have a choice of that actually. You can stay in the library with me and my dragon friend Spike, with my friend Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres, with Fluttershy at her cottage near the Everfree Forest, or, with some minor enchanting, at Rainbow Dash's cloud house"
"How about I get to know all of you first,, then I'll decide"
"Sounds fair. Follow me please". As they started walking towards the library, Avril turned to Twilight.
"How'd you know I'd be here?"
"Princess Luna sent me a letter informing us you were coming and needed a place to stay, along with a general overview of your preferences, so we could arrange it so you can live with someone you actually like" Avril had to look away from Twilight momentarily so she didn't see her tear up again. When she regained her composure, Avril looked back at a slightly confused Twilight.
"Is there something bothering you Avril?"
"Well, if there is-"
"There isn't"
"Well, if, theoretically, something became wrong, you can talk to me about it. You don't have to hide your feelings from me"
"Why would you care about my problems?"
"You are a friend of Luna's. And any friend of Luna's is a friend of mine" Twilight said smiling
"Actually there is something"
"What is it?" Avril explained her situation with Luna. She had left out most of the whole relationship drama thing, just saying that they had been having problems
"So you and the princess........?"
"Well, yes. I've had a crush on her for some time now. I wouldn't even be telling you, but I really need to get it all off my chest"
"Ah. Well, here we are!" Avril stepped inside, and was assaulted by a very pink, very exited pony.
"SUPRISE!!" Pinkie said. Avril just had to giggle at the sight of Pinkie in her piggy costume. Twilight explained to her that Pinkie was a foalsitter for her employers and roommates, the Cakes. Avril knew the feeling, she had babysat before. You had to do some pretty ridiculous stuff for those kids she thought to herself. For the first time since Luna had kicked her out, Avril smiled. Genuinely smiled. Maybe some good could come from this little break.