by Lame Joke

you're safe here

Spike was curled up in his bed, snoring soundly when the door barged open. Twilight Sparkle stood there, mane frizzled, a look of terror on her eyes. Spike jolted up from his bed and stared at Twilight, who was frantically rambling away.

"Spike! There is this c... creature in the basement! I..." Twilight breathed in and out heavily, trying to calm herself down. As always, she then lifted her hoof up, and tugged eight times at her ear.

"One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven... Eight..."

The murmurs of Twilight Sparkle counting under her breathe always pisses Spike off. He had hated Twilight's OCD, ever since last year, where she started to begin her full fledged clinical case of OCD. It's not out of the ordinary when Twilight's ears are bright red, she pulls at it very often, when she's stressed, sad, and fightened like now.

Spike sat up on his bed and tipped himself off it. He then walked over to Twilight, keeping his urges to yank her hoof away from her ear and placed a claw on her shoulder. Immediately he could feel her relax, the muscles in Twilight's body falling limp.

"What creature?" Spike asked, but he knew that it was fake. Twilight's OCD was so severe that the doctor that it interferes with her ability to think coherently and mentally clouding her thought process, which must have led to her hallucination of the 'creature' in the basement.

"It has a..." Twilight struggles to think, "I-I forgot,"

Spike walked over to his bookshelf and pulled one random book out. It was Daring Do and the sapphire stone, one of Twilight's favourite of all time. He sat her down on the bed, and passed the book to Twilight.

"Relax, Twi. There's no creature in the basement, just the two of us here. Why don't we read this book together?"

Twilight's eyes lit up when she saw the book. She grabbed it and gave an appreciative look at Spike, and flipped it open, placing it in between Spike and herself. She then read it out loud. Spike could feel his eyelids dropping. He yawned, and gently leaned his head against Twilight's side, and dozed off into the depths of dreamland.

"One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven... Eight..."

Spike was once again awoken by Twilight's frantic murmurs. He opened his eyes and found Twilight staring wide-eyed at the bedroom door, one of her hoof prodding him awake, the other yanking at her ear absent-mindedly. She glanced at Spike and back at the door, not daring to let it leave her peripheral vision.

"Spike! I swear, I saw the creature at the door! It was there, r-right there!" Twilight whispered, pulling Spike closer to her with her wing for comfort.

Spike sighed internally. Yup, she had been hellucinating, again. He leapt from the bed and walked towards the door. Twilight gasped, shaking her hooves at Spike, telling him to stop.

"Spike!" she hissed, tears welling up in her eyes, "No- the creature! C-crea-"

But too late, the door was pulled open. Light from outside, obviously left on by the paranoid Twilight, poured into the room, lighting it up. Spike could now see Twilight's feature more clearly now. Her ear bright red from the pulling, her mane dishevelled as if she had tried to tear it out just now, which she probably did. She was gasping for air, shuddering violently as her eyes are still transfixed at the opened door, as if waiting for some kind of creature to come crawling into the room and eat her up. Tears were rolling down her cheek as she finally turned from the door and looked at Spike, who was walking back to Twilight.

"No creature, Twilight. Nothing to worry about," Spike reassured Twilight. She breathed a sigh of relief, shaking from head to hoof, and buried her face into the dragon's scales. Spike could feel her tears trickling down from her face to his body as he reached his claw out and patted her on the back.

The sobs of relief eventually turned into snores of exhaustion, as Twilight tired herself out from the whole night of staying up and staring at the door. Spike gazed at the princess snuggled up, and his mind whirled back to the past. The princess of friendship, well loved by all, had been turned into a wreck by her OCD. Spike and the others knew it was inevitable, knew that the obsessive-compulsive disorder would one day reveal itself out from Twilight and destroy her life. They all knew that some day the princess of friendship, once well loved by all, will be turned into a wreck by her OCD. Now ponies shun her away, griffins stare at her disapprovingly, yaks disgusted by her.

Spike reflected on the unfairness of life. Twilight should had been treated normally, like how she was treated before, instead of getting rejected by society. Ponies should not judge somepony else by their appearance, but their personality, and what they have achieved! He still remembers those days when the villains like Sombra and Chrysalis had invaded Equestria, trying to take over Equestria. It was up to Twilight and her friends to defend Equestria against the threats, and they did so successfully! What happened to the respect for the hero of Euqestria? It should not have been just thrown down a drain when Twilight's OCD started getting severe, instead ponies should be more caring and respectful towards Twilight!

Twilight twitched suddenly in her sleep, interrupting Spike's train of thoughts. Her eyes flared open, her magnificent purple eyes darting from side to side, staring at the ceiling. Her face was also white as a sheet and Spike could feel the sweat that had gathered on her fur. Twilight sat up, her hoof drifting towards her ear as she turned to Spike, panting heavily.

"Spike! T-the creature! It's back! I-it's so scary," Twilight whimpered, her hoof again tugging at her ear. Spike could even hear her counting to eight in her head.

"Don't worry, Twilight," Spike reassured Twilight, a pang of sadness hitting him in the heart as he stared at Twilight's face, "You're safe here,"