On the Wings of a Pegasus

by Jinzou

Chapter 2

Scootaloo was always impressed by Rainbow's house. It floated several hundred feet in the air. It was three stories high, had several different rainbow waterfalls, and had a giant picture of her cutie mark pasted above her front door. All the more impressively, Rainbow Dash had told her she built it entirely herself.

As usual, Scootaloo was captivated by the sight as Rainbow flew over to her front door. Scootaloo hadn't been up to Rainbow's home very many times yet, but each time felt like a treat.

Landing smoothly. Rainbow reached her front door and pushed through, depositing the small filly on the nearby couch with a giggle as she declared she was gonna make lunch.

While Rainbow sauntered over to the kitchen, Scootaloo drank in the sights. Immediately to the right of the front door was a large couch that could probably fit four fully grown ponies. The couch extended ninety degrees, and between the two sides there was a large ottoman. Opposite the couch, on the left side of the door was a large window with light blue curtains.

Immediately opposite the door, there was a large open staircase that led into the kitchen. Once there, there was a bunch of cupboards and the stove, enchanted to stay above clouds, on the left, making way to a large table on the corner opposite that. On the right was a large fridge. Further in than that was a staircase that led to three rooms. The guest room first, on the right. Then a little further on was Rainbow Dash's room to the left, then finally on the right again was the bathroom. At the end of the hall was the drop ladder that led to the attic, which mostly contained a lot of dusty old boxes.

Busy drinking in the sights, Scootaloo didn't notice Rainbow Dash sneaking up behind her. Biting back the desire to scare the filly, Rainbow casually decided to open conversation.

"Hey squirt, what's got you so blue?"

Jumping slightly, Scootaloo whipped her head around to see a calm Rainbow Dash. Her temporary panic instantly quelled, she led out a giggle.

"I'm not blue Rainbow, I'm orange! You're blue!"

Rainbow let out a soft "hmm" as she picked Scootaloo up in her forelegs, pretending to inspect the giggling filly.

"You might just be right, Scoot." Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Well, just came to tell you I made food. And I only almost burned my kitchen down. C'mon!"

Letting the filly down, Rainbow Dash led her to the kitchen where a steaming plate of pancakes sat. There was a tray of butter, a small bottle of syrup, and a small cup of strawberries between two empty plates.

"That was the meal Applejack taught you?" Scootaloo teased. "You didn't know how to make pancakes?"

Rainbow stuck her tongue out in retort. "Well do you know how to make pancakes?"

"Fair point." Scootaloo giggled, before sitting down next to Dash. She put five pancakes on her plate and drizzled them in syrup.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow at this. "Jeez squirt, I know pegasi, especially us daredevils, have a fast metabolism but dang. You eating enough at home?"

Scootaloo put down her fork, all the happiness fled from her face. "Oh no, no, no it's fine. I had a small lunch at school because I didn't want to cramp for practice. And I was looking at one of my mom's old diet books because athletes are supposed to stay in shape, r-right?"

"Well, I don't think you need to worry about dieting at your age. You need enough fuel to power those wings and starving yourself won't do you any favors." Rainbow spoke with trepidation. "But you'd let me know if something wasn't alright, right?" Rainbow didn't say anything about how Scootaloo couldn't have been following a diet if she was gorging herself on so many pancakes right after school.

Scootaloo just smiled and nodded. And with that, the pancakes were devoured without mercy. The two pegasi spent the next few hours working on building up Scootaloo's wing strength, and collapsed onto the couch just before the sun began to set.

Rainbow gave a heavy yawn as she rolled onto her back. "Alright champ. If I have you out too much longer, no doubt your parents can nab me on a foalnapping charge. So how's about I give you a little fly home?"

Scootaloo, who had previously been rolling around on the couch, trying to find the most comfortable position, froze.

"W-well, they're kinda off celebrating their anniversary this weekend, so I told them I'd find a place to crash." Scootaloo mumbled. "C-can I..." She trailed off, looking away.

"Can you what?" Rainbow asked, rolling onto her stomach to fix the filly with an inquisitive stare.

"Um... Well I mean I was gonna ask if I could... stay... here?" Scootaloo refuses to meet Rainbow's stare, staring at the opposite wall instead. "I mean if not it's fine. I can go and try to ask Sweetie Belle, I mean that's what I did last year a-"

Rainbow Dash silenced her with a hoof on her shoulder. Scootaloo's eyes eventually met hers, obviously assuming the worst.

"Yeah, no problem squirt. I can clear out the guest bedroom and you can crash as long as you want."

Scootaloo jumped to her hooves, wings buzzing in excitement. "Really Rainbow Dash? Oh thank you. Thank you!"

Rainbow just chuckled and indicated Scootaloo should follow her with her head. She led Scootaloo to the guest bedroom, which more recently become something a bit more akin to a trophy room with a couple of Wonderbolts and Daring Do posters. Scootaloo however, was impressed as expected.

"Sorry it's a little crowded in here." Rainbow started, pulling the curtains open and dusting off the bed. "I haven't had a guest stay over the night in forever."

"It's amazing!" Scootaloo jumped with glee, zooming to inspect all the trophies. "Ooh, this is the one for the Best Young Flier competition! And the Junior Flappers' Club! And the Cloudsdale Derby! I didn't even know Cloudsdale had a derby!"

Rainbow Dash just smiled, seeing the cute filly so happy. "Alright, I'm right across the hall. If you need anything, don't hesitate to knock."

"Thanks Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo squealed, giving Rainbow Dash's foreleg a quick hug. She zipped into the bed provided, softly ogling the room as Rainbow Dash retired to her own. Despite the filly's excitement, it wasn't too many minutes before the exhaustion of the day had lulled her to sleep.