How to be a school filly

by Party Pop

Sakit ng Pagibig

Sarah curled up in her bed, sobbing into her pillow. How could Alex do this? How could he betray her? Everything had been going so well, and suddenly, out of nowhere, all of her hopes and dreams of their future together were dashed to pieces with one cruel blow. This wasn't like him, none of this was like him! Why would he-

"Sarah? Are you ok?" it was her mother, peeking her head through the door. Ms. Mellins knew her daughter had been more upset than usual when she got home that day from school. Her makeup had been wiped off, and she was having more twitches and convulsions than she usually did from her epilepsy, which meant she was under extreme stress, since they were usually influenced by that. Sarah looked up at her mother, not quite sure how to explain what had happened to her.

"No, not really..." Sarah sniffled, wiping away her tears with a hoof. Ms. Mellins sat down on the bed beside her, feeling a wave of concern wash over her.

"What's wrong? Did something happen at school today?" Ms. Mellins asked, suspecting she might know who was behind this. Sarah had been getting close to a boy at her school, and she had a habit of getting her heart broken by guys that didn't care for her as much as she cared for them. Sarah looked up at her mom, then plunged her face into the pillow, as if to smother her sorrow.

"Alex told me to screw off! He doesn't like me anymore, and I don't understand why!" She cried out into the fluffy void that enveloped her face, as if the force behind her distress could somehow shatter her pain. Of course, it didn't. Ms. Mellins stroked her back gently, a wave of sympathy washing over her as it all became clearer by the minute.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry... Did he at least tell you why?" She asked, hoping to at least help her daughter come to terms with the problem. There were several things in Sarah's life that she didn't know how to help, of course, such as the recent events of her turning into an oddly colored small horse, or the online harassment she and her family had received for it, with everything from lewd fanart to the press trying to intrude into their lives. But maybe, just maybe, she could help Sarah with this.

"He said he didn't want people to think he was a zoophile, because I'm a pony and he's a normal person! That's not even fair! I'm the same person I was before, I just have a different shell now! Who cares how many legs I have, or if I can use magic, I'm still the same girl he knew before!" Sarah declared, crushed that the man she adored couldn't see that too. Ms. Mellins paused, unsure of how to proceed. This was indeed an unusual problem before her, for although her daughter had become so very different on the outside, with four legs and a tail, she was still very much a teenage girl on the inside, with all of the same hopes and dreams she had before this had all happened. Her simple upbringing as the daughter of a Navy submarine sonar technician hadn't prepared Ms. Mellins for something like this, but she had to try anyway.

"Well, hon, if he can't see that, maybe you deserve better. If he can't realize what a beautiful, wonderful person you are on the inside, and can only see the outside, then you shouldn't be with him anyway." Ms. Mellins said, giving her daughter a comforting pat of the back. Sarah's sobbing slowed, her mind mulling over the idea before her. She hadn't ever really been one for self confidence, but what her mother said made sense. Why be with someone if all they care about is who you are on the outside? That makes for a pretty shallow connection, and after all, appearances change with time, even if you don't end up getting turned into a cartoon horse.

"I guess you're right... Thanks, Mom, I'll try to remember that." Sarah said, hugging her mom tight. For just a moment, everything felt like it was going to be ok.

"How COULD he?!?" Chuck growled, taking his frustration out on an unfortunate skeever in some dungeon in his Skyrim game. He was absolutely livid just thinking about Alex and how he had humiliated Sarah at school. He had no right to speak that way to her. She was kind to him every day, even bringing little snacks she had made just for Alex. Sure, they weren't michelin star restaurant quality, but they were good nonetheless!

"He should feel lucky to have the affections of such a girl!" Chuck grumbled, blasting a skeever against the wall in his game, where it landed with a wet thump. Chuck had always dreamed of having a girl to take care of, who would take care of him too, who he could come home to after work every day, and have dinner ready with a beautiful mare to share it with, little foals running arou-

"Wait, what am I thinking? She would never go for a guy like me!" He sighed, his heart sinking into a puddle in his sneakers. Sarah had plenty of fans to adore her, she didn't need a guy like him! She could have any man she wanted if only she'd let herself... Chuck sighed, pausing his game as he set his controller on his lap, a tear running down his face.

"Love hurts."