The Mandalorian of Equestria

by Arceaion

Carbonite Announcement

Hello Everyone, I'd like to announce that this story will be going on a temporary hiatus. The cause of this is due to the fact I have several stories that I'd like to work on more than I am and this one is taking up a lot of time that I could be using to do other stories I feel more invested in at the moment.

Right now I need to cut down on which ones I'm working on to make way for new stories that will be coming out and old stories I want to get back to doing more regular updates on. This hiatus is not permanent as I'll be returning to write this story after I finish a few of my other projects. However it may be a long time in the future.

I thank you for your understanding on this issue and hope you will at least give one of my ther stories a try.

Walter D. Arceaion