//------------------------------// // Annoncement // Story: Fire Fox // by Arceaion //------------------------------// Hello Everyone, I'd like to announce that this story will be going on a temporary hiatus. The cause of this is due several reasons the first of which is the amount of work this story is and that I can not devote the time needed to keep it updated. The second reason is due to the fact I have several stories that I'd like to work on more than I am and as I said in the first reason this one is taking up a lot of time that I could be using to do other stories I feel more invested in at the moment. Right now I am cutting down on which stories I'm working on to make way for several new stories that will be coming out and several already available stories I want to get back to doing more regular updates on. I plan to start working more on Project Clockwork, Returning Home II - Rise of the Eternal Empire, The Magic Smith and Broken World. I'm also in the final stages of editing and reworking my first story ever The Return of the Reaper of Life which has been on a full hiatus for almost two full years. Finally I have at most three new stories planned to release some time in the future, all of which have a bit of work already completed on them. Now this hiatus is not permanent as I'll be returning to write this story after I finish my other projects and get time to work on it. However it may be a long time in the future before I can return to this story and due to the large amount of work and time it takes to write a single chapter I'm going to have to say that it's going to be on hiatus for a while. I thank you for your understanding on this issue and hope you will at least give one of my ther stories a try. Sincerely. Walter D. Arceaion