//------------------------------// // Welcome to your very own Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor, your Squip. // Story: Wanna buy a Squip? // by Arial_Dreemmurr //------------------------------// 'Ring, ring, ring, rin-' It was the next morning and I got out of my bed ready for the next day. After doing my usual morning routine and checking on the animals I got back to my room where my attention got send back to the shoebox. After thinking about it I made my decision. It would probably take forever for Twilight to find even 1 word about it and Dash said it would be save, so I wanted to take it just to see how it would effect me. If it would even effect me in any way. I remembered Dash's visit and her saying to take it with apple juice. No, green apple juice. I didn't know why it was such a big deal to have that kind of apple juice but if she mentioned it like that it must be important. I got my saddlebag and headed to Sweet Apple Acres. The best place to get any apple product you would ever need. I mostly come there to see Apple Jack but this time I actually had a good reason to be there. I even had the bits with me to buy them. Eventhough I knew Apple Jack would just reject it and let me have it for free. I arrived at Sweet Apple Acres and saw Big Mac and Apple Jack apple bucking and the Cutiemark Crusaders probably trying to get their cutiemarks. I walked into the farm and did a small wave at Apple Jack. She noticed me and waved back. I flew to where she was and gave her a smile. "Hey Apple Jack." "Howdy Fluttershy." She bucked the last few apples into the baskets and looked back at me. "Nice to see ya. What're you here for?" "I just wanted to ask if you have green apple juice." I only realised after I said it how specific I sounded. While she did look a bit confussed due to the specific nature of the request she didn't look bothered. "Of course we do. Ah'm sure ah can get somethin' for ya." We got to the barn and she a couple of green apples from a few boxes and got a blender. While she was cutting the apples we talked. "This is a pretty specific request ya know?" I nodded. "I know.. I need it for something." "For what? Did Angel want a special breakfast again or somethin'?" We both laughed a little at her question. "No, not this time." I realised I didn't really know a good way of explaining it. "I don't really know how to explain it." "That's fine. Not everythin' can be easly explained ah guess." She cut the first the apples and put them in the blender before pressing the button. She did this a few times before she had a few bottles of them. She gave me the bottles and put the started cleaning the table she worked on. "Ah hope that's enough for ya. We still need to get all the apples bucked before the end of the day." I gave her a smile. "More than enough. Thanks AJ." I put the bottles in my saddlebag. "No problem Fluttershy. Good luck with it." I gave her another smile before heading back home. I got back home and enterned my room. I put my bag down and got a bottle out. I put the bottle on my desk and openned the shoebox. I looked at the pill just looking at it for a bit before taking it out. I took a deep breath and looked at it in my hooves. "Let's hope this works.." I put the pill in my mouth and flushed it down the apple juice. When the apple taste wore off I tasted a nice mint tast from the pill. But I didn't feel any different. I took another sip from the apple juice but it didn't change much. I closed the box and put the bottles in the fridge for another time. I sat down on my couch still waiting for the effects. "Maybe it comes later.." I sat there for a bit until I felt a really bad headache coming up. I held my head hoping the pain would end soon. "W-What's going on!?" I asked myself as I felt another shock in my head. "Calibration in process. Please excuse some mild discomfort." I heard a voice echo in my ears as the pain got stronger. "Mild!?" After a few seconds I felt the pain going away. "Calibration complete. Acces procedure initiated." I calmed down a bit and let out a relieved sigh now that the pain was gone. "Discomfort level may increase." I felt another shock through my entire body now that was even more painfull than the last one. I felt my muscles getting stiff and fell on the couch not being able to move. Was this supposed to happen?? If so, why didn't Rainbow tell me about this?? I heard the voice again. "Accessing: Neural memory. Accessing: Muscle memory. Access procedure: Complete." The hurting finally stopped for real now and I slowely got up. I looked up and saw something glitch into my sight. After a few seconds it fully formed into a glitchy looking pony made of blue, black and greys. He kind of looked like the pill but in pony form. I didn't know what to say. "Fluttershy.." He gave me a smile and spoke. "Welcome to your very own Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor, your Squip." I just stayed there quiet for a bit before I got myself to respond. "Y-You're.." I took a small pause before continuing. "The Squip?" "Yes. I just told you that." I just sat there quiet for a bit. "R-Right.." I noticed my animals didn't even react to the new pony in the house. "Can't they see you?" "No. I only exist in your mind but I found it more effective to come in a somewhat physical form. All they see is you having a conversation with yourself. So don't do that. Just talk with me through your mind." "Oh ok.." I decided to try it out. "Can you hear this?" I thought hoping he would respond. "Perfectly clear. This will work out just fine." He walked closer to me looking around me like he was inspecting me. "But I see we have some work to do." "What do yo-" He interupted me. "I see from your memories what your goal was for getting me. And I'm going to help you get to that goal like I promised." He looked back at me. "You want to be assertive right? You want to be seen by others, not ignored. You don't want to be a doormat people step on and trash before leaving. For that you're going to have to do as I say and work hard. Are you up for it?" "O-Of course!" I thought excited before stopping myself. "I-If it's not too much trouble of course.." "Great! Firstly, stop stuttering. You sound stupid and weak to others around you. You're a easy pony to mess with. Keep you voice clear and strict and don't let go until the message is across." He lectured me. I gave him a nod and responded. "Ok. A clear voice. Got it." "Good, Secondly, we need to work on your posture. Stand straight, head up, be proud. And keep that up all day everyday." I tried my best to do what he said. "Like this?" "Perfectly," He got a smile and after a small pause spoke again. "Now that you know the basics we can start with interactions." I remembered I was going to meet up with Rarity and Pinkie at Sugarcube corner today. "How did you know I had somwhere to go?" "I'm in your head Fluttershy. I need to know these things to help you succed. Now, are we going?" "Yea." I noticed him following me. "Will you be following me around like this all the time?" "Not necessary. If you want me to leave I'll come back once you need me. But I can still communicate with you through your mind." "Oh ok. I'd like it if you do that then." "Whatever you like best. Feel free to call me when you need me." He glitched away and I left my house and headed to Sugarcube corner to meet up with my friends. On my way to Sugarcube corner the Squip kept reminding me of what to do and gave me a small shock every time I messed up. It was a bit annoying and I caught some unnecessary attention but he said it was all part of the learning process. I just tried my best not to get shocked and continued my way there. I arrived at Sugercube corner and saw the Squip glitch next to me again. "You're here again?" "I wanted to see the situation with my own scanners. Just act like I'm not there. But I will give you things to follow through out the interaction." "Oh ok. Let's go then." I walked in the door and saw Rarity already at a table with a cup of tea and a small cupcake at her side of the table. She noticed me and I sat down with her. "Hey Rarity. It's so nice to see you." "Same for you darling!" She gave me a smile. I noticed Pinkie was still busy with at the cash register. "Pinkie will join us in a bit." I heard the Squip again. "Seeying from your database, your memories, Rarity sounds like a good choice of a friend. She's a popular, loved by many pony. This will be able to boost your social status. And I can see the two of you are close." I was a bit confussed to why he felt it important to mention that but ok.. "Right.." "I don't mind waiting." I give Pinkie a small wave and turn back to Rarity. "How have you been?" "Just fine darling. I've been working on the new designes for the next season. I want to get them ready so I can send them out early." She explained. "I've looked into a succesful future and I must say, those are some pretty good designs that will get her lots of attention. It's important to keep a good reputation with her." He commented again. "We're friends. I think I already have a good enough reputation with her." I see Pinkie finish up with the last customer and walk to our table. "Hey Rarity, Fluttershy! I'm here!" She quickly got a seat and looked at both of us with a smile. "So, what did I mis?" "Nothing much darling. I was just telling Fluttershy about my new season themed designes." Rarity explained giving her a smile. "Sounds great already! I'm sure they'll be amazing Rarity!" She looks at me. "What about you Fluttershy?'' "Oh, not much really, Just the usual." I say giving her a smile. I see the Squip inspecting Pinkie. "Pinkamena Diana Pie, this pony is extremely popular in all of Ponyvile and other places in Equestria. You have good tastes in friends if I do say so myself." "I don't get why you're telling me this.." I replied while Rarity was discribing her new designs. "If you want ponies to do as you say a good social status is a good way to get to that point. With my advice and added popularity from these friends you're able to make quite a mark." I got snapped out of my conversation by Rarity. "What do you think of it darling?" "Oh no.. I didn't hear her.." "Say it sounds fabulous." Not wanting to sound like I didn't listen just now I did as he said. "That sounds fabulous Rarity!" She gives me a big smile. "I knew you two would love it!" Seeying her smile I get a smile back too. "That was close.. Thanks Squip." "No problem. That's what I'm here for." We continue and spend the rest of the afternoon talking about our own things, with the Squip coming in every now and again to comment on things and tell me stuff. It did feel a bit like he was pushing me around but he said he wanted me to give a good impresion. And it wasn't like he was saying anything mean or wrong. He was just helping. Eventually Rarity had to go and I also had some things to do at home. We said good bye to Pinkie and me and Rarity walked together until we split up at the Carousel Boutique. I was on my way home when I remembered about telling Rainbow Dash once I got the Squip. I figured it wouldn't hurt to pay her a small visit so I decided to fly to her house. Meanwhile the Squip floated next to me. "Switching plans up huh? Way to trick my system." "I'm just going to be seeying a friend of mine. She's the one that gave me.. you. I just realised how weird that sounded. "She wanted to know when I made my decision." He didn't seem to have a problem with it. He actually looked excited to go there. "Wow. I get to meet the reason I'm out. Sound good to me." I gave him a smile and continued my way there. I arrived at her house and knocked on the door. After a few seconds Rainbow Dash openned up. "hey Rainbow." I greeted her with a smile. She looked suprised at me but quickly gave me a smile. "Oh hey Flutters. I didn't expect anyone. Especially not you." "Sorry for coming unexpected but I had time and I wanted to tell you something." She looked curious at me. "What is-" In the middle of her sentence the Squip spoke up. "Up, up, down, down, left, right, A." "Ouch!" It looked she got a shock of some kind and looked back at me with a smile. "You got one!" I realised the Squip did something to let her know. "Yea! I came here to tell you.. And now you know.."I let out a shy laugh. She still looked excited. "This is awesome! So, how is it?" I got a smile. "It's pretty great. I only just got it this morning but still, it already did some pretty great things." "I told you it was awesome! Now, come in! I want to hear all about it!" She got my hoof and got me inside. I quickly aske the Squip a small question. "What did you do?" "I synced with her Squip. You two share a special bond now. It's like, sharing the same wifi but with Squips." "Oh ok then." Dash shut the door behind me and we got on her couch together. I already knew what my first question for her would be. "Can I ask you something?" "Sure, whatever you want to know." After a few seconds of thinking how to ask it I asked. "Is pain at the start.. Normal?" "Oh that.." She gave me a innocent smile. "I forgot to tell you about that.. How bad was it?" "Bad, I mean, he said mild but it was really bad." She nodded in agreement. "Same for me, but that's only once. And you'll get used to a few shocks every day." She was pretty casual about it. The Squip gives me a grin. "You heard her Fluttershy. By the way, if you just do as I say the amount of shocks per day would decrease by about.. 87%." I didn't know how to answer that so I just ignored it and continued my conversation with Rainbow Dash. She talked about her years of using it and I talked about the couple of hours it followed me. We set up a time once a week to meet up and talk about the progress per week and parted ways again. The rest of the day was spend like normal with the Squip keeping me company every once in a while. But after most of the day was over he stayed in my head until I eventually got to bed. "Have some time to recharge your brain ok? We got a big day tomorrow."