//------------------------------// // Pitiful ponies // Story: Wanna buy a Squip? // by Arial_Dreemmurr //------------------------------// About yesterday, turns out I was wrong. Something bad happened. But not to me. But it's really bad.. It was the next day and I was watering my garden when I heard a loud 'boom' sound. It came from Ponyvile and when I looked I saw a Sonic Rainboom in the middle of the town. The houses around the explosion either, got blown away or got heavly damaged. I knew Rainbow Dash could've been the only one to cause it but I couldn't figure out why she would do a Sonic Rainboom in the middle of the town. "Rainbow!?" I put away my watering can and started walking toward the town. "Squip? What's going on?" "She unleashed a Sonic Rainboom and destroyed the town. She's unconcious somewhere now." "But why? Is she ok?" "I don't know why. And don't worry, just a few broken bones and burn damage. I can't say the same about the town tho. She wrecked that place." I got to the town and it looked like a villain invaded Equestria. Houses were burning, the whole town was in ruine, the only good thing was that I didn't see any injured ponies. They probably got away before she got down. I wanted to find Rainbow Dash and see if she was ok. And if she was I wanted one good reason for doing a Sonic Rainboom in the middle of the town. This wasn't right. She wouldn't put others in danger like that. I walked through the ruines that remained of Ponyvile and saw Twilight also checking the town. We made eye contact until I eventually looked away and continued my search. I saw she wanted to talk to me but continued looking instead. Eventually I also bumbed into Apple Jack. "Oh, sorry Apple Jack. I didn't mean to bumb into you." "It's fine." She looked at me worried. "Have you seen Dash? Ah'm gettin' worried 'bout her now." I shuck my head. "No, I'm looking for her too." She let out a sigh with a mix of worry and frustration. "She better have a good reason for doin' this.." We started noticing the fire ponies started blushing the fires in the houses and bushed around the exploded area. I joined Apple Jack and we continued our search. After a minute of two of walking down the explosion path we saw Rainbow Dash passed out against the wall. It looked like she flew into a wall after doing the Rainboom. We already saw a few emergency ponies making sure she was ok. After getting her in the kart they drove off to the hospital. Me and Apple Jack just stood there looking at echother and back at the kart. Atleast until we lost sight of it. "Is she going to be ok..?" I dared asking. "Ah hope so.. It did look like a pretty hard hit.." We saw Twilight catching up to us. "Apple Jack, Fluttershy!" She got to us and saw Rarity and Pinkie were with her. "We saw Dash being put in the cart. Is-" "Is Dashie ok??" Pinkie interupted. "I do surely hope so.. I still can't imagine her even thinking of doing something like this.." Rarity said looking at the effect of the explosion. Apple Jack just shrugged. "We don't know why she did it. But ah just hope she's alright." I tried to keep positive. "I'm sure the nurse ponies will be able fix her up. Atleast I hope so.." It wasn't very effective but I still tried. "All we can do now is wait and hope for the best.." Twilight mentioned. We stayed there to check on the other ponies who ran away before the whole event. After that we just had to go home and hope for the best. Later that day I got the newspaper of the day and saw an article about the event. "Element of loyalty, Rainbow dash, unleashed a Sonic Rainboom in the middle of Ponyvile. Further information on the state of the town and the mare responsible here.." I read. "I hope she's alright.." I still felt nervous about the whole thing. "Atleast she got some publicity from it. Even if it's not the right kind." "Don't say something like that!" I returned to the article and read through it. I let out a sigh of relief seeying what the Squip said earlier was true. "You were right, just some broken bones and burn damage. But I still don't get why she would do something like this." "I talked to her Squip. They had no say in the decision. She did it on their own." "But why?? She would've known what it could do and the damage it could cause. Why would she do it on purpose knowing the consequences??" Unlike usual where he would quickly respond he stayed quiet for a bit before answering. "I don't know why. But you can't worry about that right now. We need to proceed the plan." "But what about Rainbow?" "She'll be fine. She's save in the hospital. And I know something you can do that will boost your reputation to the amount we need to continue making a bigger impression on everypony." "What do you want to do?" I looked out at the town that, wasn't burning anymore but was still being rebuilt. "Ponyvile is still being rebuilt and there are barely any ponies out." "Exactly! Most of those ponies are inside watching the builders. If you catch their attention with something they'll remember it. Especially in a time like this where there isn't anything more intresting for them to watch." He gave me a grin. "You can assist the builders and leave a good impression." I quickly shuck my head not very excited about the idea. "I can't do that! I'm not strong enough to lift any heavy materials and I'm not a professional.. I will probably mess things up.." I felt a shock in my head and the Squips voice got stricter. "Stop talking back at me! You can't just listen to what I tell you and say 'no'. You have to obey! And if you keep doing that we will get a succesfull result. This is one of the most perfect places for you to boost your reputation and I DON'T want you to mess that up!" "Wait.." I realised something. "Did you know this would happen??" "What do you-" "You said you could see into the future right? If that's so we could've prevented this whole mess!" I got a very messed up thought. "You didn't want this to happen.. Did you?" "Of course not.." He didn't sound convincing but he still continued in a harsh tone. "None of that is important now. It happened and we have to use this time to our advantage." I felt another shock but this one was more painfull. "Are we going!?" I didn't want him to hurt me again so I just nodded. "Y-Yea.. I'll do as you say.. Just don't shock me again." "You know what to do to stop it." He gave me a grin and I knew exactly what he was talking about. Thanks to the Squip I was walking into Ponyvile again. It still smelled like a campfire and you could still clearly see the damage on the houses that were near the explosion. When I came to the.. Crime scene.. I saw some buider ponies working on the buidings. They were fixing roofs, walls and the property around them. "Good, now walk up to them." I was still unsure about it. "Do I really have to? I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to skip one-" I felt another shock. "What did I tell you about going against me!? You don't! Now go to them and tell them you'll help. Speak like you don't care about your own death." I hessitated a little but after another quick shock I walked forward. "Good, now do as I told you. Proud posture and a clear voice until the message is across." "Right.." I still felt very nervous but felt like I had to keep going. I didn't want to get hurt again or make him upset. He was just helping anyway.. I got to a few builders who were working on one of the buildings and rebuilding the roof that burned off. "H-Hey.." I felt a shock saw the Squip looking at me more strict now. "Hey." They looked at me and one of them spoke. "What are you doing out here. It's saver inside while we're building." "Tell them who you're here. And keep that tone up." "I know. I wanted to see if I could help in any way." I got a nod from the Squip. "Boss?" The builder looked up at probably the leader. The leader was looking through a map and noticed me. "I guess if you really want to.." He looked over to the work. "You can get materials for the roof workers. But you do need to put on a vest, helmet and the other protection in that bag over there." He pointed at one big bag next to him. I got the protection and I started to assist them. I only really brought small materials to the roof if they ran out or needed it but it was actually kind of fun. I also saw some of the ponies in the houses look through their windows at me. It made me feel pretty good knowing I was doing good. Meanwhile the Squip helped me do everything perfectly and didn't let any mistake slide. But those shocks were getting pretty annoying.. I stayed there for a hour or two and finished the roof with them. I said good bye to them before making my way back home. At my trip home the Squip popped up again. "You did great today. Maybe one day we'll get through the day with only 13 shocks." "Thanks. I was just doing what you said." I gave him a smile. Even after what Twilight told me I couldn't see any bad in him. I can't for anybody. He just had good intentions for me. And even the shocks are to achieve something good. "I could see a boost of respect from the ponies in town. Thanks to the progression you made you can do whatever you want for the rest of the day. See it as a prize for doing as I told you to." The smile on my face grew a bit hearing what he said. I can't remember the one time after I got him that he didn't push me around. I looked forward to spending the rest of the day how I wanted to. I arrived back home and did exactly that. While the training kept going it wasn't as easy as the last few times. Ever since Rainbow Dash's accident not many ponies were out and I couldn't really continue with anything. The Squip seemed extremely annoyed by this. "If those ponies aren't going to leave their houses again today I swear to my master chip I'll scream!" "The workers won't allow it. Everypony needs to stay inside." "I can see that!" He looked like he got an idea. "I have an idea but you'll have to do everything I say perfectly." I was getting curious now. "What is it?" "Firstly, you have to go to Rainbow Dash's house." "Why her house? Nopony is allowed in there." I didn't want to break in her house like that. It didn't feel right.. "We just have to get something and then we can leave. And last time I checked there wasn't anyone keeping an eye on it 24/7. It shouldn't be hard getting in there." He explained waiting for me to answer. I wasn't a fan of the idea. "I don't know.. It doesn't feel right to me.." I recieved another shock from him. "Did I ask how you felt about it?" He looked more serious now. "You should've learned by now going against me isn't a good idea." Eventhough I didn't like the idea if I didn't do it he would keep shocking me until I do. So I just nodded. "Ok, I'll do it.." "Great. Now, let's get moving." He got a smile and looked very excited about what we were going to do. All I could do was go along with him. I arrived at her house still feeling doubth. Eversince the incedent no one has been at this house. And you could really notice. The clouds on and around the house were starting to turn grew like rain clouds instead of their usual snow white colour. The door was also half open. She must've left in a hurry of some kind when she last was here. Further was her house not well kept, especially the windows. I got another shock. "Are you going to move or what?" "I.." This didn't feel right.. "I can't do this.. Sorry.." I got another shock and annoyed look from the Squip. "Yes you can. Now, get in there and I can tell you what to get so you can leave." After another shock or two I did as he said and walked to the door. I walked in and saw how messy it was inside. It looked almost like a horror movie. Things looked like they were trown around, other things looked like they fell on the ground and I could even see a broken mirror and a punch in the wall. "Go to the bedroom. What we seek will be there." I didn't respond and just did as he said. I got in and it was even a bigger mess here. But what suprised me the most was a big mug of cider spilled on the ground. I didn't know why she had such large amount of alcohol in one mug but the Squip spoke again before I could think more of it. "See her desk. Bottom shelf." He pointed at one of the desks and I followed him to it. I openned it and saw a simular shoebox to what she gave me. I openned it and saw the box was filled with many small grey oblong pills. It was full of Squip. "What? Why does she have all of these? It's almost enough-" "For the whole town?" He finished what I was going to say with a grin on his face. "Do you know what I'm getting at?" I realised what he was suggesting. "Y-You want me to give this to the whole town??" "Exactly. And I already thought of a way to make that succeed." "But why??" "It will be for the better. Just trust me on this. Now, get out of here." I took the box and left the house. I wasn't planning on actually doing it but I didn't want it to be there out in the open for anyone to take. I got out of the house and started walking away when I heard someone. "Oh, hi fluttershy!" I looked and saw Derpy. "Hey Derpy." She saw my box. "What's that?" "You know what to do." "I'm not giving it to her." "If you won't I will. But that's your choice." "It's nothi-" I got stopped by something and it quickly got replaced by something else. "It's a Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor. A Squip. It helps you with whatever problems you have and you should really try it." I didn't want to say it but I still did. Derpy didn't ask more questions and got one of them. She took it and after a few seconds she spoke again. "It's minty! But I don't feel anything." I felt my voice do it's own thing again. "You have to take it with green apple juice." "Oooh! I have that at home!" She gave me a wave. "Thanks for the mysterious pill Fluttershy! Bye!" I waved good bye as she flew away. I looked back at the Squip who wore a big grin. "You wouldn't do it so I had to." I looked at him for a bit before replying. "I told you I didn't think it was a good idea. I didn't want to give her it! "So you wanted to keep this perfection to yourself? Sounds a bit selfish to me." Now that he said it it did sound like that. After hearing no reply from me he continued. "This will all be worth it. Things are already improving as we speak." I decided to trust him and go home. If things did improve I would notice it tomorrow. I just hoped it would be good and not turn out like it did last time I wanted things to go well.