Making Amends after the End

by Majestical4729

Failed Attempts

The next day, in her cottage, a concerned Fluttershy called Discord, “Discord! Discord! Where are you?!”

“Right here!” Discord answered, appearing out of nowhere, obviously having used teleportation to get in.

“Oh, Discord! I’ve been so worried about you! Have you done anything good yet? Because you really needed to, so you can be spared from a horrible fate.” Fluttershy told him.

“Oh, no worries, dear Fluttershy! Good ol’ Discord here got plenty of good deeds that he can do...” the draconneques responded.

”That’s wonderful!” Fluttershy said in relief, “So what have you done?”

With a snap of his fingers, Discord teleported the two from the cottage to Ponyville, where Discord had released giant hand fans to fan ponies and keep them cool.

“What do you think? Cool, isn’t it?” Discord made a pun after asking.

Unfortunately, despite how cooling the fans were, the wind they produced eventually blew away very light objects such as paper, hats and grains of pepper. Soon, every creature around were sneezing, including Spike the dragon, who started sneezing fires around town!

Every creature panicked and evacuated to safety, while Fluttershy told Discord, “Discord! Return everything to normal, please!”

“Return to normal? But I thought that you all wanted me to do good deeds.” Discord protested.

“Causing trouble is not a good deed, it’s a bad one!” Fluttershy clarified.

“Oh, right.” Discord groaned, before undoing everything he did that morning with a snap of his fingers.

“Way a go, Discord.” Spike sarcastically commented, “Now you have more good deeds to do!”

“Wha...what?!” Discord responded in shock, “But I... already tried doing something good! I do have good intentions, I swear!”

“But it ended up causing lots of trouble!” Spike argued, “You need to do a good deed that does not cause any trouble. Plus, more bad news for you, I’m telling Twilight about this.”

“What?! No, please, don’t tell Twilight! I swear I’ll make up for this as well, I swear!” Discord pleaded, trying to stop Spike.

“Too bad for you, even if I don’t, the beans will be spilled, one way or another. Just like how Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow got loose.” Spike replied, before walking away.

Later that day, Apple Bloom was on her way home from school, happily walking down the path. She was quite surprised when she stepped on the ground that was a hundred metres away from the farm, as it revealed an invisible detector that scanned her hoof, before giving her a free super-fast ride home on an invisible treadmill.

“WHOAH! What gives?” the filly screamed.

Discord then appeared, “You’re welcome, Apple Bloom, now with this treadmill, you can get home in half the time.”

Apple Bloom stopped right in front of the barn, heaving a sigh of relief, before scolding the draconneques, “Discord! That was horrifying fast! Some creature can get a heart attack! Especially the sensitive ones!”

The next second, Apple Bloom’s words were proven true:
Screaming could be heard as the Apple Family’s famous elderly, Granny Smith came, on the treadmill, delivered to the barn where she passed out from her shock.

“What’s all the commotion’s about?” Applejack asked, coming out of the barn after hearing Granny Smith’s screams. The cowgirl then took one notice of the unconscious elderly on the ground before gasping, “GRANNY! What happened?! Are you alright?! Some creature call the medical pony!”

“No need!” Discord declared, snapping his fingers to summon a team of medical ponies, who quickly begun their work.

Unfortunately, unlike real medical ponies, Discord’s team seemed to be a lot more discordy than serious with their job. Ultimately proven when they decided to do a ridiculously scary operation of cutting open Granny’s body to fix her. Horrified, Apple Bloom fainted while Applejack angrily scolded Discord.

“Discord! Get your so-called ‘Medical ponies’ out of here! They are not making anything better! Now turn everything back to the what they were, or will be, if it weren’t for you!” the enraged farmer demanded.

“Oh, fine.” Discord replied in a tone that obviously showed how reluctant he was to fix things.

With a snap of his fingers, the invisible treadmill disappeared, so did the team of ‘Medical ponies’, and the two unconscious Apple Family members regained consciousness.

“Apple Bloom, Granny!” Applejack hugged the two, “I’m so glad that you’re back to normal, but I’m afraid that not everything’s normal yet.”

That evening, Twilight returned to Ponyville from overseeing the rebuilding of Canterlot, only to be surprised to see a huge party in the whole town.

“Hello, every creature! What’s going on?” the alicorn asked.

“Discord’s invited us all to a huge party that he organised and threw to make amends!” Silverstream answered.

“You know, to make up for the whole villain thing?” Gallus added.

“And, so far so good, as no creature got hurt,” Sandbar complimented.

“That’s a good thing, because I heard that Discord was here and at Sweet Apple Acres where he tried to make up but messed up.” Ocellus commented.

“Yona may not really like Discord after what he did to school, but Yona had learnt; that friendship means forgiving, so Yona decided to give Discord another chance.” Yona declared in her usual third-creature speaking way.

I’m still not so sure that this is enough,” grumpy Smolder groaned.”I mean Discord’s the all powerful Lord of Chaos, he can do way more than this.”

Just then, Discord appeared in the middle of the town, “Greetings, every creature! As you all know, that this party’s part of my apology to make up for a series of mistakes I’ve made. And, to make it more extraordinary, I, the host, Discord, shall be your wish granting genie for the evening,” Discord announced, putting on a genie costume that he magically summoned.

Twilight and the Young Six watched from afar as the ponies trotted towards Discord to make some wishes.

“This better be good.” Smolder sarcastically commented.

“Come on, every creature, give him a chance!” Sandbar advised.

“Well, changelings may have the ability to transform, but we don’t really have the ability to do everything. So...wish granting would be out of the ordinary for us.” Ocellus stated.

“Wish granting is everything! I must check it out!” Silverstream excitedly exclaimed, rushing towards the booth.

“Wait up, Silverstream!” Gallus called out, as he and his friends followed her.

Just before the Young Six and their former mentor could reach the booth, Discord happened to grant a foal’s wish to have elephants as his pet, causing the crowd to scream and leave the area, as wild elephants appeared!

Seeing chaos caused by Discord once again, an outraged Twilight shouted, “DISCORD!”

“Yes, your Majesty?” the Lord of Chaos replied in a calm tone, as if nothing happened.

“Don’t you even know what you just did?!” the purple pony angrily asked.

“Grant wishes and make ponies happy?” Discord asked in an innocent tone.

“No, you granted a horrible wish that puts every creature in danger! Now UNDO IT!” Twilight commanded in a furious tone.

“Fine.” an unamused Discord responded, following the princess’ orders, he snapped his fingers to send the wild elephants away.

“Ta-da! Wish granted, now what, Princess Twilight Sparkle?” he asked.

Twilight let out a puff of steam before angrily confronting Discord, “Now what?! Discord, you face the music!”

“What music? I don’t hear any music.” Discord asked, expressing confusion rather than fear.

“Not the literally music, it means that you face the consequences! Every time you do a good deed, you act all discord and make things worse on purpose! I told you to make amends and that there will be consequences if you don’t, but you did not take it seriously! Now that you’ve put creatures in danger that you caused, again... I’m shortening your make amends homework due date to tomorrow noon 12 o’clock! If you don’t make amends completely, it’s a super punishment you’ll get!” Twilight threatened.

The Young Six gasped to see their former Headmare so furious and threatening some creature, before she flew off, leaving a guilty Discord behind.