//------------------------------// // When the Wolf's Bane Blooms // Story: The Life and Trials of Autumn Moon // by TraumaLane //------------------------------// Chapter 7: When the Wolf’s Bane Blooms – Full Moon The sound of heavy claws made of sharpened lumber pounded against the forest floor breaking the silence of the night, powerful limbs crashed through fallen logs; massive paws tearing up the earth and destroying everything in their path. Rabbits ran from their burrows; owls took flight to escape the timber wolf’s rampage and even non nocturnal animals fled fearing to be the predators next meal. The massive wooden canine’s focus never wavered, its noxious green eyes locked on its prey’s wild silver tail as it glowed in the light of the full moon, puddles of foul smelling saliva dripped behind it as it continued to pursue its next meal. The rancid smell of flesh rotting tainted the frigid air, Autumn struggled not to vomit as the foul stench pierced her nostrils with each breath she took galloping at full speed through the foliage. Autumn continued to run as fast as her hooves could carry her feeling the weight of Tall Tales on her back as she did her best to never lose speed despite the additional weight. Autumn’s aching legs begged her to slow down, the olive oil filly shook her head, golden eyes snapping shut growling in defiance of what her body was asking of her. Autumn’s felt as if her body would give out if she let up, her lungs filling with shards of glass as she breathed in the icy air, puffs of hot breath made mist form around her mouth with each exhale and sweat saturated her coat causing her entire body to shiver as she ran. “N... No, Tale’s is counting on me…Everypony is still out here... and Mom,” the thought of her mother’s face filling with tears of guilt for losing them caused determination to fuel Autumn; she would do anything to prevent that fate. Autumn’s golden eyes shot open flashing as they shone in the darkness, burning with determination and fury underneath her furrowed brows. Autumn took a deep shallow breath and urged her body forward ever faster despite the pain. Autumn’s tongue hung slightly past her fangs as Tales panicked breathing spurred her on as the unicorn’s hooves gripped around her neck for dear life. Scanning the area, the determined filly saw an opening that she could easily get through with Tales “Maybe it’ll slow that critter down,” thought Autumn as she sped towards the opening. Autumn leapt over some fallen pine trees that blocked their path; the dried-out branches resembled talons that gripped at both Tales and Autumn’s fur as they fled. Autumn noticed the ground beneath her hooves become more solid as she continued her mad dash, the land’s elevation continued to rise, and she saw more of the forest from the high ground. Daring to glance behind her, Autumn saw that the timber wolf had gotten tripped up on the fallen trees and narrow rocks; Autumn’s ears twitched as she heard the creatures' frustrated growls. The timber wolf seemed to be struggling to get out of the tight space that its head was wedged “That won’t hold ‘em forever,” thought Autumn grimly and as if to prove her point the sound of wood splintering shattered any calm that the two ponies had felt. Autumn looked up and saw a rock shelf just out of her reach; the crumbling rock path looked as if it could hold a pony but just barely. Autumn’s ears flicked back as the sound of paws quickly approaching made the decision for her eyes filled with concern as she turned her head to look over her shoulder “Tales we got to jump… j-just hold on tight,” looking forward Autumn ran away from the wall of the ridge and turned to face it after giving herself enough distance. Autumn lowered her body as she did every time she tried to surprise her father, shaking her head to psyche herself up. Autumn rolled her aching shoulders, pawing at the ground with her front right hoof before running at full speed towards the shelf. Using every bit of strength, she could spare Autumn, bunched her body up and leapt; Autumn’s front hooves grabbed onto the ridge shelf scrambling for a few seconds; her left rear hoof finally found purchase. Autumn could not help the small grin forming on her face as she pulled Tales and herself over the ridge, her body shaking due to the strain on her weakened body and the exhaustion of running from the mystical carnivore. Tales held his muzzle tightly against the back of Autumn’s neck to hold back screams as his right leg was jolted on impact. Autumn flinched as she felt Tales grip her neck tighter to compensate for the pain, she had caused him. The muffled scream that pierced her thickly furred ears filled her with concern, sympathy cooling the fire in her eyes as she glanced back at her injured comrade. “Sorry Tales,” said Autumn through gritted teeth, her fangs bared as she continued to run up the ridge, her ears rotated listening for any signs of the search parties down below. Anything a voice, lights, magic, any sign of ponies who could help them; a scowl formed on Autumn’s face as the silent darkness of wilderness was the only thing to answer. Tales lifted his head slightly and did his best to push back the pain “I-it’s not your fault, we’re not safe yet are we?” asked the cornflower unicorn, hopefully his eyes barely open. Tales orange eyes met Autumn’s regretful amber ones; seeing the disheartened look on her muzzle and hearing wooden paws quickly approaching the colt knew the answer. Autumn raised her head as she continued her escape, scenting the air as she drew a deep breath smelling nothing but the sickening smell of the timber wolf’s breath, the stale scent of fear and the familiar smells of the forest around them. Autumns ears flicked back as she heard the massive paws of the wolf begin to climb the path behind them. Looking behind her Autumn’s eyes shot wide as she saw the wolf leaping at them quickly closing what little distance she had gained; the timber wolves jaws snapped shut nearly managing to grab her tail. “Oh… ratsratsRATS! Shouted Autumn as she used her front hooves to stop her movement and shifted her hips turning quickly, changing her direction of travel and faking to the right, hoping to trip up the predator. Despite the fillies best efforts the predator followed the two ponies closely, continuing to snap at them; Autumn could feel the heat from the predator’s breath misting near her tail and sweat poured down the side of her head as she tried to gallop faster. Autumn’s eyes quickly roamed the area and seeing no other options she turned and ran into the nearby wood line, only to see that they were heading towards a ridge. Autumn’s heart began to pound harder, threatening to leap out of her chest and panic filled her eyes. “Come on think…”muttered Autumn as her eyes flew across the landscape looking for anything that could help them. Tales tried his best to shake off his exhaustion and opened his orange eyes wanting to do what he could to help his brave friend. Tales scanned the environment and managed to spot a low hanging branch coming into their path grinning mischievously as an idea struck him “Autumn look, if you can grab that branch in your teeth and pull it with us it might swing back and hit the Timberwolf!” Tales shouted as his hoof pointed at the branch they were approaching. Autumn’s eyes lit up and she began to smirk despite her fear as she saw what the cornflower colt had in mind. “He’s right! If we hit it hard enough it might fall apart, or at least slow it down,” thought Autumn as she calmed down slightly remembering what little she knew about timber wolves; panic no longer clouding her mind. “Great idea! Just make sure you duck,” said Autumn as she picked up her pace as much as she could to gain just enough distance for their plan to work. Glancing behind her Autumn watched as the timber wolf kept its pace, she had to time this right. Autumn opened her muzzle wide and bit down hard on the thick pine branch and pulled it along with her as she ran, the muscles in her chest, neck and shoulders straining as she felt the tension in the branch building. When it seemed like the branch would fling the two ailing ponies back to the slobbering jaws of the creature Autumn screwed her eyes shut; sending a final silent prayer to anypony listening, she released the branch. CRACK! The sound of wood splintering sounded like music to Tales and Autumn as they heard the whine of an injured timber wolf crashing to the solid rock around them. Autumn and Tales glanced behind them to see that the branch had hit its target dead in the muzzle, snapping the wolf’s head from the branches making its neck, shattering its chest and front left leg. Shards of wood and green foliage exploded from the massive mahogany canid's body as it fell to the ground. The Timberwolf’s leaf filled green ear tore in half and the other pinned against what remained of its fractured skull. Sticky orange sap leaked profusely from the wounds that the impact had inflicted, staining the dirt and rock below the timber wolf’s body a dark tangerine. Autumn and Tales both looked at each other before smiling in ecstasy “I-it worked!” said Tale's happiness flooding his exhausted eyes a slight disbelief in his amazed voice. Autumn paused looking at the collapsing predator for a second as she caught her breath. Hearing the wolf whine Autumn looked at the predator sympathetically feeling sorry for the injured critter for a second before giving a slight nod to their adversary. Autumn felt a small smile taking over her own muzzle despite her own exhaustion; fangs peaking far beyond her grin as the victory caused a warmth to spread through Autumn’s exhausted body. “Way to go Tales, that… that…was a great... idea,” said Autumn, her voice rough as she felt herself wobble on her hooves slightly. Autumn tasted blood in her mouth once again and her jaw hurt even more than it had before; her body shuddered as she began to cough violently urging the fluid in her chest to clear out. Lifting a hoof to cover her mouth Autumn’s sight abruptly grew blurry and she felt as if a fence post had been pounded in between her fuzzy ears; the world seemed to be spinning and Autumn’s breathing became shallow as she tried to catch her breath after her cough had subsided. Tales forehooves gripped harder around Autumn’s neck as he felt his friend start to lose her footing “W-woah, hey Autumn… are you ok?” asked Tales, his eyes filled with concern as he looked at the silver maned filly. Autumn’s wild mane covered her eyes from his view, but he felt her body shake underneath him, he felt how wet her coat was against his. A concerned frown covered Tales face, placing a hoof on her neck his eyes widened at how warm Autumn was. Autumn finally looked at Tales, her eyes were blood red, she did her best to smile reassuringly at her friend as she regained some of the strength her hooves had lost. “I-I’m fine Tales, promise… just a little tired that's all,” said Autumn panting slightly as she responded hoping that Tales would believe her. Autumn felt her tail wag slightly happy that she had managed to save their fur from the hungry creature. Autumn’s blood red eyes dimmed in sadness at seeing Tales flinch as she looked at him. “What’s wrong?” asked Autumn as she turned to walk away from the barely breathing remains of the Timberwolf, her concerned eyes never leaving Tales troubled face. Just as Tales was about to tell Autumn what he had seen, the olive oil fillies’ eyes faded returning to their warm amber color. A wounded growl escaped the creature laying behind them causing Autumn and Tales to jump at the sound; Autumn and Tales barely breathed until they saw that the timber wolf was not moving towards them. “I-it’s nothing bud… We should probably move before that slobbering pile of kindling gets back up,” said Tales half joking as he tiredly nodded his head towards the wounded wolf as it turned its toxic green eyes towards them. The slime green glow fading in and out as the timber wolf’s face continued to fall apart from its slight movement, orange sap oozing through what remained of its sharpened fangs. Tales flinched whimpering as the pain from his leg finally won the battle with the adrenaline that had been pumping through him. Pins and needles ran through Tale's injured leg as he tried to carefully reposition himself on Autumn’s back, a painful groan escaped Tales muzzle as he found a more comfortable position. Autumn’s lips turned up slightly at Tales half joking tone however the serious look on her muzzle did not change; Autumn’s amber eyes refused to leave the wolf until the toxic green eyes closed. Autumn felt Tales moving but she refused to move a muscle until she felt it was safe to do so, her ears positioned at the creature listening for any sudden movement. Satisfied Autumn turned away from the timber wolf and nodded her head “Let’s go home… let me know if you need me to stop ok?” Autumn asked sincere concern in her voice, happiness warming the question. Tales tired orange eyes lit up slightly as he nodded tiredly, his body shaking slightly as a breeze caused the forest to groan around them. Autumn began to trot quickly down the narrow rock path leading down the unfamiliar cliff, hoping to find some path leading back to town. The full moon provided a cool blue glow to the ridge where the timber wolf had been left to perish. The mare in the moon seemed to be the only witness to the dying creatures’ final actions; the creature had barely moved in the short amount of time that had passed since the ponies had disappeared once again into the wood line. The timber wolf’s eyes narrowed as it watched the prey that had fooled him walk away repeatedly in its memory, hatred burned in the faded slime green eyes. The timber wolf huffed coughing up orange sap, a growl escaping its jaws, scenting the air it noticed that the ponies had just entered the outskirts of another pack’s patrol route. A cruel grin formed on the beasts snarling muzzle, using the last of its strength the crumpling monster lifted its partially severed head from the cold ground. Taking a deep shuddering breath, the wolf parted its jaws and let loose a bone chilling alert howl; the sound piercing the night like an arrow. The wolf’s head finally broke from its neck, a whimper escaped his lips as its head landed on the ground. The wolf’s eyes began to fade, the rest of its body beginning to tear apart, torn foliage ears perked as the last sound it heard before passing on was another timber wolf… it had heard the dying wolf’s alert howl and returned it. The pack would now be on high alert, they would be on the lookout for any intruders. Autumn continued to walk through the forest, her ears rotating to try and listen for anypony wandering through woods or calling out for Tales. The only sounds that reached her thickly furred ears were crickets chirping, the hoots of owls, Tales breathing softly and the sound of the wind shifting through the branches that cast shadows over the moonlit ground. A wounded howl broke through the night shattering the peaceful night like cannon fire; Autumn and Tales jumped at the sound, it caused both of their coats to stand on end. “W-what was that?” thought Autumn and Tales as both of their eyes widened in fear, Autumn’s ears twitched as she strained to listen for any other Timberwolves responding to the call. A stronger howl followed the dying wolf’s howl, and several more followed suit, the sound of Timberwolves filling the forest as if they were surrounded by them. Autumn felt saliva build up in her mouth; gulping she tasted the iron of the blood still oozing into her fang filled mouth gagging at the taste. Shaking Autumn turned her head and saw that Tales had once again grown pale, a slight aura blinked over his horn as he instinctively tried to draw upon his magic to defend himself. “W-why are they so close?” thought Autumn as she began to slowly back out of the area hoping that nothing had spotted them yet, fear froze the blood in her veins despite the intense fever that burned her body. Autumn lifted her head towards the sky and took a deep breath in through her nose scenting the air, the faded smell of rotting flesh and dried pine surrounded them. Autumn’s amber eyes flashed, narrowing as she looked carefully around them; there were signs that the path they were on was walked on frequently the grass was shorter and patches of it had been torn away by constant use. “Horsefeathers,” muttered Autumn through gritted teeth, her fangs were longer flashing as she realized where they were “This might be a patrol route, part of the timber wolf’s territory… we have to get out of here,” thought Autumn frantically as she tried to calmly back out of the area, Tales looked at Autumn anxiously as he heard her curse through gritted teeth. “A-Autumn are... are they close?” asked Tales, his voice shaking in fear of the predators that seemed to surround them on all sides, Autumn looked back with her amber eyes meeting his bright orange ones. Just as Autumn opened her muzzle the familiar sound of branches breaking caused her to snap her fanged mouth shut; Autumn turned her head towards the sound. Disbelief and fear took over Autumn’s face as her hackles rose in fear at what her eyes could see clearly lurking in the dark. The cornflower unicorn turned his head in the same direction that the sound of branches breaking had come from, Tales eyes snapped open in terror, his ears laying flat against his skull. A sick green fog seemed to cover the ground causing the smell of rotting corpses to surround them. Autumn wrinkled her nose in disgust as the foul smelling fog seemed to mist and the scent seemed to cover both Tales and her fur; Tales started to cough and snorted trying to clear the smell from his own nose. Autumn lowered her body to the ground, spreading her hooves out she assumed a defensive stance; Autumn’s tail bristled and a deep growl escaped her snarling muzzle in a vain attempt to scare away the carnivores. Three huge Timberwolves returned Autumn’s growl saliva foaming at the corners of their mouths; their toxic waste colored eyes narrowed at the ponies who had wandered into their territory. The largest of the wolves walked forward leading the other two as they began to stalk the two ponies; the other two were nearly identical save for notches in the left ear of one and the right ear of the other. Autumn snarled at the wolves that approached them, raising her head to show her fangs, her amber eyes turned bright burgundy startling the predators for a second, they felt as if they should be cautious of the strange pony-like creature. “That’s right... back off you whimpering wood piles,” Autumn thought growling in her mind at the three wolves, her eyes flew across the area trying to look for a possible escape. Autumn’s narrowed eyes widened a fraction as she realized that the wolves were following her movement as they circled them. Taking advantage of that Autumn saw that there was just enough space between the wolf on her right and the ones behind her and to the left. “If I can just get past them,” Autumn thought, firmly shifting her weight on her hooves she glanced at Tales nodding slightly as determined frown covered her still snarling muzzle. Tales questioning tangerine eyes followed Autumn’s blood red gaze to see what she was looking at; Tales saw the small opening and nodded his head in understanding, he wrapped his forehooves more tightly around her neck and braced himself against Autumn’s back. Autumn lowered her body to the ground feeling a familiar energy fill her; the power flooded through Autumn’s entire body from her ears down to the tips of her hooves. Gasping the silver maned fillies blood red eyes sparkled as she faked running to the left startling the Timberwolves and causing them to charge towards her as she galloped in their direction. Just as the two creatures tried to snap their jaws around her neck and bushy silver tail, Autumn leapt out of their range, changing directions in less than a second. The two wolves toxic eyes widened surprised at the female pony’s speed; their foliage covered brows rising their jaws met thin air, the wolves' paws continued to carry them in the direction they were running and before they could stop the creatures crashed into each other landing in an awkward wooden heap. The pack leader watched disbelief showing on its face at how fast this pony-creature had moved, shaking its massive head to clear its thoughts. The leader began to charge at the intruders turned prey. Autumn’s hooves pounded against the grass and soil as she galloped as fast as she could away from the wolf’s territory. Autumn ran deeper into the wood line, her ears flicking back as she heard the pounding of eight huge wooden paws tearing apart the vegetation behind them. Autumn felt the adrenaline rush through her body, a familiar strength coming in her fear all Autumn could think of was getting Tales out of there, getting back home. Autumn used this final thought as an anchor, something to focus on like her fight with Silver it was the only thing on her mind. Nothing else mattered and no creature would stop her as she heard her heart pounding in her ears, Autumn’s body ached and her jaw cracked as more blood slid down her throat. Autumn felt as if she had been hit by the Ontaurio express train, her jaw throbbed painfully as she felt her growing fangs pierce far past her lips. Autumn’s eyes grew a darker red and she felt as if her hooves were beginning to crack as they struck the ground harder with every step. “Just keep running, can’t stay here,” Autumn’s thoughts felt fuzzy. Her ears began to ring, she could not hear anything besides her own heartbeat pounding in her chest. Autumn felt an unbearable pain from behind her eyes, tears formed in the corners of her ruby eyes as she shook her head trying to clear it. Tales glanced behind him, his orange eyes widening at the sight of two wolves still chasing them, looking back and forth he tried to think of a way to help them escape “Maybe I could blind them with a spell,” Tales thought hopefully. Tales flinched in pain as Autumn continued to run, he shoved his muzzle into her neck “Buck that hurts,” grumbled Tales feeling a shooting pain travel up his broken leg. Before Tales could focus enough to cast the spell the timber wolf with a notch on its right ear burst out of the forest swiping a powerful paw at Autumn’s side, a sickening thud and the sound of tearing flesh was all the cornflower colt heard before he and Autumn were sent flying through the air. “AAAAARRRRGGGHH,” screamed Tales as he felt his leg pop as he tumbled head over hooves as the two ponies fell into what seemed to be a ditch. Tales rolled onto his side whining slightly as he finally came to a stop, Tales shook his head clearing his dark mane out of his eyes; lifting his head Tales dull orange eyes filled with despair as he saw that there were walls of dirt and stone walls surrounding them. Tale's ears flicked to the right as he hurt a whimper similar to the timber wolf next to him, his face filled with concern as he saw Autumn laying in a heap a few feet away “Holy Celestia… AUTUMN! Are you ok?!” Tales asked his voice laced with worry as he struggled to use his forehooves to lift himself up and drag his injured leg behind him. Fear ran through Tales as he collapsed by his fallen friend, his trembling hoof rested on Autumn’s side waiting in terror and anticipation. Tales took a deep breath in relief as he felt that Autumn was still breathing, but the olive oil filly felt as if she was on fire compared to his chilled hooves. Before Tales could try to wake Autumn, several howls startled the injured unicorn colt, his head snapped to the top of the depression as he saw three huge shadows blocking out the light of the moon. The pack of wolves snarled and barked in delight of the thought of fresh meat and they began to slowly climb down the side of the pit, dirt and rocks tumbling as they looked for a stable place to place their claws. “Oh no,” Tales thought in anguish as he saw the enchanted creatures start to descend the wall looking at Autumn. Tales saw that she was unable to fight, in that moment his eyes that had been dull with exhaustion lit up like a flame as the resolve to fight to protect his friend filled him. Trembling Tales stood as best as he could; barely managing to support his weight on his good legs and Tales forced as much magic as he could to his horn. A golden yellow aura covered Tales' horn blinking on and off as he found enough strength to fire off an energy beam at the wolves, the beam missed but the spot it landed smoked, sending a silent threat to the predators. Three sets of poisonous jade eyes narrowed as they looked at the unicorn colt, Tale's mouth turned into a nasty snarl and he did his best to imitate Autumn’s fierce growl. Two of the wolves glanced at their pack leader, the largest of the wolves turned its head looking down at the prey and grinned viciously as saliva began to drip down its jaws scenting the blood on the unicorn colt. The wolves began to climb down the ridge, snarling and snapping their jaws at the pony that had fired at them. Another blast hit the wolf with the notch in its right ear, shattering the timber wolf’s paw; it howled in pain, whimpering as it lapped at its collapsing limb with a leaf filled tongue. The pack leader and the other wolf’s eyes widened in shock as they turned their heads back to the unicorn, growls rumbling deep in their throats they backed away slightly, their leaf filled ears laying flat on their thick bark skulls. Tales orange eyes blazed, despite his body trembling due to the pain and exhaustion. The determined unicorn colt lowered his head and neck spreading out his forehooves in a protective stance, his eyes looked over to see Autumn gasp for breath and her body shaking. “I-I’ve got your back,” said Tales through gritted teeth... though he wasn’t sure if Autumn could hear him, his resolution growing stronger, the wolves surrounded them and began to climb down the walls all at once. Tales kneeled on the ground his horn barely blinking with his golden aura, taking a deep breath he placed a protective barrier around Autumn and himself. Autumn gasped for air trying to fill her lungs as much as possible through the pain, blood red eyes snapped open her pupils shrinking to pinpoints as she glanced around rapidly, her vision growing blurrier by the second. Autumn’s body shook profusely, Autumn’s muscles began to spasm as if she were struck with an invisible lighting spell, her breathing became rapid and a sickening snap rattled the filly to her very core. “AAaAaaaaahhhh…. RRARRRAAAAAH,” screamed Autumn, her voice becoming deeper as she screamed in pain, scaring Tales as his eyes looked at his suffering friend the first Timberwolf threw its weight at the barrier. The cornflower unicorn’s eyes snapped shut as it took all of his focus to keep the barrier up “H-hang on Autumn, please… our stories can’t end this way,” Tales muttered sadly his voice breaking as tears formed in the corner of his eyes. Before any other creature could move again Autumn screamed in pain, startling Tales once more and freezing the Timberwolves in their tracks. The young storyteller could only watch in terror and fascination at what was happening to his friend. Pain, blinding hot pain shot through Autumn’s body, agony filled the young filly causing her to contort her limbs just to ease any of the discomfort. The silver maned filly’s body bent in a way no pony’s would naturally, tears streaked Autumn’s muzzle as she continued to roll over on the cold soil. Autumn’s nose and jaw broke her skull fracturing and reforming as her body grew larger, her muscles flexing over her forehooves as they moved under her coat as if adding new tendons and muscles, the farm filly looked in horror as her front hooves began to split as if made of fragile bark. “W-what’s.. going on... what’s ha-happening…to me?” Autumn thought fearfully as much as she could through the pain. “I-It feels like there’s something growing under my hooves....it HURTS so much, please.... for the love of Celestia... let this stop..” thought Autumn pitifully as she rose her right forehoof and banged the cracked bleeding hoof against a rock, watching as bloody claws and paw pads formed from the remainder of her hoof. Autumn tasted even more of her own blood as her fangs grew even larger, more fangs grew next to her original ones. Some of fierce ivory daggers were more than four inches in length forming a terrifying set of flesh ripping jaws. Autumn’s tongue grew larger and flatter to fit in her growing mouth; her lips ripped, the tissue sealing forming a wider mouth than any equine, ironically Autumn’s mouth resembled the wolves that surrounded them. Autumn's flat nose lost more fur and began to form a unique pattern like most canines, her mane grew wild and thick blending into the fur of her neck and chest. Autumn’s ruby red eyes burned like the fires of Tartarus as her spine snapped like rotted wood going numb for a few seconds before a searing pain flowed through the olive oil filly. “AAAAAAaAAHHH” Autumn screamed out as she struggled to breath, another sickening snap was heard as her ribs broke and expanded only to reform to accommodate a growing heart and lungs; her body continued to grow. Autumn's hips snapped and reformed widening as if to support more weight. The olive oil fillies' rear hooves split in two forming two cloven hooves and a solid rough paw pad, and finally a sharp pain hit her plot as her tail seemed to extend farther allowing her to have more balance: her bushy tail becoming more than just the usual soft wild silver hair. Autumn’s already thick coat grew thicker and more fur grew on her face, chest, ears and limbs giving her more protection in those areas and warming her shivering body. Finally, the slithering writhing muscles that had torn and formed over the sudden additions and changes moved into place in a sickening yet satisfying way...the searing hot pain finally cooled and faded into a lukewarm ache… Autumn took a deep shuddering breath before collapsing to the ground. Her large clawed paws grasped at the grass and drew deep grooves into the earth as the creature Autumn had become shifted its body experimentally as if testing its powerful new limbs. The werepony sniffed at the air as it took in the welcome oxygen; the puffs of condensation resembled the smoke rising from the train at the Ontaurio City Station. Tales moved as far away as he could from the terrifying creature that had taken form in place of his friend; Autumn was massive only slightly smaller than the timber wolves that had chased them here. Fear flooded through Tales and along with Autumn’s increased size his barrier collapsed around them, yellow shards rained around them as if a window had been shattered. The injured timber wolf took the chance and leapt at the unicorn; Tales was too weak to move away from the foul-smelling fangs that were aimed at him. Shaking Tales closed his eyes preparing to meet his end given either by the creature next to him or behind him he wasn’t sure. A sudden crack of hooves meeting wood rang out through the cavern, looking up in astonishment Tales witnessed two large cloven hooves bucking the attacking Timberwolf. The force of Autumn’s hooves broke the Timberwolves top jaw from its skull and the pine-filled predator flying up and away from the terrified unicorn. The injured timber wolf gasped as the air was knocked out of its lungs, the cloven hooves cutting deep into its bark. Orange sap and sickly looking green saliva flew from the carniforis canines mouth as the Timberwolf struck the ground it’s head hitting a rock on impact. The Timberwolves toxic green eyes sputtered like a dying flashlight before it collapsed, it’s pack mates watched eyes wide. Autumn turned her body as she came down from her pony minds go to defense, standing protectively over Tales. The werepony faced the remaining timberwolves, growling ... seeing the remaining Timbers turn menacingly towards her. Autumn parted her black lips bearing her fangs shining wet with blood and saliva. Autumn narrowed her eyes and opened her maw releasing a thunderous roar from her chest; saliva foamed at the corners of Autumn’s wide mouth and dripped from her piercing fangs as her verbal warning shook the night. Tales' jaw dropped to the ground as he saw a fluffy olive oil furred chest standing above him; his eyes took on a questioning look as he spoke just above a whisper. “A-Autumn is... a-are you still there?” asked the shocked unicorn. Autumn’s blood red eyes turned toward Tales as if to answer his question, a growl rumbled in her throat but it wasn’t directed at him. Looking up Tales saw that the two remaining wolves were attempting to draw closer snapping their jaws at Autumn trying to get her to move. Autumn never faltered, she avoided the teeth aimed at her but continued to protect Tales... standing over him to prevent the predators from reaching him. She lowered her head snapping her own fangs at the Timberwolves, and taking swipes at them with her curved claws. Seeing that they were cornered Autumn leapt at the wolves kicking up stones and dirt as she pushed off from the stone wall behind them, the claws on her front paws cutting grooves into the dirt and scratching up the stone as she charged. The newly transformed creature collided with the pack leader, the thud of a solid body mixed with the thud and whining creak of wood as Autumn drew her head back and sank her fangs deep into the timber wolf’s shoulder. Turning her muscled neck, she tore out the thick bark and foliage that formed the limb, grinning in satisfaction as her fangs shredded the foliage away from the beast. The pack leader howled in pain as Autumn spat out the bitter branches and vines trying to protect her neck from the alpha timber wolf’s snapping jaws. Bright orange sap covered her lips as she tore once more into the wooden wolf... she continued to to dodge the wolf's attacks as she tried to grapple with the alpha to force it to the ground. As Autumn wrestled with the leader the second timber wolf began to sneak behind her and move towards her back, the wolf lowered its body and opened its jaws in anticipation at drawing blood for its injured and fallen pack members. Tales saw the wolf and shook his head vehemently as if to tell fate that he would not accept what was happening. “AUTUMN LOOK OUT!” shouted Tales as he sent the strongest blast he could manage at the second wolf. The brave unicorn’s turmeric eyes lost the light they held and became dull before they rolled into the back of his head. Tales watched helplessly as his vision faded into black giving the last of the access energy he had before he met the sweet embrace of unconsciousness. The werepony jumped startled at the sound of the blast, a metallic burning smell hit her nose and her scarlet eyes went to that direction only to see the beta wolf approaching her. It was too late, before Autumn could toss the alpha and defend herself the beta struck out biting at the back of her left forepaw right near her elbow; its two long canines sinking deep into the flesh below her elbow. Roaring in pain the last of her adrenaline pumping; Autumn threw the wolf she was grappling with to the side grabbing it’s back paws she smashed it’s head on the ground. The timber latched harder onto Autumn’s foreleg as she flung the alpha like a straw rag doll; shifting her weight Autumn snatched her arm out of the beta wolf’s mouth her tissue tearing was she moved. Two long lacerations oozed bright red blood all over the dirt floor, the young werepony gasped for air as she stood upright on two wobbly back hooves. Autumn’s massive body shook, and she felt as if she lost all the strength, she had gained a few seconds ago, falling back down to all fours she watched as the remaining wolf eyed her cautiously. The werepony stood in front of Tales protectively growling low in her throat, she could not remember clearly why but she would not allow these creatures to take the small unicorn. “You will not take,” thought Autumn as her thickly furred ears lay flat against her skull, her hackles raised in a last silent threat. Suddenly an unimaginable but a newly known pain ran through the wereponies body, as the massive creature began to transform back into an “earth pony”. Autumn groaned out in pain as she transformed back, her deep voice rose an octive becoming her own as she verbalized her pain. Despite having just been through a transformation it was still excruciating but was less painful than the first time had been. All four of Autumn’s legs shook as she collapsed on the ground, her body crumbling into an exhausted olive oil heap. “W-What in Tartarus was that, w-what am I?” thought Autumn in fear and confusion at the events that had transpired her fear spiking as she saw the last wolf take on a satisfied smirk. The olive oil fillies’ ears twitched at the sound of the final Timber wolf approaching her and Tales, Autumn struggled to get up, but she was too weak to stand. Panting with effort Autumn kneeled in front of her friend and bared her fangs at the timber wolf trying not to show her fear as the massive carnivore approached. The wind shifted through the tunnel and despite her best efforts the bittersweet smell of fruit mixed with Autumn leaves fought to brake her false bravado. Autumn shut her eyes and opened them glancing at the silloutte of the mare in the moon... the lonesome mare seemed to gaze down at her regally a silent witness as the filly sent one last thought to her family “Sorry everypony… looks like we won’t be coming home,” tears started to form in the corners of her luminous amber eyes spilling over and staining her cheeks as the timber wolf leapt. In the background she swore she could hear a deep growling voice screaming her name, hooves and claws pounding against the ground coming closer as she began to lose consciousness. Autumn’s eyes screwed shut as she prepared for the fangs to tear into her, she clutched onto Tales still standing over him so she would be the wolf’s first target. However the pain... the fangs never came; opening her tear soaked eyes Autumn saw a huge creature grab the timber wolf mid leap before it could touch her or Tales. The creature stood upright on two tan cloven hooves, its silver fur glowing like an angel in the moonlight. The creature's thick black tail and thickly furred neck stood out in contrast as its muscled back bunched to throw a killing punch. The silver werepony spread its claws out before shoving its paw through the skull of the last timber wolf. Its massive paws and dagger like claws ripped out of the dead timber wolf with a sickening squelch as orange sap dripped from the creature’s paws and foreleg. The creature howled up at the moon as if to scare off any other wolves in the area, snarling it turned and looked for any other threats before it lowered its lips covering its fangs, its hackles lowered and the growls that had rolled like thunder seemed to calm into a gentle hum. Turning towards Tales and Autumn the creature fell to all fours and trotted quickly towards them. Kneeling over the small ponies the massive silver werepony picked them up as gently as possible in his massive paws, never scratching them with the razor-sharp spikes that adorned the end of his paw pads. As Autumn’s vision began to blur it faded to black as her body finally surrendered to its exhaustion. Autumn could not explain why she felt so safe, but she knew that whatever this creature was they were the same, he did not want to hurt her or Tales. The last thing Autumn saw before she passed out were a familiar pair of golden eyes glowing at her, the warmth of a welcoming embrace and a familiar pine scent entering her nose.