//------------------------------// // Fluttershy's Thoughts // Story: Making Amends after the End // by Majestical4729 //------------------------------// After being threatened by Twilight, Discord visited Fluttershy at her cottage, and found her crying like crazy. Tears never stopped coming out of her eyes, as her animal friends gathered around her, trying to comfort her. “Fluttershy?” Discord asked. “Discord!” Fluttershy wept, “I’m so upset about you! You just made everything worse! And now...you’re threatened to get a punishment that’s really bad! And it upsets me more than ever to know that you did some horrible deeds and got threatened by Twilight! And the only reason it upsets me the most is...” Fluttershy stopped. She had never stopped to think about why she would be upset the most by Discord doing something bad, or getting something bad. Sure, she would be upset at any friend of hers if they were to experience the same, but why would the feeling be so strong when it comes to Discord? He is her friend, and one of the few reformed villains whom she befriended. However, out of all the former villains whom she is friends with, Discord seemed to have a special place in her heart compared to them. They spent a lot of time together, both alone and with their friends. Discord may still be mischievous, but they always get through hard times where Discord created trouble. But the recent trouble Discord created the very moment was not any ordinary trouble. It was so infamous that he was threatened to be punished by the going-to-be ruler of Equestria! The incident of Discord betraying Equestria to help Tirek was just as bad and heart-breaking for Fluttershy, as she believed in Discord more than any creature else would believe in him, being the one who worked so hard to reform him. It eventually took a while to recover from that experience, and believe in Discord once again. But now, it happened a second time, she was grievingly upset that her strong believes turned out to be in vain. Sure, any creature would be upset when they finally discovered that their strong believing in something for a long time was for nothing, but some hurt more than others. Fluttershy eventually recalled that Discord was not really the only one who upset her by doing something she believed that he would not do, as the CMCs had disobeyed her once to go after her lost chicken. Back to the main point, Discord did do something a lot worse than the CMCs, but was that why she was really upset with him? Or, could the real reason be that she viewed Discord as some creature more special than every creature else? Sure, Discord was so far the only draconneques around, but species never mattered, who you are was always what mattered, and that meant personality. Discord may be reformed before Starlight, but her personality after reforming was still a lot better than his. But Discord always had an angel behind his mischievous behaviour. All these years, no matter how others viewed Discord, Fluttershy was always the only one who always saw the positive side of him, and believed in him as if he was her only friend. But Fluttershy still cared about her other friends, no matter what Discord did. He may not be as heroic nor good-valued as the rest of her best friends, but why would she trust and believe in a creature who was obviously not so trustworthy, more than those who really were? After a storm of thought, Fluttershy wept out her tears and responded, “I can’t describe why I’m upset the most when it comes to you, but I know that I can’t let you suffer. Come on, Discord, we only got this night to find something good enough to make every creature forgive you, so let’s not put it to waste.” “You’re willing to help me? Even after all that’s happened?” Discord asked. “Totally.” Fluttershy confirmed.