Moonlight Sonata

by SunTwi06

An Unexpected Visitor

It was a dark and stormy night, the school day has ended, and by now everyone had gone home. Specifically, one individual: Sunset Shimmer. The rain could be heard all over town, as she could see the raindrops fall across her window. She spent part of the day in the kitchen, preparing a meal just for herself as a means of occupying her time. Dressed in an apron, too loose for her frame, she took out some bread and other necessities for a simple baloney sandwich. While not a fancy dinner, not even the bag of cheese puffs as a side dish, it would be more than enough as she proceeds with her homework.


Sunset barely got started when a knock on the door drew her thoughts.

Probably just a hard gust of wind,” Sunset thought, resuming her work.


It was louder this time; curiosity soon got the best of Sunset as she stripped herself of her apron and went to the door to investigate. All the while the door kept rapping, as if someone were desperate for attention.

Just another sales rep,” Sunset told herself. “Who’d be crazy enough to come over this late? Who else would it be?

Sunset Shimmer opened the door and to her surprise, she recognized a certain blue-skinned Siren from a while ago: Sonata Dusk. There she was, leaning against the clear glass door. For a moment, Sunset thought she was seeing things, narrowing her eyes and yet there she was, hugging herself, shaking and soaking wet. Sunset looks outside the door, making sure her two other cohorts weren’t around… Only to find no one around, not even a subtle hint.

Sunset knew Sonata Dusk, she seemed sweet and innocent, if not naïve and ditzy. But she knew better to underestimate her, as she was a part of a group of rivals who swore to make the high school life of Canterlot High a nightmare, through their own means of drawing adoration. And yet… And yet not even Sunset could bear to ignore whatever pain she could see in her eyes. A sigh escapes her lips, as Sunset slowly opened the glass door.

“How did you find me?” Sunset asked.

Sunset had every right to be cautious, in the event this was all part of a surprise attack and the others could gang up on at any time. But she didn’t speak, not even for a few seconds… A moment that didn’t last for long.

“C-Could you let me in… P-Please…” Sonata asked, feebly.

To say Sunset Shimmer was taken aback was an understatement. Not so much because she actually said ‘please’, but because the look on her face said it all. She was tired, depressed, coupled by the red blush glowing from the cold.

Sunset’s gaze softened as she slowly walked over, one tiny glimpse toward her before opening the screen, parting the small room from the cold. As she slowly wobbled her way into the room, Sunset slowly shut the door as the two girls turned to each other. Awkward silence filled the room for several minutes, neither one knowing what to say.

“So… Where are—”

Before Sunset could finish, her gaze over Sonata stopped her. Upon a close inspection, Sonata was paler than usual, like death’s door was waiting to bring her in. It was decided now was not the time for questions, but instead to offer something else. Well, in Sunset’s mind, enforce since she couldn’t stand idly by while some poor woman was freezing, even if they weren’t entirely on good terms.

“You can take a shower upstairs and clean up,” Sunset instructs. “I’ll have an extra pair of clothes waiting for you.”

“Thank you…” Sonata thanked, silently.

Sunset couldn’t believe she was doing this, yet she couldn’t help but feel sympathetic at the poor state even Sonata was in. Perhaps it was because when Sunset looked at her, she was seeing herself, a reflection of how she used to be. A woman who was neither a friend nor a random stranger, just someone who’s just there… And no one would ever care or acknowledge.

But in Sonata Dusk’s case, something was definitely wrong. She did not reject the offer nor snapped at the offer of hospitality, she seemed too nice for that. Still, Sunset halfheartedly expected her to spat back with, ‘You can’t tell me what to do!’. And yet… She didn’t. Sunset watched her follow those instructions upon request, watching her make her way to the upstairs bathroom before shutting the door behind her.

The sound of rushing water echoed through the walls, as Sunset went ahead and fumbled through the closet before finding a psychedelic rainbow-style t-shirt and khaki shorts. Whether or not they fit Sonata, Sunset hadn’t a clue, but they would have to do. As Sunset walked away, she could hear faint crying from the bathroom. There was no doubt, something bad happened to her… Something terribly wrong…

As the water ran through the bathroom, Sunset passed the time by watching T.V. yet she couldn’t help but feel a sense of discomfort imagining what Sonata was trying to wash away. Eventually, out of boredom, Sunset got up and decided to make something for her to eat, seeing she clearly had a rough day. Eventually, she could hear the water cease as the faucet was turned off. Leaving the food on the table, Sunset climbed the stairs to the bathroom door as the door opened and the familiar form of the Siren stepped out of the towel. Sunset was greeted by the presence of the towel-clad young girl, noting how the two shared a similar height, thought Sunset stood at least a few inches taller compared to her.

If it were any other time, Sonata’s eyes would be wider, surprisingly innocent yet hiding a sharp, menacing intent like an angry cat waiting to lash out. But when Sunset looks at here… The eyes were reduced to a cloudy gaze, with a trace of uncertainty and confusion. Sunset quietly handed Sonata the change of clothes and just turned away.

I shouldn’t be involved,” Sunset told herself. “Whatever happened to her is her business alone. I couldn’t possibly fix it.

Yet Sunset’s actions seem to contradict her thoughts, her heart telling a different story. Something bad happened and whether Sunset would admit it or not… She truly cared. Perhaps, it was only because a pathetic creature like Sonata Dusk reminded Sunset Shimmer of her old self, before a faithful encounter with a group of girls would change her entire perspective.

It didn’t take long for Sonata to change, a good five minutes at the most, as she walked out. As expected, the shirt was slightly big on Sonata, the shorts weren’t any better but put a belt around it and the material would stay on as well as they could. For now, the clothes would suffice. Sunset went ahead and walked toward her, the moment she left the bathroom. She, however, just walked on as if Sunset were not there. Sunset swore the rain grew louder, dropping harder, as if to symbolize something was up with Sonata and Sunset could no longer stay silent.

Escorting her to the living room, connected to the kitchen, Sunset set up the couch like a bed, a pillow on one side with a wool blanket. Sonata stared at the space before finally settling down, curling up on the couch. There was just enough space for Sunset, as she sat beside her thinking hard on what to say.

“Are you okay?” Sunset asked, concerned. “Why did you come here?”

Any attempt for Sunset not to make the questions sound awkward clearly failed, as Sonata just looked away with no interest to answer. To be fair, Sunset herself is still new to these types of social situations, mostly trying to process the scenario.

What could I do?” Sunset asked herself. “How would my friends handle this situation?

Compared to her friends, they made it look so easy. Like someone as smart as Sunset Shimmer couldn’t possibly figure out something so simple… All things considered, there was ‘one’ thing that crossed her mind.

Sunset Shimmer wrapped the Siren girl with the kindest hug she could offer, a form of comfort to warm away the cold feeling welling up around her. She could feel Sonata tense from the sudden action but said nothing to object it. For what felt like decades, as the raging rain fell outside, Sunset Shimmer and Sonata Desk sat for what truly was only a few minutes.

“What… What am I…?”

A small voice broke the silence, and it came from Sonata. Sunset’s eyes widen in surprise, looking down at the terrible sight before her eyes. There she was, Sonata Dusk… And she was crying. Her mouth quivered, her eyes dropped, and silent streams of water poured from her eyes down to her chin as she looked at her with watery eyes.

“Am I…” Sonata paused, mid-cry. “Worthless…?”

Sunset did not answer right away, she merely gazed and watch Sonata Dusk slowly fall apart. Where all this was coming from, Sunset hadn’t a clue. True, Sonata lost against Sunset and her friends, losing her powers in the process. But who could say that makes her worthless? Sunset hated to admit it, but she was no better compared to her, if her initial presence in this world is worth consideration. It felt like a trip toward memory lane Sunset didn’t ask to take or be part of.

“You may seem to be nothing,” Sunset spoke, bluntly. “You lost your powers and you did put my friends in danger…”

As Sunset spoke, Sonata turned to her with a small work. The former was well aware her words seemed cruel, if not heartless, but tough love was the only way to get Sonata to snap out of whatever funk she was on.

“But, at the same time,” Sunset added. “I don’t believe you’re worthless. Whatever kind of life you had before, doesn’t mean you can’t fix the present… Okay?”

Silence filled the air, for a moment Sonata didn’t know what to say. Not much a surprise, considering the fact she wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Having said that, no one can say Sonata didn’t have something to say.

“Then…” Sonata began, feeling lost. “How did you do it? How did you solve your own problems…?”

There it was: Something Sunset Shimmer hoped nobody would ever ask… Especially not one of her enemies. The past, a subject Sunset hated to talk about, more than anything… Yet she knew it was coming.