//------------------------------// // Fourth // Story: Honeycombs and Royal Affairs // by CookieGirl122 //------------------------------// It came unexpectedly, just like an energetic slap in the face. Honeybuzz didn’t have time to prepare, it hit her while enjoying her food and considering how to badger the prince after it. It’s not surprising that she almost choke on the bite when a wide and heavy, wooden plank hit her hard on the top of her head. She passed out for long moments, her body unable to do anything. The booming noise of the surrounding world blurred as she fainted onto the messy ground, right in the middle of the catastrophe. Her last energy was used for a scream, weak and barely hearable. ”Pinto Cloud!” Thanks to Celestia, the prince had quite sensitive ears, which pricked immediately after hearing the emergency cry. His caramel eyes darted in the direction of the scream, heart beating with an even quicker pace as he noticed his fainted friend, lying lifelessly on the floor. The stallion dashed toward the golden mare, landing right beside her. His caramel gaze was wide in terror as he barely dared to touch her thin body. She was like a porcelain doll, who could break in any moments. If it wasn’t for Buttergem, Pinto’s colthood best friend, the prince wouldn’t have even dared to touch Honey. She rushed to the shocked stallion, shaking him to bring him back to reality. “Pinto! Prince Pinto Cloud, look at me! You must take her to the hospital before it’s too late! She may fall into come if you don’t hurry” “But... but what about the other customers?” inquired Pinto in a weak, worrying thoughts. After all, he was the prince, responsible for every single life of his ponies. He couldn’t just leave them there! “I can’t leave you alone with so many injured ponies. You need my help, as well!” The unicorn mare’s always joyful expression vanished and left a determined, strict pony behind. She looked right into Pinto’s confused caramel gaze. “Listen, Pinto! I may be just a simple bartender. But I can handle things on my own, I have already noticed another royal guard who was on his free days, taking lunch only metres from you. Help is on its way, plus locals can also save injured ponies. But now you cannot stay! You must save Honeybuzz before it’s too late. Take her to the hospital, now!” The prince listened to his friend’s speech with all of his remaining concentration. She was right, he had to admit. Buttergem wasn’t hopeless, if he had had to mention a strong, independent and determined pony, it would have been Butter. He had to listen to her advice and save Honey before it’s too late. Power and conclusion flooded his every vein, making him narrow his eyes and nod in agreement. “Understood. I must save her, before time runs out!” “That’s the spirit!” the unicorn mare exclaimed. “Now go!” “Alright. Be careful, Butter” with that, the stallion carefully took the fainted porcelain body into his muscled front hoof, gently flapping his injured wings to float into the sky. As he soared away from the location of the attack and toward the hospital, he turned his trembling gaze at the lifelessly lying Honeybuzz. He hadn’t noticed before how thin and endangered the mare was. She was both small and thin, which made a funny comapnion with her delighted and indicate personality. He immediately felt sympathy for the fierce mare, which made him compulsory to save her from the cold hoofs of death. He had to save her. He had to hurry. > >> • << < It felt like coming back to life from death. Her head hurt as someone was using a saw on it and the entire surrounding area was spinning round and round endlessly. Even the sounds and the speech of the other ponies were beyond her depths – Honeybuzz thought she’ll never wake up. She thought it’s her time to move on and join her sister’s first foal, Bumblemane, a premature little filly and her grandparents. However, thanks to Celestia, after an endless wait, both sounds, scents and the entire scene began to sharpen. It took quite a while for every senses to return, but in the end, the ocean blue gaze began moving again, their owner gasping for air and sitting up instantly. “What... what happened?!” Pinto Cloud, the prince was half-asleep beside her all time long. As soon as the previous words left the mare’s thin lips, the stallion jerked up from his sleep with borh surprise and grace. He jumped to his injured, somewhat scarred hoofs and immediately hurried to Honeybuzz. His eyes were wet from the held-back tears of thank. “You’re alive! You haven’t fallen to coma, oh my Celestia, thank you very much!” relief came like a powerful wave and washed through the shaken prince. He was smiling widely as he leaned carefully over the freshly-woken up mare and gave her a warm, welcoming hug. He could barely believe his freshly-met friend coming back to life after such accident she had had to go through. The barely awake, golden mare let out a light chuckle when seeing the prince, the royal heir of the throne becoming so joyful of her awakening. She returned the hug, drilling her muzzle willy-nilly into the muscular shoulder of the stallion. The mare couldn't help but receive a huge dose of the spruce-scented perfume of the royal stallion, which both made her feel dizzy of the astonishingly marvelous fragnance and enjoy it, as well. “I’m too strong to fall into coma so easily” "That's for sure, you're way more stiffThe royal pony felt his heart ease in relief as a light chuckle left his dry mouth. Even the surroundings were more peaceful, as if everything calmed down together with the jumpy male. The walls let out a calmer greenish hue, the tiny pots of colorful flowers gave the mood a positivity-dose. As Pinto was examining the warrior mare, who probably defeated coma or even worse, when all of the sudden the nurse ponies trotted in rushing, together with the doctor himself. The prince returned the gentle bow they gave him and stepped backwards, giving enough place for the professionals to do their job. He walked to the flung-open door and took a last look at the brave, golden mare who he didn't know for long, before leaving the room to wait outside and organize his royal duties of the attack. "I'll be outside. I'll come back when we're alone again... we must talk about what happened"