//------------------------------// // A New Friend… Definitely // Story: The Heart of a Derpy Ditzy // by Derpybrony890 //------------------------------// The halls of Ponyville High were bustling with ponies complaining about how the weekend was over and how they were trying to avoid the Monday blues. I, on the other hand, was avoiding another blue in my life, one that I needed to avoid before looking again. So far so good, I thought as I turned to my locker, I got my belongings and headed quickly to my first period. To which of course was when I bumped into the very pony that I was trying to avoid. “There you are! I was wondering when you would get here,” his eyes were just not avoidable. I could not help it so I ran off to the classroom and prayed to Celestia that he wasn’t in this class. I had not seen him since. I think I am in the clear! I said excitedly as I was walking towards my next class. The thought of avoiding him all day was still on my mind but way, way, way, way, way back in there. I wanted him to find me, to tell me something I didn’t think anyone would like about myself. Although if I hadn't seen him so far then I don’t think I will- There, in the middle (or somewhat in the corner but also near the middle) of the classroom, was him. I should have known this would happen. He was smiling and reading a book, and it was (as if the universe hates me more) right behind where I sat. I wanted to frown but seeing the way he was enthralled by his book I couldn’t do anything but smile. As I sat down, he noticed me and his blue eyes sparkled leaving me with a red face as I turned around hoping he wouldn’t notice. “You know,” he started. “What you did was very rude, but being a gentlecolt, I shall forgive you, but only if you do something for me,” I didn't say anything. I couldn’t say anything. I could not even move. All I thought was, oh sh#%. I had an experience just like this one, way back in middle school. A stallion was hurt because I had hurt him in front of his marefriend. So the next day he said he would forgive me if I did a favor for him. Which led to me having to go up to his girlfriend and say that I had a crush on her, which was why I hurt him, when obviously I didn’t. I never did it however, because at that time, I was what one might consider, a tattletale. He got detention and the rumor never spread. I knew this wasn’t going to be like that, but the fact that it brought deja vu was very traumatizing. I was sweating and wracking my brain thinking of the danger that could come out of what he would have said next… if it wasn’t for the way he said it. I turned around and looked at him, not showing any expression though inside I was a nervous wreck. “Alright, what is it,” I said, waiting for the worst to come. “For me to forgive you, you have to tell me your name,” OH THANK CELESTIA!!! I heaved a sigh of relief as the stress left my body. Though some still stay at the thought of calling him my name. It was not the greatest and I hated it, but what can you do when it is the truth. “Okay, but not now. I don’t want anypony else to hear it, okay.” I said, he looked confused but his mouth meant he understood. “Alrighty then, how about meeting me at the library and we can talk there,” he said happily. I smiled and turned around. I only focused on the hour which will probably be a major embarrassment. Better to get it out now rather than wait till somepony calls me that abhorring nickname. -*- I waited until I knew I was alone before entering the library where I was greeted by the librarian and her assistant Inkwell. Inkwell was a good student, and that was the problem with her because she always has to be a good student. She didn't necessarily like me because of an accident last year in which I had to stay after school because I knocked over an entire bookshelf. Ever since then she had always eyed me when I entered. I came to my favorite spot: the very last section where all of the biggest books were and where no one else read except for me. I waited until I saw Turner (yes I did remember the name, I just didn't want to say it out loud) talking with the librarian’s assistant who eyed him with a look. I could see the glimmer in Inkwell's eyes as she talked about something which caused Time-Turner to laugh. Somewhere in the darkest depths of my heart, a twinge was felt. The smallest, almost a blink in the eye, kind of twinge. She put her hooves on her face as she and Time talked more, obviously interested in anything he was saying. Finally, after a few more minutes, he went away leaving Inkwell agape, and that was when I realized why. And that tiny twinge that came to me for a millisecond just grew to fear by a few centimeters, but in the end, I smiled. He walked over to where I sat and smiled a better and more happier smile at me. It made my face go red. “So, are you ready to confess,” he asked, making it sound like I was in a jury session. “I don’t know, are you ready to confess?” I answered “About what?” “About the flirting you were doing with the librarian's assistant?” He didn’t move but I could see I put him in an uncomfortable spot, and it made me feel great. Then I felt a little bad at his face he was making. “We were not ‘flirting’ if that’s what you think,” “It is,” “We were merely talking about a book I had finished and she wanted to know how much I liked it.” “So is that why she was leaning closer to you and putting on a face that totally meant she was interested in you?” As those words entered his mind, he had started blushing and I giggled lightly, because we were in a library of course. “H-hey! We were supposed to be talking about your name, not about my antics!” he whisper-shouted, because, once again, we were in a library. After my short laughing session, I calmed myself and came close to him, he, in return, came closer too. I had looked left and right before I came to his ear and whispered my name. And if you are wondering, I won’t tell you because- “Is your name really Ditzy Doo?!” he shouted, causing many other ponies to look our way, and me blushing madly at them. I couldn’t leave you out on that one forever. Yes, it is true, my name is Ditzy Doo. Why was that the name my parents gave me? I’m not sure, but what I do know is that I hate the name and wish I could have been called something better, but no! I had to have a stupid nickname that is even worse! No pony knows this except for my parents and sister. And don’t ask me why I decided to tell Time Turner, because it is not what you are thinking! I covered his mouth to stop anypony from looking at us but there were still a few others who were looking, to which I just smiled and took him further to where we couldn't be seen. “Yes,” I said in a shouty-whisper, “but I don't tell anypony about it!” He took my hoof off his face and looked at me with confusion, “Why not?” “If that was your name, I bet you wouldn’t want to be called that too,” I said. I noticed that he began to look nervous, almost as if he was hiding something about himself. I knew this was going somewhere and I did not want it to be uncomfortable. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were called that, if you need me to forget then I totally understand,” “No! I mean… no, it’s fine. Really. I’ve wanted to tell that to a few ponies now but no one ever thought it was my name.” I hung my head hoping he wouldn’t ask- “Why?” Buck! I sighed, Better to hear it from you than to hear it from somepony else. My voice said as I inhaled loudly. “Because they call me a different name. One that I absolutely hate.” “And that is?” I was about to answer him when I saw Shadow Heart come at me, her face showing a devilish smile. “Well well well, I thought this place was a bit dumber when I came in. Although, I do have to give you credit for coming all the way back here, this is where the big nerds stay, or did you get lost, Derpy?” she asked in an innocent voice that made me coil with anger. “Hello Shadow Heart, I didn’t know that stuck up jerks were aloud in here either or did your daddy put another rule in the rulebook?” I asked, bringing the best comeback I could say. It worked well because Shadow Heart scowled at me then turned. Before noticing Time-Turner. “Oh, hello, are you new here?” she asked in a more timid voice. “Oh, well, yes. I started on Friday but-” “Oh my! Well then you must come with me so I can show you around the town, and then maybe we could get something to eat afterward,” Shadow Heart asked in a flirty way. “Uh, no thanks. Much rather just explore here myself. I like a bit of adventure in my life,” Turner answered in which I gasped at what he had said. Shadow Heart stared in shock, she didn’t frown but her face definitely showed surprise. “Um, okay, you may be new here but you should know better than to be hanging out with this clutz,” she said, gesturing her hoof to me. “And what is so wrong with that?” Time said, his voice getting louder. “Oh, nothing, just that she’s the biggest mistake that this world has ever made!” “Alright, you listen to me! I may be new here but I can tell you that she is not a mistake! She is a living beauty that deserves to be happy and you are making it hard for her to have it. So if you would kindly do the following: leave us now, never come to my face and say those things about her, and finally, don't think that the world revolves around you because it doesn't and you are nothing but a big ninny and a bad excuse for a bully!” I was starting to get scared. Not by what he said, but the fact that he was attracting a crowd and saying those things in front of everypony, and that was not a good way to be noticed. I was thankful, however, when Shadow Heart left. Though, she had tears in her eyes and madness on her face. At that moment I had known, known what I needed to do now. Time Turner swerved to me still with a mad face but soon relaxed. Once the heat died down everyone left us alone and it seemed like nothing had happened. “Sorry ‘bout that, always get aggravated when ponies-” “You stood up for me?” “Of course! Why wouldn’t I” Why would you? is the better question, my mind had said. “Because Shadow Heart is right, I am just a mistake and I think-” “Don't you dare even finish that sentence or else I’ll shout at you if I have to.” His words seemed so real, but still I didn’t know to trust them. Then I saw those eyes, like magnets, we met. I stayed there and stared at those blue irises and felt warm. My cheeks burned and I felt a new kind of connection that I had never felt before. And for once, I did not hate it. I actually liked it. And I may have been crazy then, but I also saw that he was blushing too. Does he like me? NO! That can't be true, he can't like me. I am nothing but a clutz who messes up everything. We heard a book close loudly (it seemed like somepony did that on purpose), making us jump and lose our trance, blushing with embarrassment. “I should, um… you know. Get on my way and, yeah” I said scooting back and moving further away from him. “Oh, yeah. Um actually…” I stared at him for a few minutes and hoped he wasn't going to propose anything, yet still, I stayed interested. “Yeah?” I asked. “I want us to do this more often,” I looked at him with confusion, “You mean get bullied more often while your face gets red and we stare at each other in an awkward way?” “No, I mean talk. Just us, maybe somewhere in town? Like a... hang-out place for us,” My first thought was my observatory, but I thought strongly against it, nopony can go in there except me. But still, he stood up for me, and called me a ‘living beauty ’. He seems nice enough, but wants to hang-out with me? That doesn’t sound a bit far-fetched. Yet, maybe he really is interested? Oh, what do I do? After a few more seconds, I looked at his face once more, a small smile escaping him, obviously really wanting me to follow along with his proposal. Maybe there could be a few exceptions about my rules for the observatory. “Yeah, I would really like that,” I said with a big smile. And once again I looked at those eyes with a smile. And for once, everything felt right.