//------------------------------// // 3 months later... // Story: A little Sparkling Blaze // by Sparkling blaze //------------------------------// Aria's POV Things were going great,me and Dash had finally made it official,Sparkling was developing really great,actually pretty fast for a human baby too,I assumed it was because she had a high IQ. Sparkling learned to sit up by 4 weeks,and to roll over by 8,we were at Dagi's house. I put Sparkling sitting in the ground with some toys next to where I was sitting in the sofa. She then suprised me by starting to crawl over. "Dashie get in here!" I holler for Dash. "Sparkling is crawling." Dash came running in. "What do you mean crawling? She's too young..to..be.. crawling." Dash realizes she's crawling. "Ari this is amazing. Sparkling is really crawling." I pick Sparkling up and hug her. "Mama's so proud." I then put her down again as Dagi walks in the room,holding both Tify and Becca fainted in her arms. She sighs,then looks to what's happening,and for some reason when she saw Sparkling crawling a look of terror went through her face. "You need to get Sparkling checked. Her developing this fast is a really bad sign." Dagi told us. "She's just really smart Dagi." Dash countered. "No this is how Tify and Becca started out." "Adagio,that doesn't mean she's gonna turn out like them."I said. "Aria,please take her get checked just to be sure,you don't want to discover something when it's already too late." "There's no need to Dagi." The twins began to wake up.Dagi put both of them in the ground. "Yeah there is!" "Dagi there's not. She'll be alright,she's just really smart and developing fast for being a siren." "Aria please I don't wanna argue." We are stopped by Sparkling's crying coming from the kitchen. We then notice neither Sparkling or the twins are in the living room. All of us rushed into the kitchen. What I see makes my heart drop. Tifany and Rebecca have Sparkling backed against the counter, both with knifes. "Girls no!" Adagio screams at both of them. But they only stop for a moment before Tify raises her knife and brings it down at Sparkling. But at the last moment Dash moves with a speed I haven't seen her use in years. She runs over and tries to pick Sparkling up but isn't fast enough and gets stabbed in the arm. "I got her." She says to us. But then I'm gripped by fear again as she raises her knife again. But before she can swing her knife down they both faint. "Is Sparkling ok?"Dagi asked. "Yeah,she is."Says Dash. I go over to Sparkling and hug her,Dash does the same before leaving her to crawling again. "You see Ari,the twins developed as fast as Sparkling,and now they're like that.Please at least check Sparkling out to make sure she doesn't haves anything." "Alright I'll make an appointment for Sunset to see her. But I'm more worried about Dash." I turn to her. "How bad did she get you?" "Not bad." She tells me rubbing the spot on her arm. "Can I see it?" "N-no..there's not need for you to see it." "Let me see it." I tell her losing my patience. "Fine,just don't freak out." She rolled up her sleeve an showed me her arm. "Looks like we're getting Sparkling checked out sooner then I thought. We'll have Sunset check her after she fixes your arm." We then went to the hospital. Sunset gave a look in Dash's arm,and seemed suprised. "I will need to stitch it.But Tifany did that?!"She then turned to me."Next time you see Dagi tell her to bring the girls for me to check." "Okay I will." She then stitched the cut up. "Thanks Sunset." Dash thanked her. "But I'm more worried about Sparkling. She's developing just like the twins did. That might mean there's something wrong with her." "I'll do some tests on her and see if there's something wrong with her." She then starts checking Sparkling and after doing some exams,Sunset comes back to the room with some papers. "Look, she has schizophrenia,so I'm giving you an medical referral for you to take her to an psychiatrist." "We'll take her as soon as we can. Well do what we can to make her better."