The Bonds of Eternity

by Wheller

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Surprise didn’t sleep; she had not slept in a very, very long time. Instead, she had chosen to pass the time hopping across rooftops in Ponyville, something that she often did during the night. Surprise was bored; everypony that she would ordinarily spend time with was asleep.

She had just hopped onto the roof of Vinyl Scratch’s new house. Vinyl did like to sleep and wouldn’t appreciate it if Surprise woke her up. She glanced over towards the Library; Rainbow Dash had always been pleasant with her... but she also lived with Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle hated Surprise, and really, Surprise could hardly blame her for it.

Vinyl Scratch had hated Surprise too, but after Surprise had saved her life in the Divide, the two ponies had actually become... friends. It had been a long time since Surprise had had any friends.

Surprise glanced over to Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie Pie was her friend too. Surprise really like the giggly pink party pony, and now that Pinkie Pie was happy with her life, Surprise liked being around her because she made her feel just as bubbly and giggly, and it felt good to be like that. Surprise wondered why she couldn’t be like that all the time.

Then there was Fluttershy, her other friend, who had taken it upon herself to keep supervision over her. Of course, since Surprise didn’t sleep, Fluttershy wasn’t really doing that great of a job at supervising her. But that was okay, Fluttershy was doing her best, and if the rest of the town didn’t know that Surprise walked around late at night with no supervision, well, then what they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them, right?

Surprise’s ears began to twitch; she was hearing something from the distance... west, she turned to face it and continued her hopping across the rooftops until she ran out of space to jump, she opened her wings and flapped hard to gain altitude. She was flying over the Everfree forest, she looked down and saw a bright light below her, she wanted that light, it looked so shiny and warm, she couldn’t help herself and she turned, diving downwards, and going far faster than she probably should for how thick the trees were. Surprise entered the treeline and was caught by surprise on how thick the trees really were, she hit every branch on the way down, the force of which caused the bones in her legs to snap. She hit the ground hard, and she could help but let out a cry in pain.


Ditzy Doo picked herself back up and began rubbing her head, she felt as if she’d been swatted upside the head with a sack of bricks. She looked around to the ponies around her.

‘Lyra? Bon Bon?’ she asked, then looked to her, ‘Trixie? Big McIntosh? Braeburn?’

Lyra and Bon Bon were already up, and looking around and panicking. ‘What happened!? That bright light... then nothing?!’ Lyra said

‘Where’s Princess Luna? Where’s Twilight and all the rest of them?!’ Bon Bon asked.

‘Wha?’ Braeburn asked. ‘Wha happen? Did we win?’

‘Trixie’s head hurts...’ Trixie said.

They were interrupted by the sound of a white Pegasus pony crashing through the trees, she was crying out in pain.

They all powered through their own pain and disorientation and got up to examine their visitor, they all gathered around the broken and mangled Pegasus that was lying on the ground, her legs were broken and she was covered in cuts and bruises.

‘This is the one that tried to kill us all with that missile!’ Lyra exclaimed.

Ditzy Doo drew her 12.7mm pistol and placed it under Surprise’s chin, but was surprised when she let out a whimper in fear instead of the maliciousness that they had come to expect from this creature. Then the all began to remember seeing this pony around town. She had hung out around Twilight and her friends. Ditzy Doo lowered her gun, as was the general consensus of the group.

Much to their own shock, they watched as the broken pony’s legs began to heal; her legs seemed to force themselves into a straight position. Surprise let out a scream in pain has the bones mended. The cuts began to close up and the bruises vanished before their eyes. They all knew instantly that there was more to this pony that what met the eye.

But what surprised them the most was how this Pegasus began to behave even after being healed. She still continued to cower before them, she was clearly afraid of what they were going to do to her. She knew who they were, or at least, she recognised the significance of them all being together, she had to.

Ditzy Doo returned her weapon to its ‘holstered’ position, and approached the shivering Pegasus. ‘Hey now, it’s okay, we’re not going to hurt you! Come on, it’s okay!’

Surprise stopped shivering, and Ditzy Doo extended a hoof to her, Surprise took it and Ditzy helped her up. ‘It’s okay’, Ditzy repeated.

Unfortunately, the moment Surprise was up on her hooves, she bolted, went off running towards the East and leapt into the air, it was if she was fleeing for her life.

‘Well, so much for that’, Ditzy Doo said with a frown. ‘Now what?’

‘Trixie has an idea’, Trixie said. ‘Trixie has been paying attention, and Trixie has noticed that Twilight Sparkle seems to know things... things that happened, but at the same time did not... Trixie thinks that she knows what is going on’.

‘Eeyup’, Big McIntosh said in agreement.

Ditzy Doo frowned, she was still trying to make sense of her two sets of memories, but she remembered both, going to visit Twilight Sparkle was probably going to put her near Vinyl Scratch, the mare that still hurt Ditzy Doo to even think about... but she agreed, she needed answers, and if it required some discomfort, well then she could live with it.

The six ponies all eventually agreed and made their way towards the Ponyville Public Library.


Fluttershy was fast asleep in her bed, dreaming a sweet dream of being outside with her animal friends, she did not hear her bedroom window open, and she most certainly did not expect who had bolted through it.

Someone or something had leapt onto her bed and had grabbed onto her. Fluttershy awoke with a fright and let out a scream of terror, which, as could be expected was actually a rather quiet, and adorable one.

It was then that Fluttershy noticed what was holding her, four white pony limbs were wrapped around her, Fluttershy turned her head to discover that Surprise had latched onto her and was shaking with fear.

‘S... Surprise?’ Fluttershy asked.

Surprise did not respond, she merely continued to shake and had a look of terror in her blood red eyes. Fluttershy rolled over and embraced the terrified Pegasus pony.

‘Shh...’ Fluttershy cooed softly. ‘It’s okay... it’s okay, you’re safe here... you’re safe here’, Fluttershy began to stroke the Pegasus mare’s flank in the way her own mother had done so many years ago when she was afraid of something, it had always made Fluttershy feel safe, and it seemed to be having the desired effect of Surprise.

‘They... they’re here’, Surprise said, continuing to tremble. ‘And they remember’.

‘Who’s here? What do they remember?’ Fluttershy asked.

Surprise wouldn’t answer; she merely buried her head into Fluttershy’s chest and hugged her fellow Pegasus close. Surprise had only been this scared one time previously in her life, and it had been when master came to her. He had said that he remembered her and severely beat her. Surprise was scared that the pony bearers of the Bonds of Eternity had come to exterminate her as they had her former master’s enemies.


There came a knock at the door, Twilight Sparkle’s eyes popped open and she looked at the clock, it was half past two in the morning, who would come calling at this hour?

Twilight swore to herself, if it was Vinyl Scratch, she was going to hit her.

She looked at Rainbow Dash, who was still asleep; there came another knock at the door. Rainbow Dash began to stir. ’Gahh... Pinkie Pie... you are so random’, Rainbow Dash mumbled in her sleep.

Twilight rose from her bed and trotted down the stairs. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and opened the door. Much to her own surprise, it was not Vinyl Scratch who had come to the door, rather it was six ponies. Lyra, Bon Bon, Big McIntosh, Braeburn, Trixie, and Derpy Hooves... er, Ditzy Doo, as she liked to be called now.

Twilight’s eyes widened, she recognised the significance. There was only going to be on reason for all six of these ponies to be at her door, together, late at night.

They remembered who they were.

‘You... you all remember the old world? Don’t you?’

They all nodded in affirmation.

‘Please, come inside’, Twilight said. ‘I’m sure we have a lot that we need to talk about’.