
by Anonymous Pegasus

Love and loyalty

Sentinel pushed open the door to room number five of the Ponyville Country Inn, finding it unlocked and slightly ajar. The innkeeper had told him that it was this room that Raindrop had hired out for the night, and, conversely, the entire day, as well. He had the Seeker Stone for the Element of Generosity tucked under one wing.

Sentinel sniffed at the air as he pushed the door open, listening to it creak faintly, stepping into the room.

The door slammed shut behind him, and he jumped, spinning around, coming nose-to-nose with a grinning Raindrop. She looked different. Partly because her blue mane was slicked down in a new style, straight and sleek rather than styled up like it was previously. And the pegasus was also wearing cowpony clothes and had a length of rope around her neck.

Raindrop’s hind-end was covered in bucking chaps, specifically made for ponies out to the farm, to protect their hindquarters when they bucked fruit trees or had to gallop at full speed through a patch of thorns or the like. They were made of smooth leather, a material made from bonded plant fibres carefully burned and pressed until the material was seamless. It covered her lower legs, her rump, and her lower back. There was a long area along her inner thighs and stomach where the material didn’t cover, so as not to restrict her movement.

It was an odd thing to see a pegasus wearing, as pegasi didn’t engage in treebucking or running through thickets of brambles or sharp sticks.

“Uhhhh... Hi.” Sentinel blinked once, pulling back slightly to stare at Raindrop. “Uhm... You look different.”

“I did something with my mane,” Raindrop said dismissively, beginning to unloop the rope from her around her neck with a wild grin.

“A-and some new clothes,” Sentinel said, suddenly nervous. Somehow, he regretted not retrieving his armour from the castle.

Raindrop nodded gently, transferring the rope to her mouth after saying, “Yeah. I figure they fit the occasion.”

“Occasion?” Sentinel asked warily, beginning to circle around the mare towards the door.

Raindrop deftly blocked Sentinel’s passage. “We’re celebrating.”

“I-I’m not sure I wanna celebrate right now,” Sentinel tried to protest, as Raindrop stepped towards him, raising the rope.

“Aww, I’m sorry hun, but ya gotta buck the tree if ya want the best apples!” Raindrop said with a grin, affecting a country accent as she deftly twisted the rope and threw it over Sentinel’s head. With an eager grin, she gripped the rope, and pulled him towards her with it, kissing him heatedly for a long moment, holding the rope taught.

Sentinel squirmed slightly in place, not quite sure how to react to this strange new Raindrop.

Grinning, Raindrop broke the kiss, and then with a simple movements twisted the rope, turned, and yanked upwards on the rope, bringing the guard’s legs out from under him, dumping him on his side so she could pounce on him eagerly, pinning him down and beginning to quickly hogtie him.

Sentinel snorted faintly, still unsure how to react, not knowing if he should struggle. “W-what are you doing, Raindrop?”

“Giving you a memorable time,” Raindrop said, looking up at him for a moment. Her eyes flashed green. She slid up his form, and then kissed him again with a hungry passion, her eyes green and demonic, refusing to change back to normal at all now. The mare leaned in close, testing the tightness of the rope,  her warm exhalations mingling with his own as she grinned mischievously. “At least... If you beg me.”

(Clop. Warning: Mature! )

Sentinel whimpered weakly as he stirred, his eyes flitting open and his wings fluttering faintly. He blinked slowly down at Raindrop, whom was staring up at him, a sly grin stretching her muzzle.

“Was that... Was that a dream?” he asked faintly.

Raindrop grinned wickedly. “You dream of me tying you up with rope?”

“S-so it wasn’t?” Sentinel asked, giving a shudder as he cast his mind back. “I-I didn’t know it could be so... Intense.”

“Intense is a good word for it,” Raindrop said with a slow nod and a sly grin. “I trust you enjoyed it?”

“You made me beg!” Sentinel protested.

“And you loved it, didn’t you?” Raindrop insisted with a purr.

Sentinel’s cheeks flushed faintly, and he gave a shaky nod. “I-I guess.”

Raindrop grinned and nuzzled up against his chin slowly. “I’m glad.”

“I feel so weak and shaky though...” Sentinel panted, nuzzling against her slowly. “Is it always like this?”

“It is if I do a good job,” Raindrop said with a giggle, wrapping her hooves around him and holding him close.

The two pegasi emerged from the room a few hours later, and the innkeeper gave them a suspicious glance.

“I heard some thumping and yelling up there earlier,” the innkeeper said with a slow nod. “Ya’ll best not be wrestling all over my beds and furniture, y’hear?”

“No sir,” Raindrop said with a bow. Sentinel didn’t say anything, but averted his gaze, his cheeks warming faintly.

The two pegasi left the inn, and Raindrop stretched a little bit, kicking her hindlegs. “You know, those chaps were sexy, but they’re kinda constricting.”

“You were planning that for a while, weren’t you?” Sentinel accused, staring at Raindrop sideways.

Raindrop snickered innocently. “It only took me a few minutes to buy a pair of chaps. The rope was already hanging up in the room... Then I just had to wait for my prey and pounce.”

Sentinel snorted once, before grinning at her. “You make a sexy cowpony.”

“And you make a sexy ball of whimpering, hog-tied pegasus,” Raindrop replied with an innocent giggle.

It was already noon when the two pegasi made their way up to the castle, and Raindrop stopped in to see Princess Celestia. The two of them meandered their way to the Hall of Elements, and then stepped into the room where Celestia was observing the Elements of Harmony.

“One more to go!” Raindrop said with an eager bounce. “At least, until you can find where the Element of Magic is.”

Celestia nodded at Raindrop’s appraisal. “Indeed. Finding the Element of Magic while it is dormant is proving to be a difficult prospect at best.”

Raindrop gave a sad nod at that. “Well... I’ll go find the bearer for the Element of Generosity and then... Well... I dunno.”

“I wish you to become friends with the current bearers,” Celestia stated.

“You... What? Why?” Raindrop asked, blinking and shaking her head in confusion.

“I wish you to become friends with the current bearers. I feel this to be necessary.” Celestia waved a hoof as though to express the importance of it.

Raindrop blinked again, and then perked her ears. “But... Why?”

“The Elements of Harmony require friendship as a catalyst. It is the force that holds them together. I feel that you, Raindrop, offer the best chance of cohesion between so many rogue elements,” Celestia explained. “You are a likeable pegasus when you allow yourself to be, and you have need of the elements. You will succeed where others will fail.”

“Well... That sounds reasonable,” Raindrop said with a single blink, unable to bring up any viable protest.

“I wish for them to accompany you to find the next bearer, and the next two after that, circumstances permitting,” Celestia stated, looking back over her shoulder at the two pegasi. “You are very quiet, Sentinel.”

Sentinel blinked and lifted his head, as though only just realising that Celestia was in the room. “Awhu? Oh. Yes. I’m just... Tired.”

“Are you sick?” Celestia enquired, sounding worried.

Raindrop giggled and then shook her head, interjecting, “Nope, he just had some... Vigorous training with me earlier.”

Celestia looked back and forth between the two of them with a soft giggle of her own as she put two and two together, watching Sentinel’s face turn slowly pink. “I see. I remember when I had to order Sentinel to accompany you. It would seem his loyalty has shifted.”

“I am forever loyal to you!” Sentinel protested immediately, lifting a hoof to salute the princess.

Celestia leaned down to be more on Sentinel’s level, peering into his eyes. “As a Royal Guard, you are expected to be. But as a lover you should remember your priorities. Do not let being a guard interfere with love.”

“I... I...” Sentinel trailed off, dropping his hoof slightly, his ears pinning back. “Are you telling me to disobey you, Princess Celestia?”

Celestia giggled, “Goodness no, Sentinel! I merely mean to say that should I give you an order that directly causes your personal relationships to fail, then you should feel entitled to tell me to shove my orders up my flank and get somepony else to do it.”

The two mares laughed at the look of utter mortification spreading across Sentinel’s face at the thought of telling the princess to ‘shove it up her flank’.

“B-but,” Sentinel spluttered.

“Shush, hun,” Raindrop said, lifting a hoof to halt his spluttering. “I’ll make sure he understands what you mean, Celestia.”

Celestia bowed her head and then lifted the Seeker Stone for the Element of Generosity, a purple, glowing orb, from the table, and then handed it to Raindrop.

Raindrop took the orb, and slipped it under her wing, turning about. “Come, Sentinel.”

Sentinel looked back and forth between Raindrop and Celestia, giving a faint whine. He wanted to protest Celestia’s words, but he didn’t want to keep Raindrop waiting.

Celestia smiled at her guard. “You have much to learn, Sentinel. But my cardinal rule for being a princess is that my orders shall never interfere with love, lest I become a tyrant. Think on it.”

Celestia made a shooing motion with a hoof, smiling.

Sentinel nodded and saluted again, before turning about and heading out the door, trailing after Raindrop.

“So, uhm, where are the guest quarters?” Raindrop queried.

“East wing,” Sentinel stated, pointing with a hoof towards a door coming up.

“So even Celestia knows now, huh?” Raindrop said with a slight giggle.

Sentinel nodded gently, “It would seem so.”

“So... If it came down to a choice between me or your orders, what would you choose?” Raindrop queried.

Sentinel lowered his gaze to the floor, his ears splaying backwards.

“I would follow my orders,” Sentinel said quietly, with painful honesty, “But it wouldn’t be an easy choice.”

“Thank you for being truthful,” Raindrop said, extending her wing and nudging it against the guard’s own, entwining their pinions together as they walked, squeezing his wing reassuringly. “I’ll just have to make sure it never comes down to you choosing between love and loyalty.”