Trixie's Threeway Trouble

by crowscrowcrow

Chapter 10 - One way or the other (Part 2/2)

Aw yeah! 

The Welcome-Trixie / Make-up / Rescue-from-Befriend-Zecora / Curse-Away / Or-whatever-Party at the library!

Probably the only good reason to ever go to a library.

Well, that and magical curses.

Rainbow Dash wasn’t entirely sure what it was about anymore. She just knew she had the best new story. Nopony else had anything weird happen to them right after the last weird thing they all did together!

Trixie and Applejack hung on her every word as she told them of the break-in at her place. Heck, Trixie looked super shocked! 

“That's when I heard a noise from upstairs, the burglar was still in my house! Bad luck for him, right?” Rainbow Dash flexed to give Trixie a quick reminder of what she’d been missing with all her random disappearing acts.

“Ah reckon ya done showed him what fer?” Applejack held out a freshly filled mug to her, clearly loving it.

It was cool of Applejack to bring an apple cider keg. 

It would have been even cooler if it actually had cider in it, instead of apple juice.

Stupid Apple traditions.

“You didn’t hurt her did you?” Trixie’s face was even paler than before.

“Heh, that’s the crazy thing! I charge into the room and there’s this little filly snoring on my couch, under the Cloudsdale Junior League flag that I thought I lost!” Rainbow Dash chugged her mug. “You shoulda heard her rattle on when I woke her up. Apparently, she’s my biggest fan!”

Meanwhile, Twilight and Pinkie Pie were arguing. Something about using the library for parties more often. It sounded like a great idea, but Twilight wanted it to be boring instead. Spike was trying to act as a referee between them.

Rarity and Fluttershy were having a much quieter talk by themselves, but they kept looking in her direction. Obviously, her story was the most interesting! She was totally gonna tell them the story from the beginning next!

Right after she finished up here.

“—and that’s when her aunt told me she’d get me the medal back tomorrow.”

“Glad to hear it all worked out.” Trixie looked much more at ease now that she had her happy ending. 

Apparently, Trixie was a sappy sucker for success stories. Good thing every patented Rainbow Dash story was about success! 

“Yeah, shame that she sprained her wing when she flew up there and got stuck.”

“Does that take long to heal?”

“Eh, it’s not so bad, I... hang on…” 

Rarity waved her over. 

“Huh, guess she really is eager to hear the start of it.”

Not that Rainbow Dash could blame her. Even though Fluttershy was right there, she probably wasn’t the best to talk to. Parties really weren’t that girl’s thing; she looked so stiff and nervous.

Trixie looked over her shoulder at Rarity and Fluttershy. “Well, don’t keep your eager audience waiting, Trixie will find you later, maybe you could demonstrate how you flew her back, mhm? We’ll see about that ‘Biggest Fan’ claim.” She winked and pulled Applejack off to go break up Pinkie Pie and Twilight.

“Heh, tease.” She fought back a blush. Nothing was as uncool as blushing in public.

Typical of Trixie to try and leave her ‘wanting more.’ 

Rarity eagerly greeted her when she approached. “There you are, Rainbow Dash! Listen I need you to do something for me.”

“I know I know.” She’d have to remember to split her awesome tales up more often, she’d get to wow ponies multiple times! 

On second thought, the same story every time would be boring for HER… What if she just had multiple adventures instead? Genius! 

“So, I just got home when—”

“Pardon me, Rainbow Dash.” Rarity rested a hoof on her shoulder and pushed her slightly to the side so she could see the little group behind her. “I would love to hear all about it… but Trixie is perfectly distracted right now. I’d like you and Fluttershy to pick up ‘the package’ from my boutique.”

Package? Oh, right! Trixie’s costume! But...

“Wait, I thought you were supposed to bring it?” 

“I may have been somewhat preoccupied when I left. I’m not proud of it. Look, I’ll keep her busy her while you’re gone." Rarity sighed and brushed aside her mane. "Fluttershy knows what it looks like, but it’s heavy and I need you to carry it for her."

Fluttershy gave her an apologetic look. “I could try.”

She had to lug around something heavy because Rarity got distracted? Great.

A quick check back.

Nope, Applejack was busy. 


“Ahh, fine. Come on, Fluttershy.”

“Did you find it yet? This place gives me the creeps.” 

She hadn't noticed how dark it was when they first walked in, but only a few rays of moonlight were managing to fight their way through the many curtains that crossed the room. 

It lit up just enough to make out the crowd of faceless fake ponies that surrounded them. Some wore half-baked clothing ideas that Rarity must have been experimenting with, or worse, maybe those were supposed to be worn like that.

Rainbow Dash shivered.

“It should be here… uhm… oh...”

Fluttershy had lit a candle and braved the darkest corner, shrouded by the stowed curtains. Rarity must have been busy. There were more bundles than expected and Fluttershy was, of course, hesitant to disrupt the pile too much. 

She was sure Fluttershy had it covered.

Normally, she’d have jumped on the chance to scatter the pile and hurry this up, but… well, it wasn’t as if the pile would come to life mid-jump and swallow her whole… that was just silly! Hah!

“Can we just bring all of them? I’ll find a—Huh?”

Rainbow Dash eyed the shadowy silhouette of a nearby mannequin. 

Did that one just move?

She could have sworn...

“No!” Fluttershy turned toward her and all the shadows fled, leaving just the overgrown puppets. “I, uhm, I mean… no, I’ll find it. Just… just a little longer, if you don’t mind.”

It was the candle. 

Of course. The flickering light as it moved was just messing with her. 

Yeah, that's all. 


As Fluttershy resumed her search, the light went with her. 

That was definitely why stuff looked like it was moving. No ‘Night of the Living Mannequins’ or anything like that. Tough luck, she’d been really hyped up to kick some evil thing’s ass, but every opportunity turned out to be a dud lately.

“Yes, sorry… uhm…” Fluttershy moved deeper into the belly of the boutique. She could barely see her anymore. “Rainbow Dash?”


“...” Fluttershy kept her back turned. Her wings clamped tightly to her sides.

There was no response, but Rainbow Dash could hear her breathing. It was slowing down. Was something suffocating her!?

She took a quick step forward. “Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy set down the little candle. She tensed and sucked in a sharp breath. “I love you.” 

“What?” Rainbow Dash stumbled to a halt.

“I-I love you.” Fluttershy turned around with a stilted composure. The corners of her eyes glistened in the candlelight as she turned, but her face was dark now that she was facing her.

This couldn’t be real. There was only one logical explanation for this.

Okay, so Fluttershy is possessed. Do not panic.

After a moment, Fluttershy trembled.

Uh-oh! Whatever reaction Flutterghost wanted from her, dead silence wasn’t it.

“I’m s-sorry. I… It's okay if you feel different... I just always wanted to tell you, but I’m s-such a coward. I just… I didn’t want anything to change. For us to change, but… but it’s c-changing anyway. So, so I...” 

She sobbed. 

Forget it! Ghost or not. She couldn’t stand by and watch Fluttershy cry, ever.

What kind of ghost cried anyway?

She took the final step forward and grabbed her by the shoulders. “Hey. Slow down.”

Was she always this soft? When was the last time she actually touched her?

Not the time!

“I’m sorry.” Fluttershy whimpered as she rubbed her eyes. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

Okay. That sounded more like the Fluttershy she knew. She wasn’t possessed. 

That was good.

Wait. Then she was serious about all that stuff? 

That was bad.

…Or was it?

No, no it definitely was!

Don’t panic. This wasn’t the first time she’d misunderstood something.

“Fluttershy, you, uhm… did you mean like… romantically?”

Fluttershy averted her gaze then softly nodded. “...Yes.”


“L-like, how long?”

“…I realized how I felt in year two of flight school… I don’t know when it started.”

She stumbled backward as the room twisted around her. 

“Years!?” She grabbed her head before it spun off. “Why didn’t you tell me!?” 

Fluttershy lowered her head.

Impossible. No way. Years? She would have noticed. She totally would have caught on. There would have been hints.

A smile. A stare. A blush. Something like that.

Each thought stirred up a memory of exactly that.

A whirlwind kicked up in Rainbow Dash's mind, flashing glimpses of half-forgotten moments between them.

A time, many times, and others when she’d caught Fluttershy looking over. It all had seemed so innocent. Just wishful thinking that she’d shamed herself for entertaining.

A fire burned in her chest. How blind could she be?

All this time. All this time!

Everything felt like it was closing in on her. The walls, the curtains, the mannequins.

Especially the mannequins!

“Gah! I can’t believe I was this stupid!” She took another step back. “All that time wasted! Why didn’t I just tell you!?”

“Tell me what?” Fluttershy stepped in after her.

A mannequin bumped into her from behind.

“That’s it!” She whirled around and decked it straight in the face. The stupid thing flew across the room and crumpled into a heap of plastic limbs and torn-off stitches in a corner.


Sort of.

At least she had some room to breathe now.

“Uhm.” Fluttershy paused mid-step and stared wide-eyed at the pieces, then took a step closer anyway. “Tell me what?”

As Fluttershy moved in, a beam of moonlight caught her face. Rainbow Dash’s whirling thoughts slowed to a crawl.

Was this her first good look at Fluttershy tonight? 

She looked... different. 

Her fur was always clean, but now it shimmered in the moonlight as if she’d spent hours with a hairbrush going over every inch of it. 

Her mane kept the usual windswept look, but it was styled out of her face, kept back by a butterfly hairpin. It didn’t let her hide those soft, round cheeks that framed her adorable face.

They looked like they were on fire.

They felt almost as hot.

When had she moved her hooves up to those cheeks? Whatever. She enjoyed the soft fur under her soles. She felt Fluttershy’s muscles tightening underneath.

Right, Fluttershy was tense, barely breathing as she waited expectantly. A slight tremor gave away that she was nervous, but she was still staring her down. 

Those innocent, bewitching, beautiful green eyes were on her. She was looking at her in the way Rainbow Dash had always wanted. With those eyes. 

Why had she never noticed it before? Had she written it off? There was no mistaking it now. 

Fluttershy saw her that way too. For years. Just like her.

And Fluttershy had told her first! So much for being ‘the fastest’ pony ever. Heck, she was failing to tell her even now that this was everything she ever wanted. She was right there in front of her, and Rainbow Dash’s dumb mouth just wouldn’t form the words.

But… why did it hurt? She had to think, but it was difficult to look away.

When she finally managed to pull her gaze down a little, she only had an even harder time.

Fluttershy’s cute nose slightly flared, her muzzle twitched, her lips slightly parted.

They seemed so inviting.

“Tell me wh—Mph!” 

They were soft. Of course. 

Who needed words anyway?

She felt Fluttershy slip her forelegs around her, pulling herself close. 

So close, she felt the rapid thumping in Fluttershy’s chest against her own.

It felt right. After all this time. She couldn’t help it. She had to explore more. Experience more.

Those soft lips, like their owner, offered no resistance as she probed deeper.

Rather, she was welcomed happily. 

The taste of mint was on Rainbow Dash’s lips and crept over her tongue as she quickly ran it over them for a second. That was a surprise. 

It was as if Fluttershy had brushed them just moments ago. 

It was nice.

What other surprises could there be?

She ran a hoof down from Fluttershy’s cheek along her neck and down her side.

Fluttershy gave a muffled mewl. Surprised, perhaps. 

Not objection, that was for sure, as Fluttershy caressed the exploring hoof with her feathers.

That was a nice trick. It took the guesswork out of this. 

She’d have to remember that next time Trixie…


“No!” She pushed Fluttershy away. 

“Wah!” Fluttershy toppled over and landed flat on her back. 

Rainbow Dash cringed inwardly.

The hardest thing she’d ever done! 

The dumbest thing she’d ever done!

“No no no!” She hit herself in the head with every word. It didn’t hurt enough. “I’m such an idiot!”

“Ow...” Fluttershy softly hissed as she sat up, rubbing the back of her head. Damnit, she’d hurt her too. “W-what's wrong? I, uhm… I didn’t, y-you know… mind...”

Was she for real?

“Trixie! Duh!” She shouted at her, like an even bigger idiot. “I shouldn’t have done that! But, but I always liked you and… Gah! I’m sorry! I gotta go!”

She flared her wings.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “W-wait! Where?” 

“I dunno! Just ‘GO’!”

Where was the door?

She zipped a circle around the room, but found herself enclosed on all sides. 


“Why are the curtains everywhere now!?”

“Rainbow Dash! Calm down! If you don't I… I, uhm…” Fluttershy bit her lip. “If you leave, I-I’ll tell Trixie.” 

Her chest froze, and the rest of her with it.

“No no.” She landed in front of Fluttershy. “I, I just need to think! That’s all. I need air!”

“Please… just come sit down.” Fluttershy pleaded as she patted the floor beside her. “We can, uhm, t-talk about it… if that’s okay?”

No choice.

“Just don’t tell, Trixie. Please? I… oh, Celestia...” She dropped down onto her haunches. “This is exactly what she was afraid of...”

Fluttershy gave a hesitant nod. “I won’t, but… Uhm…Oh… That felt… nice, didn’t it?”

“...Yeah.” She couldn’t deny that, but the fact it felt so great also made her feel worse. How did that work?

Fluttershy blushed.

She couldn’t tell whether it was embarrassment or something else. “I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.” 

“Because of Trixie or…” Fluttershy folded her ears back and turned away. “Or am I just no good?”

“What? No!” She grabbed Fluttershy’s shoulder and turned her back. “No, you’re great! Awesome even! If I wasn’t already with Trixie, I wouldn’t even have to think about it! It’s just… I am...” 

“...Thinking about it?” Fluttershy asked, quietly.

Fluttershy had picked up on her choice of words before she even had done so herself. Without Trixie, there was nothing to think about. She’d go for her adorable lifelong crush in a heartbeat! But with Trixie… well… she did have to think about it.


She’d definitely meant to say ‘with Trixie’ at the end there, but… she was thinking now. 

Fluttershy was quiet, even more so than usual, like she was holding her breath. 

Right, Fluttershy knew what her thinking face looked like, and apparently she was giving her room to do just that. Great…

Could she abandon Trixie for Fluttershy? It didn’t feel right to just kick Trixie to the curb just like that. 

“Figures that I waited for years and gave up only a couple of weeks too soon…” Rainbow Dash groaned, letting her hoof run down her face. “If I’d known this was ever going to be a question, I wouldn’t have agreed to be with Trixie in the first place.”

Heck, she hadn’t been really sure about Trixie to begin with. She’d only agreed to date her to give her a fair chance. She’d made that clear. Trixie knew it. It wasn’t set in stone, right?

So, it wouldn’t be unfair to put an end to it either, right?


Maybe she needed a second opinion.

“So… I’m thinking…” Rainbow Dash sighed as she turned to her only available friend, Fluttershy. Yeah, that would be fine. “I’ve known you for years… while I only met Trixie a month ago, and the first half of that we didn’t even get along! This should be easy, right?” 

“Uh-huh,” Fluttershy quietly affirmed, but said nothing else. Aside from ever so slightly leaning forward, Fluttershy stayed still. She probably hadn’t realized she’d moved given how much she was trying not to disturb the moment.

“On the other hoof, it’s been a surprisingly great couple of weeks, you know? Trixie is weirdly adorable when she’s not being insufferable; sometimes even when she is... She’s smart and funny. She even helped solve my fight with Twilight. I can tell she really cares. It feels nice to know she wants me, even if she’s kinda needy. Although… not lately, I guess.”


“...I feel like she’s been avoiding me ever since we talked about stars and stuff a couple of days ago. Sure, it was sorta busy with that Zecora thing, but everypony else was around. Heck, I see more of you than of her.”

Fluttershy bit her lip. “Maybe… she had a good reason?”

There was only one thing that came to mind.

“She did talk about leaving…” Her chest felt tight. “You know, taking her show to different cities and stuff. Lots of plans… but I wasn’t in them. Maybe it hit her that we’ll have a choice to make. Maybe she’s already made hers...” 

“Oh… I’m sorry.” Fluttershy rubbed her hoof along her foreleg, nervously. “I… I did see her bring home new stage props, but that doesn’t mean anything, right?”

Fluttershy was too innocent to see what it meant.

“...I see.” 

It was weird. A sleep-deprived Applejack had catapulted her into a metal railing once, ribs first, but this still hurt more.

Could Trixie just kick her to the curb like that?

It wasn’t set in stone. They both knew that this had been a trial run, right?

So, it wouldn’t be unfair to put an end to it, right?


Rainbow Dash slumped to the ground, forelegs folded under her head. “I… I guess I didn’t realize before… that Trixie could be the one to bail too.” 

Why did this not make her feel better? It was perfect. 

If Trixie ditched her, then she could be with Fluttershy without any guilt. Trixie would leave so there wouldn’t even be that awkward thing of running into her. Except maybe if she tried to do another show in Ponyville, but Trixie would probably avoid the town after last time.

She’d never see her again.

Did she really matter that little? Or was it hard on Trixie too? It had to be hard.

“Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy pulled her back into reality. “I, uhm… I don’t mean to push you but… Do you like her better? You… you could always just go with her when she leaves… I-I’d understand.’”

Right. She had to make a choice.

“No matter who I pick, it’s gonna hurt somepony.”

Fluttershy gave the tiniest of nods. “...Probably.”

Hold up.

What if she didn’t have to make one?

She perked up. “Hey, would it be alright with you if we waited a little longer?”

“Huh?” Fluttershy looked confused.

“I mean, I gotta stay in Ponyville. Trixie’s gotta leave. So, if it’s gonna end anyway… I’ll talk to Trixie and tell her I understand, so she’ll stop avoiding me. We can just have a nice time until she has to go and then...” She stood and offered a hoof to Fluttershy with a smile. “...It’ll be us? How’s that sound? Nopony gets hurt.”

“W-what, but… but…” Fluttershy stood almost as motionless as the mannequins. The only difference was the slight shiver through her whole body. Her eyes were wide as though she’d spotted some terrible monster was standing right behind Rainbow Dash.

A quick look back. Nothing there.

“Uh, Fluttershy?” she cautiously tried again.

This time, Fluttershy broke free from whatever spell she was under. “Yes? Oh. Oh!” She blinked and quickly took the offered help to get back on her hooves.

“Are you okay?” She came up alongside and wrapped a wing around Fluttershy. “I… look I know that maybe it’s not fair of me to ask you to wait but... ”

They’d done that for years anyway.

“Mhm? Oh no. No no, it’s not that... It’s just…” She snuggled in under the wing and gave a nervous smile. She felt so tense. “I just realized why you were talking about such strange things. You misunderstood. I’m so so sorry, I wasn’t clear before.”

It was her turn to freeze. “Huh?” 

“I don’t want to replace Trixie for you…” Fluttershy looked away, embarrassed. “I, uhm, I want to j-join you… both.”

“Uhhhhh...” She stared at Fluttershy, totally dumbstruck. 

Was this real? Maybe that whole possession thing was back on the table after all.

Fluttershy’s whole demeanor had changed. She was all smiles now.

“What… what do you mean?” She had to ask. If only to make sure. “Like… I don’t even know what to call it.”

“W-well… that is… both uhm… A-all of… uhm...” Whatever confidence had briefly taken hold of Fluttershy quickly melted away and left her red-faced and stuttering as she tried to explain herself. “Three of us… t-together… no choice, s-so nopony gets hurt?”

Despite how little of that was coherent, she got the gist of it. 

She wouldn’t have to choose between the two of them, if she just chose both.

That was crazy.

“That… that’s one way, I guess, but, uh, how does that even work?” She scratched her head. Every couple she was aware of were two ponies, no more. Heck, it was in the name. “Besides, I don’t think Trixie would go for that.” 

Oh, Celestia, she could see herself walking up to Trixie already. ‘Hey you are cool and all, but can we see other ponies too?’ That would totally end well.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “It’s not a bad idea but...” 

There was no way she was gonna ask.

“I, uhm, I’ll ask her,” Fluttershy said.


“I mean… you agree, so I just have to ask Trixie, right?” Fluttershy looked more confident now. “I… I can do that.”

The idea of talking to Trixie about this didn’t scare her off? She’d rarely seen Fluttershy so determined.

Impressive. Too impressive. Did Fluttershy want this so badly that she forced herself to act even if she was normally so timid? She had to respect that.

Rainbow Dash gave a slow nod. “If Trixie’s onboard... I guess I’m cool with it.”

It was all going so fast, even for her. It was hard to keep track of all the thoughts and questions that kept popping up in her head. Why now? How does this work? Is it even legal? How would their friends react? Would Trixie be angry? 

She was forgetting something. Something obvious. It was staring right at her.


“Wait a minute. You like Trixie?” Rainbow Dash could barely believe it! “What on Equestria could attract a sweet, innocent, scaredy pony like you to somepony so loud, obnoxious, and full of themselves as Trixie?!”

“I, uh, s-she reminded me of you...” Fluttershy blushed bright red and looked away. 



She couldn’t argue with that.

“Oh my, look over here.” Fluttershy pulled away and dipped into a dark corner. She emerged a moment later with a package. “This is the one with Trixie’s costume.”

It was wrapped in purple paper with a blue ribbon. Yeah, that was probably it.

“Finally! Let’s get out of here.”

At long last, the fledgling lovers had realized they'd always been such. And at long last, they left the boutique.


Rarity pulled off the featureless mask that had so wonderfully disguised her as just one more simple mannequin.

Now she could get out of this uncomfortable get-up. It was hot and most disagreeable with her mane, but she’d do it all again to get her front-row seat to the culmination of her greatest project!

“It’s a good thing I was here to lend a little bit of magic to the evening. They never suspected a thing!”

Though, she’d sweated it for a moment there when Rainbow Dash lashed out. Standing perfectly still was harder than it sounded.

“That was absolutely adorable, but… I’m going to need to talk to Fluttershy at some point… All is fair in love and war, but there are treaties, darling.”

For now, she’d just have to hurry and get back before those two found her missing!