//------------------------------// // Explanations // Story: Twilight and the Big City // by Turbo the Brony //------------------------------// Following a surprise reunion between Twilight and Flash, and how they first bumped into each other, the group soon settled down for some dinner, not before Flash returned Twilight’s book to her. “Thank you for returning the book,” said Twilight, while Spike was muching away on the dinner Tommy happily shared with them, “I was worried something bad might have happened to it.” “Your welcome.” replied Flash, “Just be more careful next time.” “So Twilight…” Tommy soon spoke, “you and Spike… how did the both of you end up here?” “It’s a forest near my hometown.” Twilight explained, “I remember walking through the Everfree Forest.” “Everfree Forest?” Tommy asked. “It’s a forest from our world.” Twilight replied as she continued, “and after a while, we must have crossed some “invisible barrier”... we saw some weird kind of train and jumped on it, and brought us to the city, I guess I remember reading about it in a book, but I have to read it again to make sure… I think I brought that one with me as well.” “Good thing you did.” said Flash, “Or else you might not get back home.” Tommy was intrigued by what he heard as he spoke to Twilight, “Hmm, another dimension? What is it like over there? What is that place called?” “The land we’re from is called Equestria.” Twilight explained, “A land where dragons, alicorns, pegasi, unicorns and earth ponies live. You can say it’s a magical land, everything is magical there.” “We’re not dreaming, are we?” Tommy asked Flash. “Nope.” replied Flash, “I already mentioned that I saw her fly and use magical powers.” “Same here, but this is too weird to be true, isn’t it?” “Well, don’t forget about this invisible barrier she mentioned.” “Yeah, some creatures don’t exist, at least not outside of fairy tales…” As Twilight and Spike listened to their conversation, the news on the TV came up, getting the four’s attention. “Today, a man selling pretzels in Midtown Manhattan was shocked when what he described as a “magical pony” asked for 2 of his pretzels.” a female news reporter spoke, “reported by other people at the place as well, a light purple winged unicorn, able to use magic and carrying a baby dragon, asked him to buy pretzels worth 10 dollars. Instead, she gave him 10 gold coins, each worth roughly about 500 to 1000 dollars!” This bit of info from the news surprised the group. “I can’t believe we’re seeing this…” said Flash. “I know, right?” Tommy nodded in agreement. “However, researchers can’t claim the heritage of these coins so far…” the news woman explained. “Are they saying our bits are very valuable over here?” Twilight asked Spike, both of them looking surprised. “Seems like it, Twilight.” replied Spike. “Um, what are bits anyways?” Tommy asked as he looked to Twilight. “Uh, they’re our currency in Equestria,” said Twilight, “I never imagined them to be worth so much…” “Pure gold coins?” Tommy said in surprise, “Pretty rare metal over here Twilight, makes them easily worth that much.” “Twilight, I think you should walk around outside anymore, especially with these coins.” Flash stated with concern, “There are dangerous people out there willing to hurt you both to get them.” Tommy nodded as he added, “This world is so broken.” Twilight was stunned at what the two humans had said as she thought to herself, ‘What kind of place have we come to?’ “Not going outside anymore?!” Spike spoke up upon hearing the suggestion, “Are you nuts? We’ve got to find a way back home!” As Spike continued talking to Tommy and Flash, as they asked if they knew where the portal was, Twilight was still in deep thought of the suggestion. ‘But… I haven't even started properly studying this place yet!’ she thought,  ‘…Returning to Equestria without any research done…? Princess Celestia is definitely not going to like that!’ “Uh, to be honest… Twilight, you remember, right? Twilight!” Spike’s voice broke her train of thought as she turned to him. “Oh, sorry!” she said, “What were you saying?” “I was asking you if you remember where this invisible barrier was located.” Spike pointed out. “I told you I will go and look at the-” what Twilight was about to say was cut off, as she suddenly realized something, “Wait a minute… we traveled all night to get here by train we spotted somewhere in the Everfree Forest. I have not the slightest clue how to find the exact place of the barrier again!” Spike, Flash and Tom looked to her as she soon began to fly upwards as she continued to ramble, “if I don’t get back, every pony will start wondering what happened, they start a search operation for me but they won’t be able to find me because I’m in a completely different world they got no clue about! And without me, my friends won’t be able to use the Elements of Harmony to protect the land of Equestria” Twilight suddenly bumped her head as she flew up to the sealing, before landing back in her chair with a thud, “Ow, my head…” she groaned. “Ouch… will you be okay?” Asked Flash. “Yes.” Twilight groggily replied, “I-I’ll be okay.” Tom then spoke up, “So, uh… should we start a journey to find this barrier?” “We should,” Twilight replied, before asking, “but… can we first manage to get a tour through your city without being noticed somehow? I would really love to study this place more…” “Hmm…  I’m not sure…” Flash said in thought. “How about disguising her as a dog?” Tom suggested, “That’s my first option.” Flash then got an idea, “Hey, I know! Why don’t we just drive her around town?” “Not a bad idea,” Tom looked to Flash, “yet still a chance of people spotting her…” “Um… is there a library in this city?” Twilight asked, “I could do some research by studying books…” “What?” Spike turned to her. Flash looked to Twilight and replied, “Yes, we do-” He was then cut off as Twilight looked to him with excitement as she replied, “Oh! REALLY?! That’s great!” “You know you doomed yourselves, right?” Spike looked to Tom. Tom looked at the young dragon with confusion, “Why? He just told her we’ve got a library.” “That’s my point.” Spike added. Sure enough, Twilight began to act giddy with excitement, “Ohhh! I’m so excited! I can’t wait to read all those books tomorrow! I can find all the information I need to study about this place! I wonder how the books are written in this world? The possibilities are just endless!” Much later, after Flash left, Twilight and Spike had got themselves to bed in the spare room Tom had for them. Of course, Twilight couldn’t sleep. “Eeee! I can’t wait!” She exclaimed, “All of those BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS!” “Twilight?” Spike asked, as he couldn't sleep with Twilight’s excitement, “Can you calm down? I’m trying to sleep.” “I’m sorry, Spike.” Twilight giggled, “I’m just too excited!” “You never get bored with libraries don’t you Twilight?” Spike asked. “Why should I?” Twilight said as she began to ramble, “There’s a lot of types of genres such as Science Fiction, Horror, True Stories, History…” As she continued going on about books, Spike had enough as he placed his pillow over him as he groaned, “Goodnight!” Twilight instantly stopped when Spike said that, a little annoyed about that, “Well, fine…” Soon Twilight finally made herself comfortable as she tucked herself in, before having a small bit of thoughts. ‘Hmm… I might be able to identify some landmarks where we passed the barrier… I’ll worry about it tomorrow…’ she thought to herself, before sleep finally got to her as she and Spike finally went to sleep on their first night in the new world, as they had much to do tomorrow...