//------------------------------// // Infliction // Story: The Heart of a Derpy Ditzy // by Derpybrony890 //------------------------------// “Why am I helping you again?” I asked as tons of shopping bags were thrown onto me. Since most of Daydream's friends were doing other things, I had to be dragged from my room and taken to the marketplace where Daydream spends her precious time looking over the new “hip” things that they have in store. Do any of her friends feel like I do right now? I wondered. “Because Sweet Spot had a family dinner to get ready for, Diamond rough had a coltfriend problem, and Lemon Drops had a funeral, like any of that matters,” my sister answered with a garish tone in her voice. Every pronunciation was littered in sarcasm. I was about to protest but I noticed that Daydream was looking at another pony, this made me grow worried. This is because whenever I’m out with Daydream, she somehow finds a cute colt who seems “suited” enough to be with her and tells me to go talk to him. I hate this because when I do I act like I'm being a bother, the first few times I was acting the best I could, but when I started striking a conversation with one of them Daydream said I need to act more annoying. So now, whenever she and I are near a colt she likes, I have to be the annoying dumb blond who gets in everypony’s way. “Who is it this time?” I said showing the least bit of interest. “He looks to be at a young age, nice and strong, and completely handsome,” Daydream said playing her flirty voice. I looked over and gasped at who she was seeing. I wasn’t necessarily shocked at who she was looking at, but the fact that she doesn’t remember that I know him! “You can not be serious,” I said doing my best to get out of this charade. “I am and you will do it, or else I will tell mom and dad that you refuse to help me and that I had to do my shopping all alone while you just stood there smiling at me while I was in pain,” I hate blackmail, I hate anyone who does it, and I hate that no matter what, you have to own up to it. I went up and was ready for the embarrassment of my life. Then an idea struck me; since I knew him already, I could just explain what was going on and we could pretend, leaving me to not be embarrassed and him to quickly give up on Daydream. It was perfect. “Hey Ditzy, I didn’t know you were out and about here today,” “Well usually I’m not Whooves, but my parents made me go with Daydream, hence why I am carrying all of these bags here,” He simply laughed and I was about to when I remembered that Daydream was watching. “Whooves I need to be direct with you, Daydream is going to hit on you soon.” Doctor Whooves was silent and confused but I didn’t let him answer yet, “That’s why I want you to pretend that we don’t know each other and when she comes by, you say that I'm annoying you and that she can just shoo me off, please.” He was still silent before he asked: “Why?”. I laughed sadly at that. “Because, she thinks that whenever I'm around, all I will do is annoy everypony, so she made me her wingpony, and orders me to annoy any colt who she starts finding an interest to. I wanted to tell her that you wouldn’t succumb to her overbearing ego, but right now, for this to run smoothly, I need you to calmly say that I can go and you talk to her,” He nodded just in time, Daydream came up and did the usual bit that I hated so much. “Excuse me, I'm so sorry, but is this mare bothering you?” she said with a very fake and flirtatious smile. Doctor was about to answer when he looked at me with sincerity, I looked at those blue eyes and nodded my head, but inside I wanted to just get away from Daydream, it would please me better if I was spending the day with him. And somehow, someway, he knew I wanted that too. “Actually no,” he answered leaving Daydream astonished as her plan went askew, “We were just striking up a good conversation about the many places of the earth and how the latitude and longitude make them connected, why?” Daydream stood there with a confused face, I understood him completely and it sounded so convoluted, I could just imagine it like something we would talk about, but the look on Daydream's face made my day extra special. Soon the shock left her, and she harrumphed away. "Well, I can see there is no longer an issue, so I will just take my disastrous and annoying sister so you can keep thinking about... the world, or something," I had never seen Daydream as defeated as just then, and I smiled brightly at Whooves, knowing that the day would be just a little bit better, yet I knew that when I went back, I would surely have to withstand the wrath of Daydream, and that is something I don't wish to experience. However, I could see no way out of it, so I walked away, wishing I was back at home. However... “Do you think maybe I could take you around the town today, it would be a pleasure to me if you would be my companion for the day,” Doctor said to me with Daydream hearing, making her mind explode. I stared at him with a big smile, he wants to get me away! That’s so sweet, can I say yes though? What if Daydream tells mom and dad about me escaping? Then again, I would love to be away from her and really enjoy my day. Hmm… I thought about it some more and turned my head to Daydream, she looked at me with a mad face, but something inside of me knew that if I were to decide between lugging around nearly twenty items with Daydream or to have a nice and bag free afternoon with a friend I trust more than my sister, I would definitely choose the latter. So I ignored her nasty face and answered him with a very cheery voice, dropping the bags down on the floor. “You most certainly may,” and off we went, totally ignoring the fact that Daydream was yelling all the threatening things behind my back, but I didn’t care. I had Whooves and that is all I need to protect me. Daydream's voice was fading away as we walked, but it wasn’t until I could only hear the hustle and bustle of the day when I spoke. “Thank you,” I said making Doctor's head turn to mine in confusion. “For what?” “for… coming when you did. I probably would have to still have to carry those heavy bags and be embarrassed by many other ponies if you hadn’t been the one she looked at.” “Not a problem, but why are you the one who has to embarrass yourself when all you want to do is stay at home?” “Because, whenever Daydream wants something, I have to be the one to either be a part of it or do it myself, something I wish my parents wouldn’t let me do.” I looked down to the ground, I hated that no pony except for Doctor Whooves could see that I am smarter than I seem and that I'm not some pushover. Though many will just choose to believe what they want with no amount of evidence. “Maybe we should do a subject change,” Doctor suggested. “Yeah, why are you out here anyway?” I asked, in truth, it was peculiar that he was out in the market, I may know him a bit, but he isn’t one to come out to the market and buy things. “Oh I had to get out, I’ve been searching around and seeing if anything finds my interest, though none has been found yet and with me not living in a permanent area, I kind of get bored,” “Yeah, I've been wondering about that, do you have anywhere to go at night? I mean, you could stay with me for a while before you find a place yourself,” It had made me wonder, does he sleep anywhere? Does he have a place to stay when the nights are the coldest? And if so, where? I have been here my whole life, and not once did I notice somewhere where you could stay for free. So, it does add a few questions. “Who me? Yes, I have found a few places where sleeping is applicable, though none like your observatory, it still has a place where I can get a permeable sleep.” “And these places are?” I asked I hoped that this wasn’t anywhere on the streets, but still, it made me relieved that he wasn’t cold or anything. “A few ponies noticed me and took me in, one of them said that I could stay at their house permanently, but I don’t think that would work. In the household, there is a daughter and she is a bit… clingy of me. I don’t think I would be comfortable there,” “Well if you need somewhere where a roof is for sure over your head that you know of, I could maybe get a few blankets and pillows for the observatory and make it a bit of a room for you,” I had seen a few things lying about in our attic, I just hope that he isn’t so stubborn to refuse completely. It took a while for Whooves to answer, I knew he was contemplating what to do, but the look on his face told me everything. And I smiled while leaning against him, causing both of us to blush madly. “Don’t say it, I will do this no matter what you say, I've been meaning to liven the place up, so please, if you have any hope inside of you. You will let me do this project for you, please?” I looked up at him and we stared for a few minutes before I let go and sighed, I heard a little chuckle come out somewhere and I turned to the voice. The Doctor was laughing. I didn’t know why but he wasn’t sad or confused. So, I just let him get it out. “I'm sorry… but your right, I can be very stubborn when I get the chance. So yes, I'll let you do this project, but you must know this…” he said turning to a very serious voice, “I won't stay there forever, just until I get enough bits to get a nice place where I can stay. So, don’t try to convince me to stay at your place so I can just let up to you and you can keep me like a pet. I know you aren’t like that, but I can never be sure with mares who invite me to stay with them…” I stared, I was a bit shocked at his reasoning, but after a few minutes of thinking, I could see how he was a bit nervous. I bet there were times when his former marefriend would ask him to stay, causing him to prepare any caution, from what it sounded like when he mentioned her, she had a bit of an act going on. I wasn’t asking him to live with me or anything, but I guess it does make sense to be a bit afraid. And I only smiled. Other colts would just see this as an opportunity to get into another bed with a mare, but not Doctor Whooves. No, he knows he shouldn’t do things like that, and it's one of the things that I like about him. “Well, don’t worry, I'll get the observatory ready and you can come by when you want to, I'm not saying that you have to stay there every night, but if you want a nice and relaxing night of sleep, then there it is, okay? I would never ask you something that inappropriate.” I said with a reassuring smile. We both soon continued our walk with definite appreciation. After a few minutes of walking, we stumbled onto a few places that were low in price, it wasn't a good lot of stuff, however. Unfortunately, we had to do a lot of window shopping due to the small budget we had, but I would pay anything to see him smile. We laughed at somepony who seemed to entertain on the streets. Finally, I was getting hungry, so we bargained to get a simple snack. I was really having a fun time with Whooves. He makes everything fun. It made me wonder why so many ponies didn’t trust him enough. I may know when he is lying, but that doesn’t mean I need to not trust he won't lie to everypony. Soon, we ordered a shake from Sugarcube Corner for our choice in snack, wherein we met the peculiar pink spasm of electricity again, but thankfully it was too busy for her to predict anything else that would probably embarrass me. We sat down near a bench at the park and decided to take a break and relax for a little while. I hadn’t noticed how much time went by before I looked up at the sun. it was almost sunset! I thought about leaving and going home but I could see that Whooves wanted me to stay for a few more minutes, and I wasn’t going to let go of that. “So, anything else on the agenda before we departure?” I asked “Not much, it is getting a bit late, I hadn’t intended the day to go by that fast. It was going pretty slow when I first started, I guess that’s because I had a friend who was there by my side the entire day,” I smiled, it was nice to have him as a friend, I had never known anypony who treated me like this, not even Rainbow Dash was this friendly. Sure, we were friends, but I guess she wasn’t my best friend. Not like Whooves is. We finished our shake and threw them away. I was sad to leave him, but I had my own life and he had his, so we said our goodbyes. I thought that was all he was going to say but instead, I heard something else. “Bye Muffins,” I didn’t know whether this was just a misconception, but I think I heard him right. “What did you say?” I asked as I came closer. “Bye Muffins?” “Yes, that! why did you call me Muffins?” “Well… I know you hate your real name, Ditzy, and your nickname, so I thought I would make another one, one that you may like,” I smiled like I never had and began to grow tears in my eyes. Never before had I loved a name than the one he gave me. I liked it more than Aries! I blushed madly and giggled a girly type of giggle that one would think was embarrassing. He cares! He really cares! He knew I hated both names, so he made one that fits me so well! Why didn’t I think of it? I thought. “You like the name?” The tears left my eyes onto my face, but Whooves knew they weren’t sad tears, I was genuinely happy. Unfortunately, I was so happy that I couldn’t speak, so I just nodded my head and went in for the kill. It all came out of me as I hugged him very tightly. I hadn’t known how emotional this made me. I was so happy I sent both of us hovering! However, Doctor Whooves just hugged me back with no concern whatsoever on his safety. I realized that we were both not on the ground, so I flew down, blushing very much from embarrassment. “S-sorry, I guess I was so happy that I couldn’t help myself,” I said with my bangs reaching my face hiding away my embarrassment. “No problem, I expected you to react this way, I just thought that it wasn’t fair that you get two names that you don’t like, so I wanted to give you one that was befitting of your nature. It took a while though, not in a bad way, but with everything about you I found many like it, Bubbles was another one that I thought, but then Muffins just came, and I liked it better. And I will keep using that name forever and for always,” I smiled and had more happy tears come out of my face, it pleased me so much that he cared. I didn’t know that I could be this happy. I always was so sad when anypony called me by any of my names. But this, this is special, and it can only be said by a special pony. After a few more minutes, I calmed down but kept my smile. We parted ways after a long hug. And I went home with a big smile the whole time. -*- I opened the door still with the smile on my face, I didn’t even hear my parents the first time. But then I noticed that someone was talking to me that was in my house! I turned around and noticed that my parents and Daydream was in the living room looking at me with concerned faces. “What's wrong?” I asked. “Maybe you could tell us where you went when you ditched Daydream to go off with a stallion we don’t know,” my dad said with a stern voice. I looked at my sister who put on a devious smile, and I started to grow pale. I knew she was going to tell mom and dad, but I never expected it to be like this. And with mom and dad always telling me off at everything, this made me angry at Daydream with all the rage. I really wanted to just jump and hit her with all my might, but I contained it with the sadness of the punishment that I may receive. “I… I'm sorry, I should’ve told Daydream about him, he is just a friend that wanted me to help him with a few things. Nothing happened I swear!” I said trying my best to get me out of my punishment. “Ditzy Doo, we just want to make sure that you are making the right decisions. We don’t need to know who this stallion is, but I think you need to know how to handle yourself. So, we all agreed that you need to be watched when you are near any colt. Daydream will be with you for a whole month. When you go out and when you walk to and from school. We hope you know that this is for the best.” My mom had said. I stared with tears in my eyes, I wanted to protest badly but I stopped, what can I say that would make them change their mind, they would just think it a wrong thing, and punish me to never see Whooves again. “Now we want you to go to your room and think about what you have done,” my dad said. I just walked to my room and cried. I have to be with Daydream for a whole month, I'm forced to stay in my room all night, and what's worse, if I'm ever seen near Whooves, I will probably have to be punished even more causing my distance to be further away from him! And I won't be able to see him at school because Daydream will find some way to find out! She always knows when I do something wrong! And I can't even tell him because I will be on probation! “Why?” I asked as I tried to clear my throat, “Why can’t they see that I can be trusted… why can they not see me as anything more than a stupid idiot who needs to be watched by her older sister! I have to tell Whooves as soon as I can,” I walked up to my window and saw the stars, I recognized the constellation that Whooves was looking at and I cried sad tears. I was just happy! And then sad, why do emotions act like this? When you feel like everything is right, then reality sets in and you're sad. I wonder, do others suffer from being too sad, and once they think nothing in the world matters, ill there be something to bring them hope? Does the universe know what we need before we know it? Ow, my brain hurts. I left my window and came down to the hall, I noticed the string to the attic that hasn’t been opened since last Hearth's Warming Eve. I looked around, I didn’t want my parents to find me out of my room, but they all seemed to be downstairs, so I was safe. I pulled on the rope and down came the stairwell. I climbed up quietly making sure that no one was watching me. I went around and tried to see where everything was, after a few more minutes of rummaging, I found an album of pictures in a chest, through the baby pictures (mostly of Daydream), I found the blankets and pillows I needed, I smiled in complete succession. I then tried to look for other things that I may want, while looking I found a camera with pictures on the side. I looked through the pictures and noticed that it was me as a baby, and underneath them, I also saw a little scrapbook that appeared to be unfinished, with curiosity flowing through me, I took the notebook in my wings and stuffed them in so no pony could see. After getting the lay of the land, I knew where everything was, so now I just have to find it and get it out of the attic and house to my observatory. Easy, yet so hard. I went out of the attic just as I had come in and closed it very slowly. Walking back, I was stopped as I heard hoofsteps coming up and dashed to my room, but not without closing the door as quietly as I could. I was hoping that it was just Daydream and she was just going to her room. She wasn’t. My mom came in and I immediately sat on my bed. “Ditzy Doo,” I cringed, I hated that name so much, and I could tell she knew it too and that’s why she said it. “I just want to know a few things while you're in here,” I nodded as she continued, “That stallion you were with today, who was he?” I was starting to get frustrated, I could get that Daydream didn’t remember him, because she never thought about anyone else, but my parents accepted him, I thought that would mean they know about my friend, but no. they always know who Daydream's friends are because her friends are their friends, I always hated when they came over for a get-together and mocked me. “He’s a friend, just a friend okay?” I answered “And the reason you abandoned Daydream was that he needed your help?” “Yes,” “Alright, then answer me this, do you know how worried we were when Daydream came by and told us you went with a stranger to Celestia knows where?” I hadn’t thought that they were worried, usually, they don’t care where I go, but now I feel like something weird is happening. They never cared this much about me before. I just accepted it, but now it's like they’re treating me like the bad child, it may sound bad, but it was actually nice. “I’m guessing really worried,” I said. “Yes, now tell me, are you going to do this again?” I was going to say no, but now that she was listening, I thought for a moment, why can’t I go out with a friend? She never listens, Daydream just doesn’t want me to be with anypony so she can have me to take care of her. “Let me tell you this," I said. I'm fed up with being quiet to my superior, "While Daydream may have said that I ditched her it was only because she was making me her bag carrier and trying to embarrass me in front of the stallion I left with. All she wanted to do was make me feel bad about myself, but you know what!” I said stomping my hoof, enough was enough, “That friend that I went with, saved me from a very bad day. if he hadn’t then I probably would have broken my back from all of the things that Daydream made me carry! He cares mom, he knew that I wanted to get away, so he asked me to go with him, he makes me happy! And I don’t want you to take away my happiness! So tell me this, will you let me get out of this probation and let me keep my happiness, or are you just going to lock me here like a prisoner and make me feel like I should run away!” Never before had I felt the forces of stress leave my body as much as they did when I spoke the words, but then they all hit me when my mother stood, shocked. Silence filled the room as I calmed down. I kept thinking that I might have ruined my normality with my family, yet there was a part of me that liked that my mother was thinking about how to answer this. I could see it now. My mother, saying how sorry she was that she and my father didn’t pay as much attention to me and rather Daydream, how she says that they are going to listen to me more, and how they are going to punish Daydream for all of the things that she has done to me… But that is not what happened at all. My mother got up and hugged me, and then she left without another word. I stood there, not sure how to act. Am I supposed to go out there? Was that her way of apologizing? What just happened!? I didn’t know what else to do except go down to see what was going on, and once I did, I smiled more than I ever had. “Daydream, I was talking with Ditzy Doo and heard about what you were doing this afternoon. Now you know that it is wrong to make fun of your younger sister and make her carry all of your things, so now while watching over Ditzy, you will come straight home and do the chores we need you to do along with hers.” My mother said. Daydream was about to protest but my father put a hoof up which made her silent. “No buts about it, you need to be punished for this action, and I hope that you will learn and think about this.” I positively beamed of pure joy, I thought that was all that was going to be said, but unfortunately, I heard my mother's voice once again. “Now this, however, doesn’t completely mean that Ditzy wasn’t in the wrong here as well, so she will also have to be punished, and doing so, we stand on watching her for a month, and making sure to stop her when any stallion gets near her, we know you may hate it, but it is for the best for both of you, now go to your room, we’ll get dinner ready and call you both in. I stared, not happy anymore. Even though Daydream may have gotten punish, I still won't be able to be seen with Whooves outside of school! I must tell him as soon as I can. Before the princess takes away my freedom as an Equestrian! What am I saying? I think I’m reading to many political books. Daydream climbed up the stairs and stared daggers at me, I grew concerned. If she stares at me like that the whole month, then I will be doomed to find any relief in my life for a long time. I went into my room, realizing that my punishment wasn’t over just yet, and looked out the window. The stars shined less brightly than the night I went out with Doctor, but I could still see the many constellations that made me smile a little. I wonder where he’s staying at today? Maybe tomorrow I can go ahead and put a few things from the attic to the observatory. Soon I heard my mother's voice calling me and Daydream for dinner, we all ate in silence and went to bed without a word except ‘goodnight’ and we all fell asleep, many different thoughts in our heads.