The Lost Ones

by Arceaion

Chapter 4 - To Free a guilty Princess and Chain an Innocent One

Dreams are a strange thing; they are fickle and flighty bowing only to ones subconscious whims. That's why they are so random and unpredictable, why they can manifest our greatest moments of joy or reveal our deepest guilt. At the moment I was trapped in the latter, my guilt. I'm well aware of the fact I'm not a perfect human being, because of the power I control I have a somewhat twisted personality and due to how I was raised I certainly don't have what one would call a normal outlook on life. I spent my entire life doing one of two things, making sure that no matter what I was invaluable to those I worked for and protecting my brother from our twisted parents. The things I did as a soldier were not often morally right but as long as I was payed I would do just about anything, after all it's much easier to do something when a higher up tells you to do it. Of course... there comes a time in every soldiers life when they are forced to question their superiors commands and when that happens things can get rather messy.

Eris stood before a pile of corpses, each of them wearing the insignia of a US soldier. "What have we done?" A man beside her asked in horror as he turned to her. "They were our men, ma'am we just killed our own boys!" He screamed. Eris grit her teeth as she turned to the corporal of their squad. "Give me those damn orders." She commanded in a cold voice causing the man to shake in fear as he handed her the orders and she read over them. "Send a message to Captain Renald, inform him of what happened and tell him we have a traitor." She ordered coldly as she walked away from the group.

"And where are you going Ma'am?" one of the troops asked.

Eris grit her teeth. "I'm going to go kill a bastard." She said coldly before she ran off toward their command post. As she ran her hand tightened on her sniper as the rune on her right hand glowed brightly. As she reached the command tent she quickly threw the sniper down and drew her side arm before she entered the tent and fired. The Staff Sergeant screamed as the bullet ripped into his shoulder and he fell backwards. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" She screamed as she stomped toward him. "YOU'RE A FUCKING TRAITOR AND A COWARD!" She screamed as she fired on the Staff Sergeant again sending a bullet through his knee and shattering his knee cap causing him to collapse on to his stomach.

"Wait no!" The Staff Sergeant screamed in fear as he manages to turn onto his back. "Please, spare me! I'll be court marshaled and you could get a promotion for it!" He begged.

"Plead all you like, your life is forfeit." Eris said coldly a she looked down the sights of her M9. "Now go to hell." She said coldly only for a gunshot to ring out in the tent causing Eris to freeze as she felt blood begin to drip from her right eye. Eris grit her teeth as she saw the Staff Sergeant had managed to pull his own M9 out and had shot her, Eris glared at the man as his grin turned to one of terror as she pulling the trigger and fired but not before a second bullet hit her in the chest and sent her back.

As Eris lay there she felt the energy of her Rune discharge and she screamed as she felt the power latch on to her and a brand appeared in what felt like her damaged eyes socket. "FUcking HEll!"She screamed in pain as she felt the Seal form before she passed out. By the time her squad had returned and medics could treat her she was nearly dead from blood loss and her right eye had to be removed, none of the medics figure out how she had a brand in the socket of her eye.

Eris groaned as she slowly opened her eyes to see the sky overhead. For a moment she was confused till she remembered what had happened earlier that day and sighed as she leaned forward and looked around the park before realizing someone was laying on her. "Who- oh..." Beside her sat Twilight who had her head laying on Eris's shoulder as she lightly snored. Eris groaned and simply sat there and watched the ponies around her. After watching the ponies around her for a time she felt the mare at her side begin to stir and she turned to look at the mare who sat up and looked around confused till she realized she had been sleeping on Eris's shoulder and blushed in embarrassment.

"Uh- Sorry I fell asleep on you!" Twilight said a she quick shot up and looked away.

Eris shrugged. "Its fine." she said as she went back to watching the ponies around her. "This world sure is peaceful." She said quietly. "No noise from cars, clean air, and kind people... well kind ponies." She said with a chuckle. "I can see why so few Displaced make a real effort to try and return home." She said as she stood up and looked at the sun which was showing it to be evening.

It may look peaceful but it’s really not." Twilight said as she looked up at the sky as well. "We'd best get to my home, the nights coming and it's really dangerous at night."

Eris frowned. "What happens at night?" She asked.

Twilight motioned for her to follow and they began to move back into the town where Eris saw ponies moving about quickly putting up barricades and barring their houses, the ponies who owned stalls in the market were already packing up and moving as fast as they could to get both their wears and carts hidden. "I guess you could say that during the night is when monsters come out." Twilight said. "Demons, Undead and all manner of evils come out and attack ponies. It all started shortly after Princess Luna turned into Nightmare Moon. In those days Ponies were very cruel to Luna, she was seen as the lazy princess who did nothing but the truth was that every night she and her Night Guardsmen would march across Equestria and fight monsters to keep everyone safe." Twilight explained sadly as she and Eris walked through the town toward the Library. "Eventually all the abuse, neglect and scorn Luna received became too much and she snapped turning into Nightmare Moon and her Night Guard became the Thestral Ponies." As Twilight finished explaining she entered the library where Eris saw Spike running around setting up barricades on the windows and other entrances.

As she and Twilight entered the Dragon turned to them in fear. "Hey close the- Twilight!" Spike shouted as he ran to the mare and embraced her. "I was afraid I was going to have to seal you outside!" He said as he hugged Twilight tightly till he noticed Eris standing there and pulled away to look at her. "So you're this Eris Twilight was talking about?" He asked as he looked her up and down with a frown.

"Hello Spike, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Eris said as she put a hand out for him to shake.
Spike frowned as he took it and the two shook hands as they had a silent conversation before Spike nodded and smiled slightly. "Nice to meet you Eris." He said as he turned back to the preparations he was doing. "Hope you're in for a long night." He said as he went back to setting up barricades. Eris moved to help spike as the sun began to set and Twilight began to cast a spell that once done made a barrier around the entire library.

As they finished setting up the defenses Twilight smiled and turned to Eris. "Thanks for your help." She said to Eris who waved her off and walked over to sofa set up for reading.

"It's fine." She said as she lay down. "I assume you don't have a guest bedroom so I'll be on the couch."

Twilight looked embarrassed but nodded before turning and heading for the stairs. "Oh I almost forgot!" She said as she turned and looked at Eris. "I want to test your magic tomorrow; if you can curse someone with those sins you told me about maybe you can curse them with the opposite." She said excitedly.

Eris frowned as she sat up and turned to the young unicorn. "Twilight, I'm not letting you test on me." She said firmly causing Twilight to look confused.

"I don't understand, your magic could be used to help so many if we understood it!" Twilight said completely baffled by Eris refusal.

Eris frowned. "Twilight, I will say this once and only once, nothing good ever came from tampering with the seven sins of humans or their opposite, the Virtues." She said coldly. "Despite what I said about how the sins are the worst in humanity the Virtues are far worse and before you say anything, listen to someone who knows from experience." Eris turned away and lay back down. "The worst crimes have always been committed in the name of the Greater Good, its leads to World Wars, genocides and crimes so despicable that I would never speak them; all committed by humans because of good intentions." She said darkly as she rolled over. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions Twilight Sparkle, remember that."

Twilight opened her mouth but the retort died in her mouth as her shoulders slumped and she walked up to her room. As she left Eris closed her eyes and fell into a dreamless slumber.

"Eris wake up!" A voice whisper yelled as something shook her.

"Five more minutes’ commander, then I'll go on patrol." Eris mumbled and rolled over however she was shaken more forcefully causing her to groan and sit up looking around confused for a moment till she saw Twilight with a concerned look on her face. ", why did you wake me up?" Eris asked with a yawn.

Twilight look of concern turned to guilt for a moment before she handed Eris a scroll. "The Princess sent this a little while ago." She said as Eris took the letter and frowned as she read it.

Eris, if you're getting this letter then it means that I have managed to work the courage up to face my greatest fear. I ask you to come to Canterlot as soon as you can; you have insight on certain topics that I am in desperate need of right now.

Princess Celestia

Eris frowned as she read the letter before getting up and walking over ty where she had propped her sword up. "Twilight, are the trains working at this time?" she asked receiving a nod form the mare.

"Yes, what's wrong?" She asked in concern.

"Celestia has asked for my help immediately concerning some information I gave her about my items, that's all." Eris said smoothly feeling a bit sorry for lying to the mare. "It's nothing to be worried about. Now I'll be back as soon as I can but I might stay for a few days depending on what she wants."

Twilight frowned but didn't object as Eris moved to the window and looked out to see the sun was just starting to rise. As he moved toward the door and began to remove the heavy barricades covering it and unlocking it Twilight walked over and pulled the human into a hug. "Be careful, mornings may not be as dangerous as the night but they are still dangerous. “Eris nodded and pats the mares head before turning and exiting the library.

As Eris left the safety of the library she took a deep breath of the misty morning air and began to jog for the train station. As she ran through the quite town she saw a few ponies heading to their stores and jobs carrying swords and moving just as quickly as her. Eris nodded to these ponies who returned hers with a respectful nod or wave.

As she reached the train station she saw she had arrived just as the ticket pony was raising the window and getting situated in his chair. "I'd like one ticket to Canterlot." She said as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a few bits she had grabbed before leaving Twilights house. The Ticket pony didn't say anything as he took the offered bits and set a ticket on the counter and sliding it over to her.

Eris nodded in thanks and walked onto the platform waiting for the train, she didn't have to wait long as from the morning fog she saw the trains heavy light and as it rocketed into the station and slowed she saw that there were a few ponies already on board. Eris stepped forward and showed the Ticket Master her ticket and he punched a hole in it and waved her on board. Eris nodded and moved inside quickly taking her seat as the train waited for a few minutes before blowing its whistle and pulling out of the station quickly picking up speed before shooting of toward the mountain city in the distance.

The train ride was relaxing and Eris found she quite enjoyed the ride as she moved through the country side. A few times Eris swore she saw movement in the thinning morning mist but no matter how hard she looked there wasn't anything to be seen. With a sigh she sat back in her seat and closed her eye the sway of the train car lulling her back to sleep.

The sound of the trains whistle as well as its breaks caused Eris to snap awake and as she awoke she saw that she was at Canterlot. With a groan she headed for the doors and as the train stopped she quickly jumped off and looked around the platform till she saw a pair of guards in golden armor spotting her and approaching. "Are you Eris Helsing?" One of the guards asked in a cold tone.

Eris eyes the guards, her hand slowly reaching for the sword at her side. "I am, is there a problem?" She asked calmly.

The Guard shook his head. "No ma'am, Princess Celestia has requested we escort you to the palace." He said calmly causing Eris to relax slightly and move her hand away from her sword.

"Thank you." She said as the two guards turned and lead her through the crowds and to the castle in the distance. As Eris followed her escort she looked around at the beautifully sculpted buildings. It looked like most of Canterlot was made from old marble that had no doubt been taken form the mines under the city, the city was opponent in every way with houses having gold trimmings as well as having other precious metals used as decoration. As they reached the gates of the palace Eris looked up at the massive sprawling castle seeing that it was truly a beautiful building.

The walk through the actual palace wasn't as long as she had expected, in fact it was rather short. Eris wondered if there was perhaps some sort of spell or enchantment on the building to make it easier to traverse. Eventually the guards stopped and opened the doors to a small sitting room and ushered Eris inside where she saw Celestia dressed in broken and damaged armor sitting at a small table with pot of tea and two cups and saucers set out. At the moment Celestia was looking out the window at the setting moon and fading stars. "I use to love the night you know." She said as Eris took the seat opposite of the Princess. "It was comforting, gentle and kind; even if Luna had to go out and fight the monster she still made it feel so safe, as if all those monsters and demons were but distant fairy tales." She said sadly as she turned to look at Eris. "Cream and sugar?" She asked as she floated a tray over to Eris that was laden with small pastries and other amenities.

"I'm good." Eris said as she took a sip of the tea and found she rather liked it. "Are you alright Princess?" She asked a she eyed the broken armor adorning the solar princess.

Celestia sighed and leaned back in her chair. "I'll be fine in a few hours Eris; last night was a rather difficult night." Celestia replied as she looked down at her tea. "The monsters almost breached the walls of Manehattan last night."

Eris was silent as the solar princess sipped her tea. "I assume you didn't call me here so early for tea and cakes, from what you letter said this is a very serious matter."

Celestia nodded as she poured herself more tea. "Ever since Luna has returned things have been... difficult for me." She said slowly. "The Luna I knew was a fighter and a Patron of all arts. She would often question all my decisions and while I found it annoying when I was younger I've come to realize that she did so to make sure I did what I did for the right reasons." Celestia sighed and looked down at her tea sadly. "When she was banished I was so foolish and the nobles took advantage of my good nature and naivety." Eris nodded silently listening as Celestia spoke. "When Luna returned I did everything I could to get her to open up, I tried to get her to start paining again but she saw no point to it calling it a waste of time, she detested any actions of violence and has refused to allow the Night Guard to be reformed. When I asked her if she planned to reopen her school for dark magic she almost went into a rage about the evil and corruption of dark magic, and she even grew angry when I said that I still used it."

Eris was silent as she listened and when it became apparent that Celestia was done she looked down at her tea and took a sip. "And as her sister you are concerned for her?" She asked.

Celestia nodded. "She won't even question my actions anymore, following them blindly without question. Yesterday I decided to see how far she was willing to go and so I sent her on several errand that are normally reserved for maids and she didn't even blink when I asked! She didn't question why I had her scrubbing the guard bath house or why I had he draw my bath or even why I had her reorganize the entire castles library; she didn't complain, slake off or even try to take a break!" Celestia yelled in exasperation as she turned to Eris with tears in her eyes. "I know you said you would not get involved or tell of the future but I must- no, I need to know what happened to my Luna! I need to know if she is always going to be like this or if it can even be fixed!" She pleaded in a desperate tone.

Eris was silent as she looked at the tea before her. Celestia tone, the way she begged for help, it was so familiar to her own worry and pleading when she first lost her brother. "From one sister afraid for their younger sibling to another I will tell you what you wish to know Celestia." Eris said before she took a sip of her tea. "But I fear that what you learn may break you." She said calmly as she looked up and at the celestial mare. “In the future, that I know, Luna just dealt with some issues, and then she was back to 'normal'." Eris’s face darkened as she thought for a moment before speaking again. “No... it is perhaps more appropriate to say that afterword she was the perfect little princess for you and did everything you wanted." Celestia looked shocked as Eris looked Celestia dead in the eyes scanning them. “That’s what’s going to happen.”

The world seemed to fade away as Celestia sat in shock thinking on what the being before her had said. As much as she wanted to call Eris a liar on what she had just said she just couldn’t; there was a terrible and undeniable ring of truth to Eris’s words and on top of all this Celestia couldn’t deny that such events were more than possible given what she had seen of her sister so far. By the time Celestia finished processing Eris’s words, she noticed that Eris had had kept watching her as if she were studying her. “Eris... please, is there any way to save Luna?" She asked in desperation.

Eris looked away from Celestia and sighed. "If what I believe happened is true then I don't know." Eris said sadly before taking another sip of her tea. "Tell me Celestia, what do the Elements of Harmony actually do?" She asked calmly.

Celestia looked confused but answered anyway. "From what I understand they are used to dispel evil." She said calmly. "The Elements of Harmony are an ancient set of artifacts that can imprison and banish entities with ill intent. I assumed from what you've said you know something I do not, and I feel that your sudden topic change is not random."

Eris smiled darkly. "The Elements of Harmony cannot kill in a conventional sense but as you said they can be used in other ways." Eris sat her cup down on its saucer and pushed it away from her since it was now empty. "Even with magic you can't just reform someone to being good instantly, that's not how real life or the real world works and even if you did then it would most certainly be against their will. So that right there should be an immediate and major red flag that something is not right." She said a she clasped her hands together. "The Elements didn't physically kill Luna but they did mentally ripped her apart and created a brand new Luna, now weather they used the original as a template or not is something even I don't know but from what you have said I believe that that is what has been done."

Celestia sat in her chair as her eyes widened as her brain pieced together what Eris had said and what she had done by sending Twilight to use the Elements of Harmony on her sister. "What have I done?" She asked in shocked horror as she leaned back in her chair, her eyes tearing up. Suddenly she looked at Eris, a desperate look in her eyes. "There must know a way to save Luna, you must know of a way or at least have some idea how to!" She cried desperately.

Eris shook her head. "I don't, however I have a few ideas and theories." She said earning a desperate and pleading look from the princess. "First it is possible that the original Luna is still there, locked away and unable to get free; if this is the case then someone with a strong enough magic might be able to break through the Elements effect and free her. Second is that Luna may be simply under a sort of mental conditioning or brainwashing, if this is the case then simply break the brainwashing and she is free however if either of these are true then there will be some real mental scars up there." Eris said as she tapped her head for emphasis.

Eris paused and seemed to be in thought for a while before continuing on. "The third option is that Luna is truly gone however since she recognizes you as her sister she must have her original memories still which I might be able to use to help her but it will come at a price of sorts." Eris said before leaning back in her chair and clasping her hands under her chin. "However I've spoken with Luna a few times in my dreams and... while she's not what I expected in some ways she is still very much the pony your sister was. Are you sure you want to move in this direction?"

Celestia hesitate but nodded. "I don't want some obedient fake construct for a sister or a sister who is only half there." Celestia said calmly. "I want my sister back, both the good and the bad!"

Eris smiled and nodded. "There's the right answer." She said a she stood up. "I assume Luna is awake?" She asked receiving a nod from the distraught Princess. "Then... no better times like the present." Eris said with a sigh.

"Before you do... can you tell me what you plan to do?" Celestia asked in concern.

Eris frowned. "I will be using one of the artifacts in my position to break the mind control and then using my power I will brand her with a sin." Eris explained causing Celestia to frown.

"Twilight sent me a letter about your power to brand ponies with a mark as well as about these sins you judge." Celestias frown deepened as she eyes Eris. "I don't approve of such magic, but I suppose it has its place; it just seems a bit too extreme in my opinion. If you would be so kind as to tell me which brand she will get and what is needed to remove it." Celesta asked as she stood and half glared at Eris who sighed.

"If I had to guess which brand she will receive I'd say she will be brand with the sin of Envy." Eris said a she stood as well and followed Celestia as she left the room. "As for her having the brand removed, well I'd say she simply has to stop being envy’s of what she was branded for. So basically she just has to stop being jealous of you which she does anyway."

Celestia nodded. "So she will be fine." she said with a sigh before turning to Eris. "What is the artifact you plan to use?" She asked receiving a smirk form Eris. "You'll just have to find out." She replied as they entered the throne room to see Luna sitting tiredly on the throne, the last petitioners of the Night Court leaving or scheduling another appointment.

As Celestia and Eris entered Luna looked up and smiled as she rose and stepped down the dais to approach them. "Sister, it is surprising to see you here this early." She said before turning to Eris. "And Ms. Helsing, tis a pleasure to make th-your acquaintance once more." She said openly trying to speak in a more modern way.

"Hello Luna, is night court done?" Celestia asked receiving a nod from the younger sister who moved to speak however Celestia interrupted. "Excellent, in that case I need to speak to you about something with Eris in private." She said a she quickly took Lunas hand and pulled her out of the throne room. "Where is the best place to do this?" Celestia asked a Eris who hurried behind them.

"Outside in the gardens should be fine." She yelled forward as Celestia quickened her pace and Eris followed her through the condors before coming out into the castles gardens and startling the gardeners who were busy with the days’ work. As they reached the outside Celestia slowed down and turned to Luna happily.

"Goodness sister, it must be exciting news for you to have dragged me along." Luna said calmly as Eris came to join them her breathing a bit labored from the unexpected exorcise.

"Celestia before we do anything I want to check and make sure you're right." Eris said as she took several deep breaths. Celestia nodded and Eris stepped forward and removed the eye-patch she wore. As he did this she looked at Luna closely before nodding. "There are powerful magic’s at work on her and they all center around her mind."

"What does thou mean?" Luna asked looking confused at Celestia. "Sister what's going on?"

Celestia frowned and looked away as Eris recovered her eye. "Princess Luna, when the Elements of Harmony were used on you they did more than destroy the Nightmare, they made sure you would never cause trouble again by 'reforming' you. However that's not what really happened, rather they enslaved you and stripped you of free will." Eris explained. "Your sister doesn't want this, she wants her sister back, not a copy of her sister or one who is only brainwashed to be the perfect little sister." As Eris spoke her left eye had begun to glow blue with magic as wisps of blue energy began to gather around her. "There are many types of Noble Phantasms, one such type is known as Anti-Mind and it is this type I'm using now to free you." She said as the power grew and took the form of water. "EX-Rank Noble Phantasm, Saraswati Meltout: Benzaiten's Five-String Biwa, Anti-Mind configuration!" Eris yelled as the magic shot toward Luna and enveloped her in water before a pillar of light shot into the sky and Luna screamed.

The ground under Luna was blown apart causing a shallow creator to form with Luna floating in the pillar of light. The magic seemed to tear into the lunar princess as she screamed and her eyes glowed with pale light. Eris grit her teeth as she focused on the magic affecting Luna's mind, her magic and will fighting the corrupted magic that held control over the princesses. "Stupid Elements; fight my magic all you desire but at the end of the day your spell will be broken." Eris said as she grits her teeth. "After all you're just some washed up relic, and I'm using a fucking EX-Rank Noble Phantasm! Compared to me you are a mortal fighting a GOD!" She roared as a web of magic appeared on Lunas body and a loud cracking sound was heard before the web of magic covering Luna broke apart and shattered, the magic shards scattering as if caught in a wind. Eris took a deep breath as she staggered backward a step before she regained her balance and turned to the now unconscious lunar princess who was floating in the water like Noble Phantasm.

Eris smiled and lowered the princess to the ground and Celestia knelt over her sister. "Is she going to be alright?" She asked as looked at Eris.

Eris took a deep breath before flopping onto the ground. "She'll be fine, but like I said I doubt she will be able to recover for a while. Mental magic’s always leave some kind of an imprint and I imagine she is pretty scared form her experiences." Eris explained. "If you want I can place that seal on her now or when she is awake."

Celestia looked at Luna and bit her lip. "Do you have to place the seal?" She asked as she turned to Eris.

"That was the agreement Celestia." Eris said a she removed her eye patch and looked at Luna. "What is Lunas full name Celestia?" She asked receiving a confused look for her.

"Luna Selene, why do you ask?" Celestia asked however Eris ignored Celestia and stood before looking at her.

"And what's your full name?" She asked

"Celestia Helios, but why are you asking?" Celestia asked growing more concerned.

Eris said nothing for a moment, only closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "Luna Selene, thou are condemned for the Sin of Envy." Eris said in her cold voice almost devoid of emotion tone; just as before, the moment Eris said the world condemned the entire world froze around them. "For your Jealousy and Spite I sentence you to feel and suffer the poison that such thoughts bring. This curse shall be branded upon you, and can never be undone." As Eris finished speaking she turned to Celestia. "And you Celestia Helios, your Slothfulness and lack of Ethics resulted in the creation of the Sin of Envy and as such thou to are condemned for the Virtue of Diligence, till the time you learn to take responsibility for the mistakes you have committed and work to amend the wrongs you have done you shall be bound to the fate of the one who bares the Sin of Envy." Once Eris was done speaking Celestia grit her teeth as she felt a searing pain on the back of her neck and as she reached up to gab where it was she felt a brand forming.

"Well, that's not very fair." She said as she took a deep breath.

Eris looked at Celestia for a moment before sighing. "Look, I know you don't understand right now but remember that I've seen what you do in the original timeline." Eris explained. "Call me a monster or extreme or that I'm cruel but everything I'm doing is to make you a better person. My curses are used to make a person truly change their ways and become a better person."

Celestia frowned. "I can understand that but why did you curse me?" She asked.

"Two reasons," Eris said as she raised two fingers. "The first is that even one thousand years later you still haven't changed, you're sill slothful and prefer solutions that will delay the problem." Eris said as she lowered a finger. "The second is that I believe that this will help you and Luna's relationship in the long run." She explained a she lowered her second finger. "Now I would recommend that you take Luna to the medical wing and get her cheeked on, I'll be there in a moment. I need to catch my breath." She said.

Celestia sighed and picked Luna up before heading back to the castle; as soon as Celestia was out if sight Eris turned and walked over to a small bush where she had seen a small glint of metal. As Eris bent over to examine the bush she saw that inside the bush was a bracelet with an engraved sword. Eris frowned and picked up the bracelet before the voice of a woman entered her mind. "My name is Evangel Lucretian. I am Seraphim and I stand for all that is good and just in the world. If you also hold these ideals tap this bracelet twice and hold the sword aloft and I will come."

Eris frowned and looked at the bracelet closer this time bringing up to her right eye. "Well, looks like I found a token, this could prove interesting." She muttered as she looked at the bracelet.