//------------------------------// // 1: A New Memory // Story: Equestria Girls: Meddling Memories // by TheOneAndOnlyRhyanSparks //------------------------------// It was only half-way through the week before summer break and the memory headaches just suddenly came out of nowhere. Like, I was just managing fine after the events that transpired recently. I mean, come on, I knew that these were a result of my amnesia. However, migraines have hit me lately after those nightmares from the Memory Stone event. And recently, during the day I get a light headed feeling before it happens. At least I now know when it's coming. Now truth be told, I was unaware that I was fainting or zoning out whenever it happened during the day. It was just a black void with no sense of my surroudings. However, a strong and ebbing pain was constantly present. The thought of Rarity's shared experience during my first set of "blankouts" was really what brought me back to my senses when it happened. I can remember her panicking like it happened yesterday. It's not a nice memory. For the one that sticks in my memory next, was when I'd apparently fainted mid-speech while discussing something with her upstairs. The wobbly sensation, almost like vertigo, hit me full on and a heavy tightness pushed in on all sides of my head. It felt like I had re-watched something horrifying. The rush of adrenaline, wanting to scream, but I was just frozen. It had probably been many times over, looking back on that specific "episode". I was out for what felt like only seconds, but I was actually out for almost half an hour. When I came too, I just really wanted to cry out in pain, but it had ebbed away by the time I came too. That was when I'd learnt that my body gets extremely hot and sweaty, as Rarity had been on the phone with Twilgiht discussing my conditions. '..-es, it is an emergency! Oh my, give me a second, he's just come to! Rhyan, how are you feeling?' Was what Rarity had said down the phone at the time, with a large, white handkerchief in her free hand. The tear-streaked eyeliner down the sides of her face told me how many magnitudes of worry she was going through when I'd fainted. I remember that I couldn't stand very well afterwards either, as I felt very distant and dizzy. I had chosen to just sit down on the floor. My head hurt like crazy at the time and I always find myself rubbing the area that I'd hit the floor backwards unconsciously after sitting down whenever I think about it. 'I'm a bit dizzy, maybe a little light-headed too.' I vaguely remember saying, grabbing both sides of my head to stop the dizziness. 'It's so disorienting and tiring.' I think I added, before passing out it's a vague memory. Safe to say, it was Twilight on the other end of the phone when I asked the next day. A few days passed, it happened again, this time in the middle of the studio. I had literally gone in to get something, then my world went blank for a few seconds as my head rang out in pain. I could hear screeching tires and a female scream, but that was it. I was shaken to by Apple Bloom, while Rarity was having a panic of her own on her panic chair, with her sister Sweetie Belle rubbing her back. Meanwhile, Scootaloo had gone out to get the rest of the girls. Somehow, I'd stayed standing for almost an hour before Apple Bloom had walked in looking for me per Rarity's request, only to find my eyes shut, my face scrunched up as if in extreme pain, and absolutely non-responsive. Rarity and I both freaked out, me the most, over what was going on with me since the memory issues with Wallflower. The rest of our friends, Fluttershy the most, were worried for me just as much as Rarity was. I couldn't have asked for better friends. Luckily, the light-headed feeling went from being after the episodes, to another three of them. I was constantly unaware of the events around me during these "blank-outs". Twilight agree with me that that was what was happening. I always wanted to avoid going to school in case it happened during a class, but I was so lucky for it to occur just as spring was rolling out. 'Hey RaeRae, how long is it until spring break, or 'til summer starts?' I ask her, during a period where we established I was safe between blank-outs. 'Well, I'd say it's about a week or two until Spring Break, Darling,' She replies, patting my back as I groan in response. 'And about 2 months or so until summer starts.' 'Well, I hope I'm lucky enough to last the summer without getting these "Blankouts" that keep happening.' I replied. 'Me too, Darling, me too. Now come, we've got classes to get to.' Rarity insisted, placing her hands on my back and pushing me forwards for a few steps. That earnt a few giggles from us and those around us within earshot. * * * The day passes quickly and the school work, as well as honing my abilities a bit more, was blurring together and I kinda lost track of time. I think about a week has passed since then, but out of nowhere, another one hit. In the middle of the school hallway no less. I think there were about eighteen or so students around. I had been on the way to my next class, mathematics, when this episode hit. The sudden bluntness of the episode had me stumbling awkwardly. I got a strong feeling that numerous students looked my way, mixed with lots of worrying emotions. This is where something strange and new occurs, in comparison to the previous experiences where it was a torturous level of tightening to my temples. Something in my mind seems to be wanting to explode from behind the pain. That's when I felt myself fade into a void of black before I collapsed to the floor. 'Gah! Why now?!' I screamed into the void, feeling like my head was being squeezed tightly again. The pain was definitely forefront, but something felt like it was pushing though. Something that feels traumatic. I don't know why I was feeling this, but just as I felt the pain subsiding, the memory vanishes, but I'm aware of the emotions I felt. What's going on with this damn pain?! And why do I feel like I've been through something nauseating and ... what's that bright light? Ugh, my head feels sore and I feel so tired now... My mind that was previously racing with what I just experienced, now felt extremely sore and like I was just hit by a large migraine. I blinked slowly at the bright light as it flashed over my eyes, slowly trying to bat it away with my free hand. The other was being held gently by someone. '--ems like he's alright. He's begun to respond to the light. Can anyone explain what happened to him?' came an elderly, caring voice as the light was pulled away from my tired eyelids. I heard familiar voices drifting around me simultaneously, before the older sounding one told them off or something, as they started talking . I couldn't count them exactly, but there was at least three of them. Out of all of them, one stood out as my ears started working. 'I don't know. One minute I'm in class learning English, next thing I know is a student rushed into the classroom. They were exclaiming that a student fainted in the hallway.' That was Sunset's voice, laced with worry and a hint of fear. 'I just hope my-... The darling's okay.' I heard from somewhere near my head. Rarity's here? That's when I felt a silky smooth texture against my cheeks as I turned my head to the side. No too rough, but something similar to resting your head on a pillow surrounded by a layer of denim. Then it hit me. It was her legs. She's so comfy. 'After I heard who'd collapsed, I was exiting the science room when someone passed in front of me. It was only upon arriving at the scene that I realised who it was that shot past the door. Rarity had passed me so quickly, I didn't even know who it was until I got to the scene of the incident.' Wait, Twilight's here too? Her tone is a lot more controlled than the others. I felt Rarity shift a little through her legs. The shuffling of feet beyond my blurry vision slowly filtered through my ears. To shorten the conversation around me, the nurse had said I was actually rather healthy. She couldn't explain why I had a slight seizure when the rather old heart monitor flat-lined, but Twilight mentioned that she thought it was because my heart was beating too fast for it to register. I shifted a little on whatever it was I was resting on, earning me a gentle stroke on the head. Our eyes met for a long few seconds. Luckily, Principal Celestia wasn't present for this public display of affection from Rarity. 'You sure you okay, Darling?' Rarity questioned me, a wave of worry threatening to pour out with tears hidden in her chipper tone. 'Yeah, I'm sure. That one was definitely a doozey, if I was to use Pinkie Pie's terminology.' That earnt me a giggle from the girls within earshot. * * * The cafeteria was a lot quieter than it was at lunchtime. A lot of students passed with words of support and worry as I was just numbly messing with my food, taking an occasional bite out of it. It was my favourite lunch here; jacket potato, with a small portion of tuna mayo on the top and a side of beans and chips. Luckily, the chef got wind of the event and knew exactly what I needed to have to make me feel better. It didn't take us long to find our usual table we sat at. I didn't notice it, but Applejack gave some kind of weird smirk when she sat down beside us, before her face sobered. Probably from a look Rarity gave. Dash sat down beside her, with Fluttershy to my right. Not without giving me a hug from behind beforehand. 'Nice to see you're doin' okay, Rhyan.' 'Yeah, I don't know why I collapsed this time, Applejack.' 'Ah believe you. Flash Sentry wanted me to give this to you.' She handed me a card. The design on it was like that of a rock band, but it was a picture of the band Flash was a part of. The messages inside were really nice and heart-warming. It was sweet, what everyone was doing for me; this was the third card I'd received since my episode. It's definitely draining, these episodes. But to actually faint during one was rather... unusual. I've not fainted since they started. At least I got a bunch of friends here to help support me. 'Give him my thanks and to whoever put this card together.' Handing it back, she put a hand out to stop me. 'Nah, keep it. think of it as a memento.' 'Oh, okay. Thanks.' Taking a sip of my fizzy drink, I got a brief squeeze on my spare hand under the table from Rarity as we just sat there. Pinkie was on a table with that other girl, Melody. I don't know if it was me, but I found their situation funny. Melody was all tsundere while Pinkie wasn't taking any of it to heart. Trust Pinkie to brush off anything she says. They'd probably make a good couple. The whole situation always take the strength out of me. Luckily, I didn't have to worry. Dash passed me a few printouts from class earlier today that were from the classes I accidentally missed. Imagine my shock when I found out I'd been unconscious for a long FOUR hours! Good thing I have my friends to rely on. On the run back to Rarity's apartment, the experience from earlier plays through my head again. Sliding to a stop, I realised my shoes were beginning to wear down a little. I was finally feeling the heat from the running through the soles. 'Oh my! Rhyan, dear, those shoes smell awful! Let me go make you another pair...' That took me by surprise. 'Oh, there's no need to I can jus-' 'From all this running, I'll need a good material to work with. I'll need to redesign the shoes from scratch! Oh where's my notepad?! SWEETIE BELLE!!!' That's the Rarity I know. The girl who always finds a way to push her boundaries. I watched as she went off explaining things to me about what she was aiming for. When I got lost in what she was describing, we video called Twilight to figure out what the best solution was. Summer was approaching and these were the only pair of shoes I currently had. Sans clothes of course. I had stacks of black and red shirts, followed by various other types. I was changing into something Rarity had put together during my stay at hers and I really wanted to try it on for the first time. 'Rhyan, Darling, could you be a dear and rush over to Twilights house for-- OH! you look so handsome and dashing in that!' I was standing there, in my brand new hoodie, with what I can only describe as a neon red tee underneath and a black pair of what felt like really soft, slightly loose jeans. Almost like spandex, but loose hanging and felt great to run in. Almost like they were made for me to sprint as fast as I could whilst still looking stylish. Before I could react fast enough, she'd made her way over to me and planted her lips against mine as her arms looped loosely around my neck. It lasted for ages, but was probably only, what, five seconds? Then she broke the kiss, leaving me doe-eyed as I stared into her sparkling half-lidded eyes. 'Mmm... I believe that's one for the record. Now toodlepop! Twilight has something for me!' I smiled back, breaking our brief but intimate moment and dashing out the door. A weird tug at my speed wanted me to run somewhere else, but I paid it no heed as I sped off for Twilight's techy yet humble abode. The run was interesting to say the least, but the weird tugging on my powers disappeared once I avoided the forest out of the little town. * * * Unknown PoV (Crystal Cave, Camp Everfree: Simultaneously with the Kitchen scene) 'Ugh... hnnn... Owww.....' 'Where am I?!' 'This isn't the Ponyville I was just in ... it looks ... normal.' My head rings loudly, as a dizzying, nauseous feeling comes over me. My body feel sore all over. My long hair flops over my already blurry vision as I begin to feel this heaviness to my body. the weight of my arms makes me slump to the floor as a high pitched yelp of surprise sounds from somewhere. I try one last attempt to talk, before I slip into what I would consider a blissful dream compared to the painful nightmare I was just in. The footsteps sounding louder gave me the strength to mutter two words before I passed out for good. 'help..... mee.......'