"Rainbow, What do you Think of my Ballet Outfit?"

by Twilight Star

Twenty percent sexy

It was a sunny afternoon in Ponyville. Rainbow had just cleared the sky and was now lying on the cloud relaxing. She could feel the sun on her while she was in the cloud. It was a very good feeling, it was like sunbathing, only closer to her.

Suddenly, a green cloud appeared very close to it and a rolled scroll appeared. Rainbow lifted her head to pick up the scroll with the hoof to read. She wondered who had sent her a letter. Was it the Princess? Was it her marefriend: Twilight Sparkle? Or was it from one of her friends? Curious, she opened it to read.

“Hi, Rainbow. Are you busy today? If not, could you come to my castle? I wanted to show you something and I wanted to know your opinion. Signed your marefriend Twilight Sparkle. ”

Rainbow rolled up the parchment, flew off the cloud and was off to the castle of friendship. She was curious. What did Twilight wanted to show her? Was it a new edition of Daring Do? As she flew to the castle of friendship, the ponies that were on the ground were out walking with the foals, with their lover or alone.

Rainbow landed as soon as she got close to the castle, climbed the few steps and knocked on the door with a front hoof. Footsteps were heard and the door opened to reveal Twilight.

“Hi, Rainbow!” Twilight greeted Rainbow with a friendly smile on her face.

“Hey, Twily.” Rainbow greeted Twilight with a smile too.

Twilight made room for Rainbow to enter. “Come on in, Rainbow.”

Rainbow came in and watched Twilight close the door before making a sign for Rainbow to follow her and start walking. Rainbow followed.

“I received your letter. What did you want to show me?” asked Rainbow curiously.

Twilight looked at Rainbow with a smile. “It’s a surprise. When we get to my room, I’ll tell you.”

Rainbow was curious. Was it a surprise? What would it be?

As Rainbow walked down the hall with Twilight, she started to get even more curious about what Twilight wanted to show her. She wondered why Twilight didn’t want to tell her now. Was it because it was something embarrassing? No. It couldn’t be that. If that were it, Twilight would have told her directly, and not by a letter.

Upon arriving at the bedroom door, Twilight opened the door with her magic and looked at Rainbow. “Rainbow, could you wait there?”

Rainbow had her ears down while making a “what?” “Oh c’mon! Can’t I come in with you?”

“Rainbow, you can do it later. But first, I have to get dressed.” Twilight explained to Rainbow.

Rainbow was confused by the last sentence. “Do you have to get dressed? But why?”

“It’s just that what I want to show is an outfit that I wore, and I wanted to know what you think about me wearing the outfit.” Twilight explained why she called Rainbow over here.

Rainbow was more confused by this. “But if you wanted an honest opinion, why didn’t you call Applejack? She is one of the most honest mares in Ponyville.”

“I know, Rainbow. But you’ve been very close to me since we defeated Nightmare Moon together with our other friends, which is why I decided to call you instead of Applejack.” Twilight explained in detail why she called Rainbow and not Applejack.

Rainbow until she understood, but she started to wonder what Twilight outfit was going to show her to give her opinion. “But what clothes are you going to use to give me an opinion?”

Twilight looked at Rainbow as she opened her bedroom door. “Rainbow, I know you’re curious to know, but the outfit I’m going to wear is a surprise. So, I would appreciate it if you waited here.”

Rainbow was startled by the answer. “What?! Wait? But I am very curious to know what clothes you are going to wear! I need to go with you!”

“I’m sorry, Rainbow, but I want it to be a surprise, so I would appreciate it if you let go of your impatience and wait here,” said Twilight not happily at all.

Rainbow snorted as smoke came out of her nose and sat on the floor with her hooves crossed and sulked to the side. “Fine. I wait here.”

“... And I’m not taking “no” as an answer,” Twilight ended before Rainbow’s response to was received in her head. “What?”

“I wait here, Twily.” Rainbow repeated her answer, now looking at Twilight.

Twilight laughed softly before sighing with relief. “Don’t worry. It won’t took so long,” she said as she entered the room and closed the door.

Rainbow stopped bowing the hooves and put them back on the floor. She started to think about what Twilight outfit she wanted to show her. She even started imagining Twilight in Daring Do’s outfit. She started to smile. Was it a Daring Do cosplay? Or would it be something more ... attractive and sexy? Like, socks on the hooves and panties?

“You can go in now, Rainbow,” said Twilight from the other side.

Rainbow’s ears perked up when she heard Twilight’s voice. She soon got up, went quickly to the door and opened it with her hoof while smiled.

“So, Twilight. What did you want to show me… ” but Rainbow couldn’t finish her question because she was seeing the outfit that Twilight wore. As a result, her jaw dropped and her pupils dilated.

Twilight wore a ballerina outfit and white ballet shoes, the waist was yellow, had a bun in the mane and the wings were open. “So, Rainbow? What do you think of my ballerina outfit?” asked Twilight with a smile. “Since filly, I have been doing ballet at the Princess Celestia Unicorn School after school, when I grew up I continued my ballet classes.”

Rainbow, now recovering from what she was seeing in front of her, asked, “Do you still have ballet lessons?”

“No. I had stopped taking ballet classes when I had already reached the advanced level of ballet, ”Twilight replied. “But what do you think of my ballet outfit? You liked her?”

Rainbow examined the outfit while thinking. She couldn’t deny that the outfit was and Twilight’s mane in a bun shape made her twenty percent sexy. She then replied with a sly smile., “Yes. I like your outfit, and even your bun,” Twilight blushed pink as she smiled at the compliment. “... they make you twenty percent sexy.”

Twilight was surprised as she blushed red at the last sentence and looked at Rainbow. “W-what?”

“Your clothes and bun make you twenty percent sexy.” Rainbow repeated her answer, still smiling.

Twilight seemed speechless with that. She decided to ask again to be sure. “Do you think I’m sexy in that outfit and the mane stuck?”

“Of course yes. You look so beautiful,” Rainbow replied as she walked until Twilight. “To tell you the truth, in this outfit or not, you will always be beautiful and sexy.”

Twilight blushed with the compliment and the last sentence. No one has ever called her sexy and beautiful before. While she was blushing, Rainbow started to have an idea, but in order for them to do that, Rainbow needed to ask something first.

“Twily, is Spike at the castle with us?” she asked.

Twilight looked at Rainbow to answer the question. “No. He went out to see Rarity since this morning after breakfast. Why?”

Rainbow approached Twilight and put a hoof around Twilight. “Twilight, how is there no one in the castle but the two of us, how about we enjoy this moment alone together?”

Twilight smiled excitedly. “Oh! Do you mean reading the Daring Do book collection?!”

“As much as your idea is very good, I have something else in mind,” Rainbow replied.

Twilight’s animation changed to confusion. “But if it’s not Daring Do books, what is it then?”

In response, Rainbow pointed to Twilight’s bed. Twilight looked at where Rainbow was pointing before blushing and their ears drooping at the same time. She soon understood what Rainbow wanted to do. She looked at her marefriend to reply. “Okay Rainbow. We can do it. But can I take a precaution first?”

“Yes?” Rainbow now responded a little confused and curious at the same time. Why would Twilight want to take a precaution? And what would that precaution be? “Twilight, what are you going to do?”

“Just watch,” said Twilight with a smile before closing her eyes using a spell. The spell caused a great strong light to emerge. Rainbow took a few steps back while her eyes were closed and covered with a hoof.

When the light disappeared, Rainbow looked back at Twilight confusedly. “Twilight, what spell did you use?”

“I put a soundproof bubble around the castle so that no one can hear us or enter the castle while we are in bed together,” Twilight replied with a smile.

Rainbow loved the idea of ​​Twilight. “What a great idea, Twily!”

“Thank you, Rainbow.” Twilight thanked her with a smile.

Rainbow approached very close to Twilight while smiling. “Well, shall we?”

“But, should I continue to wear this outfit or should I take it off first?” asked Twilight worriedly.

“You can keep using it, Twi. When we go to bed I take off for you,” Rainbow replied Twilight.

“Well… ok then. Come on,” said Twilight, now with a smile. That said, they went to the big bed. Twilight lay on her back, while Rainbow sat right in front of her.

Rainbow took off the ballerina’s blouse first, then the tutu, and finally the ballet shoes. That done, she started the job. While she did that, Twilight was lost in pleasure.