Cheesepie Family

by Majestical4729

Lil'Cheese's Cutie Mark

A few years after the graduation and first day of new school party, Lil'Cheese and most of his best friends were as old as the Cutie Mark Crusaders were when they earned their cutie marks. The kids were still upset with not getting theirs yet, while they watch some of their schoolmates earn theirs with each passing day.

One day, when another pony earned a cutie mark, an impatient Rainboom blurted out, "I can't take it anymore! I'm dying to get a cutie mark!"

"Calm down, sis, it takes time. Plus, your twin brother still hasn't got his." Sonic pointed out.

"My cousin and I still haven't got ours." Big Sugar added, before Lil'Cheese tried to cheer up every creature.

"Look on the bright side, we can always try to get our cutie marks, and find out what we're destined to be!"

"I may be the child of a pegasus and draconneques, but I still have the body of a pony, so it is possible for me to get a cutie mark," Fluttershy and Discord's child, Screwball stated.

""So, what shall we do today to try get our cutie marks?" Applejack's daughter asked.

"Sorry every creature, but I got a race to be in today afternoon," Rainboom declared in a tone that matched her mother's whenever the latter showed off.

""She meant this afternoon," Sonic corrected for his sister, "And I got to go and watch her compete."

"Sorry, but my cousin Big Sugar and I have to be at the barn, our parents wanted to teach us some skills." Applejack's daughter honestly told Lil'Cheese.

"And I got to help my Mum with some animals," Screwball added, "So sorry we can't meet after school today, Lil'Cheese."

"That's alright, we still got tomorrow, and the day after..." Lil'Cheese sadly said.

Once he was back home at Sugarcube Corner, Lil'Cheese sadly told his parents all of his friends' excuses, leaving him with nothing to do that afternoon.

"Cheer up, Lil'Cheese! One day of not being able to be with each other doesn't mean your friendship will end!" Cheese pointed out.

"Princess Twilight may not be able to see her friends everyday ever since her coronation long ago, but we're still friends!" Pinkie mentioned an example.

"That's not the point! I'm bored!" Lil'Cheese complained, "I have nothing to do today!"

Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie huddled together for a discussion that they did not want their son to overhear. After a short period of time, the two parents turned to face Lil'Cheese.

"Lil' Cheese, your parents have decided," Pinkie began, before Cheese completed the sentence for her.

"That today, we're going to teach you how to bake and make all sorts of cakes and pies!"

"With some extra cheese!" Pinkie finished.

"Really?!" Lil'Cheese asked in disbelief.

"If you want," Cheese replied, waiting for his son's response.

"No." Lil'Cheese answered, making his parents gasp, before he giggled, "Gotcha! I would love to!"

The whole family laughed, before they proceeded to baking.

Lil'Cheese was proven to be a fast learner, quickly learning and gaining his parents' fast pastry-making skills. Each pastry made and tasted brought joy and laughter to the three party ponies. Soon, Pinkie and Cheese decided something to ask their son.

"Lil'Cheese," Cheese Sandwich approached, "Since you mastered pastry-baking skills so fast, I don't suppose we can...ask you for one pastry?"

"Sure, why not? I love baking and making pastries!" Lil'Cheese replied.

"If you say so, I don't suppose we can ask you to make and bake a very special pastry for us to surprise us?" Pinkie asked.

"I don't know, I just learnt to bake and make today..." Lil'Cheese stated.

"Perfect or not, we'll still love you," the parents told their son, before leaving the kitchen.

Lil'Cheese thought for a while, before he declared to himself, "I'm not going to let my parents down."

The next few minutes, Lil'Cheese tried to think of what the special pastry for his parents should be. He thought of making a cheese-flavoured pie, but rejected the idea as he believed that his parents would expect it. Sadly looking out the window, Lil'Cheese lost hope.

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion that caught the colt's attention, a second after that, a rainbow appeared, causing Lil'Cheese to smile as he knew what his pastry should be like!

Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, having heard the explosion, rushed into the kitchen to check on their son. To their surprise, Lil'Cheese was more than fine, he made a rainbow cheese-pie, a whole new recipe!

"Hey, Mum and Dad! Ready to try your surprise pastry? It's my newest recipe, rainbow-cheese pie! It's technically a cheese-flavoured pie with rainbow icing inside and out." Lil'Cheese explained, handing his new pastry to his parents.

The party pony couple looked at each other for a moment before turning back to face Lil'Cheese, and using the forks on the plate to slice of a piece from the pie and bring it to there mouths. After chewing and swallowing the pieces, Pinkie and Cheese expressed serious looks on their faces, before hey gave their son ten points for the pastry.

"Congratulations, Lil'Cheese!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"You got ten points from both judges! Meaning that your rainbow cheese-pie is so special and delicious, that it's as good as our other pastries! It shall be the newest pastry here at Sugarcube Corner!" Cheese declared in a hyperactive tone.

"And it's totally going to be served at your cute-ceanera!" Pinkie finished.

"Wait, what?!" Lil'Cheese asked.

"Your cute-ceanera! It's going to be held as soon as possible! This week!" Cheese Sandwich explained.

"You don't understand, a cute-ceanera is a party to celebrate a pony earning their cutie mark!" Lil'Cheese told his parents before gasping, "Does this mean..."

Lil'Cheese turned to look at his flank, and to his surprise, instead of a plain blank yellow-coloured space, a cutie mark of a slice of pie was there! "I got my cutie mark! I finally got it! I finally got it!" Lil'Cheese happily jumped around his parents.

"And we're so proud of you," Pinkie and Cheese told their son, before looking at each other in the eyes.