Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4

by TDR

Twilight Tuna, Part 4

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Twilight Tuna,
Part 4

[Golden Oaks Library]

The sounds of a chime was heard ringing though the room, though no one in the main area of the library so much as batted an eye. The chime went silent just before a faint pop was heard as some one appeared in the cordoned off teleport square that was set up nearby the libraries' travel section.

“Hey Luna.” Spike called from the table behind the DM screen.
“Heya Princess. “ Applebloom offered.
“Sup?” Scootaloo waved a hoof.
“Umm Hello Princess Luna.” Firefly muttered.
“Hi big sis!” Sweetiebelle cheered.

Twilight poked her head out of the kitchen curiously, and offered a wave to the other alicorn, then went back to the kitchen table and her reading.

“Greetings young ones.” Luna smiled as she stepped out of the marked off area. “We apologize for our tardiness, but we bring snacks.” Luna stated approaching the table with a couple of boxes of donuts from Pony Joes.

“Great. You haven't missed much, they haven't even managed to blow up an inn yet in this town.” Spike pointed out.”

“That was not our fault, the giant rampaging turtle just smashed it , we weren't even any where near it.”Applebloom huffed.

“Yet your rogue stockpiled blasting powder in his room in order to use later on the fortress.” Spike pointed out.

Applebloom grumbled. “Three thousand gold gone up to make turtle soup.....”

“Anyway. I can easily put you in now that they are in town. Did you read the books I loaned you?” Spike asked.

“Indeed, there is quite a lot more math then we were expecting.” Luna admitted.

“I know right!?” Scootaloo huffed. “All those cool pictures and it's all points and skills and thaco and crap.”

Spike narrowed his eyes at Scootaloo.

“THACO is an old rule.... I've not been using it where did you hear that?” Spike questioned.

“I read some of Appleblooms's books when I was bored during a sleep over okay? It happens and every pony else sleeps too much.” Scootaloo protested.

“What's thaco?” Firefly asked.

“To Hit Armor Class Zero.” Spike, Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo all offered as Applebloom giggled.

“Anyway.” Spike smirked.” I've got a character set up for you already so we don't need to pause for long. Here you go.” Spike offered a sheet of paper to the Princess as she pulled a chair over.

“A ranger?” Luna questioned.

“Yep, it's a bit more complex than most GMs give beginners but it gives a bit of the magic system, a bit of the combat system and a bit of the companion system all in one character. I left the name blank for you and your animal companion, but everything else is set up for you to just jump right in.”

“Animal companion?” Luna questioned looking at the second sheet. "An Emu?”


Spike blinked taking the sheet back as some sort of giggling could be heard from no where and every where at once.

“Why is this written in red? It was supposed to be a bear.... bah whatever it's got the same stats as a cassowary though it has a hide ability rather than rend. Ehh good enough I suppose for a starting character. Gimmi a second to find a spot to put you in in my notes and we'll get back to it.” Spike offered writing something behind the GM screen.

“So we take Rahs has not come back yet?”Luna offered.

“Nope, guess he's having fun on his date.” Sweetiebelle offered.

“Truly, it is this late and he is not back yet?” Luna smiled.

Spike peered up over the top of the GM screen his eyes narrowed. “Are you using my game to try and spy on my brother?” Spike demanded.

“Of course not. Sweetie convinced us to come to your game, we hardly need an excuse to see how our grand pups date with our chosen student is going... well former student, but still.”Luna smiled. “We would like to know how our choice is faring.”

[Neigh Orleans, Prench Opera House ]

Rahs smiled, his amber eyes darting around the old theater. This place had been around for nearly two centuries, despite several near misses that almost destroyed it utterly. About a hundred years ago the place nearly burned to the ground, most of the building, including the main stage, and a large number of theater goers were saved by the intervention of a pony many thought to be Princess Celestia in disguise. Though after the fire was out no one could figure out where she went, and the Princess declined to comment about it afterward.

And then only thirty years ago the place was saved again by an anonymous donor that paid to have the run down theater restored, provided a few rules were kept and the ponies running the place didn't discriminate it's actors races. The current head of the theater stated that the donation was enough for the theater to run for another hundred years with free admission.

The storied history of this place coupled with the number of shows that had come through here over the course of the buildings life added a feeling that he couldn't describe. This theater had a history to it he could feel. Rahs felt if he concentrated enough he would be able to look back and watch every act that had ever crossed the stage of this place, though he stopped himself from doing so as he was on a date and there were a few complaints about the glow above his ears and the crescent at the tip of his tail growing too bright.

Still he would need to investigate this further another time.

A few small acts had come across the stage tonight, some skits, comedians, a short musical number or two, though the main show had yet to start when Trixie excused herself to head to the little fillies room.

Rahs was rather content with how this date had gone. It was quite nice to go on a traditional sort of date after all the out there ones the others had gone on, not that he had any issue with them, but this was the sort that featured the most in the novels he read.

The moon dog blinked as the lights dimmed and the curtain started to rise. He glanced back to see if Trixie was returning, she was going to miss the final act at this rate.

“Fillies and gentle colts, prepare to be amazed, astounded, and in awe of, THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRRRRRRRRRRRRIXIE!!”

The stage exploded with fireworks as Rahs' head snapped back around to see Trixie standing on the stage with great gout of colored sparks erupting behind her.

She had swapped out her dress for something closer to a suit, though her back legs were clad in fishnets rather than pants and her forelegs were hidden in a suit jacket with white cuffs, she had a bow tie that matched her cape, and her pointed wizards hat. The dark purple of the suit clashed with her blue fur though it matched her cloak and hat despite not being covered with stars and moons, the whole ensemble would likely have given Rarity a heart attack, though it was a perfect fit for Trixie.

Rahs grinned as the fire works died down.

“And presenting the first appearance of Trixie's assistant. The talented and wonderful Rahs!” Trixie rose to her back hooves and gestured, the seat next to him where Trixie had been sitting exploded in a shower of sparks and fireworks. Rahs blinked as the spot light moved to him, feeling a spell wrap around his form.

Rahs stood up with a wide grin, the whole crowd focused soly on him now, a long flowing cloak matching Trixie's was draped over his shoulders and a top hat of the same design rested on his head.

There were sounds of surprise and applause before a brief yell of panic as all the lights in the theater went out.

When they came back on after a heart beat Rahs was gone.

Trixie blinked though she turned her head, still feeling her illusion and was therefor able to gesture to the side of the stage a moment before Rahs steeped out of the wings onto the stage proper, the cape flowing around him as he approached Trixie.

The crowd clapped at the sudden change from in their midst to the stage without any one noticing.

“Clever mare.”

Trixie smiled at the soft statement. “Please, as if Trixie would bring you to a theater without a way to get you onstage. Now let's see if you can keep up with Trixie.”

Rahs grinned.

[Golden Oaks library]

Everyone stared at Spike.

The purple and green dragon currently had a large lavender top hat atop his head festooned with stars and moons and a large billowing cape of the same material that fluttered through the chair, the illusion ignoring solid objects as it clung to him.

The kitchen door burst open and Twilight stormed out heading up the stairs. She was dressed in a dark purple suit that had long coattails, fishnet stockings on her back legs, a rather large top hat, and flowing cape the same color as the ones Spike had.

“I'm going to bed before this nonsense gets worse.” Twilight huffed.

Luna watched them go before looking to Spike.”Her illusions are getting better. It seems your brothers date is going well.”

[Crystal Empire.]

Shining Armor raised an eyebrow as he regarded himself in the mirror. A dark purple suit covered his form with a flowing purple cape and wizard hat festooned with stars and moons.

“This is a pretty good illusion.” Shining offered poking the inside of the cape and watching as it conformed to his hoof despite not being able to be removed or interacted with by any one else or anything.

Chrysalis and Cadence glared at the illusion.

“Seems Trixie is going up in points again.” Cadence huffed.